Unlike the global internet, which enables virtually the entire world to connect, social networks have created very large, localised communities with far more limited international interaction.
BBC NEWS | Technology | Pull down the walled gardens - 0 views
About Walled Gardens and Social Networks "Unlike the global internet, which enables virtually the entire world to connect, social networks have created very large, localised communities with far more limited international interaction."
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@Joao: yes, I definitely think that local communities can be seen as online communities. In fact, according to Wikipedia, here online communities are described as: "Virtual communities depend upon social interaction and exchange between users online. This emphasizes the reciprocity element of the unwritten social contract between community members. Web 2.0 is essentially characterized by virtual communities such as Flickr, Facebook, and Del.icio.us. A similar trend is starting to emerge within businesses where online or virtual communities are taking hold. These communities can be organizational, regional or topical depending on the business." "Organizational, regional or topical" - I think we can add technical to this list. Btw. it seems like wiki use the terms "online" and "virtual" interchangeably. PS. Can anyone teach me how to make comments on Diigo? Why don´t comments automatically follow each other from oldest to newest? Mine seems to all be stuck together no matter what I do.
Peter, have you installed the Diigo toolbar? If you haven't, do it. With the Diigo toolbar you can make comments, highlight, bookmark sites, add sticky notes, etc.
Main Page - ParticipatioNZ - 0 views
onlinefacilitation » home - 0 views
Facilitating Online Communities: Community & Technology - 0 views
I'm a tech-lover myself, and absolutely revel in this kind of technological exploration and comparison, but I've found it's helpful to hold these conversations within a separate thread so they don't dominate the more community-oriented conversation, which they otherwise tend to do.
I didn't push back, bit I'm not at all sure I agreed with Bron. Imagine a bunch of art students arriving at a class. They need oil paints, canvas, sharpened brushes, pencils, thinners etc.
Etienne Wenger
Sun West Mortgage - Wikipedia - 0 views
Sun West Mortgage Company Inc. is a mortgage company for residential and commercial real estate.[4] The company offers several forms of assistance programs, including: unemployment assistance, mortgage reinstatement programs, principal reductions and transition assistance programs to their customers.
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