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Data Science | AntWak FREE micro-videos - 1 views

    Home > Data Science > How to learn Data Science in 2021? Data Science (DS) is a great, promising, and most demanding career. But are you confused about being a beginner and wanna know the Right Way to Learn DS? Technology is more into digitisation and due to this extensive transformation, huge data is expected to be produced in the coming future. To make use of such big data we need data scientists who can layout, design and filter the data in an organized way. All things considered, with a huge number of options available choosing the correct curriculum program and admission to the right institute is important. Besides all this, the course and institute to be suitable for your requirement are extremely difficult. While online courses are an incredible path for some to upskill, good opportunities from top colleges and universities are the platform for data scientists to test their knowledge in their field. Here are the five essential guidelines to turn into an expert in Data Science: Get a Data Science certificate or similar degree To get an opportunity as an entry-level data researcher, one would require a four-year certification in DS, math, insights and software engineering. Degrees can likewise give temporary job openings. All things considered if you have just secured a 4 yr certification in a different background through online e-courses or basic boot camps and workshops. The focus should be given to mastering the skills required for DS. Take a look at this course from AntWak on Data Engineering delivered by top global experts. Take comprehensive courses and devote time to learning You can become a top-class data researcher by taking a full course at a time. It will be the skill and instruments needed to turn into a data researcher, many critical projects and coaching help. A variety of such courses are available online that offer top to bottom analysis of subjects, for example, data scratching, AI, big data analysis and many more. To begin your learning
Dennis OConnor

Virtual School Meanderings By Michael Barbour K-12 Certificate Series: Univer... - 0 views

  • Continuing the Certificate Series, where I have been describing and discussing each of the certificates in online teaching that are focused on the K-12 environment. The sixth one I wanted to discuss was the E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program at University of Wisconsin-Stout.
Dennis OConnor

Googlios - 0 views

  • Welcome to "Googlios" where free Google tools meet ePortfolios.   This site is intended to be a collection of resources for those interested in using ePortfolios in Education.  Watch the 2 minute Intro video here
    Many of the participants in the UW-Stout E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program use Google Sites to create their e-portfolios.  The portfolios are created and used throughout the program. During the practicum, when students become teachers by teaching in one of our graduate classes, they also refine and polish their portfolios. Ultimately the online portfolio becomes a job search tool that helps our graduates show a potential employer what they know. 
Dennis OConnor

E-Learning-Jobs-Special-from-UW-Stout - 0 views

    Back to school issue. August and September are times when jobs are landed. This newsletter is dedicated to helping anyone looking for a job as an online teacher. I write this newsletter as a service for students and graduates of the E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program at the University of Wisconsin Stout. ~ Dennis O'Connor (Program Advisor)
Dennis OConnor

E-Learning and Online Teaching | - 0 views

    Hi impact, curated magazine of articles and professional resources for those interested in e-learning and online teaching. Published by Dennis O'Connor, Program Advisor for the University of Wisconsin Stout E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program.
Dennis OConnor

UW-Stout ELearning and Online Teaching Certificate (Facebook Program Page) - 0 views

    Here's our new program page on Facebook.  I am updating this page regularly with information for anyone interested in e-learning and online teaching best practices.  You don't have to be a current or former student to take advantage of the information and connections found here.  I do ask you to 'Like' this page if you find it useful.   (Try it! You'll Like It!)
Dennis OConnor

E-Learning Graduate Certificate Program: Horizon Report 2011 E-Learning Relevent Research - 0 views

  • The 2011 Horizon Report is a collaboration between The New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative
  • Executive Summary Overview
Dennis OConnor

E-Learning Graduate Certificate Program: Problem solving in an online constructivist cl... - 0 views

  • If you come across a question you can't answer, be honest. Don't bluff or portray yourself as an expert when you aren't. Instead model the collaborative skills you've developed and work together with the student to solve problems.
  • By sharing power you enhance the learning community. 
  • 1. Wait time.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Here are some problem solving tips.
  • 2. Admit when you're uncertain.
  • 3. Practicum Interns should consult with your cooperating instructor on anything that might get sticky.
  • In an internship,  go to your cooperating cooperating instructor first.  
  • When you're teaching online for a company or university use the chain of command.
  • 4. Use your search skills.
  • Problem solving is an ongoing process. 
  • See our NEW Checklist for Online Instructors for a comprehensive guide to best practices in e-learning! 
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