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Lifestyle Evangelism Refuted - Dr. Curtis Hutson - 0 views

  • Lifestyle Evangelism Refuted
  • Joseph Aldrich said, "Sometimes the only exposure to evangelism for believers is being part of a weekly task force on a 'spiritual safari' into enemy territory. On such forays total strangers are confronted with a verbal message said to be the Gospel."
  • Rather, they feel they are simply obeying the Great Commission, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15).
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Nowhere in Scripture is the Christian told to incarnate the Gospel.
  • "button-holing and evangelical mugging."
  • This false philosophy teaches that we witness with our life rather than our lips.
    Dr. Hutson refutes something that Joseph Aldrich never taught and many practitioners do do by "cheery-picking" short quotes from Mr. Aldrich's book. Few Jesus Followers I know use only their behaviour and deeds to be used by Holy Spirit to draw their friends, neighbours, relatives, and workmates to a saving knowledge of Jesus of Nazareth.

Paul, the Worst of Sinners | YouVersion Search - 0 views

  • Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the wors
  • I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life.
  • worst of sinners

A Comprehensive Look at Genesis 3 | The Bare Times - 0 views

  • In verse 21, God mercifully provides coats of skin for Adam and Eve. People view the slaughtering of the animal as God’s start of the sacrificial system for ancient Israel because something died to cover their sin.
    • Gary Patton
      One is wise to note that God did so only AFTER Adam and Eve had gone into the clothing business and covered their so-called "private parts". God did not design man to wear clothes except as protection which is why He may have replaced the foliage with the more sturdy animal skins as He sent them into the "cold cruel" world! The sacrifice of the animals to cover the sins, not the bodies, of human kind also presages the ultimate and future sacrifice of Yesus (Jesus) for the sins and sin of those whom would trust in Him and it in the "fullness of time".
  • after the fall, Adam saw his body as shameful; even while God did not say the body was evil after the fall.
    • Gary Patton
      Satan cons modern Christians, I believe, with diabolically-generated shame to believe the opposite untruth i.e. public nudity is shameful and unBiblical. Could not Adam's reference in Genesis to his shame have been about his disobedience rather than about his being naked? Old Testament ceremonial washings, including baptism, were performed in the nude. [Note 1 - Please don't hestitate to contact me if you would like the details for the source of this or any of the other historical facts included below. I'm a trained historian and also like to see the documentation for so-called facts that are not commonly accepted.] Christ, too, was probably baptized naked, as depicted in numerous early works of art. [2] Early Christians bathed communally in the nude at the public baths or public places during most of the second through the fourth centuries. This was common practise in Rome for hundreds of years at all levels of society. Public nudity was also common during this period in other parts of ancient Roman society. The writings of early Christians such as Irenaeus and Tertullian make it clear that they had no ethical reservations about communal nudity for Christians. [3] Christian historian Roy Bowen Ward confirms based on his research that "Christian Morality did not originally preclude nudity. . . . There is a tendency to read history backward and assume that early Christians thought the same way mainstream Christians do today. We attribute the present to the past." [4] For the first several centuries of Christianity, it was the intentional custom to baptize men, women, and children together nude. This ritual played a very significant role in the early church. The accounts are numerous and detailed. [5] Margaret Miles, a historian and author, notes that "Naked baptism was observed as one of the two essential elements in Christian initiation, along with the invocation of the Trinity. . . . In the fourth century, instructions for baptism throughout the Roman Emp
    This article outlines what the anonymous but Biblically astute author feels God says about nakedness at the time of creation.

Red Letter Christians » Following Francis: The Veneration of (Imperfect) Saints - 0 views

  • why even bother trying to follow his example
    • Gary Patton
      Jamie's is an interesting question. Initially, I reacted that the Bible tells me to only model Jesus. Then, I remembered Paul said: "Follow me as I follow Messiah".
  • “Don’t call me a saint.  I don’t want to be dismissed that easily.” 
    • Gary Patton
      Ms. Day's is a VERY interesting point. For me, it seems to be the opposite of that of too many Christians who don't realize that every Follower of Jesus is called a Saint by the Apostles in our Bible.
  • St. Francis of Assisi is a man who deserves to be honored and esteemed for his selfless devotion to Christ and the continued, positive influence his movement has had in building the kingdom of God. 
    • Gary Patton
      Given these reasons for his suggested reverence of St. Francis, would Jamie also suggest we "revere" celebrities not singled out by the Catholic or Orthodox churches who have benefited human kind in a way not normally associated with "building the Kingdom of God", e.g. Albert Einstein, Bill Gates name only a couple to make my point?
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Some of those failings, he never acknowledged, but many he clearly repented for in his life.
    • Gary Patton
      Are we wise to repent in secret to Goad alone when our sin has affected one or more other people? Jesus Followers are commanded to forgive and to seek forgiveness of both God and man.
  • We venerate them as fallen, broken, thoroughly human individuals who, despite their mistakes, pursued obedience to Christ at any cost, thus changing their world (and ours) as a result. 
    • Gary Patton
      Interestingly, this issue was a sub-plot in the 2012-02-10 episode of the TV police series, "Blue "Bloods". Frank is one of the stars and the Chief of Police of Boston is portrayed each week as an imperfect but moral, Catholic, family man. When Frank's archbishop comes asking for his support for the canonization of a local priest, Frank declined because the Priest had protested the Vietnam War. After checking into the matter further Frank changes his mind and supports the canonization for the reason suggested by Jamie here. The episode is available on line at my time of writing 2012-02-25.
  • They are deserving of our esteem because they refused to allow their own weaknesses to be used as excuses to live merely “good”, but ultimately mediocre lives. 
    • Gary Patton
      The potential eternal danger for a Jesus Follower in pursuing "better than good", as Jamie rightly implies we should here, is in whose strength we do it?  Jesus makes clear in John 15:5 that there is ONLY one way to produce a life of eternal value  (
  • The Veneration of (Imperfect) Saints
    • Gary Patton
      This article by Jamie Arpin-Rici suggests that all Jesus Followers are wise to venerate saints ...provided that they understand the meaning f veneration". gfp (2012-02-26)
  • followed Jesus in and through his own sinful nature,
    • Gary Patton
      Jamie is suggesting here that a Jesus Follower can have two natures ...a sinful one and also a Christ-like one.  However, Reverend Bill Gillham suggests in his powerful article ( ) that this is unBiblical ...although commonly taught in the Body of Christ by many.  This "Dual Natures Doctrine", as some call it, also is implied by the New International Version's (NIV's) translation of the Koine Greek word "flesh" as "sinful nature". I'd suggest that several verses in Romans 6 ( ) seem to confirm that Rev. Gillham's position on this issue is the correct one.
  • I do not venerate Francis because Jesus is not enough.  I follow in the footsteps of Francis- human and flawed- because his steps so clearly follow those of Jesus Christ.
    • Gary Patton
      I say: Amen!

"Jesus Predicts His Death & The Wisdom of His Followers Suicide Also" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. 25 Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
    • Gary Patton
      In John 12:24, in context, Jesus again confirms that the ONLY we we committed can follow Him is as a " Walking Dead Wo(man)'" by committing suicide also through our own crucifixion with Him. He says the same thing in other ways in Matthew 16:20-25, at & John 15:5 at . Jesus' Apostle (sent out one), Paul, makes clear his permanent status as a Walking Dead Man in Galatians 2:20. GaryFPatton (2013-09-25 © gfp '42™)
  • Jesus Predicts His Death
    • Gary Patton
      In John 12:24, in context, Jesus again confirms that the ONLY we we committed can follow Him is as a " Walking Dead Wo(man)'" by committing suicide also through our own crucifixion with Him. He says the same thing in other ways in Matthew 16:20-25, at & John 15:5 at . Jesus' Apostle (sent out one), Paul, makes clear his permanent status as a Walking Dead Man in Galatians 2:20. GaryFPatton (2013-09-25 © gfp '42™)
    In John 12:24, in context, Jesus again confirms that the ONLY we we committed can follow Him is as a a " Walking Dead Wo(man)" through our own crucifixion with Him. He says the same thing in other ways in Matthew 16:20-25, at and John 15:5 at . Jesus' Apostle (sent out one), Paul, makes clear his permanent status as a Walking Dead Man in Galatians 2:20. GaryFPatton (2013-09-25 © gfp '42™)
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