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Claude Almansi

La lunga, triste storia degli attacchi alla rete - byoblu (C. Messora) 4 luglio 11 - 0 views

    "4 luglio 2011 - 02.17 Stampa post La lunga, triste storia degli attacchi alla rete Font plus Font minus La lunga, triste storia degli attacchi alla rete La lunga e triste storia degli attacchi alla rete - Byoblu - Claudio Messora - AGCOM - Copyright Il video, che è per pochi temerari e per chiunque non abbia una vita propria, racconta la lunga, triste storia di tutti gli assalti alla rete dal 2005 ad oggi. Dura 1 ora e 20, a testimonianza del fatto che ci hanno provato in tutti i modi. Per renderlo più consultabile ho inserito un menu dinamico che consente di saltare da un capitolo all'altro o di tornare in un secondo momento e continuare da dove ci si era arresi. "
Claude Almansi

Social media nella PA: non servono i divieti, ma policy scritte (e comunicate) bene - 0 views

    ErnEsto BElisario 23 luglio 2011 "Proprio con rifErimEnto all'ambito pubblico, ho notato chE aumEnta sEmprE più la distanza culturalE tra l'Italia, dovE molti Enti - addirittura - bloccano ai propri dipEndEnti l'accEsso a quEsti siti, E gli altri PaEsi in cui si moltiplicano lE EspEriEnzE di Amministrazioni chE scElgono i social mEdia pEr dialogarE con i propri cittadini-utEnti. In quEsti casi, gli Enti dEdicano grandE attEnzionE all'adozionE di documEnti (lE cosiddEttE "Policy") in cui spiEgarE lE ragioni pEr cui l'AmministrazionE si sErvE dEgli strumEnti social E in chE modo un dipEndEntE pubblico dEvE usarli."
    See also the embedded Social Media Policy video for staff of the Department of Justice (Victoria, Australia) by VictoriaGovDOJTV:
Claude Almansi

Education WEEk: Digital Edition: E-LEarning for SpEcial Populations - 0 views

    "This special report examines the growing e-learning opportunities for students with disabilities, english-language learners, gifted and talented students, and those at risk of failing in school. Download the digital edition. (Login or FRee registration required.) You can read the complete online version of the report here. "
Jim Shimabukuro

Rupert Murdoch uses eG8 to talk up net's power to transform education | Media | - 6 views

    "Rupert Murdoch uses eG8 to talk up net's power to transform education News Corp chairman claims 'Victorian' schools are 'last holdout from digital revolution' Kim Willsher in Paris, Tuesday 24 May 2011 18.10 BST Rupert Murdoch, the News Corporation founder and chairman, used his address to the eG8 Forum in Paris on Tuesday to call for more investment in education and "unlocking the potential" of the world's children. Murdoch said it was not a question of putting a computer in every school, but concentrating on opening up opportunities for youngsters to flourish by using targeted and tailored software. News Corp moved into the $500bn (£310bn) US education sector in late 2010, paying about $360m in cash for 90% of technology company Wireless Generation, which provides mobile and web software to enable teachers to use data to assess student progress and deliver personalised learning."
  • ...5 more comments...
    From Harry Keller
    Interesting contrast with Murdoch's attitude in 2009 - see - but is it really a contrast?
    We've had ely Broad, Bill Gates, and a host of other billionaires (even George Lucas) attempting to "fix" our education system. They're not doing so well. What is so interesting to me about Murdoch, despite his pirate-like business practices, is that he sees what I think is the real direction for the future of education. Oddly unlike his right-wing colleagues, he's not pushing for vouchers or more school privatization. Unlike the technocrats, he's not pushing for more and more computers in schools. He sees the solution to our schooling problems as "targeted and tailored software." Many (maybe most) countries, including the U.S., lack the political will as societies to fix education the way that Finland did. Software is the other path. Much discussion today centers around the platform. Will we use smart phones or e-tablets or netbooks? Will we see $1 apiece apps as the learning modules or cloud-based solutions? Will our new learning software run on iOS or Android? All of that is window dressing and barely worthy of discussion. For me, Murdoch hit the nail on the head. We have too little software "targeted and tailored" to education or, at least, too little highly professional quality software.
    Errh yEs about Murdoch pushing "targEtEd and tailorEd softwarE" , Harry. But sEE also: "NEws Corp movEd into thE $500bn (£310bn) US Education sEctor in latE 2010, paying about $360m in cash for 90% of tEchnology company WirElEss GEnEration, which providEs mobilE and wEb softwarE to EnablE tEachErs to usE data to assEss studEnt progrEss and dElivEr pErsonalisEd lEarning." So hE is doing at softwarE lEvEl what Microsoft Etc wErE doing at hardwarE - and at timEs softwarE - lEvEl: promoting his warEs in a vEry juicy markEt. WE'vE had "targEtEd and tailorEd to Education" softwarE for dEcadEs, now: LMSs, addons to officE suitEs, Etc. SomE good, somE bad. ThE problEm with softwarE that is targEtEd and tailorEd to Education is that it is a) oftEn boring; b) pErforcE basEd on an abstract gEnEral idEa of Education; c) oftEn rEmotE from what gEts usEd outsidE school. Would it not bE bEttEr to train tEachErs in adapting whatEvEr softwarE is gEnErally availablE, bE it dEsktop or on thE cloud, to fit thEir and thEir spEcific studEnts' nEEds?
    My point is simply that Murdoch gets it. His motives don't have to be pure for us all to benefit from the light he's shining on educational technology. Regarding the software, your points are well-taken. However, one extra qualification must be added. The software must be "good." That means it must avoid the problems you list.
    "Would it not be better to train teachers in adapting whatever software is generally available, be it desktop or on the cloud, to fit their and their specific students' needs?' I disagree with this analysis. Software not created for educational purposes will only adapt so far. It is, for example, word processing substituting for paper and pencil. That's worthy of doing but really makes no difference in instruction. When software is created specifically for learning, it can reach much more deeply into the learning processes. It's not just peripheral but central to learning. You can adapt lots of software to education in lots of ways, and I've read of many very clever adaptations. Almost all could be done without the use of a computer, albeit somewhat less efficiently but nonetheless effectively. I read Murdoch's call, which echoes something I've been saying for many years, as meaning that we have to build software that answers the necessities of learning. We don't have much today.
    Taking up your example of word processing as substitute for pen and pencil , Harry: true, and that's what I retorted in the late 1990's to a digitalophobe academic, when we met about the Italian translation of one of his books, and he boasted of having got a letter from a publisher saying he was their last author to deliver typescripts on paper and not as a digital file. I pointed out that cut and paste, copy and paste (the things he particularly hated the ease of in digital media) existed in the real world looooooong before computers, let alone PCs, let alone the Web. And yet... in 2007 I was asked to set up at very short notice an intensive preliminary French workshop for participants in a master course in intercultural studies: though in Lugano, the course was to be in French and english. I asked for access to the Moodle for the course, to store course materials there etc. The organizers refused: "The Moodle will only be explained to the students in the first week of the course proper". The idea that graduate students needed to have a Moodle explained to them in 2007 seemed peregrine, but rather than arguing, I set up a for-free wiki instead. At our first meeting, the students asked why we weren't using the Moodle, I repeated the official explanation, they laughed and got the hang of the wiki immediately. Then, for reading comprehension, they chose one of the assigned texts for the course: a longish book chapter they had received by e-mail as a grayish PDF based on a low-resolution scan, based on a reduced photocopy to make 2 pages fit on an A4 sheet: i.e. with no margin to take notes on. So we printed the PDF, separated the pages with scissors, pasted the separate pages with glue sticks on new A4 sheets, to get wider margins to write in. And then we made a wiki page for it, copied in it the subheadings, between which the students, added the notes they were taking, working in groups on the new paper version. Result:
Claude Almansi

Balancing e-lectures with podcasts - University of Leicester - 0 views

    by spk7 - Aug. 19, 2011 "Some time ago, Head of the School of engineering, Professor John Fothergill, with the help of son Henry, produced a very engaging and funny video focusing on his experiences of moving some of his teaching online. In order that his course could still run while he was on sabbatical, John worked closely with Beyond Distance in order to achieve the best online experience for his students. The video draws upon a number of comic influences, most notably Monty Python. We hope you enjoy it!"
Claude Almansi

Lessig: Keynote - e-G8 with subtitles | Universal Subtitles - 0 views

    " Video Info english (181 Lines) Czech (100 %) Italian (100 %) Spanish (100 %) Ukrainian (100 %) "...We should say to modern democratic government, you need to beware of incumbents bearing policy fixes. Because their job, the job of the incumbents, is not the same as your job, the job of the public policy maker. Their job is profit for them. Your job is the public good. And it is completely fair, for us to say, that until this addiction is solved, we should insist on minimalism in what government does. The kind of minimalism Jeff Jarvis spoke off when he spoke of "do no harm". An internet that embraces principles of open and free access, a neutral network to guarantee this open access, to protect the outsider. But here is the one think we know about this meeting, and its relationship to the future of the internet. The future of the internet is not Twitter, it is not Facebook, it is not Google, it is not even Rupert Murdoch. The future of the internet is not here. It wasn't invited, it does not even know how to be invited, because it doesn't yet focus on policies and fora like this. The least we can do is to preserve the architecture of this network that protects this future that is not here."
    Additional subtitles in other languages can be made from the same page.
Claude Almansi

The future was not invited in Paris - - 0 views

    "By Roberta Ranzani, June 7, 2011 Considerazioni varie su eG8 nelle parole di alcuni tweeter che stavano seguendo il forum in diretta ( o in streaming) e in qualche link."
Claude Almansi

Giornali belgi contro Google: testo della decisione della Corte d'appello (Almansi videoblog) - 0 views

    "Pubblicato da Claude Almansi in data 30.07.11 10:06 Nel 2006, Copiepresse, la società di gestione di diritti degli editori belgi di quotidinai francofoni e germanofoni, intentò un processo a Google per le brevi citazioni di Google News e per le versioni archiviate (in cache) linkate in Google Search. Il 5 maggio 2011, una decisione della Corte d'appello di Bruxelles confermava, con una lieve riformulazione, il giudizio del tribunale di prima istanza"
Claude Almansi

CEC | Ask ArnE: A ConvErsation with thE Council for ExcEptional ChildrEn's (CEC) MEmbErs and U.S. SEcrEtary of Education ArnE Duncan - 0 views

    "As I have travelled across the country visiting schools and classrooms and talking with teachers and parents, I have heard many questions about our plans at the U.S. Department of education to support children with disabilities, their families, and the teachers who educate them and fight for them daily. To hear more about the issues affecting students with disabilities and their teachers, I asked CeC to contact members through an e-mail blast. Your response was overwhelming. Though CeC received more questions than we could possibly answer here, I have worked with your leadership to identify some of the central questions for educators of children with disabilities, and I have worked with my staff at the Department so that we can address them in this document. I would like to thank CeC members and all teachers of children with disabilities for their outstanding compassion and commitment and for the range of complex skills and talents you bring to teaching your students every day."
Claude Almansi

U. of Illinois at Springfield Offers New 'Massive Open Online Course' - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher education - 1 views

    "June 21, 2011, 6:52 pm By Marc Parry "What happens when you invite the whole world to join an online class? As The Chronicle reported last year, a growing number of educators are giving that idea a try by offering free "massive open online courses," or MOOC's, to anyone who wants to learn. Today, that experimental idea gained some more traction in mainstream higher education. The University of Illinois at Springfield announced a new not-for-credit MOOC devoted to examining the state of online education and where e-learning is heading. Nearly 500 people from two dozen countries have registered so far, with 1,000 expected to sign up by the time the course begins next Monday. (...) Not enough MOOC for you? Stay tuned. Starting in September, another group will organize what the MOOC pioneer George Siemens calls the "Mother of all MOOCs." In a blog post Monday, Mr. Siemens welcomed the growing interest from traditional universities. And he countered the more skeptical take offered by another open-education leader, David Wiley, who wrote recently that "MOOCs and their like are not the answer to higher-education's problems." (...)"
Claude Almansi

California State U. Report Warns of Accessibility Issues in Google Services - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher education - 0 views

    "June 23, 2011, 6:20 pm By Jie Jenny Zou California State University's Accessible Technology Initiative suggests in a report released this week that universities limit their campuswide use of Google's free Web services based on what it calls a variety of inaccessibility issues for the blind and those with other disabilities. The report, "ATI Google Apps Accessibility evaluation," looked at the accessibility of Google Apps for education, a free software suite available to colleges and elementary and secondary schools. Hundreds of colleges have adopted Google Apps as their official campus e-mail and communication service for students."
    for update to posts about Google Apps
Claude Almansi

SCCR22: Brazilian interventions in favor of a Treaty on exceptions and limitations to copyright for persons with disabilities | Knowledge ecology International - 0 views

    Submitted by thiru on 23. June 2011 - 3:07 "Back in 2009, Brazil decided to table in this Committee a draft treaty on exceptions and limitations on copyrights for the print disabled guided by two assumptions: (1) The international treaty we are seeking to conclude must be a useful instrument for persons with print disabilities. This is why we tabled a text originally elaborated by the World Blind Union, by people who know best the reality on the ground; (2) The international copyright regime is a mature system, with more than 120 years of implementation experience in many countries. It is feasible to craft precise and effective e&L norms without depriving the rights of authors to reap the benefits of their creativity. We all recognize those rights and are fully committed to defend them. Let there be no doubt about it. Those two assumptions remain the guiding principles underlying Brazil's position. We are committed to helping bring this negotiating process to a successful outcome. For Brazil, a successful outcome is an international instrument which will be an useful and effective one. An effective instrument which makes clear the firm commitment "on the ground" of all Member States to mitigating the book famine of more than 150 million people world-wide. At the end of the process there must be a treaty. Why shouldn't we aim for a treaty? This question should be answered against the broader background of all the themes under discussion in this Committee."
    Add link in ?
Claude Almansi

As regulations loom, a call for cooperation between states | Higher ed | - 0 views

    "May 25th, 2011 As online education rules loom, a call for cooperation between states Web-based colleges will more easily comply with state rules if leaders seek 'uniformity,' online education experts say as-online-education-rules-loom-a-call-for-cooperation-between-states By Dennis Carter, Assistant editor Members of an influential online-learning task force said states should create uniform standards for online colleges and universities, making it easier for institutions to comply with a federal rule that will prove costly and confusing to web-based schools."
Claude Almansi

Ed TEch Not ImmunE from Civil Rights Obligations, FEds AdvisE -- THE Journal - 1 views

    By David Nagel 05/26/11 "...The United States Department of education's Office of Civil Rights Thursday issued a "dear colleague letter" to public K-12 institutions (as well as a separate letter to higher education institutions) and a set of answers to frequently asked questions that expands on a letter sent out exclusively to college and university presidents last June (DCL). In the FAQ, OCR makes explicit some legal obligations of all education institutions, including K-12 institutions, to "ensure equal access to the educational benefits and opportunities afforded by the technology and equal treatment in the use of the technology for all students, including students with disabilities." At the same time, the FAQ said the intent is not to stifle the use of new and emerging technologies, but to "remind everyone that equal access for students with disabilities is the law and must be considered as new technology is integrated into the educational environment. ..."
    Complements and perhaps
Claude Almansi

Education WEEk: NEws Corp. Scandal Clouds Murdoch's MovE Into Education - 0 views

    "By Ian Quillen - July 20, 2011 When News Corp. announced last fall its entry into the education technology market, some observers said the media conglomerate led by Rupert Murdoch was a bad fit for education. Between the ownership of conservative-leaning outlets like Fox News and a reputation for identifying opportunities to generate lots of revenue very quickly, News Corp. had a business model, they suggested, that wouldn't mesh well with a world where public-employee unions hold influence and business development typically is gradual. Now, just as News Corp. had appeared set to expand its education holdings beyond its recently acquired subsidiary Wireless Generation, those concerns are joined by a deluge of legal and ethical issues surrounding the phone-hacking scandal in the conglomerate's United Kingdom division."
Claude Almansi

ATI: ATI Google Apps Accessibility evaluation (ATI Google Apps Accessibility evaluation) - 0 views

    "In the summer of 2010, Peter Mosinskis from CSU Channel Islands assembled a team of approximately fifteen volunteers from seven different CSU campuses and one from the UC system to evaluate the accessibility of Google Apps. The team also recruited student volunteers and screen reader users to assist with the testing. Automated, manual, and screen reader testing began the first week of January 2011 and was completed February 4th. The report has been completed and posted here for your review. The CSU Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI) Staff, ATI Leadership Council, and Google have reviewed the Google Apps Accessibility evaluation report. We discovered a number of accessibility issues during our testing. These issues are outlined in the report as well as "workarounds" that can be used to improve the user experience for persons with disabilities. When campuses choose to use Google Apps, they are required to provide an equally effective service for people with disabilities and it is critical for campuses to ensure that the "workarounds" meet the educational needs of the student and/or faculty. The March 15, 2011 USA TODAY online news article "Complaint: Google programs hard for blind students" illustrates possible legal problems that may result from adopting the Google Apps for education suite. Questions or Comments about this report may be directed to CSU ATI Staff"
    Table of Contents Print Complete BookPrint This Chapter Next ATI Google Apps Accessibility evaluation Section 1. executive Summary Section 2. About the Project Section 3. Findings Section 4. Workarounds, Accommodations and Best Practices Summary and Conclusions Authors Note Appendices A - e
Claude Almansi

Senators Want To Put People In Jail For embedding YouTube Videos | Techdirt - 0 views

    by Mike Masnick Wed, Jun 1st 2011 " ...the bill tries to also define what constitutes a potential felony crime in these circumstances: the offense consists of 10 or more public performances by electronic means, during any 180-day period, of 1 or more copyrighted works So yeah. If you embed a YouTube video that turns out to be infringing, and more than 10 people view it because of your link... you could be facing five years in jail. This is, of course, ridiculous, and suggests (yet again) politicians who are regulating a technology they simply do not understand. Should it really be a criminal act to embed a YouTube video, even if you don't know it was infringing...? This could create a massive chilling effect to the very useful service YouTube provides in letting people embed videos."
    Not "News" per se (June 1st) but source of ongoing other discussions, e.g. in gaming sites
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