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Arminianism (Christian theology) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Arminianism
    • Gary Patton
      The crux of Arminianism lays in its assertion that human dignity requires an unimpaired freedom of the will.Sounds good, eh? But, I struggle with where one may find in the Old or New Covenant a commitment that God has committed to our having "an unimpaired freedom of the will". You? gfp (2012-04-05)
  • The crux of Remonstrant Arminianism lay in the assertion that human dignity requires an unimpaired freedom of the will.
    • Gary Patton
      Arminianism * "The crux of Remonstrant Arminianism lay in the assertion that human dignity requires an unimpaired freedom of the will." ~ Encyclopedia Britannica at I find this crux statement hard to accept and believe for two reasons: 1. I can't find this so-called "Biblical truth" promised anywhere in the Old or New Covenant, and 2. I have watched our loving heavenly Father cause/force/lead ...please use whatever word you wish that makes you comfortable... me and others I know or have heard stories about to do things which we didn't want to, or would rather not, do! I've watched the latter, common (really typical, in my opinion) phenomenon throughout my Christian life of about 30 years. What we ARE promised, however, is among other blessings that: 1. God will NEVER send, or allow, anything to touch us without it first passing through His loving fingers or that we can't handle in His strength (1 Corinthians 10:13 at ), and 2. He ALWAYS will work out for each Jesus Followers' "good" ("best", if you permit me) anything that He does send or allow into our lives because of His incredible, undeserved love for us! (Romans 8:28-39 at ) When I resist what I know is God's will ...desiring or insisting on my unimpaired freedom..., I've discovered that He always gets His way. (Duh!) Plus I also sense that I'm resisting the inevitable because my flesh is simply not happy with Holy Spirit's Lordship in my life. (Duh!) When the desire to resist what God wants persists ...but, more importantly, too often wins for a while..., one may be wise to start wondering if s(he) really is a Follower of Jesus. Unsure about the above? Try this credo on for size and monitor how you feel about it: * "Lord, anything...Any time... Anywhere... At any cost!" ~ Art Yonner, (1930-2011) U.S. Wordteam missionary
    The crux of Arminianism lays in its assertion that human dignity requires an unimpaired freedom of the will. I struggle with where one may find in the Old or New Covenant a commitment that God has committed to our having " an unimpaired freedom of the will". gfp (2012-04-05)

"Inglorious Pastors" ...Jesus' Teachings on Pacifism - 1 views

    Sermon series by Bruxy Cavey, Teaching Pastor at The Meeting House on the above controversial topic within the Body of Christ despite Jesus clear teaching in Mattew 5:35-48.

Instructions for Christian Households - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Ephesians 5:21-27
    • Gary Patton
      Husband/Wife Relationships in Today's Western Homes This topic is, arguably, one of the most argued-over issues in all of Holy Spirit's "how-to" instructions to Jesus Followers in God's words to Their people. This is especially the case in light of the evolution from the paternalism ...if not misogynism... of many in Biblical times and even now, especially many Christian and Muslim men, to the egalitarianism of our modern age in Western society and some parts of the Body of Christ. What did Holy Spirit REALLY mean when He inspired the Apostle Paul to pen the words in Ephesian 5:21-27, not just 22-27? I have added some comments for your consideration and reaction back to me, if you will, via the e-Sticky Notes below. In this passage, Paul wrote to some new Followers of Jesus in Ephesus and elsewhere around 50 A.D.. Ephesus was a major commercial city and a spiritual hub for Paul's evangelism efforts in what was called Asia Minor at the time in what is now Turkey. Holy Spirit intended those same words for us around the world in the 21st century? gfp (2012-04-14)
  • Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
    • Gary Patton
      One key for me in answering the question I pose in my first paragraph above, is that I prayerfully believe that too many Christians can be, and probably are, theologically preconditioned on the relationship between husbands and their wives. I feel that they are preconditioned in reading the Holy Spirit's words by the translating-authors of many Bibles ...intentionally or unintentionally. A classic example is in many Bibles including the Original New International Version (NIV) Study Bible and the English Standard Version (ESV). The classic example lies in what I consider the preconditioning-placement of a non-Biblical footnote "Husbands Obey Your Wives" between verse 21 and 22. Hence the great possibility of preconditioning. I feel the Footnote's positioning puts a very different thrust than what Holy Spirit may have meant on the interpretation of this passage by many wo(men)! This possible perversion once more illustrates the truth of: * "[Bible] Translations are like wives ...either beautiful or faithful ...seldom both!" ~ an anonymous French wit
  • Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.
    • Gary Patton
      Reverend Chuck Swindol, the internationally-famous author, academic leader, radio and web commentator and Pastor, wrote or said, many years ago somewhere about this passage. I have never forgotten them. He intended his words as a paraphrase of a few of God's words to Their people in the Christian/Hebrew Bible that was originally written in Koine Greek. Swindol's words come to mind every time I read this verse. He said: * "Wives, submit to your slaves!" ~ Chuck Swindol The context of Jesus' relationship to His Spiritual Body, the church, is confirmed by Holy Spirit in Jesus' repeated statements to His Followers and other Jews listening in as He taught when on earth the first time. This relationship has been recorded by God in Jesus' statements throughout the Gospels and his Apostles (sent out ones) in the New Covenant portion of the Bible. In this context, I sense Swindol's quote above is an accurate translation of Holy Spirit's REAL point, not a less than authoritative paraphrase, given the different verbs used in this verse, directed to wives, and that to husbands in verse 25.
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  • Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
    • Gary Patton
      Regarding the possible reason for the differing verbs Holy Spirit used in this passage to lay down a Godly relationship a married couple ...submit for wives and love for husbands... ?, a U.S. author and Bible teacher suggests an interesting thesis. You can read about it at ? .
  • present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
    • Gary Patton
      Personally, Karen, my wife and I are looking forward to sitting around a heavenly campfire in due course in our exciting, new spiritual state as "unmarrieds" after, even now, 55 years of intimate relationship. When we do, I'm planning to ask Father, Son and Holy Spirit if, in using the verbs they did to instruct us in Ephesian 5:21-27, they also were describing the relationship that They have had forever with One Another? I think about God's relationship as Trinity in this way ever since I learned about the meaning of the Hebrew word "yada" in Proverbs 3: 5-6 [ ]. here God tells us how to relate to Them. In many Bibles, this verb is often translated as "acknowlege. Interestingly to me, it also means "to have intercourse with" as in Adam "knew" Eve in Genesis 4:1 (KJV) or "had relations with" (NASB) or "made love to" (NIV). Genesis 4:1 is one of the few other times that yada is used in the Old Covenant!
    Ephesians 5:21-27 is one of the most argued over Scriptures in the entire Word of God in our modern egalitarian age.

"Jesus Followers Aren't Required to Obey Old Covenant Law" - Joel Rosenberg - 0 views

    Jesus Followers Aren't Required to Obey Old Covenant Law The article below is an excellent summary of the above topic and includes the Scriptural backing for this theological position. "Stand free and don't allow yourself to be brought under a yoke of bondage any longer!" (Galatians 3:1)

"The Story of Jesus' True Death and Resurrection for All of Humankind" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • And Jesus (A)cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit.
  • the [a]veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and (D)the earth shook and the rocks were split. 52 The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the [b]saints who had (E)fallen asleep were raised; 53 and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered (F)the holy city and appeared to many.
    "The Story of Jesus' True Death and Resurrection for All of Humankind" Matthew 27:50 to Matthew 28:7 in the Christian New Covenant (Testament) makes clear that Jesus, who was miraculously and supernaturally fully man of flesh and bones and yet fully a dimension of the One Almighty God, was crucified and His body but not His spirit, died on a torture instrument. It also explains how the living God Emmanuel, or God with us, was buried in a tomb along with the proofs of why no man could have, or did, steal our one and only Saviour's human body. Finally, ii clarifies how Jesus was later raised from His grave as the only God-man in a glorified body with nail marks in his hands and feet. Into those holes one of his first Followers put his fingers. He then fell to his knees as a Jew believing in One Gaod and exclaimed" "My Lord and my God!" (at ). Why each of these facts are important are outlined in the further e-Sticky Notes on some individual versus below. Please understand that many of these facts are attested to outside the Bible by Jesus' contemporary, Josephus. He was a famous Jewish historian of Yeshua's (Jesus') co-coreligionists, the Jews. It's because of these facts that Jesus of Nazareth, described in the Christian Bible cannot be the Isa of the Qur'an. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-10-08)

John 10:25-33 NIV1984 - Jesus answered, "I did tell you, but - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Jesus answered, “I did tell you,(A) but you do not believe.
  • My sheep listen to my voice; I know them,(D) and they follow me.(E) 28 I give them eternal life,(F) and they shall never perish;
  • My Father, who has given them to me,(I) is greater than all[a];(J) no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.
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  • Again the Jews picked up stones to stone him
  • stoning you for any of these,” replied the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.
    "Jesus Confirms He Is The One God Almighty" In the Christian Scripture passage at John 10:28-30, Yeshua (Jesus) confirms that the God-man, God in flesh and bones is One God, as "God the Son", with "God the Father" and "God the Holy Spirit". The Jews who heard say this tried to stone Him because He was speaking blasphemy in the classical Judaism of His day and still. This is one of only several Bible passages that confirm Jesus as One dimension of the One Godhead GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-10-08)

"Jesus Confirms He Is The One God Almighty" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    "Jesus Confirms He Is The One God Almighty" In the Christian Scripture passage at John 10:28-30, Yeshua (Jesus) confirms that the God-man, God in flesh and bones is One God, as "God the Son", with "God the Father" and "God the Holy Spirit". The Jews who heard say this tried to stone Him because He was speaking blasphemy in the classical Judaism of His day and still. This is one of only several Bible passages that confirm Jesus as One dimension of the One Godhead GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-10-08)

"Jesus Taught Total Equality of All People in Him" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Galatians 3:23-29
    • Gary Patton
      "Jesus Taught Total Equality of All People in Him" Man or woman, rich or poor, fat or thin of whatever race you are, your Saviour, the Son of God taught you are equal to everyone else ...2,000 years ago. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-11-12)
  • Before the coming of this faith,[a] we were held in custody(A) under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed.(B) 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came(C) that we might be justified by faith.
  • in Christ Jesus you are all children of God(F) through faith
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  • There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free,(I) nor is there male and female,(J) for you are all one in Christ Jesus.(K) 29 If you belong to Christ,(L) then you are Abraham’s seed,(M) and heirs(N) according to the promise.
    "Jesus Taught Total Equality of All People in Him" Man or woman, rich or poor, fat or thin of whatever race you are, your Saviour, the Son of God taught you are equal to everyone else ...2,000 years ago. It's confirmed in Galatians 3:23-29. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-11-12)

NIV1984 - By Faith - Now faith is being sure of - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Hebrews 11:1-6
    • Gary Patton
      "Faith Trumps Knowing" Hebrews 11:1 & 6 highlighted below prove the accuracy of my S-M-A-R-TTip™ which says: "Believing is more powerful than knowing!" ~ gfp '42™ GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2013-01-06)
  • Now faith is being sure of what we hope for(A) and certain of what we do not see.
  • And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him(I) must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
    "Faith Trumps Knowing" Hebrews 11:1 & 6 highlighted below prove the accuracy of my S-M-A-R-TTip™ which says: "Believing is more powerful than knowing!" ~ gfp '42™ GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2013-01-06)

"The Historical Case for Paul:a Critique of Muslim Arguments" | Videos by Christian Kei... - 1 views

    The title says it all.

"Arguing About Theology and Jesus Is Sin" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.
    • Gary Patton
      Disputes by Jesus Followers with one another, in person or online, simply confirm what many in the world already believe ...we're hypocrites because we talk about Jesus' love and then don't obey Him! Duh! What they believe is too often correct, eh?
  • 2 Timothy 2:22-26
    • Gary Patton
      "Christian Arguments about Theology Are Unwise" 2 Timothy 2:22-26 says that when Jesus Followers argue with one another about theology its stupid because it's sin! GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-10-03)
  • the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful
    • Gary Patton
      How many preachers, small group leaders and, especially, so-called evangelists violate there commandments when they're "doing their thing" on behalf of Jesus. Duh! How much must does their sin grieve the Holy Spirit? And how about you when you're "sharing Jesus" which is a form of teaching?
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  • Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth
    • Gary Patton
      Are you gentle when your discussing what you believe with others? Please don't miss who the Persuader really is. And it ain't you and me! Our job is ONLY to share ...not convince!
  • that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil,(G) who has taken them captive to do his will.
    • Gary Patton
      Please also don't miss why many people are not able to hear the 'truths' you share! Scripture makes clear that other people are not our real enemies. Satan and his demonic hordes, operating all around Jesus Followers and others all the time, are our R-E-A-L enemies (Revolting / Enervating / Authoritarian / Loathsome & Limiting). But, how we are to deal with, protect ourselves from, and defeat the demonic is clearly outlined in . In Ephesians 6:10-19 at the last link, Holy Spirit clearly describes "A Jesus-following Warrior's Unbreachable Armour". (I do not feel that many Jesus Followers will ever have to deal directly with Satan. He has none of the key attributes of the Almighty Godhead {Omniscience, Omnipotence, nor Omnipresence} ). The Devil does not know everything, isn't all-powerful, and especially, can only be in one place at one time. He is very busy and probably has bigger fish to fry than me and you. Nonetheless, Satan's demons, like God's Angels, are VERY powerful. They also are well-trained by the "Father of Liars" and have had a great deal of experience in hurting us. Finally, there are lots of them. So, every Jesus Follower is wise to understand how to stand on their protection that our Heavenly Father has given to each of us ...but NOT to non-Followers. We're also wise to realize that Jesus Followers and non-followers trap ourselves by are own choices as confirmed in Proverbs 5:22 at . Beware that the "Sin of Quarrelling" doesn't allow the demonic to trap you.
    "Christian Arguments about Theology Are Unwise" 2 Timothy 2:22-26 says that when Jesus Followers argue with one another about theology its stupid because it's sin! Disputes with one another simply confirm what many in the world already believe ...we're hypocrites because we tal about Jesus' love and then don't obey Him! Duh! What they believe is too often correct, eh?

"Christians Empower the Demonic in Their Own Lives By Giving Them Rights" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Proverbs 5:22
  • The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them;(A)    the cords of their sins hold them fast.
    "Christians Empower the Demonic in Their Own Lives By Giving Them Rights" Proverbs 5:22 says we're often responsible for our own problems instigated in our lives by demons. So does 2 Timothy 2:26 at .

"Jesus Followers Are Commanded to Be Rescuers" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Proverbs 24:11-12
    Proverbs 24:11-12 contains a scary warning for Jesus Followers who behave with political correctness or reticence for any reason about sharing the Gospel with those led to them, praying for the persecuted in the worldwide Body of Christ and re the Right-to-Life issue in all it's forms. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-10-03)

"Jesus Followers Are Commanded to Be Rescuers" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Rescue those being led away to death;    hold back those staggering toward slaughter.(A)
  • If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,”    does not he who weighs(B) the heart perceive it?Does not he who guards your life know it?    Will he not repay(C) each person according to what he has done?(D)
    "Jesus Followers Are Commanded to Be Rescuers" Proverbs 24:11-12 below contains a scary warning for Jesus Followers. The warning is for those who behave with political correctness or reticence regarding a number of crucial issues in these "End Times". Some examples of these "crucial areas" are outlined below in my e-Sticky Notes on individual verses. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-10-03)

How Islamic Can Christianity Be? - The Gospel Coalition Blog - 0 views

  • My wife and I had been working with Muslims for years and were aware of this training, commonly referred to as the Insider Movement.
  • when I first read about Insider Movements, I had the same reaction she did. I was hopeful and excited.
  • Could this be the tool that causes a spiritual awakening in the Muslim world? Over time, as we continued our ministry to Muslims in the Middle East, I realized the answer to my question was "No, it will not."
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  • The Insider Movement (IM) remains a hot topic in missions circles.
  • This issue is extremely complicated and extremely important, making it difficult to write about.
  • Rebecca Lewis, a proponent, defines the IM as follows: Insider movements can be defined as movements to obedient faith in Christ that remain integrated with or inside their natural community. In any insider movement there are two distinct elements:
  • This definition is broad and can be interpreted many different ways---which is one of the difficulties in pinpointing the teachings of the movement.
  • those opposed to IM seem to assume that proponents are syncretistic heretics.
  • The IM advocates I've met are wonderful people.
  • They are winsome, intelligent people who love the Lord and want to see Muslims saved.
  • we need to address the dangerous practices within the movement, which varies to some degree from person to person and country to country. Therefore, my critique may not apply to all IMs. Nevertheless, the following key issues need to be addressed.
  • many other IM advocates believe the gospel can be found within the Qur'an, if you correctly interpret the text. But the gospel cannot be found in the Qur'an, because the Qur'an did not come to us through the inspiration of God as found in the Bible.
  • There is also an arrogant attitude---almost imperialistic---involved in this assertion.
  • IM practitioners seek to keep new followers of Jesus within their socio-religious networks. For support their cite various texts in the Bible (1 Corinthians 7:17-24, 9:19-23; 2 Kings 5:15-19). Therefore, a Muslim who follows Jesus remains a Muslim.
  • I agree that Muslims who follow Christ shouldn't be required to take on the name "Christian."
  • We find among many IM advocates a belief that Islam can be redeemed---we should not abandon the religion but rather change it from within and welcome it into orthodoxy.
  • How Islamic can Christianity be? Can a Muslim who now follows Jesus fast during Ramadan? Can a Muslim who follows Jesus use the Islamic prayer stances? Where do we draw the line? These are tough questions.
  • While the word Christian can have a very negative connotation among Muslims, encouraging MBBs to retain the title "Muslim" can be confusing at best and deceptive at worst. Advocates for using the title "Muslim" argue that it literally means "one who submits to God." This is semantically true. However, the word connotes much more---namely, one who follows the religion of Islam by confessing, "There is no God but God and Muhammad is his prophet."
  • Some argue that God used Muhammad to bring monotheism to the Arabs---a kind of John the Baptist for the Arabs. This is a dangerous concession.
  • Rejecting Muhammad as a prophet does not require denigrating him before Muslims; it means we should not say more than necessary.
  • We can be respectful and identify the positive contributions he made to society without agreeing that he is a prophet.
  • How Islamic Can Christianity Be?
  • I never encourage MBBs to retain the title Muslim. Nor do I encourage them to take the title Christian.
  • Recent Bible translations for Muslims have created a frenzy by moving "Father" and "Son" language about the Trinity from the text to the footnotes.
  • What if the only understood meaning is physical and sexual? How do we translate without losing or grossly misrepresenting the biblical meaning?
  • the decisions about how to make the Bible comprehensible in other cultures are not easy or made lightly.
  • Some in the IM prefer to talk about Muslims "entering the kingdom of God" as opposed to "joining" Christianity.
  • We should view as suspect any form of church planting that does not seek to connect believers with the universal body of Christ and promote unity.
  • emphasis on the kingdom of God can downplay the importance of the church.
  • Missionaries and academics have wondered aloud whether the problem extends beyond Western politics, military intervention, and spiritual bondage to the very way we present the gospel. Could our methods be to blame? Could more sophisticated contextualization unlock many more hearts for Christ?
  • we can introduce Muslims to Jesus through the Qur'an
    This article explains the dangers of what's called the "Insider Movement" i.e. evangelizing Jesus Followers using the Qur'an and telling Muslims they can follow Jesus while remaining part of Islam. The article is written by a couple who have shared Jesus', not Isa's, love wit Muslims for many years in the Middle East. gfp (2012-05-21)

The History & Modern Manifestation of Christian Zionism - Red Letter Christians - 0 views

  • they will eventually push the Palestinian humanity to a point where non-violent resistance will no longer be pursued. 
  • a State that has displaced and oppressed millions of innocent people. 
  • the God of the Bible as was revealed in Jesus does not make justice through injustice, nor does he make peace through violence. Dr. Salim Munayer, professor at Bethlehem Bible College, once said, “Any theology that promotes the oppression of neighbor or enemy isn’t Biblical.”
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  • The History & Modern Manifestation of Christian Zionism
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