learning through sports - 0 views
Araceli Matos on 02 Oct 12A new educational software program being implemented this year in our schools' extended day program is Kids College. This program is through a company named Learning Through Sports. LTD helps students with literacy, math and science. It is an adaptive program that works at each students level. Teachers do not always have the time to differentiate instruction. This program adapts to the students level and works on the gaps in their knowledge. The way the program works is that it motivates the students using their competitive nature. Student chose a team and the sport they want to play. The level they are working on is independent of their contribution to the success of the team. The team succeeds as long as the student succeeds. After answering questions they move through the levels by participating in the sport of their choice. The sports they students can play are: basketball, snowboard, golf, foosball, hockey, rugby or baseball. The video games have wonderful graphics which are attractive to the players. The program is aligned with the state standards and the common core standards. It provides reports of students success for teachers, students and parents.