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Billy Gerchick

Purdue OWL - 0 views

    The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional materia... Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction.
    Valuable "go-to" for a broad base of writing skills, particularly for the WP2 project.
Billy Gerchick

Pew Research Center - 4 views

    "Numbers, Facts, and Trends Shaping [our] World." PEW is the most reliable, objective source for macro research I know of; use and feel welcome to cite this source for factual information.
Billy Gerchick

ebrary: Library Info - 0 views

    Need Authoritative Information? Your library offers e-books from trusted publishers in all academic subject areas along with powerful research tools with Academic Complete™! New: Download e-books onto multiple devices. And try ebrary's app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch!
Billy Gerchick

Obtaining Research through the MCC Library - 0 views

    Presentation on help researching through the MCC Library. If you're struggling to use these resources, check this out.
Jonathan Allen

Green Cars - Environmentally Friendly Cars- Eco Cars - 0 views

  • A board certified cardiologist has provided assurances that a person with a pacemaker can safely drive a hybrid.  
  • You should avoid coming within inches of the engine to avoid harmful complications
  •  Another concern of the hybrid car is the stealth nature and danger it may pose to the seeing impaired.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • One concern that has not been fully resolved is the electromagnetic field created and the possibility of certain cancers due to them.
  • Studies suggest that the risk is real; just as real as the other EMF given off from other electrical devices we use every day including computers and cell phones.
  • Electric cars are not new; they have been around since the 1800’s and were among the first vehicles ever built.
  •  One such fear is the harm to people with pacemakers.
    Interesting listing of possible health concerns from electric vehicles. As well good information on alternative fueled vehicles and hybrids.
    A good listing of possible health concerns that (could) result from electric vehicles. And information on alternative fuel vehicles and hybrids.
Daniel Opie

Stem Cells Poised To Grow Organs For Transplant - 1 views

  • Grekos showed the successful engraftment of stem cells into damaged organs and subsequent regeneration of tissue.
  • Dr. Grekos also highlighted several case studies to illustrate his team's success with Adult Stem Cells. According to their findings, cardiac disease patients experience an average increase of 21% in ejection rates as well as measurable improvements in congestive heart failure class status, some in as little as one month post-treatment
  • Regenocyte Therapeutic is currently using Adult Stem Cells Therapy to treat Congestive Heart Failure, Cardiomyopathy, Peripheral Artery Disease, Coronary Artery Disease, Kidney Disease, Ischemic Heart Disease, Pulmonary diseases (COPD, Pulmonary Fibrosis, and Pulmonary Hypertension) and Early Senile Dementia. Patients can call 866-216-5710 or visit for information or consultation.
  • ...7 more annotations...
    • Daniel Opie
      I may want to contact this number for my research. 
  • Therapeutic, addressed physicians from around the world with a presentation on patients treated with pre-engineered Adult Stem Cells. In the presentation,
  • "This is the logical next step in harnessing the regenerative power of stem cells. This will be the next phase in turning science into medicine
  • PET scans confirm that Adult Stem Cells have the ability to engraft themselves into areas damaged by myocardial infarction (heart attacks) and turn into viable new heart muscle.
  • "Three months after treatment, cardiac nuclear scans of the areas treated reveal reversal of damage. We have been able to take patients off the transplant list, and we have been doing it consistently."
  • physicians at the Dominican Republic division of Regenocyte announced clinical results of a 46-year-old patient with pulmonary hypertension who was treated with Adult Stem Cells. His pulmonary artery mean pressure went from 41mmHg (severe pulmonary hypertension) to 24 mmHg (normal) in six months.
  • The patient's saturations are now consistently high and he no longer needs to be supplemented with oxygen continuously or considered for a lung transplant. Another patient was successfully treated for cardiac sequelae of Fabry's Disease, and is also no longer considered for heart transplant.
    A clinical essay on the use of stem cells on regrowing certain organs and its cit-effects. Is it more dangerous to use stem cells research? Does the benefits out weigh the risks of the procedures? 
Billy Gerchick

Sample Student Web Researched Argument - 5 views

    This is a sample output for WP4 by Kyle McGee (Fall '11). Assignment requirements can be found on my own ENG 102 site (under WP4). If you access "Links and Files," you can find valuable links for further learning and the .PDF version of the student's researched argument (WP3)
Billy Gerchick

Gene Therapy: An Emphasis on Biotechnology and it's advances in Modern Cancer Treatments - 2 views

    By Rebecca Williams (ENG 102, Fall '11), an exemplary researched argument model that's only short on hyperlinks (five were required; one was submitted)
Billy Gerchick

20 Tips for More Efficient Google Searches - 1 views

    If you are going to use Google then you might as well try some of these suggestions because they'll help to narrow down your hits.
Billy Gerchick

Google Reader: Getting Started - YouTube - 0 views

    This video will help you start a Google Reader account and subscribe to various RSS feeds.
Billy Gerchick

General Guidelines for Conducting Research Interviews - 1 views

    Helpful site on prepping for your primary research which can come in the form of interviews.
Oluronke Salako

Internet dating scam and fraud - 1 views

  • Rapper Tim Dog Used Online Dating to Scam Peopl
    Rapper Tim Dog Used On line Dating to Scam People. shows how mass on-line dating scam is growing so we need to be careful
Oluronke Salako

Internet Fraud: The Dangers You, as a New, Unsuspecting User, are Exposed to Online - 2 views

Internet frauds may not be apparent to you, if you are new to the Internet. But, make no mistake! It does not seem to be real until you are actually bitten by an on-line scam. Those who do fall pre...


started by Oluronke Salako on 12 Jul 12 no follow-up yet
Daniel Opie

Pigs could grow human organs in stem cell breakthrough - Telegraph - 0 views

  • The researchers injected stem cells from rats into the embryos of mice that had been genetically altered so they could not produce their own organs, creating mice that had rat organs.
    • Daniel Opie
      If they are able to do this with animals what about humans? Is this ethical and effective.
  • The scientists claim the rat stem cells grew in the niche left by the absent mouse pancreas and so almost any organ could be produced in this way.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • If replicated using human stem cells, the technique could produce a way of treating diabetic patients by providing a way of replacing their pancreas
  • In reality researchers are not allowed to create human embryos that lack the ability to grow organs and so they hope to do the same using pigs.
  • They have, however, already managed to produce pigs that were able to generate human blood by injecting blood stem cells from humans into pig foetuses. He said: "For ethical reasons we cannot make an organ deficient human embryo and use it for blastocyst complementation. "So to make use of this system to generate human organs, we must use this technique using blastocysts of livestock animals such as pigs instead
  • Blastocyst complementation across species had never been tested before, but we have now shown that it can work."
    This is discussing about using other animals to grow organs inside of those other animals.
Billy Gerchick

Evaluating Web Resources - MCC Libraries' Research Guides - 1 views

    Use this guide for tips on evaluating web sites. Example web sites are included to demonstrate good vs. bad web sites.
Billy Gerchick

After 20 years of trying, the Green Party hasn't been able to establish a foothold in t... - 1 views

  • THC-dulled synapses
    • Billy Gerchick
      What does this language accomplish?
  • With the Persian Gulf War long over, a Democrat in the Oval Office who's committed to withdrawing from Afghanistan and California taking the lead on fighting carbon pollution and switching to renewable energy, the Greens just don't have any hot-button issues they can use to attract or motivate voters.
    • Billy Gerchick
      What's the primary appeal? Logos, pathos, or ethos?
  • That might change under a Mitt Romney administration -- and in the unlikely event the Greens could siphon off Democratic votes in large numbers in November, they could inadvertently bring such a disaster about.
    • Billy Gerchick
      Read this next sentence and describe what the author's use of the word "disaster" does to his ethos.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • It's not easy being Green. And it's also not especially smart.
    • Billy Gerchick
      Pay attention to the conventions: Why capitalize "Green"? Also, what do you think about the conclusion?
  • California's Green Party should buckle its Birkenstocks and move on
    • Billy Gerchick
      Evaluate the title. Do you think it's effective? Also, as you read the article, consider the primary and secondary audiences and think about how this impacts them.
  • California's Green Party was born in 1991, during a flurry of liberal outrage against Bush's war -- the first Bush, that is, and his shortlived liberation action for Kuwait. California activists, with memories of Vietnam still floating among their 1THC-dulled synapses , saw the Persian Gulf War as a conflict led by a hated Republican president who was sacrificing American blood for oil -- and a Green movement that had been sputtering before war was declared suddenly took root. More antiwar and pro-environment than the Democratic Party at the time, it was, for a while, a fashionable protest party for the crunchy-granola set .
    • Billy Gerchick
      This functions as a lead, but it also "frames" the issue, essential background information on the subject.
  • But the sprout never really blossomed.
    • Billy Gerchick
      Note how this transitions to the next idea and implies author tone towards the subject.
  • ssociat
  • the Democratic Party at the time, it was, for a while, a fashionable protest party for the crunchy-granola set
  • Mas
  • its handful of remaining voters in California might want to seriously think about voting Democrat if they want to have any impact on future elections
    • Billy Gerchick
      This is the argument's claim.
Billy Gerchick

EasyBib: Free Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago citation styles - 6 views

    Valuable resource to simplify your citations; use MLA format
Billy Gerchick

Acronymfinder abbreviations and acronyms dictionary - 0 views

    Find definitions for over 4,219,000 abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms
Robert Harrison

In ranking, U.S. students trail global leaders - - 0 views

  • students are continuing to trail behind their peers in a pack of higher performing nations
  • Scores from the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment
  • the U.S. performing about average in reading and science, and below average in math
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Out of 34 countries, the U.S. ranked 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math
    This article shows where U.S. stands with math, science, and reading. America continues to drop behind other countries.
Billy Gerchick

A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods - 1 views

    Consider this a frame of analysis/springboard for maps to be incorporated into publication design schemas; this could apply to help all WP assignments.
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