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A Must Read Paper on The Sources in Students Writing ~ Educational Technology and Mobil... - 0 views

    "This study examines which Internet sources secondary education students use in written  work and the implications of their choices."

Using Transitional Words in an Argumentative Essay - 0 views

    In an argumentative essay, a reader might come across some of the following uses of transitional words and phrases.

No Mexican American Studies Books For Tucson's 'Culturally Relevant' Courses - 0 views

    This came up in the discussion. It's an interesting topic, but very narrow for our scope unless this is happening elsewhere in the country.

Bill of Rights Institute: Individual Rights | Bill of Rights Institute - 2 views

  • Rights are powers and privileges to which one has a just claim. The individual is the basic unit of society, and since the time of ancient republics individuals have been understood to have certain rights.

Methods of Discovery: A Guide to Research Writing - 0 views

    OER textbook online.

The Big Issues Of The 2016 Campaign | Privacy and Data Security - 0 views

    "Privacy and Data Security"

Top 10 Solutions to Illegal Immigration in the USA - 0 views

    10 solutions that might help illegal immigration. See what's number 1.
    Top 10 Solutions to Illegal Immigration in the USA Illegal immigration has long been a problem in the U.S. The government has certain legislative policies in place to deal with this problem. Despite these efforts immigration continues to be rising problem in the U.S.
    Gives solutions to stop the increase of illegal immigrants that come into the United States. They think that strengthening border security might work as well as making it harder for illegals to live in America by using background checks, ect. They even promote the idea that maybe if living here is so difficult, then maybe illegal immigrants might even want to leave voluntarily.

Is the Legalization of Immigrants in the Country Illegally a Good Solution to Illegal I... - 0 views

    Legalization of Immigrants in the Country would be a good solution to immigration problems. I think it would save tax payers money.

Is Amnesty a Good Solution to Illegal Immigration? - Illegal Immigration Solutions - Pr... - 0 views

    I think, Amnesty would be a good solution, even with deportation. They will still come back. There is always a way.

Was a Fence along the US Mexico Border a Good Solution to Illegal Immigration? - Illega... - 0 views

    Fences along US Mexico border might be a good solution. However they said, there is always a way if you want to get it.

Is Deportation a Good Solution to Illegal Immigration? - Illegal Immigration Solutions ... - 0 views

    Is Deportation a Good Solution to Illegal Immigration? Read pros, cons, and expert responses in the debate. Hard to say Yes and NO

2 Abortion Foes Behind Planned Parenthood Videos Are Indicted - The New York Times - 1 views

    A grand jury cleared Planned Parenthood of allegations of misconduct, instead indicting its opponents on charges including tampering with a governmental record.

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence - Gun Law Information Experts - 0 views

    Among other things, Arizona does not: Require a background check prior to the transfer of a firearm between private, unlicensed parties; Prohibit

Growing up with Facebook privacy - 0 views

    Today's young adults, born after or around 1995, have most likely never seen a day without some form of social technology. #privacysecurity
    Today's young adults, born after or around 1995, have most likely never seen a day without some form of social technology. #privacysecurity

The real mental health issue behind gun violence - - 1 views

    By focusing on certain categories of mental illness researchers say federal gun law overlooks those at greater risk of violence. The government believes that it is very important that they keep guns away from the mentally ill individuals in our society.
    Those with mental illness are shown to have a higher risk of acting out violent crimes (specifically with the use of a gun). However, this is not the case all of the time due to the fact that there are still an abundant amount of shootings each year where the criminal(s) behind the weapon do not have any mental illnesses. We should be looking into the psychological factors of the criminals behind the gun, but also doing more extensive background checks and setting stricter limitations on who is able to purchase/receive guns.

The security vs. privacy debate is already over, and privacy lost - 0 views

    As technology becomes more popular, we begin to lose our privacy. The internet is becoming harder to avoid, and personal lives are becoming more public. Websites track your use of the internet- where you go, what you do, etc. In some ways this can be beneficial, as people cannot hide who they are anymore. IRS scandals, disease outbreaks, companies abusing power; all at our fingertips. This has sparked the debate between what is more important: your privacy? or our nation's security?
    This article explains that there is basically no debate anymore over privacy vs security; privacy lost long ago. With the advent of the "information age" privacy largely died quietly and without much thought. Now that things like Google and Facebook exist, and we spit out private information without much thought, the debate is over.

What Is More Important: Our Privacy or National Security? - 1 views

    There have been pushes to ban encrypted services online in order to try and prevent terrorists from secretly using such services to communicate. This article discusses three major points that we need to consider when discussing this issue; terrorists aren't using things like PS4's to communicate, despite what the rumors claim. When we apply back-doors to our encrypted services, we weaken them to attack. We need to think about this as Privacy vs security, not security vs security.
    Earlier this year, Edward J. Snowden, a government contractor, leaked classified documents to the news media that revealed the existence of top-secret government surveillance programs. We now know that the National Security Agency gathers phone logs and Internet data from millions of Americans as part of its mission to keep the United States safe.

Could Encryption safeguard your data and fight terror online? - 0 views

    In this article shows the fight between internet security and internet freedom. It shows how much security we get when it comes to our internet freedom.

House votes to defund Planned Parenthood, but will that help avert a shutdown? - 0 views

    The House passed two abortion-related bills Friday, including one that would strip federal health-care funding from Planned Parenthood for one year, but it remains unclear whether the votes would appease conservatives who have threatened a government shutdown over the organization. (nmw)
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