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Amy Lucas

Immediacy, Hypermediacy, and Remediation - 1 views

    This source details immediacy, hypermediacy and remediation.
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    immediacy hypermediacy and remediation
    Blog that breaks down the important terms of this week's reading by Bolter and Grusin
    This website helped me to better understand the definitions of immediacy, hypermedia, and remediation. It sort of broke down the terms a little bit better than in the reading for me.
Lauren Izzo

HowStuffWorks "How Bits and Bytes Work" - 0 views

    I was very confused by the discussion of binary and memory in chapter 2 of "The Computer." I found this in depth article helpful in understanding the technical language.
chris bittner

Typography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    The wiki page on typography gives you every bit of information on the subject
Joshua Peek

Web colors - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    This is the wikipedia page to give a little bit more detail about web-safe colors
T Norton

Emphasis in Design » Color, General, Layout » Design Festival - 0 views

    Another great Design Layout and emphasis page. specifically for it's use of original examples although the commentary is a bit lacking
Frank Hruska

Principles Of Design: Contrast - SitePoint - 0 views

    "Contrast occurs when two elements on a page are different."
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    The important thing about contrast is that the elements should be completely different. Not just a little bit different
    great explanation of contrast and reason why it is so effective.
    Site point is a website dedicated to improving websites step by step.
    Site point is a website dedicated to improving websites step by step.
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