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Amy Sullivan

Resources: Recorded Webinars - Google Apps for Education - 1 views

    Pre-recorded but still valuable.
    Good resource for educators to learn more about how to use Google Apps. Scroll down to learn via webinar how to use Gmail, Google Docs, Google Forms and more.

integrators - 1 views

    Video demos and tutorials on how to use Google Apps. *Google Video (video yourself instead of the usual email, record workshops for teachers who can't make it, record messages for students working on differentiated projects, have students use for class projects), make a class website with Google Sites, and see how to use Google Docs, Google Talk, Google Calendar, and more!
Keith White

Google Labs - Explore Google's New Ideas - 0 views

    Google Labs is shutting down. Some sites, like Google Docs, have graduated into the Google mainstream, others converted to Android Apps, and others will be moved or shut down completely. View and bookmark many of these little known sites before it's too late.
Christiana Cotter

15 Google Doc Features You Didn't Know Existed (But Totally Should) - 0 views

    This is a great article about hidden features in google docs. I use google docs quite a bit and this was very useful.

Google for Education: Google in your classroom - 0 views

    A great set of resources for any educator who is in a Google environment. Provides training in all Google products and nice tips and tricks that are geared specifically for the classroom.
Amy Ryan

Google Earth for Educators - 0 views

    Site containing lesson plans, tutorials and opportunities to talk "teacher to teacher" all on the topic of using Google Earth.
Amy Sullivan

Search Education - Google - 0 views

    Lessons and activities from Google to help students become more proficient at conducting searches on the web.
Coral Holcomb

Google for Educators Interactive Mind Map. - 0 views

    Mind map for using Google. Links include classroom tools, google teacher academy, teacher community, NECC presentations, classroom activities, and classroom posters. I like the way the author used the web to map everything out. Kind of reminds me of a sports playoff bracket but in this case it's used to help you pinpoint exactly what you need.

Google Expeditions Brings Virtual Reality Field Trips to Schools Across America | EdTec... - 0 views

    An affordable VR package is coming to select schools, along with some guidance from Google.

Google for Educators: The Best Features for Busy Teachers | Edutopia - 0 views

    These tools from Google for Educators, whether old and familiar or new and improved, will keep teachers and students inspired, inventive, and organized.

4 Great Google Docs Add-ons to Help Students with Their Writing ~ Educational Technolog... - 0 views

    Google doc add-ons for teachers
Professor Scott Hull

Reflection for online research and the quality of that research - 3 views

As someone who enjoys technology and the advantages that it allows us there are times I think it can also be a burden. Not that it is hard to manipulate or use but more so toward the overall percei...


started by Professor Scott Hull on 03 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
Muneer Salem

Tech Learning : Littleton Public Schools: Teacher & Student Collaboration with Google Apps - 0 views

    "In this webinar team members from the Littleton Public Schools in Colorado will talk about how Google Apps for Education has improved the way that faculty and students work in the district. Google Apps for Education is free web-based email, calendar & documents that allow for collaborative working anytime, anywhere."

These Google Forms turn video from passive to active learning | eSchool News - 1 views

    Cool way of using video-based questioning to keep kids engaged.
    Google Forms as a classroom tool

For Teachers - Google in Education - 0 views

    A Google search engine geared towards students and teachers.  The teacher tab includes lesson plan searches and a professional development section.
    I found the lesson plans tab and the professional development sections to be the most useful for teachers like myself. I would need to do a bit more investigating to decide if the student centered search engine is useful for elementary students.
Cynthia Cunningham

The attention economy: understanding the new currency of business - Thomas H. Davenport... - 0 views

    The competition for attention is a major concern with Internet commerce and education.

Google Virtual-Reality System Aims to Enliven Education - 0 views

    Using Google Cardboard (Expectations) in the classroom fro virtual field trips.
Keith White - 0 views

    Download or create interactive Google Earth maps that trace the movements of characters from fiction, authors' lives, or adapt it for non-fiction travel adventures. Requires installation of Google Earth.

About Internet 4 Classrooms - 0 views

  • Icons used on our site include:
  • National Handwriting Day - 1/23 National Puzzle Day - 1/29 FDR's Birthday - 1/20/1882
  • sound included Adobe Acrobat document up to a higher grade added recently something on another i4c page down to a lower grade
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Use Guided Access on Your Apple Device Make Flash Cards from Google Spreadsheets Do You Use Google Spreadsheets in Your Classroom?
    Easy to navigate site for multiple grade levels and topics
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