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Glenn Hervieux

TC Reading and Writing Project's Videos on Vimeo - 0 views

    39 Instructional videos on K-8 pathways to the CC Standards. What do you think of the approach these teachers are taking? How can they help you in your transition to the CCore? Some practices here are applicable to high school, as well. 
Lisa Noble

The Noun Project - 2 views

    an amazing  bank of images - all CC licensed for re-use.
Glenn Hervieux

"How Can I Coach a Resistant Teacher?" (Part 1) - The Art of Coaching Teachers - Educat... - 4 views

    There's one request for advice that I receive more than any other from coaches: How can I coach a resistant teacher? This article explores that by helping those who coach teachers to look at themselves as much as they do those they coach. Good read for instructional leaders.
Glenn Hervieux

Teachers as Technology Trailblazers: Speaking and Listening in the Digital Age - 1 views

    "Speaking and listening. We do it every day for countless reasons. Routine interactions, brief exchanges, or thoughtful diatribes propel us through everything from the most mundane tasks to critical life events. Therefore, it's not surprising that speaking and listening have earned a prominent place in our K-12 standard documents, including the widely endorsed Common Core State Standards (CCSS). "
Glenn Hervieux

Can computers really grade essay tests? - 1 views

    "Can computers really grade essay tests? The National Council of Teachers of English say "no," even if there is new software that says "yes."" Read the pros and cons in this article and judge for yourself. Can software do an ADEQUATE job of grading essays?
Jon Bunch

Multicultural Affairs - 0 views

    The Office of Multicultural Affairs is committed to enabling all students, both at CCS and in the greater Detroit community, to be successful in the arts through the promotion of inclusion, diversity, and support. Multicultural Affairs helps to create a culturally rich learning environment where students can excel as active learners and artists.
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