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Arwa E

الوفد - رئيس الضرائب يهدد بزيادة الموقوفين إلى 135 موظفاً - 4 views

    "عرض "رفعت" على الموظفين إمكانية الصفح عنهم وإلغاء قرار الايقاف عن العمل وعدم إحالتهم للتحقيق مقابل إزالة الخيام المعتصمين بداخلها امام المصلحة والتقدم بإعتذار رسمى له عن الهتافات الصادرة ضده وعدم الاستمرار فى المطالبة بإقالته ."
حسام الحملاوي

Waleed Nassar» Blog Archive » Strike! - 0 views

    The power of the image..
حسام الحملاوي

Egypt and beyond: Free union refuse to join state-controlled federation - 0 views

    el-Badeel reports: The head of the state-controlled trade union federation (EFTU), Hussein Megawer, has announced that he would agree to let the free union of the real estate tax collectors join the federation. Union leaders refused this offer, saying they will not enter the official union structure since it is controlled by the ruling party NDP, stressing that they have the right to organize independently according to the Egyptian constitution and international treaties signed by Egypt.
حسام الحملاوي

Egypt and beyond: Anti-union crackdowns - 0 views

حسام الحملاوي

Good First Hand Account of Various Egyptian Stakeholders Surrounding the Revolution | J... - 2 views

    My interviews with Jadaliyya
حسام الحملاوي

I do NOT endorse the May 4th General Strike Call at 3arabawy - 1 views

    Between virtual fantasies and organizing on the ground...
حسام الحملاوي

Daily News Egypt - Tora Cement workers win pay victory after protest - 1 views

  • Tora Cement workers win pay victory after protestBy Sarah Carr First Published: February 24, 2009HELWAN: Workers at the Tora Cement plant have reached an agreement regarding one of their demands concerning pay and conditions after staging a protest Monday.
    Workers at the Tora Cement plant have reached an agreement regarding one of their demands concerning pay and conditions after staging a protest Monday.
حسام الحملاوي

Jaiku | يعتصم اليوم عمال طرة للأسمنت - 1 views

    Labor protests advertised in advance to activists and journalists via Jaiku
حسام الحملاوي

جريدة البديل - « المالية» ترفض صرف حافز الإثابة لإداريي «التعليم ».. والإضراب... - 1 views

    Education Ministry's civil servants strike continues...
حسام الحملاوي

المحلة: وقائع إجهاض إضراب ديسمبر | مركز الدراسات الاشتراكية - مصر - 1 views

    How the state aborted the December Mahalla strike
حسام الحملاوي

عمال workers - 1 views

Mohammed Maree

Tanta workers continue sit-in protest downtown | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News from E... - 1 views

  • The protesters called on President Mubarak and his two sons to intervene, chanting slogans like, "Why is the future bleak? Gamal, what are you going to do?" and "Alaa, tell your father the Tanta workers love him." Protesters also chanted that Prime Minister Nazif is taking Egypt "back to the [King] Farouk era."
حسام الحملاوي

Sacked Egyptian fishermen join Greek general strike on Flickr - Photo Sharing! - 1 views

حسام الحملاوي

تحقيقات - حديد حلوان‏..‏ تلفظ أنفاسها الأخيرة‏!!‏ - 1 views

    I can start sensing Hani Shukrallah's impact on Al-Ahram.
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