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Nate Otto

On self-paced learning | Virtual Canuck - 10 views

    ...self paced learning will become increasing popular as a model of education for all students and especially for busy working adults. The tools that support time shifted and asynchronous interaction in these contexts are as yet in primitive states and as importantly students and teachers have little experience in effectively managing their own learning pace.
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Greg O'Connor

Why bother with #BYOD? « Learning Activist - 0 views

    Have you wondered how to develop digital literacy in students? Have you wondered how to encourage self-directed learners? How to develop deep research skills? Of course this is all possible without technology, but why would you teach students skills without using the tools that they will need as soon as they leave school? (and which they are In simple terms a BYOD program is any policy within a school which allows students to bring in their own devices and connect to any combination of the school network or the internet. Schools might make a BYOD program voluntary or compulsory, but the key policy decision is to allow students to choose the device which suits them best. Some students prefer Windows machines, other prefer Apple, some students like the fast response of a tablet. Many school which implement a BYOD program soon find that students are working on not one device but many.
Judy Robison

Windows deployment/imaging 2013 Peer Session - Google Drive - 14 views

    Joe's detailed directions to create a self-healing Windows 8 image
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
David Wetzel

5 Benefits for Creating a Classroom Environment for Student Blogs - 0 views

    Benefits for creating a classroom environment for student blogging begin with establishing a foundation for their success. Why is this important? Integrating blogs transforms a classroom into a learning community where students become self-directed learners and thinkers. This in turn, causes students to use higher order thinking skills as they create and post entries in their blogs, along with commenting on other student's blogs.
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Henry Thiele

Footprints in the Digital Age - 0 views

  • the online portfolios of who we are, what we do, and by association, what we know—are becoming increasingly woven into the fabric of almost every aspect of our lives
  • They're creating all sorts of content—some, as we all know, doing so very badly—and they're doing all sorts of things with online tools that, for the most part, we're not teaching them anything about. In the process, they're becoming Googleable without us. By and large, they do all this creating, publishing, and learning on their own, outside school, because when they enter the classroom, they typically "turn off the lights"
  • these shifts demand that we move our concept of learning from a "supply-push" model of "building up an inventory of knowledge in the students' heads" (p. 30) to a "demand-pull" approach that requires students to own their learning processes and pursue learning, based on their needs of the moment, in social and possibly global communities of practice.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • They need to know that publishing has a nobler goal than just readership—and that's engagement.
    • Henry Thiele
      Our teachers need to focus on engagement as well
  • "collective action," sharing responsibility and outcomes in doing real work for real purposes for real audiences online
  • And older students should be engaging in the hard work of what Shirky (2008) calls "collective action," sharing responsibility and outcomes in doing real work for real purposes for real audiences online.
    Will Richardson In the Web 2.0 world, self-directed learners must be adept at building and sustaining networks.
Tania Sheko

What Schools are Really Blocking When They Block Social Media | DMLcentral - 13 views

  • The real issue, of course, is not social media but learning.  Specifically, the fact that our schools are disconnected from young learners and how their learning practices are evolving.  The decision to block social media is inconsistent with how students use social media as a powerful node in their learning network.  Can social media be a distraction in the classroom?  Absolutely.  Will some students access questionable content if given the opportunity?  Yes.  But many students use social media to enhance their learning, expand the reach of the classroom, find the things they ‘need to know,’ and fashion their own personal learning networks.
  • Because social media is such a big part of many students social lives, cultural identities, and informal learning networks schools actually find themselves grappling with social media everyday but often from a defensive posture—reacting to student disputes that play out over social media or policing rather than engaging student’s social media behaviors.
  • Education administrators block social media because they believe it threatens the personal and emotional safety of their students.  Or they believe social media is a distraction that diminishes student engagement and the quality of the learning experience.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  •   Schools also block social media to prevent students from accessing inappropriate content. 
  • I have often wondered what are schools really blocking when they block social media.
  • We structured the learning to be autonomous, self-directed, creative, collaborative, and networked.
  • The teacher and I had overlooked the fact that YouTube was blocked
  • The teacher believes network literacy is also crucial. 
  • network literacy, that is, “using online sources to network, knowledge-outreach, publicize content, collaborate and innovate.” 
  • By blocking social media schools are also blocking the opportunity:
  • 1)    to teach students about the inventive and powerful ways communities around the world are using social media 2)    for students and teachers to experience the educational potential of social media together 3)    for students to distribute their work with the larger world 4)    for students to reimagine their creative and civic identities in the age of networked media
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Carole Redline

Will Richardson: My Kids are Illiterate. Most Likely, Yours Are Too - 16 views

  • 16 759views HPConfig.fast_retweet_from_badge = true; document.Badges_21451659_1 = new Badges({ unique_id: "21451659_1", holder_id: "badges_v2_21451659_1", complete_callback_func_name: "", share_details_callback: false, additional_panel_classes: "", entry_params: { "id" : 750177, "url" : "", "title" : "My Kids are Illiterate. Most Likely, Yours Are Too", "created_on": 1286928300, "vertical_name": "Education", "tweet_comm_hash" : "#smarterplanet", "tweet_comm_text" : "Yes, please include commercial text from IBM.", "force_fb_like" : 1 }, global_name: "document.Badges_21451659_1" }); // filling Ad details document.Badges_21451659_1.tracking_flight_name = "ibm"; // ===================================================== // Now goes logic for every layout var show_comments = false, vertical_name = "Education", third_slice = ""; // main logic for third slice if (vertical_name.toLowerCase() == "comedy") { third_slice = "stumble"; } else if (vertical_name.toLowerCase() == "business") { third_slice = "linkedin"; } else { if (show_comments) { third_slice = "comments"; } else { third_slice = "buzz"; } } // here we could modify default behaviour for third slice if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("stumble")) { third_slice = "stumble"; } if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("new_comments")) { third_slice = "comments"; } if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("buzz")) { third_slice = "buzz"; } if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("yahoo")) { third_slice = "yahoo"; } if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("tweetmeme")) { third_slice = "tweetmeme"; } document.Badges_21451659_1.setPanelBorderStyle("standard"); document.Badges_21451659_1.setSlices({ 1: "facebook", 2: "retweet", 3: third_slice }); // Finaly, launch our badges YAHOO.util.Event.onAvailable("badges_v2_21451659_1", function() { document.Badges_21451659_1.start(); }); Get Education Alerts Email Comments 23 SharePost.tracking_flight_name = "ibm"; I'm a parent, and I'm not happy
  • I'm a parent, and I'm not happy
  • I'm a parent, and I'm not happy .
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • "designing and sharing information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes
  • Nor are they "building relationships with others to solve problems collaboratively and cross-culturally
  • managing, analyzing and synthesizing multiple streams of information?"
  • I'm not at all bashing their teachers
  • foc
  •  foc used on literacy they will need to be successful in their lives instead of being focused
  • And I'm mad that the "big" conversations around "reform" in education right now all revolve around basically doing what we've been doing for the past 100 years only "better," and that we'll get there by incentivizing teachers to teach for a test.
  • Technology, specifically the Web, expands the learning opportunities our connected children and their teachers have. That's not
  • learning with two billion strangers, required to make sense of huge flows of information and creating and sharing their knowledge with the world. That is their reality; it wasn't ours
  • self-directed, participatory learner in this century
    Richardson cites the NCTE literacy standards to push for curriculum reform beyond just print literacies driven by standardized testing
    Saw Will Richardson at MICCA. He really is an excellent model of what our schools should be doing.
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Dave Truss

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: The Five Phases of Flattening a Classroom - 0 views

    Possible stages of introducing online collaboration
    "I've outlined what I believe are the five phases I take my classes through to prepare them for independent, self-directed levels of collaboration. I suspect these ruminations will evolve."
M. Circe

Fast Forward: A School District Redefines Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

  • by Grace Rubenstein AUDIO SLIDE SHOW: Lawrence Township Narrated by Grace Rubenstein It is one thing to create change inside a classroom -- the best teachers, masters of their one-room domains, break from tradition and foster innovative learning environments all the time. A harder task, which a growing number of schools are proving can be done, is to convert an entire school to embrace new practices that fulfill the changing educational demands of our age. Then comes the next -- and the messiest -- frontier, the entity most resistant to cohesive change: the school district. Five years ago, administrators in the Metropolitan School District of Lawrence Township, in the northeast corner of Indianapolis, tackled this challenge. With a $5.9 million grant from the Lilly Endowment, a local philanthropic organization, they set out to transform the prevailing vision of what preK-12 education is for -- as one district official put it, "to meet the needs of the kids' future, and not the teachers' past." They decided that they needed to teach a modern set of skills in a student-centered way. Critical thinking, self-direction, and cultural competency, along with fluency in technology, information resources, and visual and graphic presentations. These were the elements of digital age literacy the district believed its students would need in the twenty-first century. Educating students for the new era demanded not only new content, they believed, but also new teaching methods. Teachers needed to recast themselves as facilitators, and to demand that students take more ownership of their learning. Into Focus Visit classrooms in Lawrence Township -- at least those where the change has caught on -- and you'll see kids inventing their own projects, using computers in daily work, involving themselves in community initiatives, and inquiring on their own about continued . . . 1234567next ›last » This article was also published in Edutopia Magazine, June 2007
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