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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Prof. Dr Wolfgang Schumann

Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

15.01.2007: Germany against increased political control of the ECB - 0 views

  • German leader Angela Merkel has strongly defended the independence of the European Central Bank (ECB), saying she is "worried" about the debate over the euro in France. The German chancellor in a weekend interview with French daily Le Monde took a firm stance against the idea of increased political control of the ECB promoted recently by French politicians - including both top contenders for France's May presidential elections, Nicolas Sarkozy and Segolene Royal.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

15.01.2007: EU ministeres agree to share DNA and other data - 0 views

  • European interior ministers have informally agreed to share personal data such as DNA as part of the fight against crime and terrorism, representing an important move in the sensitive policy area. At an informal gathering in Dresden, Germany together with the European Commission succeeded in rallying all 27 member states behind a plan to grant mutual access to vehicle registration data, DNA files and stored fingerprints.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

European Commission - Enlargement Videos - 0 views

    (Real) Videos from the European Commission Enlargement Press Corner
    - Short presentation of acceding countries
    - The key to understanding EU enlargement
    - FYROM
    - Bulgaria
    - Romania
    - Croatia

Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

17.01.2007: Merkel -> No big debates on EU constitution - 0 views

  • German chancellor Angela Merkel has told MEPs she does not intend to re-launch a broad debate on the revised EU constitution but rather focus on confidential talks with national governments, with the aim of having a commonly agreed treaty adopted by 2009. "The reflection pause is over. By June, we must reach a decision on what to do with the constitution," said Ms Merkel in her first speech to the European Parliament as the EU president on Wednesday (17 January).
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

18.01.2007: Segolene Royal wants new EU constitution referendum - 0 views

  • Segolene Royal, the socialist candidate to become France's next president, has said she is in favour of holding a new referendum on a revised EU constitution in 2009, proposing to make the treaty more attractive to the French by attaching a social declaration. "I want the French people to be consulted once again in a referendum in 2009," Ms Royal said after meeting Luxembourg prime minister Jean-Claude Juncker on Wednesday (17 January), according to press reports.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

18.01.2007: UK begins ofensive against full-blown EU constitution - 0 views

  • The UK has already begun its offensive against a full-blown version of the EU constitution in direct response to a call yesterday by Germany to put the talks back on track.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann - 0 views

    Das Politikportal ist eine unabhängige Plattform für Europapolitik und verfolgt ausschliesslich und unmittelbar gemeinnützige Zwecke ohne parteipolitische, nationale, religiöse oder wirtschaftspolitische Ziele. Das Politikportal bietet Ihnen den umfangreichsten Überblick über Nachrichten, Meinungen und Stellungnahmen zu EU-Themen. Bei uns arbeiten keine Roboter: alle Links werden von Hand ausgewählt.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Statistics relating to enlargement of the European Union - 0 views

  • This is a sequence of tables giving statistical data for past, pending, and possible future enlargements of the European Union.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

19.01.2007: Pro-Eu parties lead polls in serbia election (21.01.2007) - 0 views

  • Pro-EU reformists are nosing ahead in the latest polls before Serbia's elections on Sunday (21 January) - a pivotal event that could raise prospects of Serbia EU entry and Kosovo independence, or aggravate the risk of renewed ethnic conflict in the heart of modern Europe.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

22.01.2007: Wallström criticises Berlin's constitutional revival method - 0 views

  • EU communications commissioner Margot Wallström has voiced concern at plans by the German EU presidency to only involve governments in the revived talks on the bloc's constitution. Berlin "has to invite and open up and say this is not something that will go on only behind closed doors…they might even get some good ideas from civil society groups or anyone with an interest [in the constitution]," the commissioner told EUobserver in Berlin after a communications conference on Friday (19 January).
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

22.01.2007: Ireland to keep critical eye on any constitution changes - 0 views

  • Ireland is keeping a watchful eye on any possible changes to the European Constitution calling on member states to maintain the "balance of the entire package", the country's minister for European affairs said in an interview with EUobserver. "We are very concerned that the balance will be maintained within the whole package," Noel Treacy said, adding that his colleagues in charge of justice and foreign affairs are following the negotiations closely.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

23.01.2007: Luxembourg calls off planned February meeting on the EU constitution - 0 views

  • "The initial idea was that we hold a meeting in Madrid, and then a later meeting in Luxembourg. We have said now about the meeting in Luxembourg: we are not doing this for the moment," Mr Asselborn said after meeting EU counterparts in Brussels on Monday (22 January).
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

22.01.2007: Ukraine wants accession prospects - 0 views

  • Kiev plans to push Brussels to insert a strong reference to accession prospects in a new bilateral treaty and to get the word "association" into the title of the new document, after the EU on Monday (22 January) used wishy-washy language on future relations. "They say the Balkans have a European perspective and this is a huge stimulus for democratic and economic reform. Why don't they do this with Ukraine? Let's be fair. Let's be consistent," a Ukraine diplomat told EUobserver.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

23.01.2007: How should the EU react to Serbia's election results? - 0 views

  • Serbia's election result has given new impetus to an EU debate on how to unfreeze Belgrade's EU integration process, with some member states keen to give moderates a boost by accepting softer conditions for compliance with the UN's war crimes tribunal, the ICTY.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Die Geschäftsordnung der Europäischen Kommission - 0 views

    Die Geschäftsordnung, die aus 28 Artikeln und einem Anhang besteht, regelt die Verwaltungstruktur, die internen Beschlussfassungsverfahren und den Verhaltenskodex des Organs. Die Kommission legt ferner Durchführungsbestimmungen zu ihrer Geschäftsordnung fest und kann außerdem weitere einschlägige Maßnahmen erlassen.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

23.01.06: - EU urges formation of pro-European government in Serbia - 0 views

  • Even though the radicals won most votes in Serbia's general elections (EurActiv 22/01/07), two-thirds of the seats in parliament will lean towards democracy. Therefore, a group of pro-European reform-oriented parties is likely to form the new government.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

26.01.07: German proposal for enhanced cross-border policy cooperation - 0 views

    In just over two weeks (15-16 February) Berlin is set to table a formal proposal to transpose the so-called Prüm Treaty into EU law-books, a move that would allow EU states to give one another automatic access to genetic records, fingerprints and traffic offences.
    The Prüm Treaty - signed in 2005 - is currently a seven-nation pact between Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Spain, with four other member states (Finland, Italy, Portugal and Slovenia) eager to jump in.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

26.01.07: Mitgliedstaaten diskutieren in Madrid Wege aus der Verfassungskrise - 0 views

  • Teilnehmer aus den 18 Mitgliedstaaten, die bislang den Verfassungsvertrag ratifiziert haben, kommen am 26. Januar 2007 in Madrid zusammen, um Wege aus der Verfassungskrise zu suchen. Die Initiative ist bereits auf breite Kritik gestoßen. 
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

25.01.07: Chance for a Real Debate on the EU's Constitution? - Comment on the Madrid me... - 0 views

  • Writer and commentator on European affairs Kirsty Hughes and Jose Ignacio Torreblanca, senior analyst at the Elcano Institute in Madrid argue in this article, that the EU should move on following the institutional impasse and regain political confidence.
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