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Araceli Matos

learning through sports - 0 views

    A new educational software program being implemented this year in our schools' extended day program is Kids College. This program is through a company named Learning Through Sports. LTD helps students with literacy, math and science. It is an adaptive program that works at each students level. Teachers do not always have the time to differentiate instruction. This program adapts to the students level and works on the gaps in their knowledge. The way the program works is that it motivates the students using their competitive nature. Student chose a team and the sport they want to play. The level they are working on is independent of their contribution to the success of the team. The team succeeds as long as the student succeeds. After answering questions they move through the levels by participating in the sport of their choice. The sports they students can play are: basketball, snowboard, golf, foosball, hockey, rugby or baseball. The video games have wonderful graphics which are attractive to the players. The program is aligned with the state standards and the common core standards. It provides reports of students success for teachers, students and parents.
John Lucyk

ASSIGNMENT - 6 views

Luckytoday Hands on Activity FDOE Educator Certification ________________________________________ Certificate Lookup * Apply and Check Status The purpose of Florida educator certification is t...

started by John Lucyk on 29 Jan 16 no follow-up yet

Privacy and security issues in cloud computing: The role of institutions and institutio... - 0 views

    Cloud computing is likened and equated to the Industrial Revolution. Its transformational nature is, however, associated with significant security and privacy risks.
Cynthia Cunningham

Wildlife Sounds - 0 views

    Variety of animals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, etc. sounds to add to lesson plans.
    Studying whales this week. Thanks!

ARKive - Discover the world's most endangered species - 0 views

    Unlimited supply of animal facts, pics and videos!
Laura Guy

Tapping into the Intangible: Qualifying the Psychology of Gamification - 0 views

    In a nutshell, gamification techniques strive to leverage people's natural desires, ranging from competition to achievement to self-expression to closure. It's an industry poised to hit $5.5 billion within the next five years ( M2 Research).
Amy Sullivan

Digital Writing 101 | Responding to the changing nature of literacy - 0 views

    This site offers a wealth of information and many great resources for teachers interested in using digital media for storytelling and other activities.  There are a number of very good, clear, screencast tutorials for teachers to use. Preview a few to see if you might be able to use them with your classes. I thought they were great for high school students, and they inspired me to think about creating my own screencasts for other tutorials! :-)

60 STEAM Apps - 2 views

    Using a tablet to explore STEAM concepts is a natural pairing as kids drag, draw and create they learn more about technology and the world around them. That's why we gathered 60 of our favorite apps for teaching STEAM in the classroom, with recommendations for every grade level. Read on to get our list!

A Gift for Teaching - Free School Supplies - 0 views

    Central Florida's primary source of free school supplies for educators and students. While not "technological" in nature, I feel it is a very practical and useful resource for every educator.
John Lucyk

Wendy Bray Teacher at UCF - 1 views

shared by John Lucyk on 29 Jan 16 - No Cached
    How to Leverage the Potential of Mathematical Errors Author(s): Wendy S. Bray Source: Teaching Children Mathematics, Vol. 19, No. 7 (March 2013), pp. 424-431 Published by: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Stable URL: Accessed: 29-01-2016 05:23 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact This content do 3 on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 05:23:09 UTC 3 on Fri, 29 Jan 201 ll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 424 March 2013 * teaching children mathematics | Vol. 19, No. 7 Copyright © 2013 The National CounTcilhoisf TceoanchteenrstodfoMwanthleomadateicds,fIrnocm. w1w3w2..n1c7tm0..1or9g3. .A7ll3rigohntsFrreis, 2016 05:23:09 UTC This material may not be copied or distributed electronicaAllylloruisneasnuy bojtehecrt ftoormJSatTwOithRouTt ewrrmittsenapnedrmCisosniodnitfiroomnsNCTM. x to Leverage the Potential of Mathematical EIncorporrating arfocus oon students'rmistakses into your instruction can advance their understanding. By Wendy S. Bray elling children that they can learn from their mistakes is common practice. Yet research indicates that many teachers in the United States limit public attention to errors during math- ematics lessons (Bray 2011; Santagata 2005). Some believe that drawing attention to errors publicly may embarrass error m
John Lucyk


Procedural Safeguards for Exceptional Students Who Are Gifted 6A-6.03313 Procedural Safeguards for Exceptional Students who are Gifted. Providing parents with information regarding their rights und...

started by John Lucyk on 29 Jan 16 no follow-up yet
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