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Daniel Le

5 Ways Students Use Technology to Cheat - What Parents Need to Know - 1 views

    The article describes five different ways students abuse technology such as phones and computers to cheat in school through means such as copying and pasting, file sharing, and sharing answers through text. The Internet is a vast collection of information, students will usually use this to obtain research for school projects and properly give credit to sources. However, some students use the Internet to steal information, and pass it as their own so they have to do minimal work and because it's easy. Eventually these students end up failing because they don't know how to write their own pieces of writing. Plagiarism is not only committed by students but even reporters, and writers. This goes to show how easy it is to cheat using technology.

As Facial Regulation Technology is Poised to Enter Everyday Life, Regulators Express Co... - 0 views

    Computers are starting to recognize our faces. what does this mean? Let's find out. New and upcoming facial recognition technology like google glass will heavily integrate the face. it will be able to link someone's face out in the public, to an image of them on the web. In the future we would need to reformat exisiting legislation on privacy. Right now, by law, this potential action is not prohibited. This topic is already being discussed by people in positions of power who see the negative consequences to come. While people focus on the negatives, the positives don't get any real limelight! most of these include much quicker operating procedures for business, who can recognize potential customers. Security also becomes more efficient, which is a good thing when talking about the protection of people and business. It also seriously inflicts on an individuals right to privacy, though... for security in protecting people I believe this should be a mandatory, though. This might be something people will have to endure, whether they like it or not. But, it is better to embrace the future rather than reject it, so here's to computer tracking devices! One thing to point out is the younger generation will not be influenced by this at all. If we don't start to connect with newer technologies early, we'll end up like our grandparents!
ecaterina smirnov

Kinect Can Help Doctors Monitor Your Physical Rehab From Home - 0 views

    This article mentions a new invention by West Health Institute in San Diego.  This new invention is called the Reflexion Rehabilitation Measurement Tool (RMT). It uses your Windows 7 computer and Microsoft Kinect to help patients suffering from musculoskeletal disease to get their daily physical therapy and help patients stay on track. It also helps keep the patients involved with interactive feedback so that their doctors can see their progress and help the patients constantly improve in a fun way. This new technology will also help bring down the cost of healthcare as well as the number of doctor visits a patient has to make without compromising quality.  This article is all about eLifestyle and how technology can help improve our daily lives and in this case health. With this technology we can improve health care and bring down the cost that comes with the therapy. This tool can help patients stay connected with their doctors and constantly work and learn new physical therapy routines for the patients needs without long doctor visits. I think this is a brilliant idea that will help save time and money opening up room to help treat more people with musculoskeletal disease.
Nicked -

Extra Credits: Spectrum Crunch - YouTube - 0 views

    The video by, Youtube channel ExtraCreditz, is about the issue of frequency space. All information that we use is transmitted through the air by different forms of radiation (radio waves, microwaves, etc.) The problem is we are running out of frequencies to use; there are only a limited band of wave lengths to transmit information with. These wavelengths can't be infinitely divided because they would end up cancelling each other out. This issue derives from the explosion in smartphone and mobile device popularity. These devices use 24x and 122x the spectrum of older cellphones respectively.  Along with other devices, we are running out of the amount of frequencies available to transmit information with. By 2014, there will no longer be any more spectrum to use. This is detrimental to any progress in developments of information sharing, such as cloud gaming. The demand for spectrum space in such ideas and innovations is simply to high with the current usage of the resource. Unless we can find a way to solve this 'Spectrum Crunch,' many future developments will not be possible. This is tagged under Portable Computing, as well as eLifestyle because this issue is born from the expansion of technology into everyday use. Before mobile technology became popular, the 'Spectrum Crunch' was never an issue. However, many companies are now racing to free up spectrum. Some solutions include freeing up spectrum used by television stations. But there is no definite answer. As the future in the world as leaders in an era of information and electronics, our generation must address problems like these to progress in the advancement of technology.
Nicked -

Why Mobile Phones Make Economies Grow Faster - 0 views

    In relation to my post on the 'Spectrum Crunch' two weeks ago, this article is about studies showing the economic benefits of mobile phone networks. Countries with higher levels of data usage per 3G connection, such as Russia, South Korea, and the UK have an seen increase in their GDP/capita growth.  Countries that have only recently adopted 3G, such as India, have shown no economic growth. Dr. Robert Pepper, vice president of global technology policy at Cisco, said, "The fact that increasing high-speed mobile broadband data usage leads to greater average per capita income underscores the need for increased investment in wireless networks as well as for government policies to foster that investment, including the allocation of additional spectrum." The high-speed sharing of information over various networks, not limited to cellphone networks, has high potential to increase economies of countries around the world. However, these benefits may not be obtained if we run out of much needed frequencies in which to share the information. Our generation has become increasingly entwined with technology and its development. Through the Internet and cellphones, we exchange extremely large amounts of information daily. This can be an important factor in the growth of countries and development of other technology in the near future.
Lynn Bui

Soccer technology - 0 views

    This article is about a new company chosen by FIFA called GoalControl. This company's goal is to clarify goals and prevent incorrect judging of offside rules.This company plans to use cameras to capture the goals so that an assistant coach won't be relied on. Their camera and software system, will be used to judge goal line decisions at this summer's Confederations Cup in Brazil and,maybe next year's World Cup. GoalControl's system involves 14 cameras with seven trained on each goal. In Brazil, the cameras will be attached to the catwalks beneath each stadium's lights and will constantly take full frame,color pictures( 500 per minute) to determine the ball's location at every point in the game. Computers will continually scan the images, and when the ball is seen to have crossed the goal line, a signal will be sent to the referee's watch causing it to vibrate and alert him that a goal should be awarded.GoalControl will cost roughly $260,000 per stadium to install in Brazil. This new technology is positive influence to the soccer world. It will provide teams with their rightful goals and prevent confusion and false calls. It will also be more accurate since assistant referees and referees will not have to determine the situation, but can refer back to the tapings. This new technology is also a negative influence because two different referees may interpret the tapings differently causing more confusion.
Melissa Yu

How Evil Is Your Smartphone? - 0 views

    When we're looking for new smart phones we often look at things like speed, convenience, size and other features. When we see all these new smart phone products in stores we don't really stop and think about who made it. All we see is this polished, new phone and that's all we ever try to see. However, this article forces you to look past those pristine products and see the hidden reality. This post shows the rankings of various phone brands based on their impact on human rights, animal rights, the environment and other ethics. Out of a possible score of 20, all the brands fell quite short with the highest score being 10.5. It brings up the various human rights violations of different companies and makes you wonder why such successful companies like Apple are still setting such a low standard for labor conditions. Living in our comfortable first world country, we don't see all the human rights violations and abuse that occurs in other countries. I was surprised to learn that in a Nokia factory, many people were hospitalized for lead poisoning after being told that lead wasn't harmful. The lives of these workers are put at risk every day, as they work to create our smart phones. This article makes you think a lot about our world's reliance on technology. In our country, we only see the positive side of technology. Around the world though, there's a whole other side to the story. People work in dangerous conditions and are abused often while they create our smart phones. It really makes you see these products in a whole other light. After reading this article, I see more when I look at a smart phone. I wonder what happened to the people that made this phone or how they're living now. Our world is changing because of the introduction of technology. It has made our life so much easier, but we have to remember that this can sometimes come at the cost of another human or animal's dignity and sometimes even their life.
Jason Strassler

A Week in Google: Tracking iPhone Browsing, Unlocking Androids and Better Google+ - 0 views

    This article explains and acknowledges this week in Google. Google is improving its technology through their web browser, mobile devices, and in their social network. This is good for Google as a industry to attract more consumers to their products and this is really a step in a right direction for them improving and being recognized as one of the elite brands and companies in all fields of technology. I am happy for the success of Google and I hope they can continue to strive and do their best to satisfy their users with more faster and more efficient products delivering a high performance at every use. Also, I hope Google can continue to add and maintain a significant importance to the development and increase of their products throughout our evolving world of technology. 
Jason Strassler

The Raspberry Pi is now available to buy - Computer Chips & Hardware Technology | - 0 views

    This article introduces the official release of the long time coming Raspberry Pi. This new technology is set to include 256MB, at only a $25 price point. This is both good for consumers who use a lot of memory for downloading or uploading data or programs and also for consumers who will be interested for such it's low price and would not mind investing in this product.This relates to me because this small and portable hardware device is intriguing in my life for it's various purposes that include, compatibility with a SD card, USB, and RCA video, along with it's large memory capacity, I am certainly interested in purchasing this new device to help store, save, and use data all in this new compact piece of technology. 
Jillian Rago

Samsung: We're still not into 3D smartphones - Engadget - 0 views

    This article states that the latest in Samsung's smartphone (the Samsung Galaxy S 3) will not be 3D. 3D is becoming highly popular amongst the general public, more specifically in movies and recently TVs. It's no surprise that there are claims that one of the leading electronic companies in the world may be exploring 3D technology in their smartphones. I think it would be very interesting to have a smartphone that is capable of 3D technology. It would definitely be a popular smartphone because it will one of the first  in its kind to have 3D technology. 
Adrian Galope

Microsoft Looks For Ways To Use Kinect In Business Applications [UPDATED] - 0 views

    This article basically talks about the plans of microsoft in their kinect technology. This talks about the improvement of it and to use it in other technology and not just for games. This development will help workers that are working in warehouse of manufacturing plant because it will be an ease to them to track their inventory or confirming certain steps in the manufacturing process by using gestures which not require glove removal. If this technology will be developed this can also be used in schools that will help teachers to discuss lessons easily without going back and forth to the computer while presentation.

Nike designer says self-lacing 'Back to the Future' shoes will arrive in 2015 |... - 0 views

    A article describing how Nike expects to have self-lacing shoes by 2015. I found this article intriguing because it is showing how technology is beginning to spread to things we would not associate technology with, like shoes. People are beginning to get excited at the future and how technology can add to it, and enhance it. I also shared this article because it is simply awesome.
    A article describing how Nike expects to have self-lacing shoes by 2015. I found this article intriguing because it is showing how technology is beginning to spread to things we would not associate technology with, like shoes. People are beginning to get excited at the future and how technology can add to it, and enhance it. I also shared this article because it is simply awesome.

Apple's hiring spree of biosensor experts continues - 0 views

    The iWatch, Apple's much speculated piece of future wearable tech, is becoming more viable daily as Apple hires more tech experts with in backgrounds in medical technology. This lends it self to speculation that the iWatch will not only be wearable tech, but also wearable tech with medical uses. Among those hired are Marcelo Malini Lamego, a research and development expert who in the past has developed another piece of wearable medical tech. This in combination with the hiring of algorithm and biosensor developer Nima Ferdosi strongly point to the iWatch being more fact than fiction. Michael O'Reilly is another recent acquisition by Apple, this time a Chief Medical Officer at Masimo medical. This is especially strange because Mr. O'Reilly has a background in medicine, not technology. This, taken into account with Apple's latest grab at wearable medical technology developers suggests that the iWatch may not be far off, and it may be the future of at home medicine.
Robert Augustynowicz

Navigator Campus Hopes To Put Russian Hardware Startups On The Map | TechCrunch - 0 views

    Many hardware development companies have been popping up all around the world even obscure places like Kazan Russia. This article is specific to Navigator Campus which will try to make itself into a larger company. Their focus currently is into consumer goods and products like robotics, 3D-printing, and wearable technologies. I think it's really good that many hardware producers are being formed because a lot more people will be given the chance to try out their ideas and develop new technologies. Also when you have more people working on the same things like 3D printers the technology will evolve that much faster. Finally, I like that smaller companies are trying to come into the market and try to grow and compete with the larger corporations.
Walter White

Moto 360 - Watches and wrist devices - CNET Reviews - 0 views

    For week three's bookmark I have chosen this article about the moto 360, which is supposedly the "future" of android wear. I found this article to be interesting because it showcased a unique smart watch unlike others. While samsung's "galaxy gear" has a bulky square format, the Moto 360 has a round face and looks like a more traditional classy watch. This to me is the future of wearable technology. It is not something like google glass that will attract unwanted attention, but it provides a useful way to view your technological information while still looking classy. It also has interchangeable bands and has "a large battery life" according to it's creator. Personally this could be the first piece of wearable technology that I would consider buying, and that is why I have shared this article.
Matt Visitacion

StoreDot's Bio-Organic Battery Tech Can Charge From Flat To Full In 30 Seconds | TechCr... - 0 views

  • StoreDot’s Bio-Organic Battery Tech Can Charge From Flat To Full In 30 Seconds
    This article is about a bio-organic battery by StoreDot, which uses quantum dot technology to charge a phone from flat to full in 30 seconds. There is currently only a prototype and the tech used has not yet been shrinked so that if is small enough to fit inside phones. The battery is famous for its amazing charging speed for a smartphone. The info of this technology is from research being done into Alzheimer's disease. The work is called peptides (amino acids), the company uses these molecules to create nano-crystals. The only disadvantage said by StoreDot is that the ecosystem is not ready because this is a brand new type of material. This creation is great but then it has some risks because of the new type of technology and it may affect the environment negatively.
Walter White

E-waste haunts the digital age - 0 views

    For my excessively late article on computers and the environment i did it on a article discussing the issues of E-waste in the digital age. I love technology but I realize that the way that we dispose of our technology is unacceptable polluting other countries with the technology that we consider obsolete. We need to find a better way to dispose of our tech such as melting it down and re-using it as opposed to just shipping it to other countries to worry about.
Matthew Fantauzzi

Patient has 75 per cent of his skull replaced by 3DD-printed implant | Information, Gad... - 0 views

    As if 3D printing wasn't impressive enough. A unnamed man in the US successfully had 75 percent of his skull replaced using just a 3D printer. The printer printed out an implant, which the company (Oxford Performance Materials) was granted permission to install within the patients skull. Also stated was that the implant has special indent and features that allows and promotes brain growth within the patient. The potential of 3D printing is extremely high. The company has said that they can now print out implants to fix any type of bone damage, whether it be from disease or trauma. The company also says that 500 people in the US a month could use this technology to fix any injuries. 3D printing is the future of the medical field, and I wouldn't be surprised if some day we could 3D print organs.  3D printing is talked about a lot in Mr. Fabroa's class, but I believe that it deserves all the coverage it gets. It truly is the future of the technological world.
Nicholas Hann

New Technology 2012 - Most Anticipated this New Year - - 0 views

    These are rumors about the new IPhone 5 and the new IPad 3 and shows some of the new features. They are saying that there will be faster internet and download speed on the iphone 5 and with a new antenna. They both look really cool in the pictures! 
Jillian Rago

Beyond batteries: laptops to be powered by solar power, micro fuel cells - 2 views

    This article describes a new innovation in laptop that will catch the attention of many. We are all becoming more conscious of the effect our actions have towards the environment and this advancement will help us be more environmentally friendly. The flexibility of this power source is also a bonus. The only down side to this technology is that it will cost a little more but in the end will we save much more than just a few dollars.
    This article is about how many batteries will soon be solar powered and use micro fuel cells. This is an environmentally friendly way to use technology since more and more people are aware of the ecological foot print they have made. Solar power seems to be the better choice because you could use it anywhere as long as there's the sun and it's free. Although there are cons to solar powered technology, you will not be able to use it indoor and/or evening hours. You can use micro fuel cells anytime but, are very pricey. I think this new way of using technology will have a long term effect but it will still benefit us in a positive way.
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