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American History Timelines - US vs. Native Americans - 0 views

    Sadly, many people do not know about the history of Native American's and the US government. This is a page where one can find some (not all) of the historic events that Native Americans had to go through to fight for their land and rights.
    Sadly, many people do not know about the history of Native American's and the US government. This is a page where one can find some (not all) of the historic events that Native Americans had to go through to fight for their land and rights.

Syrian refugee numbers soar at Turkey border - BBC News - 0 views

    The number of Syrians trying to cross into Turkey amid an upsurge of fighting in northern Syria has nearly doubled, a Turkish official says. The governor of the Turkish border province of Kilis said 35,000 refugees had reached the border area - up from an estimated 20,000 on Friday.

Arizona Senate Bill 1070 - 0 views

    On April 23, 2010 Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed Senate Bill 1070 into law. The controversial bill gives Arizona law enforcement the authority to stop people whom officers have "reasonable suspicion" of being in the country illegally, detain these individuals while verifying immigration status, and arrest undocumented immigrants for transfer to ICE custody. Depending on who you ask, the controversial bill is either anti-immigrant, unconstitutional or a blessing.

5 Outright Illegal Scams That Should Put Wall St. Bankers Behind Bars - 0 views

    Unchecked greed and financial insanity on Wall Street crashed our economy. Much of that insanity was legal -- bankers lobbied hard for weak regulations, and got what they paid for. But much of that craziness was outright illegal, and in recent months, a number of shocking scams have come to light that could result in huge fines for banks or even put bankers behind bars.

The Truth About Drugs - Illegal Drug Use Statistics - Drug-Free World - 0 views

    Watch Truth About Drugs Documentary Video & Learn About Substance Addiction. Get The Facts About Painkillers, Marijuana, Cocaine, Meth & Other Illegal Drugs.

Obama reinstates 'catch-and-release' policy for illegal immigrants - 0 views

    The Obama administration has revived the maligned illegal immigrant "catch-and-release" policy of the Bush years, ordering Border Patrol agents not to bother arresting and deporting many new illegal immigrants, the head of the agents' labor union revealed Thursday.

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 - 0 views

    Offenses Known to Law Enforcement * Expanded Homicide Data...

Common Fraud Schemes - 0 views

    The following are some of the most common scams that the FBI investigates and tips to help prevent you from being victimized. Visit our White-Collar Crime and Cyber webpages for more fraud schemes. To report cases of fraud, use our online tips form or contact your nearest FBI office or overseas office.

5 Dangers of Social Media to Discuss With Your Kids - 0 views

    With so many computer applications out there and data available at the touch of a screen, you may not realize all the potential dangers of social media facing your children. Cyber expert Tyler Cohen Wood, a public speaker and the author of " Catching the Catfishers," explains, "Children now have an entire life history, down to the pregnancy announcement before they were born, on social media."

Second Amendment - 0 views

    The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Such language has created considerable debate regarding the Amendment's intended scope.

Syrian refugees in America: separating fact from fiction in the debate - 1 views

    Congressional Republicans voted on Thursday to make it more difficult for refugees from Syria and Iraq to come to the US as the fallout from last Friday's Isis terrorist attacks in Paris continues. In addition, more than half of the US's governors have said they will no longer provide placement for Syrian refugees, arguing that they pose too great a risk to national security.

Facebook's Privacy Policy Is Changing And You're Going To Get A Long Email About It - 0 views

    New facebook policies are released in a lengthy email that explains, gives tips, and advises users when it comes to new policies.

Not on a Social Network? You've Still Got a Privacy Problem - 0 views

    New research shows that there may still be problems with social networks informational data collection, even if you aren't currently a member.
Stephanie Mendoza

Surveillance After the USA Freedom Act: How Much Has Changed? - 0 views

    What happened after the they Enact freedom Act?
Stephanie Mendoza

Privacy Whistle Blower Edward Snowden - 0 views

    Whistle Blower Edward Snowden was the one who shocked the nation. In regards to privacy of its fellow citizen.

KnowYourFamilyRights [] - 0 views

    Once again, the Court includes the right of parents in the area of "child rearing and education" to be a liberty interest protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, requiring an application of the "compelling interest test."

Sorry, CPS: Free-Range Kids Will Win in Court - 0 views

    You can see two Maryland kids walking happily home, stop them, throw them in a cruiser, hold them for five hours, and make their parents sign a "Safety Plan" before they're allowed to get 'em back.

Gun Control, the NRA and the Second Amendment - 0 views

    The passage is about how media can have a positive and negative impact with gun laws. Its mostly from commercial and their message they are trying to send to viewers . In complaining about bias, conservatives point to surveys indicating that most reporters are personally pro-gun control. But so are most Americans.

Why Gun Owners Are Right to Fight Against Gun Control - 2 views

    In April, the Senate rejected the Toomey-Manchin gun control proposal. In the wake of its defeat many wonder why give this a chance to be passed. Trying to make every gun legal to buy wont be easy to do. Creating the right to purchase a firearm no short cuts. Make it difficult for people who do not have license to sell them on the streets.

U.S. Gun Policy: Global Comparisons - Council on Foreign Relations - 0 views

    Gun laws sparked due to the shooting in Connecticut. Many mass shootings have happened, yet the second amendment does allow us to bear arms. This site gives charts and examples on how many firearms were owned in a year and the number of homicides for a very controversial topic.
    Why do mass shootings occur more frequently in the United States than other major democracies? This Backgrounder examines select countries. It is shown that the possession and use of violence with a gun is more common in the US rather than in most other countries.
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