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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Prof. Dr Wolfgang Schumann

Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

24.01.07: Schwarz-Schilling - 0 views

  • Over the last six months, all progress on meeting the requirements of EU Stabilisation and Association Agreement has indeed stalled, and along with it all progress toward European integration. At the same time, the territorial integrity of the country again is open to question, as Bosnian Serbs threaten secession in the event of Kosovo's independence from Serbia. Schwarz-Schilling was wrong-footed in his dealings with the wily premier of Republika Srpska, RS, Milorad Dodik, who last year called for a referendum in the Bosnian Serb entity.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

29.01.07: The Czech Republic and Poland brief the German Presidency on EU charter plans - 0 views

    Prague will press for a substantially revised EU constitution that is easier to understand and takes "smaller steps" on integration and Warsaw's proposal will better reflect EU reality than the existing draft charter, German chancellor Angela Merkel learned over the weekend. [...]
    Polish president Lech Kaczynski announced on his website that Warsaw would unveil the full proposal on the constitution's revision in March, suggesting his proposals "would benefit the union but also reflect its current reality."
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

EUROPA: Übersicht über die Institutionen und anderen Organe der EU - 0 views

    Sehr breit angelegte Übersicht über die Hauptinstitutionen der EU sowie andere wichtige Organe, wie Wirtschafts- und Sozialausschuss, Ausschuss der Regionen, Europäische Investitionsbank, Europäische Zentralbank und viele andere mehr. Die einzelnen Beiträge bleiben vom Umfang her überschaubar, bieten aber dennoch jeweils die zentralen Informationen zur jeweiligen Institutionen. Sie eigenen sich insofern auch für die Erstellung von Arbeitsblättern für den Unterricht.
    Die direkten Links zu den Websites der besprochenen Institutionen ermöglichen es darüber hinaus, jeweils den aktuellsten Stand der Zusammensetzung, der wahrgenommenen Aufgaben etc. zu recherchieren, wie beispielsweise die Anzahl der Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments direkt nach dem Beitritt Bulgariens und Rumäniens.

Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

23.01.06: German Presidency wants EU Constitution deal by 2009 - 0 views

  • Presenting the presidency programme to the Parliament, German Chancellor Angela Merkel also made clear that institutional change was necessary before further enlargement.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

25.01.07: German Presidency lays down negotiation timetable for constitution - 0 views

  • Germany has laid out a detailed timetable for negotiations on the EU constitution with chancellor Angela Merkel to be personally involved in the run-up to a crucial summit in June. A letter sent to the European Parliament president on 2 January, obtained by EUobserver, shows that Berlin has asked that governments appoint an advisor "who enjoys their confidence" on both the EU constitution negotiations and the declaration for the 50th anniversary of the bloc - two issues Berlin sees as closely intertwined. The parliament is also to be represented although Berlin publicly has been brushing off attempts by the EU assembly to get involved on a grand scale.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

26.01.07: Meeting of Pro-EU constitution states to discuss tactics - 0 views

    The 18 member states that have already ratified the EU constitution are gathering on Friday (26 January) to discuss how to swing the political debate around to their side of the fence, with the nine countries who have stopped the ratification process continuing to steal the political limelight.

    The 18 countries, plus Ireland and Portugal, who also consider themselves "friends of the constitution" as the gathering is being called, are meeting in Madrid to set out political tactics, look at elements of the constitution that could be altered, and challenge non-EU constitution states to come clean on what they want from the process.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

26.01.07: Madrid meeting -> Spain pushes for extended EU constitution - 0 views

  • In a speech to open the 'Friends of EU constitution' meeting in Madrid, Spain's foreign minister Miguel Angel Moratinos argued that any revised treaty should be extended to include more European objectives rather than pared down to just institutional reforms. Delegates from the 18 countries that have ratified the EU constitution plus its strong supporters - Ireland and Portugal - have gathered in a cultural centre - usually used for hosting events related to Latin America - to outline their positions on the future of the European treaty.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

24.01.07: Elections in Serbia and its implications for forming a new government - 0 views

  • Centrist parties did worse than they expected in Serbia’s first general election and most diplomats and observers predicted difficulties ahead in forming a new government.But although the hard-line nationalist Serbian Radical Party, SRS, won most votes with 28.5 per cent of ballots on January 21, it will again be denied the chance to form a government as it lacks potential coalition partners.This means that the so-called democratic bloc will form the new administration. However, analysts say this would not be easy, firstly because of rivalries within the democratic bloc and secondly because no party among them has emerged as the clear leader.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

25.01.07: Bosnia -> Constitution reform setback - 0 views

  • Four months after parliamentary elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the future of the country's constitutional reform package remains unclear. While some parties maintain that amendments agreed last April should be carried through, others are urging a totally fresh start. With politicians, analysts, legal experts and the international community divided, a question mark still hangs over the country's future set-up.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

26.01.07: Madrid meeting defends the constitutional treaty's fundamental content - 0 views

  • A pro-EU constitution gathering in Madrid has called for a revised version of the charter to not go "below" the existing compromise, while expressing "frustration" at the lack of alternative solutions put forward by countries that have failed to ratify it. The EU constitution as it stands is "the result of complex and difficult negotiations" which reflects "delicate balances bringing together diverse political, social, economic and legal interests," stated delegates from the 18 countries that have already ratified the charter plus Ireland and Portugal on Friday (26 January).
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

29.01.07: Ahtissari proposes roadmap for the future of Kosovo - 0 views

  • The Ahtisaari blueprint - which is still subject to change - proposes that Kosovo should remain under international supervision for an unspecified period of time but should gradually acquire the trappings of statehood, such as a flag, an anthem, a constitution and a NATO-trained army.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

29.01.07: Reality dawns - possible implications of Ahtisaari's proposal for the region - 0 views

    "Now that the UN Kosovo envoy, Martti Ahtisaari, has presented his proposal for the territory's future status to the "contact group" of international overseers, there is little doubt that Kosovo is going to become independent. Not immediately, though. Ahtisaari's report will not be published before he presents it to Belgrade and Pristina on 2 February. Most leaks accompanying his 26 January meeting with the group (the U.S., Russia, France, the U.K, Italy, and Germany), however, spoke of a mechanism enabling Kosovo to gradually take control of its own affairs and seek membership of international institutions." [...]
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Portal: Vertrag über eine Verfassung für Europa - 0 views

  • Ratifizierung und Referendum: aktueller Stand Eine Verfassung für Europa: Themenblätter Die Themenblätter erklären thematisch geordnet die wesentlichen Veränderungen in der Verfassung. Ihre Darstellung ist präzise und detailliert, ein Index ist beigefügt Zusammenfassung des Verfassungsvertrags Wichtige Reden Diskussionsveranstaltungen der Zivilgesellschaft Informationen aus den Mitgliedsländern
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

30.01.07: Czech Republic opposes the German Presidency's plan to revive the European co... - 0 views

    The Czech Republic has emerged as a key opponent of the German EU presidency's plan to revive the European constitution, with its newly appointed negotiator Jan Zahradil telling EUobserver that Prague seeks to curb EU powers and re-open core parts of the charter. [...]

    Mr Zahradil sees particular problems in the EU's charter of fundamental rights, which would get legal status as part of the EU constitution (currently it is a non-binding document.)
    He said a legally binding charter would open the door to a further expansion of EU powers through jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in areas touching on citizens' rights - such as social security, health care and pension rights. [...]

    The Czech resistance against a full-blown EU constitution is expected to be echoed by Poland, which has seen its conservative government voicing similar ideas with both countries' presidents discussing positions over the issue last weeek.

Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

31.01.07: Brussels leaves Macedonia in the dark on EU entry talks - 0 views

    The European Commission says it is too early to set a start date for Macedonia's EU entry talks, despite Slovenia dropping hints that its EU presidency - in the first half of 2008 - could see Skopje get a firm timetable for negotiations. [...]
    Earlier this month, the ex-Yugoslav country of 2 million received a positive statement from Slovenian prime minister Janez Jansa who said in the European Parliament that his government would "try to help this candidate country to get a date."

Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Bache & George (2006) Politics in the European Union 2e - Online Resource Centre - 0 views

    The Online-Resource-Centre that accompanies this book provides students and instructors with ready-to-use teaching and learning materials. These resources are free of charge and designed to maximise the learning experience.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

31.01.07: Del Ponte worried about EU easing pressure on Serbia - 0 views

  • The UN's chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte has appealed to the EU not to jeopardise her efforts to pursue a top Serbian war crimes suspect in the interests of securing support for a UN plan on the future status of Kosovo. Mrs Del Ponte met with EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana on Wednesday (31 January) and urged him to continue Europe's pressure on Belgrade to deliver ex-general Ratko Mladic.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

Romania lobbies for EU accession perspective for Moldova - 0 views

  • Brussels should give Moldova a clear perspective for future EU entry on the model of the Western Balkan states, Romanian president Traian Basescu said in the European Parliament on Wednesday (31 January) in a sign of how Europe's poorest state stands to benefit from the Bucharest lobby inside the EU.
Prof. Dr  Wolfgang Schumann

EUROPA - Die EU im Überblick - 0 views

    Ein sehr  schöner, übersichtlich gestalteter Überblick über die EU mit zahlreichen Visualisierungen, Audio- und Tondokumenten. Eine hervorragende Einstiegsquelle, insbesondere für Schülerinnen und Schüler.
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