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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Prof. Dr Wolfgang Schumann

Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

22.12.2006: Restricted pro EU-constitution meeting under fire - 0 views

  • The Liberals in the European Parliament have strongly rejected a plan by Spain and Luxembourg to hold a restricted "friends of the EU constitution" meeting, saying the move carries the "serious risk" of dividing the union.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

22.12.2006: Romanian parliament and parties befor accession - 0 views

  • But the majority of parliament remains genuinely anti-reformist. And as accession has become more and more secure, the support for anti-corruption measures has faded dramatically even within the ruling coalition. Meanwhile, with one small party stepping out of the coalition and the Liberal Party then splitting into two factions, the pro-reformist government has now lost its majority in parliament and early elections seem set to dominate the agenda after the winter break.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

01.01.2007: Bulgaria and Romania enter the EU - 0 views

  • The event – seen as the completion of the fifth EU enlargement which began in 2004 – will see the EU's population swell from 463 million people to 493 million, its economy grow from €10.8 trillion to €10.9 trillion (the biggest single market in the world) and create new EU borders with Moldova and the Black Sea.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

05.01.2007: Brussels divided on future shape of EU commission - 0 views

  • The European Commission is showing signs of division on EU institutional reform, with Polish commissioner Danuta Hubner attacking German commissioner Guenter Verheugen's idea that small EU states do not need fully-fledged commissioners.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

01.01.2007: Romania and Bulgaria Join European Union - 0 views

  • Romania and Bulgaria joined the European Union today, helping to end geographic divisions left over from the cold war and extending the borders of the now 27-member bloc eastward to the Black Sea.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

09.01.2007: Conference for memberstates that have ratified the constitution - 0 views

  • EU states that have ratified the shelved European constitution must defend it with pride, say senior officials in Luxembourg and Spain ahead of a "friends of the EU constitution" conference in Madrid later this month.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

18.12.2006: Will the dimming prospects for membership slow down the pace of change in t... - 0 views

    The big Balkan EU dream had already started to lose some of its luster long before Brussels reaffirmed last week that while "the future of the Western Balkans lies in the European Union," such a future may be very distant indeed. [...]
    But where does this leave the EU's fabled leverage to institute change in prospective member states? If people in the Balkans now realize that the EU will not automatically make them rich and if their governments see that the sky repeatedly fails to fall when they experience problems in their relations with Brussels, shouldn't we expect the region to become less willing to reform?
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

20.12.2006: Deutschland will Weg aus EU-Verfassungskrise finden - 0 views

    [...] Deutschland hat sich in diesem Zusammenhang vor allem vorgenommen, den Bürgern das europäische Projekt und künftige Aufgaben auf verständliche Weise zu erklären. Den Höhepunkt soll die Berliner Erklärung bilden, die anlässlich der 50-Jahr-Feier der Römischen Verträge am 25. März 2007 verabschiedet werden wird. Gemeinsam mit den anderen Mitgliedstaaten will der deutsche Ratsvorsitz einen „Fahrplan" und die breiten Inhalte des Verfassungstextes nachzeichnen. Beides soll auf dem EU-Gipfel im Juni 2007 vorgestellt werden.
    Ziel ist es, dass alle Mitgliedstaaten vor den nächsten Wahlen zum Europaparlament und der Benennung der neuen Kommission im Jahr 2009 den Verfassungsvertrag ratifiziert haben sollen. [...]
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Bulgaria and Romania faced with continued Brussels tutelage - 0 views

  • Romania and Bulgaria will in some respects still be treated by the EU as if they were only candidate members, with the European Commission even slapping a painful "third country" status on Sofia in the area of aviation safety.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

21.12.2006 Bulgarians join the EU with marxism on their minds - 0 views

  • When Bulgaria joins the EU on January 1, it will have completed almost two decades of painful transition from Soviet-style totalitarianism to western-style democracy. After an elaborate project to adapt the country to Europe's political and economic environment, most people believe Bulgaria has developed a liberal democracy. But while the country looks superficially as if it has thrown off the legacy of its old communist elite, socialist views and behavioral patterns remain deeply entrenched.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

22.12.2006: Comment - preview on the German Presidency - 0 views

    [...] Everyone is counting on success, whether on the EU constitution at home, or on resolving the problems over Turkey, the Balkans, Russia, the Middle East and Africa, abroad. Berlin is supposed to remove the internal blockages from the union's decision-making machinery and provide decisive, rapid and cohesive action to resolve all these issues. [...]
    Yet these are not the sort of problems that can be resolved by instant leadership of six months. Hardly do we learn to spell the name of Mr Erkki Tuomioja, the Finnish foreign minister, before Mr Steinmeier replaces him.  [...]
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

03.01.2007: Proposals Verheugen concerning the composition of the Commission - 0 views

    European Commission vice-president Guenter Verheugen has questioned the need for small EU countries to have their own member of the European Commission, as part of far-reaching proposals to reform the EU executive. [...]
    Under Mr Verheugen's plans, the president of the commission should be elected by the European Parliament - instead of being picked by national governments - and he or she should thereafter appoint his or her own commissioners (in the constitution this is still a matter for national capitals.)
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

08.01.2007: Views on Bulgaria's EU entry - 0 views

  • During the first hours of Bulgaria’s long-awaited EU accession, the country received a number of congratulatory wishes from governments and officials around Europe. As it could have been expected, the reactions were positive and optimistic. Nonetheless, statements reminded of the huge responsibility that Bulgaria has taken on by joining the union.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

08.01.2007: Serbia-EU talks at standstill for seven months - 0 views

  • The upcoming elections have triggered speculations that negotiations between Serbia and the EU might resume even prior to Ratko Mladić’s arrest. European officials have been sending clear messages during the last few months, stating that the EU welcomes Serbia, but that the conditions set by the Hague Tribunal have to be met. Serbia’s journey towards the EU came to a halt on May 3rd when EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn announced that the EU indefinitely suspended the negotiations with Serbia, since Hague fugitive Ratko Mladić had not been put behind bars.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

09.01.2007: Germany and Brussels downplay mutual EU friction - 0 views

  • Germany and the European Commission have downplayed a series of recent clashes over EU policies such as energy and justice matters, displaying unity at the launch of Berlin's six-month presidency of the bloc. The college of commissioners on Tuesday (9 January) met the German government in Berlin, kicking off Germany's stint at the helm of the EU which will see both Brussels and Berlin eager to avoid the frequent confrontations which characterised 2006.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

10.01.2007: Gemeinsame Energiepolitik erhält Aufwind durch russischen Ölstreit - 0 views

  • Die Kommission nutzt den Streit zwischen Russland und Weißrussland über Öllieferungen, um für eine engere Zusammenarbeit innerhalb der EU im Bereich Energie zu werben. Für heute werden die ehrgeizeigen Vorschläge der Kommission zu Klima- und Energiefragen erwartet.
    Illustratives Beispiel dafür, wie die Kommission versucht, sachlich-inhaltliche Herausforderungen dazu zu nutzen, um auf supranationale Lösungen zu dringen.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Bundeszentrale Spezial: Bulgarien und Rumänien als neue EU-Mitglieder - 0 views

  • Seit dem 1. Januar 2007 sind Rumänien und Bulgarien Mitglieder der Europäischen Union. Die beiden Länder hatten die erste EU-Osterweiterung 2004 wegen zu großer Mängel in Justiz und Verwaltung verpasst. Inzwischen rechtfertigen die erreichten Fortschritte eine Aufnahme, allerdings müssen die Reformen fortgesetzt werden, befand die EU-Erweiterungskommission im September 2006. Ab März 2007 sollen die Länder daher regelmäßig über ihre Anpassung an das EU-Niveau berichten. Falls die Zielvorgaben nicht erreicht werden, droht die EU mit Schutzklauseln - der Kürzung der Agrarsubventionen um 25 Prozent, Agrar-Exportverboten, Einfrieren der Justiz-Zusammenarbeit und anderen Beschränkungen des Binnenmarkts.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Arikan (2006), Turkey and the EU - 0 views

    Introduction: an alternative approach to traditional perspectives of EU-Turkish relations; Conceptualizing the EU's enlargement policy: motivations, conditions and instruments for EU's enlargement policy; The EU-Turkey association: a flawed instrument?; Economic instruments of the EU's policy for Turkey in a comparative perspective with the CEECs; The political aspects of the EU's policy towards Turkey in the context of a new European political order; The Greek factor: the ultimate obstacle to Turkish membership?; Security aspects of the EU's relations with Turkey; Containment policy reconsidered: preparing the ground for membership in the long run?; Conclusions; Bibliography; Index.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Longhurst (2007), The New Atlanticist. Poland's Foreign and Security Policy Priorities - 0 views

    This book is an authoritative account of Poland's emerging foreign and security policies and will contribute to an understanding of the foreign policy preferences of an enlarged EU. Evaluation of Poland as by far the largest and most vocal of all the countries joining the EU Exploration of Poland's strong support for US policy over Iraq, its military potential, its proven capacity to use armed force and its de facto role as a regional leader Argues that Poland will have a defining influence not only on the nature of transatlantic relations, but also on the EU's emerging international identity
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

15.01.2007: Roman Herzog -> EU threatening parliamentary democracy - 0 views

  • Germany's state of parliamentary democracy is under threat from the European Union which is slowly taking away all the national parliament's powers, the country's ex-president has said. In an article for newspaper Welt am Sonntag, Roman Herzog pointed out that between 1999 and 2004, 84 percent of the legal acts in Germany stemmed from Brussels.
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