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Unveiling the Best LED Batten Light Manufacturers: Providing Superior Lighting Solutions - 1 views

<!-- wp:paragraph --> In today's rapidly evolving industrial and commercial environments, lighting plays a critical role in ensuring optimal visibility, safety, and energy efficiency. One o...

started by orurorr on 12 Sep 24 no follow-up yet
Tania Sheko

What Schools are Really Blocking When They Block Social Media | DMLcentral - 13 views

  • The real issue, of course, is not social media but learning.  Specifically, the fact that our schools are disconnected from young learners and how their learning practices are evolving.  The decision to block social media is inconsistent with how students use social media as a powerful node in their learning network.  Can social media be a distraction in the classroom?  Absolutely.  Will some students access questionable content if given the opportunity?  Yes.  But many students use social media to enhance their learning, expand the reach of the classroom, find the things they ‘need to know,’ and fashion their own personal learning networks.
  • Because social media is such a big part of many students social lives, cultural identities, and informal learning networks schools actually find themselves grappling with social media everyday but often from a defensive posture—reacting to student disputes that play out over social media or policing rather than engaging student’s social media behaviors.
  • Education administrators block social media because they believe it threatens the personal and emotional safety of their students.  Or they believe social media is a distraction that diminishes student engagement and the quality of the learning experience.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  •   Schools also block social media to prevent students from accessing inappropriate content. 
  • I have often wondered what are schools really blocking when they block social media.
  • We structured the learning to be autonomous, self-directed, creative, collaborative, and networked.
  • The teacher and I had overlooked the fact that YouTube was blocked
  • The teacher believes network literacy is also crucial. 
  • network literacy, that is, “using online sources to network, knowledge-outreach, publicize content, collaborate and innovate.” 
  • By blocking social media schools are also blocking the opportunity:
  • 1)    to teach students about the inventive and powerful ways communities around the world are using social media 2)    for students and teachers to experience the educational potential of social media together 3)    for students to distribute their work with the larger world 4)    for students to reimagine their creative and civic identities in the age of networked media
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Dave Truss

» Would You Please Block? Bud the Teacher - 16 views

  • What we’ve decided is that we will no longer use the web filter as a classroom management tool.  Blocking one distraction doesn’t solve the problem of students off task – it just encourages them to find another site to distract them.  Students off task is not a technology problem – it’s a behavior problem. 
  • We know that the best filters in a classroom or lab are the people in that lab – both the educational staff monitoring student computer use as well as the students themselves.
  • This opens up possibilities for students and staff using websites for instructional purposes that in the past were blocked due to broad category blocks.  It requires that staff and students manage their technology use rather than relying on a third party solution that can never do the job of replacing teachers monitoring students.
    What we've decided is that we will no longer use the web filter as a classroom management tool.  Blocking one distraction doesn't solve the problem of students off task - it just encourages them to find another site to distract them.  Students off task is not a technology problem - it's a behavior problem
tech vedic

How Can I Block a Number from Calling My Cellphone? - 0 views

    Want to get rid of unwanted calls? Don't know how to manage your blocking options?? Then we are here with this tutorial to help you further.
Fred Delventhal

Nest Unclutterer - 0 views

    # Can a real person actually follow 700 people? The Nest Unclutterer protects your privacy from marketers and businesses by blocking followers who are already following too many people. # It removes followers who have been inactive for a given period of time. # It helps create a whitelist of users exempt from any rule-based actions. # The Nest Unclutterer will help you render those little nuisance birds as extinct as the dodo. # The Nest Unclutterer allows you to review a list of accounts that meet your user-specified criteria before any blocking or unfollowing occurs. At that point you may add additional accounts to the whitelist before any actions are performed. via Tim Childers
Bruce Vigneault

Watertown Daily Times | Canton to block some access to Facebook - 3 views

  • "To my knowledge, no other district in our area allows access to Facebook," Mr. Gregory said. "I think the district needs to take a proactive approach. Today it's Facebook, a few months from now there could be something else that comes up."
    • Bruce Vigneault
      So, is he saying that they should meet every week and decide on what to block next. Or, that it's time, to use this as a 'teachable' moment. Educate the students on it's potential and appropriate use, and consequate students who use it inappropriately?
  • The protests were sparked by a Canton high school social studies teacher who wanted his students to use their own Facebook page as a way to interact with each other for academic-related discussions
    • Bruce Vigneault
      Gee, an educational use. What nove thinking!
  • Opponents of that move argued the site can pose safety risks, wastes time and exposes students to unmonitored advertising messages.
    • Bruce Vigneault
      Are these the same people who sat their young children in front of a TV hours at a time for free babysitting?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • HIDE COMMENTS var jspath = ""; document.write(''); (1)
Sasha Thackaberry

English Raven: Moodle Tutorial: Using book module pages instead of topic/week blocks - 33 views

    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Missi Baker

American Association of School Administrators - Publications - The School Administrator... - 1 views

  • In this environment, school district leaders have a critical choice to make: Will their schools pro-actively model and teach the safe and appropriate use of these digital tools or will they reactively block them out and leave students and families to fend for themselves? Unfortunately, many schools are choosing to do the latter. As a technology advocate, I can think of no better way to highlight organizational unimportance than to block out the tools that are transforming the rest of society. Schools whose default stance is to prohibit rather than enable might as well plant a sign in front of their buildings that says, “Irrelevant to children’s futures.”
    • Missi Baker
      Pointed but right on target
Jeff Johnson

What Does Internet Blocking Suggest to Students? | ISTE Connects - Educational Technology - 0 views

    ...And as an educator who firmly believes in the right of free and universal access to information, it would be disgraceful to mark this year and not criticize the attempts by Chinese officials to write that ugly chapter out of the history of their country. Likewise it is disgraceful when developed countries celebrate the Chinese ascension as an economic power while casting a blind eye - or a knowing glance - in the direction of the Tiananmen dead
Maude Caudle

Diigo vs Paper - 239 views

Has anyone had trouble getting the diigo toolbar to install in IE 8.0? Any suggestion? It installs fine in FireFox and Chrome.

alternative assignments

Greg O'Connor

NCLE Report: Remodeling Literacy Learning | Literacy in Learning Exchange - 0 views

    Key findings from the NCLE survey, explored in more detail in the body of the report, yield the following conclusions about how US educators are currently working together to meet rising literacy expectations and how best to support them going forward. Literacy is not just the English teacher's job anymore. Working together is working smarter. But schools aren't structured to facilitate educators working together. Many of the building blocks for remodeling literacy learning are in place. Effective collaboration needs systemic support.
tech vedic

How to disable a Pop-Up Blocker in Internet Explorer and Google Chrome? - 0 views

    Technical innovations are advancing day by day. But, along with this irritating and sometimes destructive pop-up ads are also there. To avoid this hindrance, you need to turn-off your pop-up so as to experience ultimate web-surfing. Here is this tutorial to let you know the way of blocking these pop-ups.
Darcy Goshorn

App Inventor for Android - 9 views

    You can build just about any app you can imagine with App Inventor. Often people begin by building games like WhackAMole or games that let you draw funny pictures on your friend's faces. You can even make use of the phone's sensors to move a ball through a maze based on tilting the phone. But app building is not limited to simple games. You can also build apps that inform and educate. You can create a quiz app to help you and your classmates study for a test. With Android's text-to-speech capabilities, you can even have the phone ask the questions aloud. To use App Inventor, you do not need to be a developer. App Inventor requires NO programming knowledge. This is because instead of writing code, you visually design the way the app looks and use blocks to specify the app's behavior.
    WOW! Very Scratch-like UI for programming Android mobile apps!!
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Carole Redline

Will Richardson: My Kids are Illiterate. Most Likely, Yours Are Too - 16 views

  • 16 759views HPConfig.fast_retweet_from_badge = true; document.Badges_21451659_1 = new Badges({ unique_id: "21451659_1", holder_id: "badges_v2_21451659_1", complete_callback_func_name: "", share_details_callback: false, additional_panel_classes: "", entry_params: { "id" : 750177, "url" : "", "title" : "My Kids are Illiterate. Most Likely, Yours Are Too", "created_on": 1286928300, "vertical_name": "Education", "tweet_comm_hash" : "#smarterplanet", "tweet_comm_text" : "Yes, please include commercial text from IBM.", "force_fb_like" : 1 }, global_name: "document.Badges_21451659_1" }); // filling Ad details document.Badges_21451659_1.tracking_flight_name = "ibm"; // ===================================================== // Now goes logic for every layout var show_comments = false, vertical_name = "Education", third_slice = ""; // main logic for third slice if (vertical_name.toLowerCase() == "comedy") { third_slice = "stumble"; } else if (vertical_name.toLowerCase() == "business") { third_slice = "linkedin"; } else { if (show_comments) { third_slice = "comments"; } else { third_slice = "buzz"; } } // here we could modify default behaviour for third slice if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("stumble")) { third_slice = "stumble"; } if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("new_comments")) { third_slice = "comments"; } if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("buzz")) { third_slice = "buzz"; } if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("yahoo")) { third_slice = "yahoo"; } if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("tweetmeme")) { third_slice = "tweetmeme"; } document.Badges_21451659_1.setPanelBorderStyle("standard"); document.Badges_21451659_1.setSlices({ 1: "facebook", 2: "retweet", 3: third_slice }); // Finaly, launch our badges YAHOO.util.Event.onAvailable("badges_v2_21451659_1", function() { document.Badges_21451659_1.start(); }); Get Education Alerts Email Comments 23 SharePost.tracking_flight_name = "ibm"; I'm a parent, and I'm not happy
  • I'm a parent, and I'm not happy
  • I'm a parent, and I'm not happy .
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • "designing and sharing information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes
  • Nor are they "building relationships with others to solve problems collaboratively and cross-culturally
  • managing, analyzing and synthesizing multiple streams of information?"
  • I'm not at all bashing their teachers
  • foc
  •  foc used on literacy they will need to be successful in their lives instead of being focused
  • And I'm mad that the "big" conversations around "reform" in education right now all revolve around basically doing what we've been doing for the past 100 years only "better," and that we'll get there by incentivizing teachers to teach for a test.
  • Technology, specifically the Web, expands the learning opportunities our connected children and their teachers have. That's not
  • learning with two billion strangers, required to make sense of huge flows of information and creating and sharing their knowledge with the world. That is their reality; it wasn't ours
  • self-directed, participatory learner in this century
    Richardson cites the NCTE literacy standards to push for curriculum reform beyond just print literacies driven by standardized testing
    Saw Will Richardson at MICCA. He really is an excellent model of what our schools should be doing.
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Jeff Lebow

Voxli: Voice Chat for Everyone - 1 views

shared by Jeff Lebow on 10 Mar 09 - Cached
    Voxli Instant Voice Chat for Gamers and Teams Please get Adobe Flash Player to enable Voxli. If you already have Flash installed, some Flash-blocking or ad-blocking software could be preventing us from detecting Flash.
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
John McMillen

Stop the Posturing About Government 2.0 and Do It Already | Social Media Stra... - 0 views

  • Don’t tell me it’s too hard or that your boss doesn’t know YouTube from an iPod.  Those are excuses, not reasons.  If YouTube is blocked where you work, get it unblocked.  Write a white paper justifying why it shouldn’t be blocked.  Meet with your boss about it.  Meet with your boss’s boss about it.  Start a blog where you talk about it.  Volunteer to give a brown bag presentation to your office.  Just DO something!  Take the initiative and work on changing how your organization works - don’t just sit there sulking, saying, “I wish we could do social media here, but we can’t even get on Facebook so there’s no use.”  Bringing social media to your organization isn’t something that happens from 9-5.  It happens from 5-9, after everyone else has gone home.
    • Bruce Vigneault
      This is the activitism we need to start in the education system....get it out of the 20th century!
    • John McMillen
      Yes! It is time to break some glass, kick in some doors and get this bus that has gone 5 MPH for ages up to a reasonable speed... education MUST change!

innovation3: In Their Own Words ~ Students Learning with Web 2.0 or Two Master Teachers... - 0 views

    Chris Harbeck and Darren Kuropatwa are mathematics teachers in Canada; Chris at Sargent Park School, a junior high school in Winnipeg and Darren at Daniel McIntyre Collegiate only a few blocks from Sargent Park. In April 2008 they brought a few of their students to Manitoba for the Pan-Canadian Interactive Literacy Forum to speak about their learning experiences in their respective math classes using Web 2.0 tools. Listen to Chris and Darren and their students speak.
Dave Truss

The Web2.0 Prophecy: An Adventure | Pair-a-dimes for Your Thoughts - 0 views

    We need financial support, visionary leaders, moral compasses, inspiring role models, enriching professional development, and meaningful collaboration. We also need minimally restricted content and unlimited access… these are all building blocks that 'increase the frequency of guiding coincidences'… these are the things that inspire us, fuel us, connect us, and allow us to see the potential in ourselves and each other. We truly can 'Be the change we want to see in the world.'
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