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Billy Gerchick

After 20 years of trying, the Green Party hasn't been able to establish a foothold in t... - 1 views

  • THC-dulled synapses
    • Billy Gerchick
      What does this language accomplish?
  • With the Persian Gulf War long over, a Democrat in the Oval Office who's committed to withdrawing from Afghanistan and California taking the lead on fighting carbon pollution and switching to renewable energy, the Greens just don't have any hot-button issues they can use to attract or motivate voters.
    • Billy Gerchick
      What's the primary appeal? Logos, pathos, or ethos?
  • That might change under a Mitt Romney administration -- and in the unlikely event the Greens could siphon off Democratic votes in large numbers in November, they could inadvertently bring such a disaster about.
    • Billy Gerchick
      Read this next sentence and describe what the author's use of the word "disaster" does to his ethos.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • It's not easy being Green. And it's also not especially smart.
    • Billy Gerchick
      Pay attention to the conventions: Why capitalize "Green"? Also, what do you think about the conclusion?
  • California's Green Party should buckle its Birkenstocks and move on
    • Billy Gerchick
      Evaluate the title. Do you think it's effective? Also, as you read the article, consider the primary and secondary audiences and think about how this impacts them.
  • California's Green Party was born in 1991, during a flurry of liberal outrage against Bush's war -- the first Bush, that is, and his shortlived liberation action for Kuwait. California activists, with memories of Vietnam still floating among their 1THC-dulled synapses , saw the Persian Gulf War as a conflict led by a hated Republican president who was sacrificing American blood for oil -- and a Green movement that had been sputtering before war was declared suddenly took root. More antiwar and pro-environment than the Democratic Party at the time, it was, for a while, a fashionable protest party for the crunchy-granola set .
    • Billy Gerchick
      This functions as a lead, but it also "frames" the issue, essential background information on the subject.
  • But the sprout never really blossomed.
    • Billy Gerchick
      Note how this transitions to the next idea and implies author tone towards the subject.
  • ssociat
  • the Democratic Party at the time, it was, for a while, a fashionable protest party for the crunchy-granola set
  • Mas
  • its handful of remaining voters in California might want to seriously think about voting Democrat if they want to have any impact on future elections
    • Billy Gerchick
      This is the argument's claim.
Jonathan Allen

Electric Cars Aren't Very Eco-Friendly, Says New Study | Habledash - 0 views

  • "According to the study
    A perspective given on the governments push for more environmentally safe vehicles. A great deal of reference to the material outlined in another article (hyper linked)
    Perspective on U.S. government pushing green energy
Jonathan Allen

Green Cars - Environmentally Friendly Cars- Eco Cars - 0 views

  • A board certified cardiologist has provided assurances that a person with a pacemaker can safely drive a hybrid.  
  • You should avoid coming within inches of the engine to avoid harmful complications
  •  Another concern of the hybrid car is the stealth nature and danger it may pose to the seeing impaired.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • One concern that has not been fully resolved is the electromagnetic field created and the possibility of certain cancers due to them.
  • Studies suggest that the risk is real; just as real as the other EMF given off from other electrical devices we use every day including computers and cell phones.
  • Electric cars are not new; they have been around since the 1800’s and were among the first vehicles ever built.
  •  One such fear is the harm to people with pacemakers.
    Interesting listing of possible health concerns from electric vehicles. As well good information on alternative fueled vehicles and hybrids.
    A good listing of possible health concerns that (could) result from electric vehicles. And information on alternative fuel vehicles and hybrids.
Jonathan Allen

Electric cars may not be so green after all, says British study | The Australian - 0 views

  • An electric car owner would have to drive at least 129,000km before producing a net saving in CO2. Many electric cars will not travel that far in their lifetime because they typically have a range of less than 145km on a single charge and are unsuitable for long trips. Even those driven 160,000km would save only about a tonne of CO2 over their lifetimes.
  • The British study, which is the first analysis of the full lifetime emissions of electric cars covering manufacturing, driving and disposal, undermines the case for tackling climate change by the rapid introduction of electric cars.
  • Britain's roads to increase from a few hundred now to 1.7 million by 2020.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • $66 million over the next year giving up to 8,600 buyers of electric cars a grant of $7700 towards the purchase price. Ministers are considering extending the scheme.
  • The study was commissioned by the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership, which is jointly funded by the British government and the car industry. It found that a mid-size electric car would produce 23.1 tonnes of CO2 over its lifetime, compared with 24 tonnes for a similar petrol car.
  • Emissions from manufacturing electric cars are at least 50 per cent higher because batteries are made from materials such as lithium, copper and refined silicon, which require much energy to be processed.
  • CO2 from producing an electric car rises to 12.6 tonnes, compared with 5.6 tonnes for a petrol car
    An article outlining the negative environmental impact of electric vehicles. The biggest point of interest is being an Australian new site, but using information from the UK.
    Australia news using information provided by U.K.'s C.C.C. to refute negative impact of electric vehicles.
Jonathan Allen

Just how environmentally friendly are electric vehicles? - 0 views

  • the power is purely hydroelectric, then this figure improves by no less than 40 per cent
    Outline that clean energy fueling electric cars is key for lowering environmental impact. Also pointing out the Li-Ion batteries are less detrimental than previously though.
    Article pointing out that using "green energy" to fuel electric vehicles make a great difference for lowing carbon emissions.
Jonathan Allen

Carbon confusion: Just how green are electric vehicles? | Electric vision | - 0 views

  • "Of the energy you're putting into an electric car when you plug it in, you probably get 80% to 90% translated into useful power at the wheels," say Professor Roger Kemp, author of a Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) report on electric cars. "And that's really very good, because in a conventional car it's more like 20% to 30%, with the rest coming out as heat through the radiator and the exhaust pipe."
    Environmental study done by UK's CCC. Energy efficiency report from Royal Academy of Engineering.
    U.K.'s information regarding environmental impact of electric vehicles.
jeremy jakubowski

Hybrid car sales statistics - 0 views

    Believe it or not, this is the best vehicle sale statistic site that I can find. I am bookmarking this now and I will continue to keep looking.
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