Do you think you could provide an article or reading to help support this lesson? Maybe something discussing the value of food tracking or the risk of "dietary ignorance"?
Consider adding a video or article link for this page. I think adding some detail to frontload this lesson may help student have some buy-in and sense of direction. Perhaps a clip (pr trailer) from Fast Food Nation or Supers Size Me?
Is this where the students can communicate about their diet plans? What does this wiki page specifically accomplish? Are there any requirements for students to comment on each other's diet plan choices?
tagged on Delicious using the tags "weight management" and "diets."
Will these tags be carried over to future classes? How might you make the tagging structure more specific to your courses (so they don't get lost among other general tags)?
I might consider adding some more formatting to this page to make it look a bit more official. The stock photos all have watermark logos on them, so I might find some that look more professional.
Awesome page of resources. Almost a bit overwhelming. Definitely useful for students looking for some additional help, and also a great support for constructivist learning.
Is this the ultimate objective of the lesson? Will the screencast be geared towards creating these sites? Why are the Twitter accounts used? Is this all done remotely?
How does this lesson align with class objectives? Are the students simply learning about Web 2.0 tools or is there a topic or subject to cover with these tools?