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Teacher Expriences in OnLine - 1 views

    This is a research article where the authors studied classroom teachers who were required to convert to on-line learning. Some of the results I found interesting, was how the teachers who taught in traditional classrooms had challenges in re-structuring the information - primarily in the area of control information flow. More assessments, for example, had to be added. There is also a discussion of increased workload by the instructors and how this was a variable in the enthusiasm of the teacher's embracing the technologin.
    The amount of time is always a big shock. And most of the time, it's difficult to get administration to understand that. It's something faculty unions are definitely taking into consideration with contract negotiations. I read this book a few years ago and while it has some good ideas and information, I think they were also providing a huge stipend for redevelopment of courses.

Five Basic Types of Questions - 10 views

    Teaching on-line or in a classroom requires the ability to ask good questions. I found this article to be useful--I hope you will too.
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    Interesting article. Rather similiar to the way lawyers are educated to question people in a court room, wth the exception of questioning to inspire well thought out answers of an academic nature.
    I always like these condensed lists of pointers for making life easier: One of the biggest challenges for me is coming up with a decent topic of conversation for online discussions - which is usually posed as a single question or series of related questions. This list is very useful for thinking about types of questions to ask.
    This is a great starting point for thinking about online discussions. It's not easy coming up with the right questions to stimulate discussion. Sometimes I tell myself that if there's a "right" answer to the question, it probably won't work for a discussion.
    I loved this site! The home page is very concise, informative with good examples. And, "yes" we should do some additional sharing, research and practice regarding what types (structure) of questions illict good, reflective responses (let you know the learner has synthesized course material). In clicking around to other links on this site, I noticed Leslie Owen referred to educator/author H. Lynn Erickson as a man. Not that it's a big deal, but, HL Erickson is a woman and is a curriculum consultant who lives locally. Seems like we all struggle with this aspect of teaching - good questions for discussion. Perhaps we could come up with a simple exercise where we post questions we might use which address our course readings? What ya think?? Thank you Mary Ann for this great teaching resource.
    Helen, I like your idea of creating some questions around our course readings that we could post and discuss. I also think some of the questions on the new collaborative doc Jennifer just posted would be excellent discussion points. There is so much to think about in that one!
    I'm not opposed to a final project that involves students re-developing this course. It could even be a group project. (But I'd probably want to write about you and brag about you all to my friends!)
    I posted Bloom's Taxonomy, which is a guideline for how people learn and how education should be targetted to that model. It is similiar to the types of questioning one does to reflect where we are in the learning process. I think the same is true of our course. We all seem to have through experience and past coursework some basic knowledge of on-line teaching and learning. My preference, I think, would be to have answers/discussion to some of the questions that are coming up, not just a list.

A Vision of Students to Change the World - 1 views

    Amazing problem solvers at work globally. I invite you to watch and enjoy and ponder.
    The career options for these students is certainly broader than the doctor, lawyer, fireman options I thought of as a child. I can't help, but think, how access to information via the internet that young people have enables them to dream more broadly.

Metaphorically Speaking - 4 views

    This is an interesting interactive workshop on teaching metaphors. You can view metaphors, add your own, or discuss them.
    I viewed several of the metaphors posted. They were interesting descriptions of how on-line learning roles occur. Cheif detective was a good metaphor, but found it interesting that Cheif was spelled incorrectly in the title. One of the problems with on-line, is that is with you forever. I liked the metaphor of the actress - someone with many hats.

100+ Online Resources that are Transforming Education - 2 views

    This is a good post to get you thinking about the ways in which technology is changing teaching and learning. Or are we changing technology?

Careers of the future... per Children - 2 views

    An introduction to careers in the future by today's futurists. Children are an asset and treasure this country cannot afford to leave behind or to be out done by foreign governments. If they work collaboratively, what a wonderful world they could create, inspite of the not so wonderful things that exist in our world.
    Cute! It's always amazing to listen to a child and hear what they imagine for the future. It will be interesting to see what they make out of some of the things we've messed up!

Website to Free Course Lectures on Various Topics - 0 views

    Interesting find. I'm not familiar with the site, and they don't have a lot of information about who they are. It seems like they are aggregating video from multiple sources. What I can't tell, is if the sources are submitting the video, or if the site is collecting them from other sites. One interesting thing I've found when I suggest instructors look for online videos, is that they worry about accuracy and quality. To me, this is a great learning opportunity for students. For example, I recommended a welding instructor have his students find welding videos on Youtube so they can critique the safety techniques in the videos. Students are often more interested in finding mistakes in videos, than in receiving a lecture :)

Becoming Acquainted with the Digital World & Text-Based Communication - 3 views

    I just finished reading E-Habits, by Elizabeth Charnock, CEO of the company who puts out this blog. It was fascinating (and scary!).
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    Thanks for the book reference and the blog - excellent. Last week I had two e-mails from two different high school students that demonstrate points in this blog. One e-mail was one line, two half-sentences, written in 'txt'. The other was two paragraphs, complete sentences, grammatically correct. Both had the same issue but their handling, and my responses, were so very different.
    I am becoming more and more frustrated with digital text based communication for the reasons the blogger specified. It is increasingly difficult to figure out why my granddaughters use a language I do not understand (text slang) and pictures on Facebook to substitute for a good "old fashioned" conversation. They are all smiles and hugs, leaving me to wonder what is really behind all that texting symbolism. I still prefer body language and the art of conversation and I am wondering where all this is leading.
    My experience has been that most students know the difference between online chatspeak / textchat versus writing for formal communication. I may be in a bubble regarding this, but it's an exception, rather than a rule to run into chatspeak like - lol, imho, 4ever, omg, etc. in written assignments.
    Hmmm Bruce. I think there is a void between chat rooms and classrooms. I think there is something lost and something gained in virtual social spaces. I am from an age where a hug and a kiss is the ultimate sign of intimacy when inter-relating to family members. I want to see a real smile and touch a real body. Virtual reality and cyber space leaves those human face-to-face meetings unavailable. I like body language and reading it. I cannot see, feel, touch and watch other humans in the same way. It frustrates me.
    I think there's more of an opportunity for us to recognize that with so many different ways to communicate, the nuances of interpersonal communication are more important than ever. I think the people who will be successful, are the ones who truly learn to connect with their audience and make the digital seem personal. I grew up with a dad who taught English and was an Air Force public affairs officer. My writing style has always been formal, and cold, and I've had to learn to add warmth in digital spaces. I'm still trying to figure it out!
    My experience with your style is you are very intellectually based in your writing style, while your personal style when dealing with this student was warm and open, encouraging and sharing. Okay, it is one opinion among many, I am certain; but this one is mine. I spent many years with the military as a family member and the mother of soldiers. One has to be careful in the civilian world when it comes to interacting with others, because military directness and crispness can get in the way of showing warmth and interest. Hopefully, I have mastered a more civilian way of speaking over the past several years.

Checklist for Online Instructors: Before the course begins - 3 views

    This list is very thorough. I think it will be helpful when setting up the first online course.

Mapping in a Participatory Culture - 3 views

    I don't have time to dig into this right now, but can't wait.

Re: What Makes a Teacher Great - 5 views

    This video is approximately 29 minutes long. It is worth the time veiwing it.
    I really enjoyed watching this, and it confirms some lessons I've learned while teaching over the past decade. Much this has to do the importance of building a confident, engaged relationship with students, and respecting what they bring to the table. I was also impressed by the lead interviewer in this program, who asked good questions and lined up some well chosen guests.

Teaching Using Technology - 4 views

    Good Motivational Video to use technology to teach.

Skype - 0 views

    Skype is a free chat and calling tool you can download to your computer, or install the app on your smart phone.
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    My skype ID is jendalby if you'd like to add me. I don't keep it on all the time, but if you see I'm available, feel free to start a chat.
    Jennifer, Have you ever used Skype to bring a live visitor into a classroom for a presentation, or used it for multiuser conferencing? Just curious if Skype supports those ...
    I haven't used it for multi-user in a while, but I know you can. I'm always hearing about teachers bringing guests into the classroom with Skype. Check out or just search for Skype in education.
    Jennifer & Bruce - I have used Skype for collaboration on projects which require we look at and edit shared documents and simply, have the need to discuss projects for about 60 minutes at a time. For classroom use, you can't see the individual "real time," but you do hear their voice.
    Jennifer and Helen... Thanks for the info! I've been thinking about using Skype in the classroom at BC, but there are security concerns from the computer admin folks - and I haven't tried it out yet.
    I have become a Skype member and can't wait to use it. I am wondering if Ellminate isn't the superior tool. I guess I will make that judgement when I actually can Skype someone.

Creating a Small Focused Learning Module - 4 views

    Joy, I especially enjoyed viewing/reading the storytelling and video game references on your learning module. I'm looking to use the story integration in games video clip in my game theory class. I like the video because it fits a lot of information in a short space, and is entertaining - everything is sped up... including the voice!
    I truly enjoyed that man's videos. I think it conveyed the idea that women don't like the trend of depicting woman as sexy babes. I hope to do more on the use of story telling and video games. I though he was spot on saying, first you need a writer and than you can create around it.

Critical Importance of Social Interaction in Online Courses - 2 views

    We were just talking about this in class on Thursday, so I thought I'd add it to our collection.

injenuity - EDUC251 - 3 views

    This is the wikitation I'll be working with for our first f2f class.

104-Elluminate_Live__Participant_Quick_Reference_Guide.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 1 views

    Elluminate Live! Quick Reference Guide for Participants
    This guide will help you get started with Elluminate Live!
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