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Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: current knowledge gaps and reco... - 0 views

    Although research studies in education show that use of technology can help student learning, its use is generally affected by certain barriers. In this paper, we first identify the general barriers typically faced by K-12 schools, both in the United States as well as other countries, when integrating technology into the curriculum for instructional purposes, namely: (a) resources, (b) institution, (c) subject culture, (d) attitudes and beliefs, (e) knowledge and skills, and (f) assessment. We then describe the strategies to overcome such barriers: (a) having a shared vision and technology integration plan, (b) overcoming the scarcity of resources, (c) changing attitudes and beliefs, (d) conducting professional development, and (e) reconsidering assessments. Finally, we identify several current knowledge gaps pertaining to the barriers and strategies of technology integration, and offer pertinent recommendations for future research.

Integrating educational technology into teaching (4th ed ) ROBLYER Margaret: Librairie ... - 0 views

  • Part 1 Introduction and Background on Integrating Technology in Education Chapter 1 Educational Technology in Context:
  • Part II Integrating Software and Media Tutors and Tools into Teaching and Learning Chapter 3 Teaching with Instructional Software
  • Part III Linking to Learn: Principles and Strategies Chapter 7 Introducing the Internet and Other Distance Learning Tools
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Part IV Integrating Technology Across the Curriculum Chapter 9 Technology in English and the Language Arts
    This book is introducing integrating educational technology in to teaching.
Meghan Starling

Ed Tech Coaching: Let's Stop Talking about Teaching with Technology, and Start Talking ... - 0 views

    A great read about Technology Integration from the perspective of a K-12 District Technology Integrator. Effective quote: "Technology is Not pedagogy."
Kimberly Hoffman

Technology in the Classroom: Resources for Teachers - 0 views

    Good website as a start or support resource for implementing technology lessons ( and mini-lessons) in the classroom.
    Find basic computer skills, Internet research tips, Internet safety resources, lessons, and worksheets to help integrate technology across the curriculum. Learn the history of the Internet; get help with using computer word processors; find out how to create PowerPoint presentations; understand the difference between a podcast and a blog; research interesting science projects online; use the computer to extend a literature activity; and other fascinating activities. Encourage your students to use technology in school and out. The possibilities are endless, when it comes to how the Internet, computers, and other forms of modern technology can benefit your classroom instruction. Read more on TeacherVision:

Technology Integration Matrix - Digital Classroom Plan - 0 views

    Here's an 11 minute video explaining Brevard County's approach to integrating technology into the classroom.
Coral Holcomb

Technology in the Classroom - Technology Integration Department (KSD) - 0 views

    Units with integrated technology & resources for K-6 classrooms.

Integrating technology in a classroom with limited resources - 0 views

    Blog offers ideas on how you can integrate technology using devices you may already in a creative way to make up for the lack of classroom resources.
Karen Titus

The LAUSD iPad Initiative: 5 Critical Technology Integration Lessons | Edutopia - 1 views

    This article is an example of the need for technology education.
Linda Braun

Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons Are Many | Edutopia - 0 views

    Good reasons for technology integration.

Technology Integration - 0 views

    Great teacher site- Why Integrate Technology
    This site has a lot of information about technology integration.
    This video series goes inside the classrooms of educators who use technology tools in their lessons every day. Learn from their challenges, celebrate their successes, and share their resources in every episode.

Grading the Digital School: In Classroom of Future, Stagnant Scores - 0 views

    As technology continues to evolve, there is a greater demand for integrating technology into the classrooms. This article is a great read to help further the discussion on if this push for more technology in the classroom truly leads to the enhancing of students' learning and the quality of education.

Social Studies Central - Lesson Plans, Technology Integration and Staff Development for... - 0 views

    a website for social science teachers to use to get support on improving their instruction, engaging students in learning finding lesson plans and integrating technology resources in social science
Amy Sullivan

How to Teach Digital Storytelling in High School | Mediashift | PBS - 1 views

    Inspiring and enlightening narrative about a high school teacher's experience integrating digital tools and storytelling into his classes (including lots of lessons learned!) and a "how to" guide for aspiring technology integrators.

Mobile technology integration: shared experiences from three initiatives: Search - 0 views

    UCF's Glenda Gunter discusses mobile technology integration in education.

Technology Integration: The Importance of Administrative Support - 0 views

    The role of administrators is critical to the successful acceptance, adoption, integration and implementation of technology by teachers. Technology leadership that models, supports and expects computer technology use results in more effective curriculum integration of the technology by teachers.

Technology and Teaching: Finding a Balance | Edutopia - 0 views

    Edutopia blogger Andrew Marcinek provides a thoughtful course correction for teachers facing full-on technology integration, offering three suggestions for focusing on media and balancing it with what students should be learning.

Florida Center for Instructional Technology - 2 views

  • FCIT is funded by the Florida Department of Education, school districts, educational foundations, and others to provide leadership, instructional materials, and support services to educational institutions in Florida and beyond with regard to the integration of technology into K-20 education.
    • Cindy Hanks
      A list of online tools brought to you by the University of South Florida.
    • Cindy Hanks
      With my position as elementary computer lab teacher, these goodies will come in handy. Sites like this will enable me to give my students more options and tools to work with during their creative projects on the computer.
    The Florida Center for Instructional Technology is located at USF and is funded by the Florida Department of Education.  It provides links to numerous educational technology resources.
    The Florida Center for Instructional Technology (FCIT) provides leadership, instructional materials, and support services to educational institutions with regard to the integration of technology into K-20 education. Has thousands of royalty-free clipart and images.
    I really like the resources for presentations and technology incorporation in the classroom in the Educational Technology Clearinghouse section of the site.
Paul Haberstroh

Educational Technology Clearinghouse - 1 views

    Great website for educators to access royalty free clip art, lesson plans, clip media, and presentations.
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    The Florida Digital Educator program supports the appropriate integration of technology into K-12 education. Visit the Florida Standards website for information about the Sunshine State Standards. Each photo is available in multiple sizes great for student and teacher use. A friendly license allows teachers and students to use up to 25 free photos per project.
    This website provides digital resources for schools in Florida.
    This website is AMAZING. It has clip-art, photographs, presentation images, maps, lessons, and answers to tech questions. There are so many images available, they are free (up to a certain amount, but it is very generous), it tells you exactly how to cite them, and it has options for file size and format. It took some clicking/digging around, but this is what led me to this site: FL DOE - Educators button at top - Curriculum, Instruction, Student Services - Instruction & Curriculum - Instructional Technology - Educational Technology Clearinghouse
    FCIT (the Florida Center for Instructional Technology) and ETC (the Educational Technology Clearinghouse) provide digital content, professional development, and technical services supporting the appropriate integration of technology into K-12 and preservice education. ©2011 Florida Center for Instructional Technology, College of Education, University of South Florida

Home - New School Technology - 0 views

    New School Technology reviews current educational technology and useful strategies to effectively integrate technology in the classroom.
Meghan Starling

Resisting Technology Is Soooo 20th Century - Finding Common Ground - Education Week - 0 views

  • If you believe that technology is a distraction and not a way to enhance educational practices, you're probably not using it correctly.
  • When we were kids, did we leave school every day thinking that we had to go home and do research. Homework was something that got in the way of our play. We wanted to go outside and play games or stay inside and play video games. As we grew older we wanted to connect with our friends by playing sports or talking on the phone. Suddenly, we became adults and expect all students to want to go home and do research.
  • Our job as educators is to build a bridge between what they use it for and what we want them to use it for.
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  • The reality is that it plays an important part in our lives and keeps us connected. We live busy lives so having multiple ways to connect with people is a strength and not a weakness. It's how we communicate that matters. Teaching students about the benefits and the pitfalls is important.
  • Being the barrier because it doesn't coincide with your views isn't helping anyone
    A great read about technology integration in the classroom and using technology in general.
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