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Sebastian Weber

BBC NEWS | Technology | The mash-up future of the web - 0 views

    This article discusses the effect mashups may have on the Internet in coming years.
Sebastian Weber

Google Maps Transit - 0 views

    Plan your public transportation online
Sebastian Weber Mashup essentials - 0 views

  • "In the past," says Steve Willett, a specialist at DIA, "our analysts would have to check multiple sites to access the information they needed, because HTML pages with relevant information were scattered through many agencies."
Sebastian Weber

ABS to open up data for online mapping: News - Software - ZDNet Australia - 0 views

  • "We recognise that we're not a developer of geospatial software. Our expertise is in the data. The challenge for us is whatever you want to do from a geospatial perspective, that you can get the data into that."
    The Australian Bureau of Statistics plans to release its data for use in online mashups in 2008.
Sebastian Weber

Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • Web 3.0, which is likely to be a pre-cursor of the real semantic web
  • What we mean by 'Web 3.0' is that major web sites are going to be transformed into web services - and will effectively expose their information to the world.
    • Sebastian Weber
      definition of Web 3.0
  • The old perception is that closed data is a competitive advantage. The new reality is that open data is a competitive advantage.
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  • The likely solution then is to stop worrying about protecting information and instead start charging for it, by offering an API. Having a small fee per API call (think Amazon Web Services) is likely to be acceptable, since the cost for any given subscriber of the service is not going to be high.
Sebastian Weber

Web 2.0: A Pattern Library - 0 views

  • Iterative launches The best way to launch web products is to first release the smallest parts that will be useful and which can stand up as a "product." Then, follow this up by watching user behavior closely and letting your users steer the product toward the real demand while adding more features. Leave your product in "beta" for a year or more if you want.
  • The biggest problem with the old "big release" model is that it required design and development teams to go quite far down the road of development before seeing any real-world user action, which meant that the builders had to make many more predictions about how users would behave before seeing real user behavior.
  • Mashup-ability Mashups add value when two or more web apps have more meaning mixed together than the component parts did separately. If the mashup doesn't add considerable value, it's not worth doing. Unless you're doing it for fun.
Sebastian Weber

Informal Training: A Review of Existing Data and Some New Evidence - 0 views

    Research and evaluation report of U.S. Department Of Labor (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
Sebastian Weber

The Power of Informal Learning - 0 views

  • Although more formal forms of instruction such as the classroom and e-learning will be around for years, it’s becoming more and more important to watch and harness the more informal methodologies that our students are utilizing. Most of these methods have been around for years, but have gone unnoticed by the training community.
  • Informal methods of learning are often found right in the work environment. They are seen as techniques that a learner can take advantage of right away and with work-related resources. Another reason these methods are so popular is because they are often very short. Advanced learners tell us that they don’t have the time or budget to attend more formal learning. Even the immediacy of e-learning is seen as something that will take too much valuable time. Finally, learners have matured to a point where they want to drive their learning in a more meaningful and self-directed manner. These informal methods are seen as more student-driven and job-relevant than most formal options.
  • Two of the most common informal environments used today are e-communities and, of all things, the learners’ neighbors sitting all around them. E-communities, often called communities of practice, are made up of threaded message boards, frequently asked question (FAQ) Web sites and chat environments. They have existed under the radar screen of most training programs for years. Many have grown to have huge followings of subject-matter experts (SMEs) and super-users.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Establish a expert request mechanism PID supports to find experts for topics Web 2.0 supports the concept of SMEs (e.g., EduFire)
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  • The easiest way to control and encourage these communities is to sponsor them within the corporation itself. “Brown-bag” lunches and meet-the-expert days are some examples of ways organizations are formally tapping into what used to be an ineffective and costly method of learning.
Sebastian Weber

Make Space for Informal Learning - 0 views

  • A new challenge for e-learning is to create collaborative learning spaces in which informal learning can thrive.
  • Stephanie Pace Marshall notes in her "Principles for the New Story of Learning." Learning is an incremental process of acquiring information. Learning should be credentialed by the amount of time spent acquiring information. The purpose of formal learning is to acquire information rapidly, cover content, and reproduce facts. Content segmentation is the more efficient and effective way to learn a discipline. Only that which can be quantitatively and easily measured is true knowledge. Competition and external rewards are the most powerful motivators for learning.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Informelles lernen untersützt lebenslanges lernen. Informellen lernen erfolgt kontinuiierlich. Das lernen ändert sich, es bezieht sich auf den aktuellen Kontext (z.B. aktuelles Projekt) und es berücksichtigt existierendes Wissen. Dazu ist kontinuiierliche Information Acquisition notwendig (wird durch Web 2.0 technologien wie z.B. netvibes unterstützt)
  • As organizations rapidly move their training focus to virtual environments, a proliferation of methods to support formal learning has appeared: teleconferencing, videoconferencing, e-meetings, and online courses
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  • On a parallel track, however, there's a growing recognition that valuable learning often takes place through informal learning. Informal learning is based in conversations, social interactions, and team projects, in which learning is part of the interactions between people.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Informelles Lernen erfolgt über Kommunikation mit Menschen, denn das eigentliche Wissen steckt in den Köpfen der Leuten. Das beste Mittel dieses Wissen zu erlangen ist über direkte Kommunikation mit dem Experten. Web 2.0 Technologien können unerstütztend wirken, da man erst einmal relevante Experten finden muss. Manchmal ist auch direkte Face to Face Kommunikation nicht möglich.
  • Informal learning isn't limited to a predefined body of knowledge, but rather emerges from the interaction of people. At the heart of it is the transfer of tacit knowledge--knowledge that's not articulated but is acquired by individuals through experience.
  • Informal learningis based in conversations, social interactions, and team projects, in which learning is part and parcel of the interactions between people.
  • Through forming relationships, knowledge is diffused. He alludes to the image of the village square, where people hang out in a social space. That social space is the setting in which social relations are reinforced, trust is developed, and informal learning takes place. In sum, informal learning is that which allows the tacit knowledge resident in a group to emerge and be exchanged, sometimes by serendipity, sometimes in the course of accomplishing a specific project, through the construction of spaces that support learning.
  • Temporary learning systems: groups of people brought together for a short period of time to learn about a specific topic
    • Sebastian Weber
      Web 2.0 kann das Finden von Experten unterstützen
  • Communities of practice: groups of people that share "ways of working" or professional or personal interests and who meet together to exchange knowledge and share resources
    • Sebastian Weber
      Communites of practic ermöglich informelles Lernen, weil eine Gruppe von Menschen diese selben Interessen vertreten müssen, über die sie kommunizieren können und somit den Lernprozess ermöglichen.
Sebastian Weber

Definitions Informal Learning - 0 views

  • Implizites Lernen ist eine Lernart, die zusammen mit dem Erfahrungslernen das informelle Lernen bildet. Es charakterisiert einen Lernprozess, dessen Verlauf und Ergebnis für den Lernenden nicht bewusst und reflektiert ablaufen. Einschlägige Beispiele für das implizite Lernen sind Lernprozesse, die zum Schwimmen oder zum Fahrradfahren befähigen. Lernen wird in der Situation unmittelbar erfahren, ohne dass Regeln und Gesetzmäßigkeiten erkannt oder gar zur Basis von Lernprozessen gemacht würden.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Definition Implicit Learning
  • Informelles Lernen ist eine Lernart, bei der sich ein Lernergebnis einstellt, ohne dass dies von vornherein bewusst angestrebt wird. Erfahrungslernen und implizites Lernen unterteilen das informelle Lernen. Charakteristisch für informelles Lernen ist, dass es in der Arbeits- und Lebenswelt handlungsbasiert erfolgt, dabei aber nicht institutionell organisiert ist. Informelle Lernprozesse werden zudem nicht pädagogisch begleitet, und es stellt sich ein Lernergebnis ein, das aus Situationsbewältigungen und Problemlösungen folgt.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Definition Informal Learning
  • Der Terminus informelles Lernen bezeichnet Lernprozesse, die durch das Subjekt als Lernen antizipiert, selbstorganisiert und reflektiert werden, eine Eigenzeit und gerichtete Aufmerksamkeit erfordert, an Problemsituationen gebunden, aber nicht in eine Institution eingebunden sind.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Definition Informal Learning (Kirchhöfer, 2004)
Sebastian Weber

Erfahrungslernen - 0 views

  • Erfahrungslernen – auch als reflexives Lernen bezeichnet – ist eine Lernart, die über das Verarbeiten und bewusste Reflektieren von Erfahrungen erfolgt. Erfahrungen werden in der Arbeit bei der Ausübung von Arbeitstätigkeiten gemacht. Es findet dann ein intensives Erfahrungslernen statt, wenn die den Arbeitstätigkeiten zugrunde liegenden Handlungen mit Problemen, Herausforderungen und Ungewissheiten für den Arbeitenden verbunden sind und reflektiert werden. Erfahrungslernen bildet zusammen mit dem impliziten Lernen das informelle Lernen. Die Abfolge von Handlung, Erfahrung und Reflexion und ihre Fortführung führt zum Aufbau von Erfahrungswissen.
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