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Bonnie Sutton

Globaloria Creator Idit Harel Caperton Discusses Her Recent Visit To East Austin Colleg... - 1 views

Globaloria Creator Idit Harel Caperton Discusses Her Recent Visit To East Austin College Prep Posted by Southwest Key on Mar 12, 201...


started by Bonnie Sutton on 13 Mar 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Feds launch open-source 'Learning Registry' - 2 views

A new federal resource will help groups share learning materials and policy recommendations as they strive to improve the quality and availability of learning resources in education. Launched ...

learning registry

started by Bonnie Sutton on 20 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

NGLC Pumps Funding into Ed Tech Focused on Common Core - 0 views

NGLC Pumps Funding into Ed Tech Focused on Common Core By David Nagel 06/14/11 The Next Gener...

Common Core David Nagel Next Generation Learning Challenges Proof of Concept

started by Bonnie Sutton on 15 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

America's Next Educational Crisis - 1 views

America's Next Educational Crisis Posted: 07/ 1/11 11:51 AM ET High-quality teachers are critical to acc...

162 Keys to School Success Franklin Schargel Teacher training education career

started by Bonnie Sutton on 02 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Action in a Shared World - 1 views

Action in a Shared World by Geoffrey Hinchliffe - 2010 Background/Context: The background of the article is the continued interest in ...

Education as a part of the shared world should extend capabiliry for action

started by Bonnie Sutton on 21 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

What teachers don't need (but are getting anyway) - 1 views

What teachers don't need (but are getting anyway) By Valerie Strauss This was written by Paul Thomas, an associate professor of education at Furman University in South Carolina. A version of th...

answer sheet teachers common core teaching and learning Michelle Rhee collaborative thinking indoctrination

started by Bonnie Sutton on 18 May 12 no follow-up yet
Claude Almansi

Feedjit Live For ETCJ - following "Paris - Ile de France" - 5 views

  • Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
    • Claude Almansi
      02:52:16 - 7h 38. ago GMT on 2011-08-28
  • Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
    • Claude Almansi
      02:52:28 - 7h 39m ago GMT on 2011-08-28
  • Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
    • Claude Almansi
      03:06:59 - 7 h 27 mins ago GMT on 2011-08-28
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
    • Claude Almansi
      03:47:53 GMT on 2011-08-28
  • Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
    • Claude Almansi
      03:48:05 GMT on 2011-08-28
  • Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
    • Claude Almansi
      03:48:23 GMT on 2011-08-28
  • Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
    • Claude Almansi
      2:52:00 GMT on 2011-08-28
  • Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
    • Claude Almansi
      3:48:36 GMT on 2011-08-28
  • Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
  • ...48 more comments...
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 3:49:00 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 3:49:12 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 3:49:21 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 3:49:31 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 4:18:12 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 4:18:45 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 4:18:45 GMT on 2011-08-28
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    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 06:44:25 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 07:43:49 GMT on 2011-08-28
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    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 11:42:32 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 11:52:23 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:31:22 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:31:35 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:31:44 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:31:54 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:33:19 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:33:34 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:33:43 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:33:54 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 15:16:42 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 17:39:11 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 18:43:47 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 19:35:08 GMT on 2011-08-28
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 20:21:21 GMT on 2011-08-28
    About this odd bookmark: on Aug. 28, 2011, the Feedjit gadget of reported a series of visits by "Paris - Ile de France", "using an unknown browser" and "running on Linux". So chances are that one user corresponds to that profile. As Feedjit is a dynamic service, I chose to use Diigo features to record what "Paris - Ile de France" was viewing and when. I first tried to do so by highlighting and adding sticky notes shared with the ETCJournal Diigo group: this didn't work well. So I added the missing instances by commenting the Diigo bookmark. The result is a bit messy, but all the data are there.
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 0:27:21GMT on 2011-08-29
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:10.40 GMT on 2011-08-29
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:10.50 GMT on 2011-08-29
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:10.59 GMT on 2011-08-29
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:11.09 GMT on 2011-08-29
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:11.30 GMT on 2011-08-29
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:11.39 GMT on 2011-08-29
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:11.49 GMT on 2011-08-29
    Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:12:01 GMT on 2011-08-29
Bonnie Sutton

ISTE REPORT - 4 views

Web News Briefs 1. My ISTE 2011: Takeaways from a conference To me, ISTE - with some 13,000 attendees from 68 countries having converged on Philadelphia this week - is like looking out the window...

Anne Collier NetFamily News on ISTE horizon report

started by Bonnie Sutton on 01 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Claude Almansi

Playing with Reality at the Learning and Entertainment Evolution Forum - ProfHacker - T... - 0 views

    June 21, 2011, 8:00 am By Prof. Hacker Lewis Carroll's logic game[This is a guest post by Anastasia Salter, Assistant Professor at the University of Baltimore in the school of Information Arts and Technologies. Her academic work focuses on storytelling in new media; she also writes the Future Fragments column for CinCity. Follow her on Twitter at AnaSalter.--@jbj] "...With that said, perhaps the most important takeaway from LEEF is that it's not all about expensive toys. Learning games don't have to be hi-tech to be effective. There's a lot to be learned from Space Vikings, the conference's ARG-that's alternate reality game, not its augmented reality cousin. Unlike augmented reality, which requires technology to mediate an environment, alternate reality is a playful imposition of story onto a physical space. In Space Vikings, a number of us dedicated conference attendees were drawn into a mission to save our tribes from a "pedagogical wasteland." How did we accomplish this feat? By hunting down "anomalies"-read masking tape clues, QR codes and posters-with answers to questions to submit in a digital educational games theory scavenger hunt. This is just one example of a conference ARG, and designers were at LEEF to report on lessons learned from others like DevLearn's Zombie Apocalypse. (For more ideas on educational uses of Alternate Reality, check out Think Transmedia.) These same ideas can scale and transform to a number of settings. For example, Melissa Peterson's Elmwood Park Zoo ARG is currently a project conducted with paper (though imagined for smartphones), and it's already doubling the engagement time of visitors to the local zoo. And on the other side, games like the Giskin Anomaly in Balboa Park are adding new layers of narrative to a popular and culturally rich tourist destination. And these games don't have to be location dependent. Case studies like the Radford Outdoor ARG Outbreak, a social inquiry game that puts st
Bonnie Sutton

Overhauling Computer Science Education - 1 views

Overhauling Computer Science Education Students from elementary school through college are learnin...

problem solving computational thinking and abstract reasoning computer science education

started by Bonnie Sutton on 22 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Teachers Resist High-Tech Push in Idaho Schools - 0 views

By MATT RICHTEL POST FALLS, Idaho - Ann Rosenbaum, a former military police officer in the Marines, does not shrink from a fight, having even survived a close encounter with a car bomb in Iraq. He...

High tech push online Idaho tablets Laptops vanguard. teacher back

started by Bonnie Sutton on 04 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

-The hardest thing about imagining the future of public education is that the present i... - 1 views

San Jose Mercury News, Calif., Mike Cassidy column [San Jose Mercury News, Calif.] July 23--The hardest thing about imagining the future of public education is that the present is so terribly b...

public education terribly bleak out of the box teach relevant skills experiment preparing students for future

started by Bonnie Sutton on 24 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

NAS , Board On Science Education - 2 views

Board on Science Education The Board on Science Education (BOSE) is a standing board within the Center for Education which is part of th...

Ready Set Science Taking to School Informal Education Free resource books on line

started by Bonnie Sutton on 30 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Building Schools Out of Clicks, Not Bricks - 2 views

Building Schools Out of Clicks, Not Bricks By D.D. GUTTENPLAN Published: April 22, 2012

schools Bricks not clicks open educational resources Free Public access

started by Bonnie Sutton on 26 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

MIT Will Offer Certificates to Outside Students Who Take Its Online Courses - 2 views

December 19, 2011 By Marc Parry Millions of learners have enjoyed the free lecture videos and other course materials published online through the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's OpenCourseW...


started by Bonnie Sutton on 20 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Into the Driver's Seat - 1 views Information Literacy | Digital Learning Environments| Judy Salpeter...

Information Literacy digital learning environments. judy saltpeter

started by Bonnie Sutton on 21 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Effective questioning and feedback using Web 2.0 technologies and Social Networking - 2 views

I have recently been researching the use of Web 2.0 technologies and Social Networking as a tool for Assessment for Learning. Thanks to all who responded via Twitter especially @nick_chater @57maso...

web 2.0 technology questioning and feedback socialnetworking

started by Bonnie Sutton on 21 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Dynabook: A Digital Resource for Preservice Mathematics Teachers - 2 views

Jeremy Roschelle, John Brecht, Jennifer Knudsen, Teresa Lara-Meloy, Charles Patton, Ken Rafanan,Patti Schank, Anna Werner This project is developing and conducting initial tests of a highly innova...

dynamath digital textbook with UDL dimension TPCK

started by Bonnie Sutton on 03 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

How real school reform should look (or explaining water to a fish) - 1 views

How real school reform should look (or explaining water to a fish) By Valerie Strauss

school reform not a standard body of knowledge political paralysis education change

started by Bonnie Sutton on 06 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

PLAYBACK: News on Teens and Blogs, Facebook, Twitter and Google+, And Schools That Don'... - 0 views

Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning PLAYBACK: News on Teens and Blogs, Facebook, Twitter and Google+, And Schools That Don't Allow Them Posted: 03 Feb 2012 02:22 PM PST In this week's PLAY...

Facebook. Twitter and Google+. Parent's Guide to Facebook News on Teens Blogs

started by Bonnie Sutton on 05 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
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