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Amanda Kenuam

Online Math Manipulatives | Special Education - 2 views

    "math, math manipulatives, math applets, virtual manipulatives, gizmos"
Nigel Robertson

Getting Started with Spreadsheets Gadgets - Google Spreadsheets APIs and Tools - Google... - 0 views

    A starter on creating gadgets to manipulate data in Googlr spreadsheets.
Mike Fandey

SimplyBox - Think Inside the Box - 0 views

    Visual capture, bookmarking, sharing, and organizing tool for web content. A very interesting way of sharing and manipulating web info. Most valuable when there is something of visual value to show (e.g. pictures, maps, graphs) vs. text.
Nigel Coutts

Local Wisdom versus Global Assessments - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    A significant shift continues to occur within global education markets. It is signified by the manner in which it makes sense to speak of a global education market. It is driven by neo-liberalism and the expansion of markets into all aspects of our lives and it is made possible by manipulation of the third messaging system within the educational triad of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. It is a drive towards accountable, comparable and productive education systems fine-tuned to maximise the return on investment and provide industry with the workforce it desires. What must be asked is how does this trend impact students and are these the forces that should be driving change in our education systems?
Martin Burrett

Sketchfab British Museum - 0 views

    "View over 200 3D models of historical objects from the British Museum. Manipulate the models online, view using Google Cardboard and download the models to print on a 3D printer."
Janos Haits

Mathigon | The Mathematics Education Project - 0 views

    "The Mathematical Playground Free tools, courses and manipulatives to make online learning more interactive and engaging than ever before."
Martin Burrett

Rylstim Screen Recorder - Recording On-Screen Manipulations to AVI File | Rylstim - 0 views

    Download this simple screen capture software. The videos do not have a watermark and are made using a easily editable AVI format.
Martin Burrett

Geoboard - 0 views

    A maths geoboard resource which is great for teaching shape, area and perimeter.

Clipping Path | Remove Background From Image | Photo Cutout service - 0 views

    Really Outstanding post. I love these. It will useful for any new comer and expert guys also. Thanks for your excellent stuff.
Jennifer Garcia

Don't Forget These Six Gold Standard of Technology Integration Tools | MyWeb4Ed - 30 views

  • Most quality online stores.New Solution for home gym, cool skateboard, Monsterbeats headphone and much more on the real bargain. Highly recommended.This is one of the trusted online store in the world. View now
Filefisher com

Google fined a record €2.4 billion by the EU for manipulating search results ... - 0 views

    Google has been hit with a record-breaking €2.42 billion ($2.7 billion) fine by the European Union for breaking antitrust law. The decision follows a seven-year investigation into the US company's...
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