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Graham Atttwell

Knowledge-at-work: Boundary objects and KM - 5 views

    " Boundary object (BO), originally introduced by Starr (1989), is a concept to refer to objects that serve an interface between different communities of practice. Boundary objects are an entity shared by several different communities but viewed or used differently by each of them. As Star points out, boundary objects in an organization work because they necessarily contain sufficient detail to be understandable by both parties, however, neither party is required to understand the full context of use by the other - boundary objects serve as point of mediation and negotiation around intent. Boundary objects are flexible enough to adapt to local needs and have different distinct identities in different communities, but at the same time robust enough to maintain a common identity across the boundaries to be a place for shared work. Boundary objects are not necessarily physical artifacts such as a map between two people: they can be a set of information, conversations, interests, rules, plans, contracts, or even persons. It is around BOs that Communities of Practice (CoPs) often gather. BOs are 'used' by members of different communities in very different ways, although the representation is shared. BOs are an important class of knowledge artifacts. They are center stage in the dynamics of knowledge exchange. BOs are also known as CISs (common information spaces). Examples: Reports are a classic example of traces as boundary objects that the professionals and other members share. Faxed documents and email massages are also the boundary object among distributed members. Information spaces, where particpants gather to exchange information, co-ordinate activites and create knowledge are another example of BOs A library catalog, an order entry process, travel assistance request form, an organizational knowledge map, i.e. one of the products from your knowledge mapping project! Mapping BOs: Boundary objects are a very useful way to structure and

MY RESEARCH AND TOP 10 WEB 2.0 TOOLS IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION with Proud to be leader in Smile EUN Project COP2 and to present my top 10 tools to build #edtech20 #PLN - 0 views

    Proud to be Leader in Cop2 organized in SMILE :) project  managed by European Schoolnet . I tried to describe here my top 10 Social Media Curation tools to develop a PLN . Please add your feed-back and add comments with your  favorite startups to build a PLN here
dolors reig

Threshold concept, insight y autoaprendizaje. | El caparazón - 0 views

    He estado leyendo, en el marco del curso de Comunidades (CoPs) últimamente algunos artículos de mis compañeros sobre algo que, si bien no me ...
dolors reig

Facilitación en Comunidades o Redes sociales online: Howard Rheingold | El caparazón - 0 views

    Por si alguien aún no ha oído hablar de él, Howard Rheingold es un importante escritor y crítico sobre los aspectos económicos y socioculturales de
dolors reig

FOC08 (1): Del grupo a la comunidad, principios básicos. | El caparazón - 0 views

    Os dejo hoy un resumen de la Primera Unidad del Curso de Facilitación de Comunidades Online en el que participo, considerando que puede ser de utilidad a diversas disciplinas, desde la educación al márketing social. El curso se desarrolla en inglés (paso
cristina costa - 0 views

Nergiz Kern

"90-9-1" Rule for Participation Inequality: Lurkers vs. Contributors in Internet Communities (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) - 13 views

    Participation Inequality: Encouraging More Users to Contribute
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