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Dragos Penelea

Online Universities: Why They Still Don't Measure Up - 0 views

    This post is about Online Universities and why they don't compare to the real thing. Products like Saba LMS, Moodle, and iTunes U have made e-learning mainstream, and most universities offer and allow some or most of their coursework to be completed online. First off, the concern with many online universities and colleges is post-graduation employment statistics. Most have very low graduation rates. A government recruited states that "it's not ideal. It doesn't set a baseline expectation, for me or for the people he or she will meet in the field. If I just need to check off a 'degree' box on a requirements form, online will do, but if two candidates are similar, I'm going with the one from Stanford or UVA." Moreover, the differences come down to two things: brand and social interaction. Traditional schools can clearly understand reputations, strengths and weaknesses. Without historical data and a history of success or failure, the online schools' GPAs, class standing and other performance metrics are just numbers and statistics. The author of this article also states that "Giant online schools that accept pretty much everyone may be democratizing education, but they're not helping employers or anyone else separate out the best and the brightest." This can hurt the prestige, and ultimately the graduates of the school. This issue relates to the "eLifestyle" tag because in the end it will definitely affect not only the students, but the regular citizens of a country. The graduates of universities, online of traditional,  will be the leaders of the future, and I believe that traditional universities and colleges are better because professors can get to know and understand students at a different level. It is hard to judge or mark a student based only on online text. For instance, you will never be able to distinguish a student that truly tries and works hard but cannot understand the information properly to a student that understands it but is lazy and slacks off.
Malaika Thompson

How to Pay for College by Playing Games - 1 views

    College students now how a purpose to play their games. The company Grantoo is allowing companies to sponsor these students playing the games. What happens is that students can have online gaming tournaments on the web, and if they win, anything from 10% to 100% of their winnings will go to a charity of their choice, and the rest will go towards their school tuition. Not only does this help the students with money, but ti also makes them more aware of what they can accomplish when they help out other people/charities.
Jizelle Pineda

Facebook launches 'groups for schools,' keeps enrollment tight -- Engadget - 0 views

    This article is about how Facebook created a new feature to their website. They allow many students to collaborate with other students and faculty members to share documents that aren't copyrighted. Since, many have left Facebook for other social networking sites and have become bored of it Facebook this new group will attract them to come back. I think that this new feature they added will attract many more users, especially those who are in colleges and universities because it is an easy way to communicate to those in your classes and it is user friendly. 
James Zabbal

Why Are Girls Not Pursuing Computer Science Degrees? - Edudemic - 0 views

    This article talks about how girls aren't pursuing computer science careers as much as boys and why this is happening. Girls are very skilled in computer science much like boys, but misunderstanding prevents them from pursuing a career in computer science. Girls and Boys equally like computer science in elementary school and both do very good in it. When girls do bad in computer science, it is because people tell them boys are better at it. Since 1985 to now, the amount of women pursuing a computer science major in college or university has dropped drastically. We can change this by showing female role models, introducing them to computers early, encouraging them, and getting rid of the stereotypes about women.
Nicole Trezzi

Official Blog: It's time to Doodle 4 Google! How would you make the world a better place? - 0 views

    If you are an inspiring artist, Google has a job for you. Doodle 4 Google is an opportunity for young artists to show what they've got and use their imagination to create a doodle for the Google homepage. The theme for the year is "If I could invent one thing to make the world a better place...." and the submissions must be sent in by March 20, which is fast approaching. The winning doodle will be featured on the homepage of Google for a day and if that's not enough, the winner will receive a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 Google for Education technology grant for his or her school of choice. On April 29, the 50 finalists will be open for the public to vote their winner and the winning doodle will be revealed sometime in June. Only one doodle per student is accepted so if you are interested in participating (only if you live in the states) then you can download an entry form on their Doodle 4 Google site. I think this is a great idea for students to tap into their creative sides and think about how they can change the world. Full classrooms are encouraged to participate which is a great idea for teachers to spend the day teaching the kids how they can make a difference to the lives around them.
Matthew Favret

7 Years of Facebook: A Retrospective - 2 views

  • hrough the years, the social network has transformed from a college-only social hub to the most popular website in the world. Five hundred million users, billions of pageviews and a never-ending supply of embarrassing status message updates after its launch, we’ve decided to take a trip down memory lane. Back in February 2004, did anyone have any idea that a college social networking site could redefine the Internet era as we know it? We doubt it. Mashable created this gallery
    some random stuff 
Kadeesha P

Facebook Launches Groups for Schools - 0 views

    Facebook is finally going back to its roots. They have now decided to enable students to have groups on facebook with their school. According to the article, when facebook was only for college students, it used to have this feature and it was very useful for students. They were able to see who was in their classes and communicate with their teacher. It is very hard to believe that this actually used to happen. Now facebook is used to mainly post pictures and chat with your friends. Many people have begun to lose interest in facbeook because they don't see it as something that is useful for them anymore. With this new feature, i'm sure facebook expects to bring back their old users and also make facebook more useful and purposeful for their users. I can't wait to see what it will look like!
    Facebook launches groups for schools page, this page is for students and faculty members to share and exchange files, create events, and message each other.I believe that this new feature will make it easier for students to communicate. 
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