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Meghan Starling

TIELab | Home - 0 views

    TIELab "Technology in Education Laboratory" homepage. Serves to integrate technology into learning as mentioned in Best Practice. They have a History Lab link, templates for student based inquiry activities, and a link to network with other educators and share good uses of technology in education.
Christi DiSturco

The Best Teacher Blogs of 2012 ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    Best of the best teacher blogs The blogs mentioned in this list were the finalists for Edublogger Awards 'Best Teacher Blog for the year 2012. Check them out and try to subscribe to the RSS feeds of the ones you like. Enjoy
Kellie Monteleone

Learn It In 5 - 0 views

    This site has how to videos for many of the sites I have seen mentioned. There are 5-min clips of how to set up and use the different applications that we find on the web but don't necessarily know how to get started on. I watched a couple of these, but especially liked the one about KidBlog and Animoto.
Allison Kibbey

Tools for Building your Personal Learning Network - LiveBinder - 0 views

    Personal Learning Network information. Reminds me a lot of online courses since we are each others PLN, not to mention social networking. Great information here on how to start your own PLN online.
Amy Sullivan

Common Core in Action: Narrative Writing | Edutopia - 0 views

    A great post that reminds readers about the transcendence of narrative writing across genres (and across subjects!) The teacher uses historical and science fiction as inspiration for her ELA students' writing projects, but ideas, such as the "What if . . ." digital presentation project she mentions from Larry Ferlazzo could be used in almost any subject. The author's ideas for having students prove their informational research are also very helpful. I loved reading the post, too. Her, "Nobody puts baby in a corner," quote made me laugh out loud.
Kristin Valenti

Real Time Search - Social Mention - 0 views

    You can search Social sites

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    Supplemental Materials

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    Teaching materials

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    Creative Lesson Plans

Education World: Using Technology In The Classroom - 0 views

    This site has many resources and ideas on how to use technology in the classroom. It mentions things like Twitter and how to implement mobile devices. With this day and age, I think this might be useful! I particularly like the links to K-2 resources!
Laura Guy

4 Tips for Content Chunking in e-Learning - 0 views

    Thursday, 09 January 2014 20:47 If your learners aren't performing as well on their post-training evaluations as you'd hoped, you may want to try an e-Learning development technique to help them remember - content chunking. Maybe you've never heard this term, or you've heard it mentioned and wondered exactly how it works, where it came from and how to apply it to your e-Learning development.
Victoria Ahmetaj

Virtual Reality in the Classroom - 1 views

  • With the incorporation of nursing informatics into the curriculum, faculty must be creative in devising methods that include a global perspective on the use of available resources. Added to this changing dynamic is the lack of clinical space for students, while at the same time, nursing professors are being challenged to develop new methods for providing real-life clinical experiences for students.
  • Most students have a desire to expand their universe and use virtual learning.
  • Baker, Wentz, and Woods (2009) investigated the use of SL using a qualitative method with a cohort of students (n = 9) in a psychology class. Results showed that students were generally positive about the experience. Considerations for further implementation would include the fact that these students mentioned convenience of attending class in SL, having the text version of the lecture available, and being able to interact with the instructor and other students in real time. Barriers included a slow response time from their computers, needing time to practice navigating and using the tools in SL, and technical difficulties. Research in this area remains scant and it is an area which needs active investigation.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Billings and Kowalski (2009) report that virtual worlds are authentic and safe for students. They note that the educators can develop standard scenarios and control the learning environment by their own presence. Virtual worlds can also provide clinical experiences without disrupting the work flow of clinical agencies.
    Virtual Reality and Nursing School
Amy Sullivan

Teens, Chat and Parents: Early High School the Critical Time for Technology Education |... - 1 views

    Good article on the need to develop/ sustain an interest in "how technology works," through technology education targeted at early high school students. The Australian Computer Society, mentioned in the article, "strives for ICT to be recognised as a driver of innovation in our society . . . ." Link shared by Tony Richards from Diigo group, Ed Tech Crew.
Roxanne Goodling

100+ Google Tricks for Teachers | TeachHUB - 0 views

    It's Google's world, we're just teaching in it. Now, we can use it a little more easily. With classes, homework, and projects-not to mention your social life-time is truly at a premium for all teachers, so why not take advantage of the wide world that Google has to offer?

Children's Biographies: The Young Patriots Series - 1 views

    This is an educational site in which teachers will find a large collection of reading suggestions and materials for their students. The site lists all of the books found in the Young Patriots series, which is a series designed for children. It then goes on to provide additional websites and links for each specific Patriot and individual mentioned. As you explore a little further, you will find several short videos on each of these individuals that can be used as great lead ins to any lesson about these Patriots. I found this cite to be very easy to use and navigate through, and filled with great resources and content.
Jenna Kirsch

Discovery Education - 1 views

    I love everything about Discovery Education, not to mention their streaming library which offers video clips of pretty much anything educational you can think of from lessons on "What do Scientists do?" to Chinese Dragon Dancers. I use this site all the time in my classroom, highly recommend!
    Free resources for teachers for every subject and grade level.
    This is one of my favorite sites for science lesson plans. Discovery has some re;evant and useable lesson plans.
Zulay Iglesias

Project Gutenberg - free ebooks - 0 views

    • Zulay Iglesias
      One of my favorite websites. Free e-books over 40,000. This is a great tool for integrating technology. Students can use this at home and school.
    Free literary and reference materials. Over 30,000 titles available. It was mentioned in "Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom" (Shelly, Gunter, Gunter 2010), but I thought it was important enough to make another note of.

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: Top 10 Technology Blogs for Education - 0 views

    Great blog on Education Technology
    Editor's note: This is a cross post from College Online where "The Innovative Educator" is named in the top ten ed tech blogs list. I'm thrilled to be mentioned with all these other wonderful bloggers. I know and follow most of them and look forward to getting to know better those I don't.
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