A Brief Future of Computing - 0 views
Dr Francis Wray looks back over the history of HPC and gives his insight into what can be said about systems in the future. Introduction Over the past 30 years, computing has come to play a signi...
Dr Francis Wray looks back over the history of HPC and gives his insight into what can be said about systems in the future. Introduction Over the past 30 years, computing has come to play a signi...
Don't show, don't tell? http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2011/teaching-children-0630.html Cognitive scientists find that when teaching young children, there is a trade-off between direct instructi...
Suppose someone showed you a novel gadget and told you, "Here's how it works," while demonstrating a single function, such as pushing a button. What would you do when they handed it to you? You'd ...
By April Dembosky in San Francisco and Maija Palmer in London A war for talent is raging in Silicon Valley where internet companies, from big groups such as Google down to the smallest start-u...
http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/160/tech-wars-2012-amazon-apple-google-facebook?partner=homepage_newsletter ilbert Wong, the mayor of Cupertino, California, calls his city council to order. "...
Congress Likely to Stay Divided, Will Gridlock on K-12 Continue? By Alyson Klein on November 6, 2012 11:36 PM The U.S. House of Representatives is likely to stay in GOP hands and the Senate under ...
By Jeff Gelles Inquirer Staff Writer More than one in five Americans now say they have read a book electronically in the last year. Here's what's happening on the plugged-in side of the digital di...
Ravitch: What Scrooge might think of modern school reform By Valerie Strauss This was written by education historian Diane Ravitch for her Bridging Differences blog, which she co-authors with Debor...
Teach for America: Liberal mission helps conservative agenda http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/teach-for-america-liberal-mission-helps-conservative-agenda/2011/12/25/gIQApoVZHP...
Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning PLAYBACK: News on Teens and Blogs, Facebook, Twitter and Google+, And Schools That Don't Allow Them Posted: 03 Feb 2012 02:22 PM PST In this week's PLAY...
http://www.igi-global.com/authorseditoCommon Core Mathematics Standards and Implementing Digital Technologies 9 Editors: Drew Polly, Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA Call f...
PEW RESEARCH CENTER FOR THE PEOPLE & THE PRESS Public Focused on Economy, Media on Weiner Scandal http://pewresearch.org/pubs/2024/public-interest-too-much-anthony-weiner-palin-coverage Public Se...
Web News Briefs 1. My ISTE 2011: Takeaways from a conference To me, ISTE - with some 13,000 attendees from 68 countries having converged on Philadelphia this week - is like looking out the window...
Chemistry Now http://www.nbclearn.com/portal/site/learn/chemistry-now Chemistry Now is an NBC Learn Special Collection that reveals how chemistry contributes to everyday life, with lesson plans fr...
http://www.tcrecord.org/Content.asp?ContentID=16561 Just Schools: Pursuing Equality in Societies of Difference reviewed by Sherick Hughes - October 14, 2011 Title: Just Schools: Pursuing Equality...