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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Winnie Huang


Powdered alcohol is coming to a liquor store near you | The Verge - 0 views

    Just when you thought that the authoritative figures of North America could not have been more messed up, the American government turns up and pulls something like this: Palcohol, take your Pal wherever you go! This is a powdered form of alcohol (in packets that you rip and mix the contents in water to receive hard liquor - or maybe even cocktails from pre-mixed powders) that the government has apparently legalized the production of, ignorantly raising the potential of underage drinking when they should be doing everything in their power to discourage it. This Palcohol concerns me greatly as it also makes the hiding and later consumption of alcohol to be a hell of a lot easier now, providing a gargantuan amount of opportunities for teen stupidity. Why, America, why must you do this to yourself? And you can't even blame another country for your problems of increased drinking and driving rates in youth, because this is solely your own fault.

Spoiler Shield is the first line of defense against spoilers | Breaking Apple News, Tip... - 0 views

    I can not count how many times already that I have had something spoiled for me, be it a television series I have yet to watch, a book I have yet to buy and read, a movie still left to watch, or even a new music video for a certain Korean boy band that I follow and cry over. And all of these disgusting spoilers, that ruin my entertainment, come from the single source that is the Internet. I can't even innocently scroll through my dashboard on Tumblr to update my blog anymore without discovering five plot twists in which I have not yet been pleasantly surprised in, a death scene I least expected before it was my time to watch it, and maybe even a leaked practice video to a supposedly secret EXO comeback. Not only does this infuriate me to no end, but it also fuels the fires of my happiness in that someone created the "Spoiler Shield" app - a way to specifically block all of the spoilers you will find while going through your social media sites. Just simply input the subject you would not like to previously see before you invest the time to actually watch it, and the app will block all spoilers relating to it in real time so that going on your social media daily will never be a problem again. At last, I have found an app that will keep my eyes innocent to .gifs from Game of Thrones Season 4 so that I can now watch the show without it being ruined. The idea that this app will prevent me from stumbling over random spoilers greatly pleases me.

Why Mozilla's Chief Had to Resign - - 0 views

    Brendan Eich, the chief executive of open-source software company that makes the Mozilla Firefox web browser resigned - the reason seemingly to befall on his beliefs of gay marriage. As a company, Mozilla's goal was not to make a ton of money and call for fame. Instead, the Firefox team aimed to be an activist organization in promoting the Internet as a public resource (but who honestly still uses Mozilla???) . When you think about it, how does a man's beliefs on the gay rights affect and even begin to relate to his line of work and leadership in an internet company? Apparently ,because of Eich's opinion towards homosexuality, his affiliates and colleagues were uncomfortable and unsure whether their new boss could lead the company in the right direction as an activist organization when his moral story tells otherwise. Maybe this is karma for being not so accepting and acknowledging equality towards other people.

Identity theft reportedly rampant on Facebook, protect yourself | Digital Trends - 0 views

    Simply, there are creepers on the internet that will steal whatever image you think yourself to be without hesitation and then commit mysterious, illegal, dangerous, suspicious activity under your name which could unfortunately get you into jail even though you are innocent. This is a fact. And you know what helps them create this problem of identity theft? It is the information people freely and openly decide to share on their social media accounts like Facebook. Just one insignificant status allows bad people to assume your identity - all they even need is a vague birth date and birth place, and you are basically done for. YOU COULD BE FRAMED. This goes beyond security issues and transcends what illegal is defined as. Say goodbye to your privacy laws and hello to a never ending game of pretend. Identity fraud is swarming on this site and people don't even realize the massive extent it goes to. People are oblivious and frankly don't care if someone is unfortunate enough to fall victim to identity theft.

Sony Unveils Virtual Reality Headset - - 2 views

    The future of gaming is set and Sony has clearly decided to be apart of it. At a recent conference, the company displayed a sleek prototype of a headset that will give players a high definition, panoramic view of the game as if they were present in the server, all in 3D. Sony has already sold thousands of headsets to developers and is inspired and encouraged to make their own virtual reality game and are looking forward to working with new technology. I think that this new format of gaming would be really interesting and futuristic. Certainly, the game play would be more realistic as I don't think there would be as much restrictions to pressing a sequence of buttons, when technically using the headset would allow you to act out exactly what you want to happen. Although I am aware of the dangers of virtual reality due to a specific anime, the fact that technology has made it so far is purely amazing.

China: The electronic wastebasket of the world - - 1 views

    When people decide they have no use for old technology and do not think twice before throwing it out, they probably do not realize that their outdated piece of hardware finds its grave half way across the world. Possibly even in Guiyu, China where the largest electronic waste or "E-waste" dump site exists. People are oblivious to the fact that this is a recurring problem, not just a small matter of sorting and recycling through a few pieces of plastic, metal and wires. This black hole of scrapped computers, television sets, air conditioners and even refrigerators is toxic towards the environment, and is contaminating the growth of crops all around the area, such as rice, from the gases of the poisonous elements contained within the gadgets to make them work. The consuming pile of E-waste is not just environmentally deadly but also causes health hazards, along with the expensive and dangerous recycling operations that are needed. If people continue to neglect this issue, E-waste will continue to grow, swallow the earth with a blanket of harmful bi-products and affect everyone's lives, which is something we do not want. E-waste is hazardous and will eventually kill the planet with the path that it seems to be following without any real rise against the issue. This is such a nice way to give back to the environment don't you think? Polluting the earth and by proxy ourselves with technological garbage is obviously a smart thing to do, as if we aren't destroying the world enough already.

The Holocaust's legacy threatens one company's US rail projects | The Verge - 1 views

    Apparently, SNCF, a french railway company who shipped a lot of Jews to concentration camps and by proxy their imminent deaths, is being demanded to pay reparations to many Holocaust survivors in the US who are also trying to pass a bill that makes sure no taxes will go towards that company until they take full responsibility for their actions and that partnerships with American businesses will be blocked. SNCF has already made an apology but goes with the excuse of saying that they were coerced by the Nazis, much to the disbelief of the survivors who think and have evidence that what happened was concretely a business deal. This controversy is a very big deal as it brings up past wrongs that still need to be fixed even to this day. Those Holocaust survivors have been through hell and surely they should receive all of the compensation and more because of the terrors they have experienced which no one in their entire life should. Until this situation turns out, I hope that justice gets served.

Kidnap victim spreads message of Internet safety | - 0 views

    As some people are so immature to share every single moment of their daily lives on the internet, they are unaware that all of that information is open to the eyes of predators all around the world. It does not matter if you are only confiding in a pen pal who you think is reliable and honest or if you are just trying to be viral with your statuses. Not everyone you meet online is safe and can eventually come to harm you using the knowledge you have willingly and ignorantly gave up to them. For example, the lady in this article retells her experience of being kidnapped, brought to a completely different state and continuously raped by a "friend" she met in a chat room and blindly trusted who then targeted and made a victim out of her. Instead of going through an event like this first hand, people, especially children need to wake up and realize that the Internet is not as secure as it may seem and the people you may have the chance to talk to can be potential monsters. From the way I see it, just because you are hidden behind a screen does not mean that there is not a way for predators to find you. Why would you share the secrets of your privacy which you would normally never tell in person, but online where there is always a chance for it being violated?

Flappy Bird Copycats Keep on Flapping - - 0 views

    Apparently Flappy Bird was so iconic that people have and are still making different versions of it, like Flappy Doge, Flappy Bert, and even Fall Out Bird, despite the creator, Dong Nguyen, taking it off the App Store and Google Play because he was guilty over it being an addictive game. This fad resulted in thousands of merchandise and imitations, thereby clearly showing that the majority of people still can not get over this game. How I see it, this obsession of Flappy Bird that has possessed the nation is actually very scary because the end of the aftermath does not seem to be near, and also the overbearing attachment to it may cause a lot of problems in terms of relationships and school success.

YouTube ban: Running out of excuses - DAWN.COM - 0 views

    In September 2012, the Pakistani government passed an order to ban the access to YouTube because of a single video that slashed their control and decisions for their country. Although I'm pretty sure that there are far more offensive videos shared and posted on that site about other countries, their government has decided to to block everyone in their country from potentially seeing that video and went for drastic measures (surprise, surprise). It is not just YouTube that one country has boycotted, but others have requested content take down on Google as well with the threat of banning all of Google if they do not comply. The act of banning these sites may not be such a big deal, but I see it as placing filters, surveillance, censorship and controlling what people see.

Samsung to debut Gear 2 smartwatch with Tizen, not Android | Mobile - CNET News - 0 views

    Smartwatches are like the gateway to the future. With Samsung's first version of "Gear", customers were able to wear an Android powered watch which is able to hook up to your phone and provide you various services like to take quick pictures, text or call a contact using the voice control software and even access your media through the features installed in it. This time however in the new release of "Gear 2", instead of using Android, Samsung has decided to power the smartwatch on Tizen servers, making a clear message of wanting to be more independent of Android and ultimately Google. As Samsung has previously always been linked with Android, switching to Tizen is like a big change. Even though customers with untrained eyes may never see the difference between Gear (Android) and Gear 2 (Tizen) - myself included, having Tizen as an alternative to Android might be good for the company because now they are more in control of their future actions. Whether or not the software is different, the Gear 2 seems like a very useful piece of technology for someone who is in a rush and needs to take or leave quick messages. It is also efficient and not easy to lose because you are wearing it. With just a flick of the wrist, Samsung's smartwatch allows one to do many activities in a small amount of time.

Disruptions: Using Addictive Games to Build Better Brains - - 0 views

    Many people, especially children my age are addicted to simple games that are frustratingly amusing which makes them even more determined to play it over and over and over again. For example, Flappy Bird. I see so many people investing x amount of precious time into it, just to get a pixelated bird through the most tubes as possible. This usually results in a) anger and humiliation for not getting pass at least 1 tube b) zero attention payed during important class lectures c) less study time and failing courses. However to at least stop more people from failure, neurologists are trying to develop another addictive game for people to play which secretly builds up your brain via subliminal messaging. By knowing the foundation of the addictive power of a game and manipulating it, researchers aim to keep people interested while subconsciously giving them a stronger and healthier brain. This is something that can be really amazing because the mass majority who wastes time on silly games like Flappy Bird might actually be receivers of benefit - gaining knowledge and useful skills without even realizing it.

Emoticons Are Reshaping Our Brains, We Now Process :-) As A Human Face - 0 views

    Because of social media and texting 24/7, our minds have become accustomed to emoticons and what they represent. For example, our brains now register the colon - dash - close - bracket as a real smiling face. This phenomenon has been studied by scientists and this break through is not only interesting but also dawns upon the fact of how people right now are beginning to be taken over by technology. If just seeing a few markings of type makes one remember a face, then what more weird things will we be able to connect with text to in the future? It's not just smiley faced emoticons people register as well - there are thousands of emoticons that people now understand are pictures that are smaller versions of a bigger idea such as, OTL representing a person kneeling in failure and even, (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻, to represent the action of flipping a table.

Playing 'Pokémon' with 35,000 people is frustratingly fun | The Verge - 0 views

    This article is about a channel on a game streaming site that allows users to 'join in'. The channel's creator, Polygon, has formulated a way in translating chat comments into control inputs. Over the past few days this Pokemon game has received over 35 000 players typing in commands all at the same time, causing lag and a lack of cooperation. However, despite the slow progress in leading the hero around the playing field, players are still determined to defeat the game's eight gym leaders. What is really amazing about this is that Pokemon even after all this time is very popular and people are still finding different ways to program and play this game. It also shows that you don't have to create a new advanced system or another pacemaker to be successful in computers.
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