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Andrew Williamson

Official Google Blog: App Inventor for Android - 0 views

    This looks very interesting. The potential is huge for students to develop apps for the Android platform. How can apple beat this one if they have locked down their apps store? The great thing about App inventor is that it looks like it has been modelled on Scratch 'Blocks' of building scripts. My Grade 5 and 6's (some whiz kids lower) would love to get their hands on this. The potential for them to develop their own apps for perhaps an Android tablet or smart phone is enormous. Rich and authentic possibilities for learning. Have DEECD made a wrong choice in going with the ipad? 
Andrew Williamson

MathsYear7 - Jewellery using Mathematics - 0 views

    • Andrew Williamson
      This is a great wiki in general for maths students and teachers. I particularly like some of the practical application of maths to everyday situations. For students to link real world concepts to abstract concepts is important for students to engage in their learning. It also links creative thinking in maths. Which in my opinion is what maths is all about.
    This is a great wiki in general for maths students and teachers. I particularly like some of the practical application of maths to everyday situations. For students to link real world concepts to abstract concepts is important for students to engage in their learning. It also links creative thinking in maths. Which in my opinion is what maths is all about. 
Andrew Williamson

My List: A Collection on "NFPS" (North,Fitzroy,Primary,School) | Diigo - 2 views

    The Diigo app for android for some reason doesn't let you share links to a specific group. But you can share to a particular list. This is a list for NFPS I created so can eventually have the stuff transfered to the NFPS Group. You might want to subscribe to it in your reader for updates of cool stuff. 
Andrew Williamson

52 Great Google Docs Secrets for Students - Online Colleges - 0 views

    Google Docs is such an incredible tool for college students, offering collaboration, portability, ease of use, and widespread acceptance. But there are so many options, both hidden and obvious, that there's a good chance you're not using Google Docs to its fullest capability. We've discovered 52 great tips for getting the most out of Google Docs as a student, with awesome ideas and tricks for collaboration, sharing, and staying productive.
Andrew Williamson

Stories for Kids - Learning Today - Download free podcast episodes by Stories for Kids ... - 1 views

    • Andrew Williamson
      Kristen and Khamal. I think that this could be very useful. If not gives you a few ideas on how to create an Audio book. There are even some reading comprehension for upper primary. We could just subscribe via a school itunes library and have it access by all the new macbooks in the class room. You could use one macbook as sort of a listening post. 
    This looks like a great tool for reading activities. Perfect for those using ipod touches in the classroom. Just load and listen and best of all its free!
Andrew Williamson

Collaborative annotation of images online | SpeakingImage - 0 views

    This is a fantastic web 2.0 tool. Upload images and annotate. You can other embed media inside the annotations. Annotations pop up as you click or hover over the objects you add. You can embed the annotated image into webpage or blog. This could be a useful tool for teachers and students. Lots of scope for creativity with layers etc. You can share to a group and set editing permissions for public or restricted people/groups for collaboration purposes. 
Andrew Williamson

Fiction 10-14 « Bill Boyd - The Literacy Adviser - 1 views

    Great post for level 3 to 4. A list of contempory books for children 8 years+ This would be very useful for students and teachers.
Andrew Williamson

Assessment in UK schools: a convenient hypocrisy? | - 1 views

  • The reason for my inclusion of that particular Dilbert cartoon at the top of this post is that I reckon most UK teachers couldn’t differentiate between a Level 4b and 4a in their subject. In fact, the distinction’s pretty meaningless. I’ve seen some schools use the sub-levels as following: Level 4c – some work at Level 4 standard Level 4b – most work at Level 4 standard Level 4a – all work at Level 4 standard In that case, why use the sub-levels in the first place? It’s my belief that  Assessment for Learning, that buzz-phrase from a couple of years ago, has been hijacked and contorted into something it’s not. I’m certainly not arguing against students knowing where they’re at in a subject and how to improve. It’s just that using National Curriculum levels as a means for doing this smacks of laziness to me. Instead, professional teachers should be able to convey the key skills, processes and subject knowledge students need to be able to progress. That’s just good teaching.
    • Andrew Williamson
      So is this what the national curriculum is going to look like when its juxtaposed against nation testing?
    Great post on Assessment in UK schools. Ties in with stuff about their national testing that they have had in place for more than a decade. This could be our crystal ball are we looking at our curriculum becoming narrower because we are all jumping through hoops? Assessment for learning? I dont think so. I would rather spend time planning great engaging lessons rather than lessons that are going to meet the National Testing criteria.
Andrew Williamson

Apps in Education: Maths Apps for Primary School - 0 views

    This looks to be a great resource for all things iOS in education. I am emphasizing this page for some of the funky looking Math apps. Has anyone used used any of these and if so are the good?
Andrew Williamson

MinecraftEDU: Minecraft for the Classroom - 3 views

    Not sure the teacher intervention is necessary for upper kids but could be useful for lower
Andrew Williamson

#VicPLN Action - 0 views

    On June 21 2012, the Government released a discussion paper which states its vision for the improvement of the teaching profession. The 'New Directions for School Leadership and the Teaching Profession,' aims to stimulate and inform discussion on the future of the teaching profession and school leadership.  As a collective of grass roots teachers, who are not currently being asked to participate in educational debates and discussion, we see this as an opportunity to enable teachers' voice.   Teachers: A great, yet untapped, source for policy makers.
Kristen Swenson

Critical thinking explained in six kid-friendly animations - 2 views

    Critical thinking explained in six kid-friendly animations If you've been looking for a crash course in basic logic - or just want to explain to a friend exactly what a logical fallacy is - turn your attention to these simple, easy-to-understand videos, which lay out the basics of critical thinking. Creative solutions agency Bridge 8 created these animations to offer a basic overview of critical thinking. The videos were designed for an audience of kids (Edit: Australian grades, not ages) 8-10, but they're handy for anyone who wants to brush up on their logic. The first video (up top), provides an introduction to critical thinking and how we form judgments and opinions.
Andrew Williamson

Domo Animate - Create animations - 1 views

    Looking for something to jazz up your literacy lesson? Check out Domo by goannimate. A free animation tool that allows you to create funky looking animations. A great tool for any literacy lesson especially if wanting to emphasise dialog, setting and characterisation for creative writing. 
Andrew Williamson

Tips For Writing Your 'About page' | The Edublogger - 0 views

  • Class blog Think about who is your intended audience for your ‘About page’?  Your students, parents/family, or to help connect with other classes? Below are examples of the type of information you might include for each audience — remember you can add more pages if needed (e.g. a Welcome parents page, blogging rules) For students and/or parents: What is a blog The goals of the class blog About the teacher(s) How to interact with the blog e.g. subscribe to blog, comment on posts, guidelines for writing appropriate comments Teacher(s) contact details To connect with classes in other schools: What country, state and city you are from? Year (grade level), subject and age groups The types of connections your class is interested in e.g. becoming blogging buddies, engaging in global projects The type and size of school Class or teacher contact details
    • Andrew Williamson
      I am now going to go and update my class blog about page
    Title says it all. I am now going to go and update my class blog about page
Andrew Williamson

Quick Start Tips For Student Blogging Part I: Setting Up Your Class Blog | The Edublogger - 0 views

    a fantastic post about class and student blogging. Some great links for blog support and ideas. A must read if you are unsure about the widgets and sidebar. This is compulsory reading for level 3 teachers who should be considering students having their own blog.
Andrew Williamson

Math Explorer: Playing Fantastic Four with the Computer - 0 views

    This is a great online maths activity for the advanced thinkers (if you are going to use all four cards) but allows for the not so high achievers. Deffinately going to introduce this to my upper grade 4's
    This is a great online maths activity for the advanced thinkers (if you are going to use all four cards) but allows for the not so high achievers. Deffinately going to introduce this to my upper grade 4's
Andrew Williamson

5 Innovative Animation Tools for Teachers | Edudemic - 3 views

    Great list of 5 animation tools that could be used in the classroom. Think I might check some of these out to see if they are suitable for my writers workshop class.
    DEFINITELY checking these out! I've been looking for some good ones. Thanks Andrew!
Andrew Williamson

Free Technology for Teachers: A+ Click - Mathematics Games for All Grades - 0 views

    A+ Click is a free site full of online mathematics games for students at all grade levels. You can find games on A+ Click by selecting a grade level then selecting a topic. Alternatively, you select just a topic or just a grade level and browse through all of the games. Students do not need to register in order to play the games.
Andrew Williamson

Tools for creating ideas - 1 views

    Great list of tools for creative thinking. Tools for creating ideas. From the usual suspects like brainstorming and mind mapping through to less discussed notions like incubation and morphological analysis. 
Andrew Williamson

Motivating Boy Motivation and Engagement of Boys - Australia - 0 views

  • "Meaning is made in ways that are increasingly multimodal – in which written linguistic modes of meaning are part and parcel of visual, audio, and spatial patterns of meaning. Take for instance the multimodal ways in which meanings are made on the World Wide Web, or in video captioning, or in interactive multimedia [e.g. mobile phones], or in desktop publishing, or in the use of written texts in a shopping mall. To find our way around this emerging world of meaning requires a new, multimodal literacy. "
  • The positive impact of an integrated culture of literacy – taking an integratedapproach across the curriculum• effective writing strategies; for example, ensuring that boys understand thetechnical skills of writing and understand the meaning and purposes of writing• effective cooperative experiences – making reading a socially constructedactivity by giving the students the opportunity to discuss between themselvesthe relevance of the text to other texts and to their lives• the importance of oral language in improving in writing• the value of explicit teaching of reading and writing – providing clearobjectives, a variety of text types, content that engages the interest of boys andquestions that promote understanding• the value of teacher feedback – effective assessment and constructive feedbackfrom teachers• the need for high but realistic expectations• the positive impact of the integration of ICT• linking literacy to boys’ experiences and popular culture• multimodal texts and boys’ interests• the dangers of generalizing content for boys• boys and critical literacy.
    • Andrew Williamson
      Can see the advantage of having a well integrated ict program for this to be achieved
    Motivating Boy Writers
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