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Outcomes of adding acute care nurse practitioners to a Level I trauma service with the ... - 2 views

    BACKGROUND: The trauma service experienced preventable delays caused by an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education work restrictions and a 16% increase in patient census. Furthermore, nurses needed a consistently accessible provider for the coordination of care. We hypothesized that using experienced acute care nurse practitioners (ACNPs) on the stepdown unit would improve throughput and decrease length of stay (LOS) and hospital charges. Moreover, we hypothesized that adding ACNPs would improve staff satisfaction. On December 1, 2011, the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Division of Trauma reassigned ACNPs to the stepdown area 5 days a week for a pilot program. METHODS: LOS data from December 1, 2011 through December 1, 2012 was compared with data from the same months from the previous two years and estimated hospital charges and patient days were extrapolated. Physician and nursing surveys were performed. Data from 2010 (n = 2,559) and 2011 (n= 2,671) were averaged and the mean LOS for the entire trauma service was 7.2 days. After adding an experienced ACNP, the average LOS decreased to 6.4 days, a 0.8 day reduction. Per patient, there was a $ 9,111.50 savings in hospital charges, for a reduction of $27.8 million dollars in hospital charges over the 12 month pilot program. RESULTS: A confidential survey administered to attending physicians showed that 100% agreed that a nurse practitioner in the stepdown area was beneficial and helped throughput. Dayshift nurses were surveyed, and 100% agreed or strongly agreed that the ACNPs were knowledgeable about the patient's plan of care, experienced in the care of trauma patients, and improved patient care overall. CONCLUSION: The addition of experienced ACNPs resulted in the decrease of overall trauma service LOS, saving almost $9 million in hospital charges

Comparison of patient outcomes based on the provider type: primary care nurse practitio... - 0 views

This is an article where the results of a randomized trial on patient outcomes depending on the type of provider (NP vs. MD) are discussed. Over a 2 year-follow-up, patient outcomes (including pati...

APRN Practice Primary Healthcare_Standards Outcomes assessment Health services research Comparative study

started by atmaror on 23 Sep 16 no follow-up yet

Advanced Practice Nurse Outcomes 1990-2008: A Systematic Review - 5 views

    This article asks the question: "Compared to other providers (physicians or teams without APRNs), are APRN patient outcomes of care similar?" The study is specific to USA and includes data regarding NPs, CNRAs, and CNMs. Outcomes were determined by the following: patient satisfaction with provider/care, patient self-assessment of perceived health status, functional status, blood glucose, serum lipids, blood pressure, emergency department visits, hospitalization, duration of ventilation, length of stay, and mortality (p9).
Madison Olkes

The Role Of Nurse Practitioners In Reinventing Primary Care - 0 views

    This article focuses on the Nurse Practitioners contribution to primary care. Randomized trials were performed to help us better understand how Nurse Practitioners compare to Primary Care Physicians in the eyes of patients. Conclusions showed that patients outcomes were equivalent in their satisfaction, physical, social and emotional functioning when compared to seeing a Physician versus a Nurse Practitioner. It was also found during the studies that lower costs of care was associated with NP's.
Kathryn Dirks

Comparison of Labor and Delivery Care Provided by Certified Nurse-Midwives and Physicia... - 1 views

    This study compares the labor and delivery outcomes of certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) and physicians. For care processes, (e.g., epidural, labor induction, episiotomy), CNMs were found to have lower rates of application/use. For infant outcomes, (e.g., low Apgar, low birth weight, neonatal intensive care unit admission), there were no differences between physicians and CNMs. Perineal lacerations were lower and breastfeeding rates were higher among women cared for by CNMs compared with physicians.

Full Practice Authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Is a Gender Issue - 0 views

Basically states values are reflected in politics and social values so this author compared states with full practice authority compared to those who ratified the Equal Rights Amendment and those w...


started by tnoorani on 30 Aug 17 no follow-up yet

Growth and development of the nurse practitioner role around the globe. - 1 views

    This article discusses how the role of the Nurse Practitioner profession has expanded around the world. They outline the "developmental progress" of the role in the United States and compare the role development of the NP to that of Erickson's developmental stages in children. Interesting read!

Interdisciplinary Primary Care Approach to Behavioral Health - 1 views

    Article showing an application of teamwork in a primary care setting to develop a behavior health intervention. See the abstract below! J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Sep-Oct;28 Suppl 1:S21-31. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2015.S1.150042. Abstract PURPOSE: This paper sought to describe how clinicians from different backgrounds interact to deliver integrated behavioral and primary health care, and the contextual factors that shape such interactions. METHODS: This was a comparative case study in which a multidisciplinary team used an immersion-crystallization approach to analyze data from observations of practice operations, interviews with practice members, and implementation diaries. The observed practices were drawn from 2 studies: Advancing Care Together, a demonstration project of 11 practices located in Colorado; and the Integration Workforce Study, consisting of 8 practices located across the United States. RESULTS: Primary care and behavioral health clinicians used 3 interpersonal strategies to work together in integrated settings: consulting, coordinating, and collaborating (3Cs). Consulting occurred when clinicians sought advice, validated care plans, or corroborated perceptions of a patient's needs with another professional. Coordinating involved 2 professionals working in a parallel or in a back-and-forth fashion to achieve a common patient care goal, while delivering care separately. Collaborating involved 2 or more professionals interacting in real time to discuss a patient's presenting symptoms, describe their views on treatment, and jointly develop a care plan. Collaborative behavior emerged when a patient's care or situation was complex or novel. We identified contextual factors shaping use of the 3Cs, including: time to plan patient care, staffing, employing brief therapeutic approaches, proximity of clinical team members, and electronic health record documenting behavior. CONCLUSION: Primary care and behavioral health clinicians, through their interactions, c
Caroline Pratt

Functions of behavior change interventions when implementing multi-professional teamwor... - 0 views

    Teamwork in the Emergency Department
Holly Smith

Growth and development of NP practice. - 1 views

history APRN practice


This site details the role and history of the FNP compared with PAs - 0 views

APRN Practice Scope

started by kmarlatt0911 on 20 Sep 17 no follow-up yet

Broadening the Scope of Nursing Practice - 6 views

Just wanted to add more article links that speak about geriatrician shortage and comparable earnings between geriatricians and adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioners: https://www.ncbi....



Advanced Practice Nurse Outcomes 1990-2008: A Systematic Review - 3 views

This article is a systematic review of published materials, using cites such as: PubMed, CINAHL, and Proquest to look at how APRNs affect patient outcomes, as they contribute more and more to the h...

APRN Teamwork

started by morovit on 01 Sep 16 no follow-up yet

Full Practice Authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses is a Gender Issue - 0 views

    In this article, author Lugo discusses the findings of her study relating limits on full practice authority for APRNs to issues of gender equality. She investigated the link between state support of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and laws in these states allowing APRNs full scope of practice and prescribing rights. Her study showed that states that have historically and currently supported the ERA in fact allow greater APRN scope of practice, and thus she draws conclusions about attitudes towards women's equality and the regulation of advanced practice nursing, which remains to be a woman-dominated profession.
    In this May 2016 article published in the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Dr. Nancy Rudner Lugo argues that advanced practicing nursing viewed through a gendered perspective due to nursing's history as a predominantly female profession; because of this, APRNS in states that are less accepting of women's equality have a more narrow scope of practice. There is not currently a national-level evidence based method used to determine APRN scope, and is instead decided at the state level. The author seeks to explain the cause of the discrepancy between differing APRN scopes of practice in different states by comparing the APRN scope of practice between states that did and did not vote to pass the Equal Right Amendment, positing that states with cultural attitudes that are more equitable between genders reflect this at the legislative level, thus explaining the wider or full practice authority given to APRNs in these states. In conclusion, Lugo advocates for increasing the number of women in legislative positions, forming relationships between women's equality organizations and groups working towards expanded health care access, and emphasizing the skills and competency of APRNs in achieving positive patient health outcomes.

Quality of Primary Care by Advanced Practice Nurses: A Systematic Review - 2 views

This article reviews the quality of primary care delivered by APRN's compared to physicians. Overall, APRN's demonstrated equal to or better outcomes than physician group for physiologic measures,...


started by samperilli on 27 Aug 17 no follow-up yet

Delivery of High Quality Primary Care in Community Health Centers: The Role of Nurse Pr... - 0 views

    This article addresses the increased need for APRN's in Primary Care Settings and evaluates their role and outcomes compared to Physician's in Primary Care.

Nurse Practitioner Vs. Physician Assistant | 2017 - 0 views

    This is a handy article for a quick and dirty explanation of the differences in scope, education, etc. between APRNs and PAs. I'm asked questions like this a lot by curious family members as well as patients.
    On several occasions, we get asked, "So what exactly is the difference between an NP and a PA?" This article is very recent and does a really nice job of breaking down the key differences between an NP and a PA on a deeper level.
    This article does a great job defining the role, education, and scope of the APRN compared to Physician Assistants. This is a great resource to be able understand the distinction for ourselves and to use to educate others about our unique role in health care as APRNs.

Quality of APRN Care - 2 views

This article presents the result of a systematic review pertaining to the quality outcomes of APRN compared to other providers such as physicians. The article concludes that APRN have equivalent qu...


started by comfortm on 28 Aug 17 no follow-up yet

The Evolving Role of the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner in Hospital Medicine - 0 views

    This resource is a research study analyzing the differences in cost and pediatric patient outcomes between hospital teams run by residents alone, PNP's alone and PNP/MD teams. Overall, the researches concluded that incorporating PNP's into hospital care can reduce costs for patients requiring certain treatments as well as provide care that is comparable to the care given by medical residents.
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