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Home/ Clean Energy Transition/ Welcome to 2012
Hans De Keulenaer

Welcome to 2012 - 4 views

started by Hans De Keulenaer on 04 Feb 12
  • Hans De Keulenaer
    This group is now in its 5th year, and has meanwhile accumulated over 200 members, 3000 bookmarks and almost 15,000 visits.

    We're probably not using the social features of the group to its fullest extent (commenting, like, posting topics). So to make you aware of them:

    1) In addition to bookmarks, you can post topics to a group, i.e. short articles with your comment or question. See the Post - Topic button just below the group header for this.

    2) Both topics and bookmarks can be voted up by the 'like' button.

    3) You can comment on topics and bookmarks. Your comments will just be added to the annotations already made on bookmarks.

    Hope the group is meeting your expectations. We've been working to keep it spam-free. Occasionally, I've had to delete a couple of off-topic posts, or remove a user. But by and large, we're developing in a diverse library on sustainable energy.

    A special thanks to Phil, The Energy Net, Glycon, Jeff and a few others for their ongoing contributions.

    Best regards,
  • Hans De Keulenaer
    An additional comment on these social features: liking or commenting on an older item, will bring it up on top again in the 'most recent' queue, which lists items that have been either added or updated in reverse chronological order. Another very nice feature in the diigo design!

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