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Gary Patton

Why You Can't Afford to Live Without Integrity | Keep Pressin' Ahead - 0 views

  • The “peace” described in this passage refers to the Spirit of God confirming that everything is OK.
  • Why You Can’t Afford to Live Without Integrity
    • Gary Patton
      This article address the issue of 'integrity' from a Christian perspective. gfp (2012-01-25)
  • Everyone – both believers and non-believers – wants to see positive change in their life.
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  • So why is it that genuine and lasting change so rarely occurs?
  • Here’s why.
  • Authentic living means that our words and our actions tell the same story on a consistent basis.
  • Being a person of integrity begins with getting real … with ourselves and with God. Having a sober self-assessment is essential to being honest with others.
  • God put you here for a purpose,
  • Remember, having integrity doesn’t mean being perfect, but it does means being real.
  • live authentically
    • Gary Patton
      There is only one way that a Jesus Follower can live authentically. That is by living our lives as the "dead wo(men) walking" that the Scripture says we are ...allowing Jesus to live his life out through us, moment to moment (
    This article address the above question from a Christian perspective.
Gary Patton

The Great Commission is For ALL Believers - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Matthew 28:18-20
    • Gary Patton
      Christian: Jesus' (Yeshua's) Great Commission contains a confusing translation. Matthew 28:18-20 is what many Christians call Jesus' "Great Commission". It is the last command your Saviour and Lord left with you if you are His. The Great Commission is NOT a command to convert others NOR for professionals only. It simply says that Jesus Followers must share Jesus' love in their own way as they are led by Holy Spirit to let Him do the R-E-A-L work (Relational-Engaging-Authentic-Loving & Life-giving) Jesus lives His life out through His Followers. You'll discover that the poor translation, as others would call it is explained in my Note on Verse 19. It has led many into believing something that Jesus (Yeshua) NEVER said. This mistranslation, I believe, has negativity impacted the sharing of His love with Jesus Followers' neighbours.
  • All authority has been given to Me
    • Gary Patton
      Jesus is the ONLY One who builds His Kingdom here on earth as He says here. A Jesus Follower does NOT convert ...anyone. Jesus, in the person of Holy Spirit living in you, will draw to Himself those He brings across your path that He wants to save as He makes clear in John 15: 5 at . And if what you are doing seems like hard work, stop, because you're probably doing something wrong, e.g., not prayed for the person by name sufficiently, invested quality time in the person, nor built enough trust ...or you have the wrong heart about sharing Jesus.
  • make disciples
    • Gary Patton
      Jesus Followers are not to convert others! We are to let Jesus do it by living His life out through us as we invest time in others and share His love with them. A Jesus Follower's real role is to be "a discipler"! A discipler acts like a farmer. S(he) simply plants, waters, weeds and, then, collects the harvest given to them by Holy Spirit. But instead of sticking your crop in a barn or building, a holding tank most Christians call "the church" and turning them over to paid professionals, Jesus says clearly that you are to help your disciple grow. You are to be a support to Holy Spirit Who is "the Sanctifier" of every disciple that He allows you to protect and assist until they reasonably mature and "grow out" into the world. Plus, you are commanded to do so until you have assisted your disciple to be ready to reproduce him/herself by "mirroring" Jesus to another and reproducing themselves by letting Jesus live is life out through them you modeled for them and taught them to do. This simple process God designed as His "Plan 'A'" to be a constantly repeating one that each Jesus Follower performs as s(he0 is going along where God has planted them at that time ...until Jesus returns or takes them home. It's called "spiritual multiplication". And Jesus has NO "Plan B'"! And yes, with prayerful practise, you can work with more than one Disciple at a time.
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  • o therefore
    • Gary Patton
      While the common, traditional translation of the King James Version (KJV) of the Christian Bible, plus many more modern translations uses the word, there is NO action verb "go" in verse 19 in the original Greek. The NASB alternate translation at (a) below is a better and more accurate rendering of the Greek. But, it still can be misunderstood to mean "Go over there" somewhere. For even better and more accurate clarity, I prefer: "As you are going along, make disciples ..." This rendering is best because it makes clearest that the Great Commission is the calling and commanded mandate of every person who has Holy Spirit living in them ...NOT just paid, professional preachers, pastors and evangelists... as too many Christians believe. For further documentation of the impact of the poor translation, here is what another Greek expert says: * "The sole imperative and central activity in the Great Commission as recorded in Matthew 28 is to " Make Disciples." "Go," could be translated " going" or "as you go," but takes any imperatival force it may have from the main verb. * "Baptizing" and "teaching" are also participles-not "decisions" or "converts" or "believers" or "acceptors," but "disciples." It goes without saying that the decision-making, conversion, belief, and acceptance are all involved, but the objective of the Great Commission is that we Make Disciples (followers, adherents, learners, and students) of the Lord Jesus. * Hesselgrave, David J., "Scripture and strategy: The Use of the Bible in Postmodern Church and Mission", Pages 106-07 John A. Finton makes a powerful case in his article at for a poor translation in Matthew 28:19. Because of my evangelism experience, I believe this inappropriate translation has incorrectly preconditioned many English-speaking members of the Body of Christ since at least the publishing of the KJV.
    Matthew 28:18-20 is what many Christians call Jesus' "Great Commission". It's the last command your Saviour and Lord left with you if you are His. The Great Commission is NOT a command to convert others NOR for professionals only. It says just share Jesus' love in your own way as led and let Holy Spirit do the R-E-A-L work (Relational-Engaging-Authentic-Loving & Life-giving) Jesus lives His life out through you. gfp (2011-09-18)
Gary Patton

"The R-E-A-L Gospel & Jesus...God's Saving Power Source" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Romans 1:16
  • I am not ashamed of the gospel,(A) because it is the power of God(B) for the salvation of everyone who believes:(C) first for the Jew,(D) then for the Gentile.(E)
  • Romans 1:16
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    • Gary Patton
      The word "Gentile" is the English translation of the Hebrew word that means "non-Jew". It's the equivalent of "Infidel" to a Muslim. Gentile was a negative word for ancient Jews. Gentiles were nearly non-people as Nassara are to Muslims. (This is the Qur'an's derogatory term for Christian.)
    "The R-E-A-L Gospel & Authentic Jesus...God's Saving Power Source" To Muslims the Gospel is a long lost book. For Christians, it is what is described below. And the Jesus referred to here is NOT the Isa of the Qur'an! The 'Isa' of the Qur'an is the purely human, Jewish Prophet described there that pre-dated the Prophet Mohammad and he was a Muslim. (See Surahs 4:71; 5:116; 6:101; 19:35 & 88-89 & 23:88-92 among others in context ) Therefore, Isa cannot be the 'Yeshua/Jesus' of the Christian Bible's New Covenant ...Whom Christian believe is God Almighty, the YHWH of the Old Covenant. (John 10:28-30 at and Thomas among others). says? When the Qur'an is properly read by Muslims in Arabic, not another language, the word used is Isa, not Jesus. Indeed, the revered Muslim historian Dr. Tarif Kalif (insert quote used by Tony Costa in debate) In addition: * The heavenly Father of Yeshua/Jesus is YHWH, the written name of the Jewish "One God", according to the Bible Book/Chapter/Verse(s): Mark 5:21-42). Isa is stated in the Qur'an to be a gift of Allah. (Qur'an Surah/Ayah(at): 47:19; 112:I Peter 4:8: "Say: He is Allah, the One and Only.") * Yeshua/Jesus was born to a virgin, Mariam, by means of an immaculate conception by God. (In Matthew I Peter 4:8:16, speaking of Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, the verse says: "… the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ". Matthew does not say, "….and Joseph "the father of" (begat in some translations) Jesus" he had done with the preceding generations. Matthew thus makes clear that Joseph was not the genetic father of Jesus. No man was.) Isa was "begat" by sexual intercourse between Joseph and Mariam. (Qur'an 23:91; 112:3: "He begs not, nor is He begotten" or, "God neither gave birth nor is born"). * Yeshua/Jesus said He was "Emmanuel" (God with us). He was orally proclaimed by His heavenly Father to be His Son. Isa was only a human Prophet (Qur'an 23:84-91 htt
Gary Patton

"Only the Holy Spirit Can Interpret Scriptures for Christians" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • 1 Corinthians 2:8-10
  • it is written:“What no eye has seen,    what no ear has heard,and what no human mind has conceived”[a]—    the things God has prepared for those who love him—(C) 10 these are the things God has revealed(D) to us by his Spirit.
  • However, as
    "Only the Holy Spirit Can Interpret Scriptures for Christians" 1 Corinthians 2:8-10 in the Christian new Covenant (Testament) makes clear that Jesus Followers can read all the commentaries they wish but it is ONLY Holy Spirit who confirms for us in our spirit what any Scripture R-E-A-lly means (Regenerating & Relational - Engaging & Effervescent - Authentic & Actualizing - Loving & Life-giving & Loving)
Gary Patton

Forensic Autopsy of the Shroud of Turin - 0 views

  • Many scientist have used knowledge of forensic medicine to determine the characteristics and cause of death of the man of the Shroud. Here, we show some of the data published in "The Authentication of the Turin Shroud: An Issue in Archaeological Epistemology by William Meacham. Current Antropology- Vol. 24 - N° 3 - (June 1983). Published by the University of Chicago Press". Although there is no general agreement among the scholars about all the details presented in this article, we think it is a good guide to approach the issue.
  • All authorities agree that this wound was inflicted after death, judging from the small quantity of blood issued, the separation of clot and serum, the lack of swelling, and the deeper color and more viscous consistency of the blood. Stains of a body fluid are intermingled with the blood, and numerous theories have been offered as to its origin: pericardial fluid (Judica, Barbet), fluid from the pleural sac (Moedder), or serous fluid from settled blood in the pleural cavity (Saval, Bucklin).
Gary Patton

"What Produces R-E-A-L Character" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • we[a] also rejoice in our sufferings,(A) because we know that suffering produces perseverance;(B) 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.
  • does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love(D) into our hearts by the Holy Spirit,(E) whom he has given us.
  • Romans 5:3-5
    In Romans 5:3-5, of the New Covenant section of the Christian Bible, Jesus' Apostle (sent-out-one), Paul tells us what produces character. And building R-E-A-L character is what God is about during the earthly portion of a Jesus Follower's eternal life.
Gary Patton

"No Pain. No Gain! - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Hebrews 12:1-12
  • Therefore
  • we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us
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  • ay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us
  • run with (C)endurance the race that is set before us
  • fixing our eyes on Jesus, the [b](D)author and perfecter of faith
  • consider Him who has endured
  • you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons,“(L)My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord,Nor (M)faint when you are reproved by Him; 6 (N)For those (O)whom the Lord loves He disciplines,And He scourges every son whom He receives.” 7 It is for discipline that you endure; (P)God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?
  • we had [e]earthly fathers to discipline us, and we (R)respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to (S)the Father of [f]spirits, and (T)live? 10 For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them,
  • so that we may share His holiness
  • All discipline (V)for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the (W)peaceful fruit of righteousness.
  • Therefore, [g](X)strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble,
    "No Pain. No Gain! The author of Hebrews said the above in Hebrews 14:1-12 to challenge Jesus Followers to "run the important race of life" and "stay the course". And s(he) did so long before Nike used the slogan to peddle over-priced shoes one doesn't really need to make it to the "finish line that is REAL-ly important ().
Gary Patton

God's Shadow Activity in the Old Testsament" - Video by Greg Boyd, .S. Christian Theolo... - 0 views

  • God's Shadow Activity
    • Gary Patton
      In this video, Greg Boyd, a Jesus-Following theologian, expands on his thesis of a seemingly hateful and vengeful "God Coming Out of the Shadows" by sending Jesus ...His R-E-A-Lity (Relational-Engaging-Authentic-Loving/Life-giving)
Gary Patton

"Contentment Brings Peace" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Philippians 4:11-13
    • Gary Patton
      "Contentment Brings Peace" Philippians 4:11-13 in the Christian New Covenant (Testament) of our Bible explains why the above is true. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-07-24)
  •  I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content(A) whatever the circumstances.
    • Gary Patton
      The Apostle (sent-out-one) Paul, the writer here, wasn't kidding when he used the phrase "whatever the circumstances". He was no ordinary stay-at-home, pulpit preacher. In 2 Corinthians 11:22-30, Paul advised his correspondents that he had been imprisoned often, repeatedly flogged with 40 lashes and beaten with rods, stoned 'till almost dead. He was constantly on the move ...being shipwrecked thrice in the open sea for some time before being rescued. He confirmed that he was in danger everywhere he went from rivers, the sea, bandits, fellow Jews as well as non-Jews and cultural Christians. He labored and toiled physically to survive and often went hungry, thirsty, sleepless and starved often going cold and naked. He was exposed to death again and again! So, we can trust what he says as being based in harsh circumstances and experience.
  • the secret of being content
    • Gary Patton
      Regrettably to trust God "no matter what" He allows come our way is a lesson few Christians R-E-A-Lly learn. That's sad because it is truly Relational-Engaging-Authentic-Loving/Life-giving. Contentment IS so because in 1 Corinthians 10:13, the "words of God" make clear that nothing can touch a Jesus Follower without it first having having passed through our heavenly Father's loving fingers. There also it says that, when He does allow something hard to come our way, He promises to lead us through it.
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  • I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
    • Gary Patton
      Here's the secret! It's being "content in" not "content with" one's circumstances as Paul says in Verse 12. We do ONLY our part to "get through" (1 Cor. 10:13) while trusting implicitly in God's guidance and strength as the Bible promises in this verse and elsewhere, regardless. Jesus is all and everything a Jesus Follower needs. And we Jesus Followers are not just cultural Christians, i.e., religious believers in Jesus as "heaven-insurance" ONLY because our ancestors were in a so-called Christian land!
    "Contentment Brings Peace" Philippians 4:11-13 in the Christian New Covenant (Testament) of our Bible explains why the above is true.
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