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Gary Patton

Trouble Lies Ahead - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Matthew 10:16-18
  • be (B)shrewd as serpents and (C)innocent as doves
    • Gary Patton
      This warning takes on a powerful and different dimension that many Christians do NOT appreciate because they forget the companion warning that Haoly Spirit insired Jude to caution the Body of Messiah about re false teachers. They are Jude warns in the pulpits and pews of some churches, still today.
  • beware of men, for they will hand you over to the (D)courts and scourge you (E)in their synagogues; 18 and you will even be brought before governors and kings for My sake
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  • the Gentiles
    In Matthew 10:16-18 of the New American Standard Bible Version of the God's New Covenant, Yeshua (Jesus) warns his first and present day Jesus Followers that the world hasn't changed since their Master's day. The Lord shares here how God's people should behave in dealing with others in the cruel and hostile environment in which they must live and work as ambassadors of God's loving Kingdom that will come in its fullness some day ...sooner than many Christians believe. gfp (2011-11-02)
Gary Patton

"Paul Wrote Scripture According to His Fellow Apostles" - 2 Peter 3:15-17 NASB - Bible... - 0 views

  • 2 Peter 3:15-17
  • our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you
  • in which are some things hard to understand
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  • the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction
    Peter makes clear in 2 Peter 3:15-17 that Paul's Epistles were understood to be Scripture while the Apostles were still alive and ministering around the world. GaryFPatton (2103-08-28)
Gary Patton

Prayer for Jerusalem, Prayer Call Guide 2013.pdf - 0 views

    Jewish anti-Semitism is growing at an alarming rate. This is evident not only in Muslim countries, but in Europe, Canada, Hispanic countries and on college campuses both here and abroad. Most statistics point to a level of anti- Semitism that is at the level found in Europe right before World War II. GaryFPatton (2013-10-06) . "
Gary Patton

ISLAM World Fastest Growing Religion, PART-3 - YouTube - 1 views

    A video featuring on the recent growth of Islam especially among young women with an average age of 27. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-12-04) Satan obviously has implemented a major new push given the "spiritual" revival that Holy Spirit has inspired among GenY.
Gary Patton

Decoding The Mystery Of Near-Death Experiences : NPR - 0 views

  • "There are various explanations," Woerlee says. "One: that the earphones or plugs were not that tightly fitting. Two: It could have been that it was due to sound transmission through the operating table itself." So Reynolds could have heard conversations. As for seeing the Midas Rex bone saw, he says, she recognized a sound from her childhood.
    • Gary Patton
      Whether one believes in after death experience or not, its these so-called expalnations that are riduculous and preposterous, in my opinion!
  • That doesn't convince cardiologist Sabom or neurosurgeon Spetzler. They believe the combination of anesthesia and the sluggish brain activity caused by hypothermia meant that Reynolds could not form or retain memories for a significant part of the operation. At the very least, Sabom says, Reynolds' story raises the possibility that consciousness can function even when the brain is offline.
  • In the end, Reynolds' story is just an anecdote. And in fact, that's the problem with all the studies of near-death experiences.
    • Gary Patton
      Jesus Followers, however, can listen to what the person reports re their so-called after-death experience and evaluate it against what the Bible tells us.
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  • it seems that these people have a different sort of brain," Beauregard says in his soft French accent. "It's like there's a shift in their brain, and this shift will allow these people to stay in touch with the spiritual world more easily, on a daily basis."
  • "It's like the near-death experience triggered something at a neural level in the brain," he said. "And perhaps this change, in terms of brain activity, is sort of permanent."
  • Their brains in the spiritual state look a lot like those of Catholic nuns and Buddhist monks who have spent tens of thousands of hours in prayer and meditation. Both groups showed extremely slow brain wave activity
  • The researchers also saw significant changes in brain regions associated with positive emotions, attention and personal boundaries, as subjects who had had near-death experiences lost their sense of their physical bodies and merged with God or the "light."
  • Skeptic Woerlee says there's nothing remarkable — and certainly nothing spiritual — about these findings.
  • It's brain chemistry, he says, not a trip to heaven.
  • n other words, Woerlee a
  • nd Beauregard looked at the same images and came to opposite conclusions.
  • It was about that time that Reynolds believes she noticed a tunnel and bright light.
  • "She is as deeply comatose as you can be and still be alive,"
  • She says she found herself looking down at the operating table.
  • During her near-death experience, she says she chatted with her dead grandmother and uncle, who escorted her back to the operating room.
  • My uncle pushed me," she says, laughing.
  • "From a scientific perspective," he says, "I have absolutely no explanation about how it could have happened."
  • Spetzler did not check out all the details, but Michael Sabom did. Sabom is a cardiologist in Atlanta who was researching near-death experiences.
  • what she said happened to her is actually what Spetzler did with her out in Arizona
  • How, Sabom wonders, could she know these things?
  • "She could not have heard [it], because of what they did to her ears," he says. "In addition, both of her eyes were taped shut, so she couldn't open her eyes and see what was going on. So her physical sensory perception was off the table."
  • That's preposterous, says anesthesiologist Gerald Woerlee. "This report provides absolutely no evidence for survival of any sort of consciousness outside the body during near-death experiences or any other such experiences," he says.
  • Woerlee, an Australian researcher and near-death experience debunker who has investigated Reynolds' case, says what happened to her is easy to explain.
Gary Patton

The Antidote to Dis-Stress - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • But the (A)Helper, the Holy Spirit, (B)whom the Father will send in My name
    • Gary Patton
      Altought the word "Trinity", is nowhere in the Christian Scriptures. The concept of One God as three distinct and unique personalities is otline here and throught the New Testament. In addition, the Old Covenant repeatedly points to the coming of Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus).
  • John 14:26-28
    • Gary Patton
      The Antidote to Dis-Stress Jesus came that his Followers who trust in Him may live in 'permanent peace'. In John 14: 26-28 here, read how that promise was fulfilled. Peace can has been defined many ways. In John 14:27, Yeshua (Jesus) states clearly that, ultimately, peace is a Person, God Himself living in each Jesus Follower.
  • Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. (F)Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
Gary Patton

How Islamic Can Christianity Be? - The Gospel Coalition Blog - 0 views

  • My wife and I had been working with Muslims for years and were aware of this training, commonly referred to as the Insider Movement.
  • when I first read about Insider Movements, I had the same reaction she did. I was hopeful and excited.
  • Could this be the tool that causes a spiritual awakening in the Muslim world? Over time, as we continued our ministry to Muslims in the Middle East, I realized the answer to my question was "No, it will not."
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  • The Insider Movement (IM) remains a hot topic in missions circles.
  • This issue is extremely complicated and extremely important, making it difficult to write about.
  • Rebecca Lewis, a proponent, defines the IM as follows: Insider movements can be defined as movements to obedient faith in Christ that remain integrated with or inside their natural community. In any insider movement there are two distinct elements:
  • This definition is broad and can be interpreted many different ways---which is one of the difficulties in pinpointing the teachings of the movement.
  • those opposed to IM seem to assume that proponents are syncretistic heretics.
  • The IM advocates I've met are wonderful people.
  • They are winsome, intelligent people who love the Lord and want to see Muslims saved.
  • we need to address the dangerous practices within the movement, which varies to some degree from person to person and country to country. Therefore, my critique may not apply to all IMs. Nevertheless, the following key issues need to be addressed.
  • many other IM advocates believe the gospel can be found within the Qur'an, if you correctly interpret the text. But the gospel cannot be found in the Qur'an, because the Qur'an did not come to us through the inspiration of God as found in the Bible.
  • There is also an arrogant attitude---almost imperialistic---involved in this assertion.
  • IM practitioners seek to keep new followers of Jesus within their socio-religious networks. For support their cite various texts in the Bible (1 Corinthians 7:17-24, 9:19-23; 2 Kings 5:15-19). Therefore, a Muslim who follows Jesus remains a Muslim.
  • I agree that Muslims who follow Christ shouldn't be required to take on the name "Christian."
  • We find among many IM advocates a belief that Islam can be redeemed---we should not abandon the religion but rather change it from within and welcome it into orthodoxy.
  • How Islamic can Christianity be? Can a Muslim who now follows Jesus fast during Ramadan? Can a Muslim who follows Jesus use the Islamic prayer stances? Where do we draw the line? These are tough questions.
  • While the word Christian can have a very negative connotation among Muslims, encouraging MBBs to retain the title "Muslim" can be confusing at best and deceptive at worst. Advocates for using the title "Muslim" argue that it literally means "one who submits to God." This is semantically true. However, the word connotes much more---namely, one who follows the religion of Islam by confessing, "There is no God but God and Muhammad is his prophet."
  • Some argue that God used Muhammad to bring monotheism to the Arabs---a kind of John the Baptist for the Arabs. This is a dangerous concession.
  • Rejecting Muhammad as a prophet does not require denigrating him before Muslims; it means we should not say more than necessary.
  • We can be respectful and identify the positive contributions he made to society without agreeing that he is a prophet.
  • How Islamic Can Christianity Be?
  • I never encourage MBBs to retain the title Muslim. Nor do I encourage them to take the title Christian.
  • Recent Bible translations for Muslims have created a frenzy by moving "Father" and "Son" language about the Trinity from the text to the footnotes.
  • What if the only understood meaning is physical and sexual? How do we translate without losing or grossly misrepresenting the biblical meaning?
  • the decisions about how to make the Bible comprehensible in other cultures are not easy or made lightly.
  • Some in the IM prefer to talk about Muslims "entering the kingdom of God" as opposed to "joining" Christianity.
  • We should view as suspect any form of church planting that does not seek to connect believers with the universal body of Christ and promote unity.
  • emphasis on the kingdom of God can downplay the importance of the church.
  • Missionaries and academics have wondered aloud whether the problem extends beyond Western politics, military intervention, and spiritual bondage to the very way we present the gospel. Could our methods be to blame? Could more sophisticated contextualization unlock many more hearts for Christ?
  • we can introduce Muslims to Jesus through the Qur'an
    This article explains the dangers of what's called the "Insider Movement" i.e. evangelizing Jesus Followers using the Qur'an and telling Muslims they can follow Jesus while remaining part of Islam. The article is written by a couple who have shared Jesus', not Isa's, love wit Muslims for many years in the Middle East. gfp (2012-05-21)
Gary Patton

"Be Angry And Keep your Mouth Shut" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • James 3:1-12
  • we all (C)stumble in many ways. (D)If anyone does not stumble in [b]what he says, he is a (E)perfect man,
  • See how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire! 6 And (J)the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which (K)defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our [c]life, and is set on fire by [d](L)hell.
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  • But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of (M)deadly poison. 9 With it we bless (N)our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, (O)who have been made in the likeness of God; 10 from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing.
    "Be Angry And Keep your Mouth Shut" James 3:1-12 explains why my advice in my title above is wise given that anger is a gift from your God and your tongue is a fire!
Gary Patton

Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2012 :: Raymond Ibrahim - 0 views

  • Muslim Persecution of Christians: May, 2012
    Christians must always remember that Scripture clearly tells us that our real enemies are not Islamists, Islam or Muslims or others that persecute and kill us. Our R-E-A-L enemies are diabolical spirits as outlined in . They are motivated by Satan and his hordes of demons in opposition to anything that is of God. The statement of the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aur
Gary Patton

"Wage Peace ...Not War" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • give preference to one another
  • Bless those who persecute [d]you; bless and do not curse
  • do not be haughty in mind,
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  • Never pay back evil for evil to anyone.
    • Gary Patton
      Placing Burning Coals on Another's Head Paul, quoted from Proverbs 25:21-23 here to make a crucial point for his First Century readers and Jesus Followers today. He did so to demonstrate that our heavenly Father does not overlook fairness and justice although He substituted New Covenant 'grace' for Old Covenant 'law' when He sent Jesus to die for us as outlined in His New Covenant. (You can read about Jesus' crucifixion in Matthew 27:27 to Mathew 28:20 at . Proverbs 25:21 at confuses some people because its Jewish cultural context is not clear from its words. A "burning coal" was essential in Biblical Palestine each morning so Jewish families could re-light their cooking fire for the day after it died out during the night. In each Jewish village, one man carried a pot of coals from home to home to assist the homemaker who needed one. "Burning coals" are blessings not torture instruments in this Proverb as some think. "The head", in Jewish culture was the place on another's body where one anointed them with precious perfumes and oils as a extension of an oral blessing on them. (gfp 2011-10-24)
  • Respect what is right in the sight of all men.
  • Never take your own revenge, beloved, but [g]leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “(T)VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.
  • If possible, (Q)so far as it depends on you, (R)be at peace with all men.
  • Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
  • For (Y)rulers are not a cause of fear for [k]good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; 4 for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an (Z)avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.
  • Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for (AE)he who loves [l]his neighbor has fulfilled the law.
    • Gary Patton
      Please Jesus Follower, do not mistake the Old Covenant commandment to "not murder" as permitting, as some unBiblically teach,: * so-called "just wars", plus * participation as a gun-carrying police person, or * participation as a politician who can vote on declaring war or laws sentencing a person to death for a crime. Jesus' clear, unequivocal call is to be a non-violent person who wages peace on his behalf ...not war... because Jesus came to "fulfill the [Old Covenant] Law'". Our commanded peace-making lifestyle is clear in this passage of Scripture plus Jesus' many commands to His Followers to live a life of non-violent behaviour in every way that I mention below. "Peace is not something you wish for. It's something you [first receive, then something you] make, something you do, something you are and something you give away." ~ Robert Fulghum (1937- ) U.S. author As Mr. Fulghum writes above, Jesus calls us to be non-violent peace-makers throughout His New Covenant with us! e.g.: * Matthew 5:9, the reward for peace-making at; * His commanded peace-making approach in Matthew 5:38-45 at and * God's condemnation of violence including war in Romans 12:10-13:9 at Jesus has no concept of a so-called "just war" Jesus Follower please do not feel that because the State is authorized to use violence to protect society that you are permitted to: * participate in making, as a politician, or upholding, as a gun-carrying justice officer, a State's laws that contain a death penalty, or * voting as a politician or a citizen for your country to participate in a so-called "just war", or fighting in a war as a weapon-carrying soldier. You are not according to Jesus' clear calls to a non-violent life. How do I obey the law you might ask? Simple, I suggest! You will never be "forced" in a democracy to run for an elected office in "the world", as distict from "Jesus'
  • Romans 12:10-13:9
  • You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
    In Romans 12:10-13:9 in the pre-Jesus (Yeshua) New Covenant, Jesus' Apostle (Sent-Out-One), Paul, makes clear there are no "Just Wars" as far as Jesus Followers are to be concerned. Jesus Followers are called by our Lord and Saviour to wage peace ...not war. We are commanded to be non-violent radicals not passive pew-sitters. To be Gentlewo(men) Warriors not D.O.O.R.M.A.T.s (members of the "Dependent Order Of Really Miserable And Timid Souls"). You may ask me for my article about ""Real Warriors Are Humble & Meek" if the link doesn't work for you. Paul also includes an interesting Old Covenant Proverb in Verse 20 from Proverbs 25:21-23 the cultural context of which might fool you into thinking something it doesn't mean. To better understand what the Apostle meant, don't miss my Sticky Note on Verse 20. gfp (2011-10-24)
    So you think there are just wars, eh? Check this out! gfp
Gary Patton

William Wilberforce : Biography - 0 views

  • At seventeen Wilberforce was sent to St. John's College. Following the deaths of his grandfather in 1776 and his childless uncle William in 1777, Wilberforce was an extremely wealthy man. Wilberforce was shocked by the behaviour of his fellow students at the University of Cambridge
  • After leaving university he showed no interest in the family business, and while still at Cambridge he decided to pursue a political career
  • "Wilberforce was little over five feet tall, a frail and elfin figure who in his later years weighed well under 100 pounds. His charm was legendary, his conversation delightful, his oratory impressive. He dressed in the colourful finery of the day and adorned any salon with his amiable manner.
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  • his object in life - no less than the transformation of a corrupt society through serious religion
  • In 1784 Wilberforce became converted to Evangelical Christianity. He joined the Clapham Set,
  • In 1787 Thomas Clarkson, William Dillwyn and Granville Sharp formed the Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
  • nine out of the twelve members on the committee, were Quakers.
  • Wilberforce's nephew, George Stephen, was surprised by this choice as he considered him a lazy man: "He worked out nothing for himself; he was destitute of system, and desultory in his habits; he depended on others for information, and he required an intellectual walking stick."
  • Charles Fox was unsure of Wilberforce's commitment to the anti-slavery campaign.
  • In May 1788, Charles Fox precipitated the first parliamentary debate on the issue.
  • writing, on the other hand, was to be discouraged, since it would open the way to rising above one's natural station."
    • Gary Patton
      When you're starving, "half a loaf is beter than none"! And God seldom uses perfect people to advance His Kingdom!
  • "Following the publication of the privy council report on 25 April 1789, Wilberforce marked his own delayed formal entry into the parliamentary campaign on 12 May with a closely reasoned speech of three and a half hours,
  • "Everyone thought the hearing would be brief, perhaps one sitting. Instead, the slaving interests prolonged it so skilfully that when the House adjourned on 23 June, their witnesses were still testifying."
  • on 10th July 1789: "Whether the bill goes through the House or not, the discussion attending it will have a most beneficial effect.
  • Wilberforce initially welcomed the French Revolution as he believed that the new government would abolish the country's slave trade.
  • the government published A Declaration of the Rights of Man asserting that all men were born and remained free and equal. However
  • During this period he could only find twenty men willing to testify before the House of Commons. He later recalled: "I was disgusted... to find how little men were disposed to make sacrifices for so great a cause."
    • Gary Patton
      "Seldom do great and difficult quests proceed with ease!" ~ gfp
  • the visit was a failure as Clarkson could not persuade the French National Assembly to discuss the abolition of the slave trade
  • Wilberforce believed that the support for the French Revolution by the leading members of the Society for the Abolition of Slave Trade was creating difficulties for his attempts to bring an end to the slave trade in the House of Commons.
  • On 18th April 1791 Wilberforce introduced a bill to abolish the slave trade.
  • "a war of the pigmies against the giants of the House".
  • defeated by 163 to 88.
  • In March 1796, Wilberforce's proposal to abolish the slave trade was defeated in the House of Commons by only four votes.
  • a dozen abolitionist MPs were out of town or at the new comic opera in London.
  • In 1804, Clarkson returned to his campaign against the slave trade and toured the country
    • Gary Patton
      Note that Clarkson's 'rest' lasted about 8 years and Wilberforce is not here noted to have advanced the cause during Clarson's absence from the frey. But, who among avserage men has heard of Thomas Clarkson as winning the abolitionists cause against slavery?
  • William Wilberforce introduced an abolition bill on 30th May 1804.
  • t moved to the House of Lords.
  • advised Wilberforce to leave the vote to the following year.
  • In 1805 the bill was once again presented to the House of Commons. This time the pro-slave trade MPs were better organised and it was defeated by seven votes.
  • In February, 1806 Lord Grenville was invited by the king to form a new Whig administration.
  • Grenville's Foreign Secretary, Charles Fox, led the campaign in the House of Commons to ban the slave trade in captured colonies.
  • was little opposition and it was passed by an overwhelming 114 to 15.
  • In the House of Lords Lord Greenville made a passionate speech
  • the bill was passed in the House of Lords by 41 votes to 20.
  • In January 1807 Lord Grenville introduced a bill that would stop the trade to British colonies on grounds of "justice, humanity and sound policy".
  • "Lord Grenville masterminded the victory which had eluded the abolitionist for so long...
  • Wilberforce commented: "How popular Abolition is, just now! God can turn the hearts of men".
    • Gary Patton
      However, the Bible itself does not make a strong case for the abolition of slavery and really only for the equality of men before God and in his Kingdom ...not in the world!
  • The trade was abolished by a resounding 283 to 16.
  • it was the largest majority recorded on any issue where the House divided.
  • a generous tribute to the work of Wilberforce:
  • Wilberforce made it clear that he considered the African Institution should do what it could to convert Africans to Christianity.
  • In July, 1807, members of the Society for the Abolition of Slave Trade established the African Institution, an organization that was committed to watch over the execution of the law, seek a ban on the slave trade by foreign powers and to promote the "civilization and happiness" of Africa.
  • The African Institution carried the torch for antislavery reform for twenty years and paved the way for later humanitarian efforts in Great Britain."
  • Some people involved in the anti-slave trade campaign such as Thomas Fowell Buxton, argued that the only way to end the suffering of the slaves was to make slavery illegal. Wilberforce disagreed, he believed that at this time slaves were not ready to be granted their freedom. He pointed out in a pamphlet that he wrote in 1807 that: "It would be wrong to emancipate (the slaves). To grant freedom to them immediately, would be to insure not only their masters' ruin, but their own. They must (first) be trained and educated for freedom."
  • we ought to rejoice in every opportunity of bringing them under their present sufferings, and secure for them a rich compensation of reversionary happiness."
  • (Perronet Thompson) single-handedly abolished apprenticeship and freed the slaves. He filed scandalised reports to the colonial office. Wilberforce told him he was being rash and hasty, and he and his colleagues voted unanimously for his dismissal. Wilberforce advised him to go quietly for the sake of his career."
  • the Society for the Mitigation and Gradual Abolition of Slavery. Buxton eventually persuaded Wilberforce to join his campaign but as he had retired from the House of Commons in 1825, he did not play an important part in persuading Parliament to bring an end to slavery.
  • William Wilberforce died on 29th July, 1833. One month later, Parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act that gave all slaves in the British Empire their freedom.
  • How far the memoir was Christian, I must leave to others to decide. That it was unfair to Clarkson is not disputed. Where possible, the authors ignored Clarkson; where they could not they disparaged him. In the whole rambling work, using the thousands of documents available to them, they found no space for anything illustrating the mutual affection and regard between the two great men, or between Wilberforce and Clarkson's brother."
  • Wilson goes on to argue that the book has completely distorted the history of the campaign against the slave-trade: "The Life has been treated as an authoritative source for 150 years of histories and biographies
  • its treatment of Clarkson, in particular, a deservedly towering figure in the abolition struggle, is invalidated by untruths, omissions and misrepresentations of his motives and his achievements is not understood by later generations, unfamiliar with the jealousy that motivated the holy authors. When all the contemporary shouting had died away, the Life survived to take from Clarkson both his fame and his good name.
  • left us with the simplistic myth of Wilberforce and his evangelical warriors in a holy crusade.
    Some key bibliographical background on the famous Englishman who, allegedly, was single-handedly responsible for the freeing of slaves in the British Empire after many years of fighting in thr English Parliament.
    So you thought William Wilberforce was responsible for getting England to abolish slavery, eh? Not so! gfp
Gary Patton

"A Jesus Following Warriors Unbreachable Armour" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Ephesians 6:10-19
  • The Armor of God
  • be strong in the Lord and in (B)the strength of His might.
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  • Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the (D)schemes of the devil.
  • our (E)struggle is not against [a](F)flesh and blood, but (G)against the rulers, against the powers, against the (H)world forces of this (I)darkness, against the (J)spiritual forces of wickedness in (K)the heavenly places.
  • so that you will be able to (M)resist in (N)the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore,
  • the (V)sword of the Spirit, which is (W)the word of God.
    • Gary Patton
      Some historians credit the Roman legionaire's footwear as one of the greatest reasons why the Roman Army was so victorious over its enemies. Every Roman soldier was equipped with sandals that had spikes on the soles. This provided them a strong enough stance and balance that gave them a superior posture in battle on hills and uneven terrain. In martial arts, the stance is the most important move and is what is practiced first, for from the basic stance are all manners of kicks and punches launched! Defensively, or if Jesus calls us, uniqely and clearly, into some form of offence, Jesus' peace will help us to stand with our feet planted firmly on God's promises to us in the Bible and whom it says we are in Christ. Our peace helps us tol stay put, unmoved by the threats and lies of the demonic forces we confront daily. Jesus' peace will protect us when we walk through the rough places and keep us steady in the heat of a battle. It will keep our spiritual foes where they belong...under His feet.
  • 12 For
  • shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace
  • take up (L)the full armor of God, so that you will be able to (M)resist in (N)the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore,
  • take (U)the helmet of salvation
  • With all (X)prayer and petition [d](Y)pray at all times (Z)in the Spirit,
  • to make known with (AF)boldness (AG)the mystery of the gospel
    Ephesians 6:10-19 (NASB) clearly explains who and what are every Jesus Follower's R-E-A-L enemy (Real-Enervating-Authoritarian-Loathsome) ...moment to moment each & every day. gfp (2011-09-15)
Gary Patton

Wahhabi - 0 views

  • His instructions in the matter of extending his religious teaching by force were strict. All unbelievers (i.e. Moslems who did not accept his teaching, as well as Christians, &c.) were to be put to death.
  • It is clear that the claim of the Wahhabis to have returned to the earliest form of Islam is largely justified.
    A concise definition of the sect by a non-Islamist source, Global
Gary Patton

Jesus Promises to Send Holy Spirit - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.
  • After a little while (G)the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me
  • you will know that (J)I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.
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  • Gr Paracletos, one called alongside to help; or Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor
  • John 14:15-21
  • If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
    In John 14:15-21 Jesus comforts his first Followers by sharing with them that after His death, resurrection and return to heavenly Father that God will send Holy Spirt to be with them forever by living in them to empower them so Yeshua/Jesus can continue to live his life on earth through them.
Gary Patton

The Great Commission is For ALL Believers - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Matthew 28:18-20
    • Gary Patton
      Christian: Jesus' (Yeshua's) Great Commission contains a confusing translation. Matthew 28:18-20 is what many Christians call Jesus' "Great Commission". It is the last command your Saviour and Lord left with you if you are His. The Great Commission is NOT a command to convert others NOR for professionals only. It simply says that Jesus Followers must share Jesus' love in their own way as they are led by Holy Spirit to let Him do the R-E-A-L work (Relational-Engaging-Authentic-Loving & Life-giving) Jesus lives His life out through His Followers. You'll discover that the poor translation, as others would call it is explained in my Note on Verse 19. It has led many into believing something that Jesus (Yeshua) NEVER said. This mistranslation, I believe, has negativity impacted the sharing of His love with Jesus Followers' neighbours.
  • All authority has been given to Me
    • Gary Patton
      Jesus is the ONLY One who builds His Kingdom here on earth as He says here. A Jesus Follower does NOT convert ...anyone. Jesus, in the person of Holy Spirit living in you, will draw to Himself those He brings across your path that He wants to save as He makes clear in John 15: 5 at . And if what you are doing seems like hard work, stop, because you're probably doing something wrong, e.g., not prayed for the person by name sufficiently, invested quality time in the person, nor built enough trust ...or you have the wrong heart about sharing Jesus.
  • make disciples
    • Gary Patton
      Jesus Followers are not to convert others! We are to let Jesus do it by living His life out through us as we invest time in others and share His love with them. A Jesus Follower's real role is to be "a discipler"! A discipler acts like a farmer. S(he) simply plants, waters, weeds and, then, collects the harvest given to them by Holy Spirit. But instead of sticking your crop in a barn or building, a holding tank most Christians call "the church" and turning them over to paid professionals, Jesus says clearly that you are to help your disciple grow. You are to be a support to Holy Spirit Who is "the Sanctifier" of every disciple that He allows you to protect and assist until they reasonably mature and "grow out" into the world. Plus, you are commanded to do so until you have assisted your disciple to be ready to reproduce him/herself by "mirroring" Jesus to another and reproducing themselves by letting Jesus live is life out through them you modeled for them and taught them to do. This simple process God designed as His "Plan 'A'" to be a constantly repeating one that each Jesus Follower performs as s(he0 is going along where God has planted them at that time ...until Jesus returns or takes them home. It's called "spiritual multiplication". And Jesus has NO "Plan B'"! And yes, with prayerful practise, you can work with more than one Disciple at a time.
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  • o therefore
    • Gary Patton
      While the common, traditional translation of the King James Version (KJV) of the Christian Bible, plus many more modern translations uses the word, there is NO action verb "go" in verse 19 in the original Greek. The NASB alternate translation at (a) below is a better and more accurate rendering of the Greek. But, it still can be misunderstood to mean "Go over there" somewhere. For even better and more accurate clarity, I prefer: "As you are going along, make disciples ..." This rendering is best because it makes clearest that the Great Commission is the calling and commanded mandate of every person who has Holy Spirit living in them ...NOT just paid, professional preachers, pastors and evangelists... as too many Christians believe. For further documentation of the impact of the poor translation, here is what another Greek expert says: * "The sole imperative and central activity in the Great Commission as recorded in Matthew 28 is to " Make Disciples." "Go," could be translated " going" or "as you go," but takes any imperatival force it may have from the main verb. * "Baptizing" and "teaching" are also participles-not "decisions" or "converts" or "believers" or "acceptors," but "disciples." It goes without saying that the decision-making, conversion, belief, and acceptance are all involved, but the objective of the Great Commission is that we Make Disciples (followers, adherents, learners, and students) of the Lord Jesus. * Hesselgrave, David J., "Scripture and strategy: The Use of the Bible in Postmodern Church and Mission", Pages 106-07 John A. Finton makes a powerful case in his article at for a poor translation in Matthew 28:19. Because of my evangelism experience, I believe this inappropriate translation has incorrectly preconditioned many English-speaking members of the Body of Christ since at least the publishing of the KJV.
    Matthew 28:18-20 is what many Christians call Jesus' "Great Commission". It's the last command your Saviour and Lord left with you if you are His. The Great Commission is NOT a command to convert others NOR for professionals only. It says just share Jesus' love in your own way as led and let Holy Spirit do the R-E-A-L work (Relational-Engaging-Authentic-Loving & Life-giving) Jesus lives His life out through you. gfp (2011-09-18)
Gary Patton

The Deity of Jesus Christ - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • John 1
  • In the beginning was (B)the Word, and the Word was (C)with God, and (D)the Word was God.
  • There [c]came a man sent from God, whose name was (I)John.
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  • He came to His [h]own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become (O)children of God, even (P)to those who believe in His name, 13 (Q)who were [i]born, not of [j]blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
  • he Word (S)became flesh, and [k](T)dwelt among us, and (U)we saw His glory, glory as of [l]the only begotten from the Father, full of (V)grace and (W)truth.
  • the Law was given through Moses; (AC)grace and (AD)truth [p]were realized through Jesus Christ. 18 (AE)No one has seen God at any time; (AF)the only begotten God who is (AG)in the bosom of the Father, (AH)He has explained Him.
  • What do you say about yourself?” 23 He said, “I am (AO)A VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, ‘MAKE STRAIGHT THE WAY OF THE LORD,’ as Isaiah the prophet said.”
  • The next day he *saw Jesus coming to him and *said, “Behold, (AU)the Lamb of God who (AV)takes away the sin of the world!
  • He who sent me to baptize [x]in water said to me, ‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, (BA)this is the One who baptizes [y]in the Holy Spirit.’ 34 I myself have seen, and have testified that this is (BB)the Son of God.”
  • he looked at Jesus as He walked, and *said, “Behold, (BD)the Lamb of God!”
  • “We have found the (BG)Messiah” (which translated means [ab]Christ).
  • “We have found Him of whom (BS)Moses in the Law and also (BT)the Prophets wrote—Jesus of (BU)Nazareth, (BV)the son of Joseph.
  • Rabbi, You are (CB)the Son of God
  • You are the (CC)King of Israel.
  • “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see (CD)the heavens opened and (CE)the angels of God ascending and descending on (CF)the Son of Man.”
    John 1:1-5 in the New American Standard Bible says clearly that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God and the Word (Logos) of God.
Gary Patton

The Fruit of the Spirit - 0 views

  • If we live by the Spirit, let us also [d]walk (O)by the Spirit.
    • Gary Patton
      The Apostle Paul says in this verse that Jesus Followers must "walk in the Spirit". It is a repetition of the command that he makes in Galatians 5:16 when Paul tells us to "live by the Spirit". Both are really the same command that Jesus Himself makes in John 15:5 at where He tells us to "abide" in Him. Jesus Followers are "Dead Wo(men) Walking" in the power of Holy Spirit while Jesus lives His life in His way and timing out through us in whom He lives permananetly by His Holy Spirit as clarifies in Galatians 2:20 at .
  • the fruit of the Spirit
    • Gary Patton
      The Fruit of the Spirit is a package we receive when we are born-again as "New Creations" in Jesus because Jesus is them all living His life our through us.
  • Galatians 5:19-25
    • Gary Patton
      This New American Standard Bible passage describes the character change that is who everyone in Christ already is when they "walk in the spirit". This is because Jesus lives in us by His Holy Spirit and we are dead to sin because of his paying the full penalty for our sin nature and sins on His cross.
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  • love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, (J)self-control;
    • Gary Patton
      Here are the opposites of these: hatred, gloom, agitation, impatience, unkindness, evil, unfaithfulness, harshness, and unrestraint. This is the fruit of the fallen world. The above are fruit too ...the Fruit of the Flesh.
    Galatians 5:19-25 NASB
Gary Patton

John 3:16-18 NASB - For God so loved the world that He gave - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of (H)the [b]only begotten Son of God.
    • Gary Patton
      "Not judged" here is used in the judicial, judgement by a court of law sence of set free from any penalty. "Judged already" is used in the same judicial way and means "separation from God in Hell, forever and without escape". This is clarified in numerous other Scriptures throughout the Bible in words used by Yeshua (Jesus) and His Apostles.
  • He (B)gave His [a](C)only begotten Son
    • Gary Patton
      The King James Version (KJV), the New American Standard Bible (NASB) here and also some other modern translations of the Bible use the older English word "begotten" in this verse. The past tense of the verb "begat" in all these translations is best defined as "one and only". It does NOT mean in this context procreation by sexual intercourse as it does when referring to humans and animals.
Gary Patton

"Why Jesus Came and Walked the Earth" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    In John 3:16-17, God shares His "Good News" about Jesus gift in a nutshell and adds a warning!
Gary Patton

How much God loved the world He - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • his one and only Son
  • He gave his Son,
  • John 3:16-17
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person's failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him.
    John 3:16 (MESS) clarifies how VERY much God loves each human being and the danger of not acknowledging His love as He commands.
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