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Jeff Johnson

They don't all really need laptops, do they? - 0 views

    I've been getting this question a lot lately from administrators, parents, and taxpayers. The question isn't malicious, but rather comes from folks with a vested interest in making sure that our technology dollars directly benefit students. Does giving teachers laptops directly benefit students? For people who aren't actively teaching in a classroom, that's a hard question to answer.\n\nI don't think it's very hard for teachers to answer the question, though, especially at the secondary level. For most people entering the business world, there is no question that they will have a computer on their desk when they are hired. It might be a laptop, a desktop, a shared desktop facilitated with some sort of flextime arrangement, or even a computer allowance so that the new hire can buy a machine that makes them the most productive. However, it's not terribly likely that they'll just be handed a dry erase marker and a whiteboard, pointed towards a copy machine, and told to go for it.
Ced Paine

BBC - Learning Zone Broadband Class Clips - Homepage - 0 views

    BBC video clips, organized by subject matter or Primary/Secondary school level
Henry Thiele

U.S. Department of Education Releases new Report on Use of Data Systems to Support Reform - 5 views

    systems and are starting to use that valuable data to change classroom practice and improve student achievement, according to a new report released by the U.S. Department of Education. But school leaders are still searching for the best models to mine the data to discover the best instructional methods for students, the report says. "Data should be part of a feedback loop used to drive improvement at every level of the education system. This study helps us understand the kinds of data that need to be available for teachers and school leaders if they're going to use data to improve their practice," said Carmel Martin, assistant secretary for the Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development. In "Use of Education Data at the Local Level: From Accountability to Instructional Improvement," researchers surveyed officials from 529 districts, conducted in-depth site visits to 36 schools in 12 districts leading the way in data usage, and analyzed secondary data from a survey of over 6,000 teachers to obtain a national picture of current data use practices at the local-level.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro Review And Specifications - Techmigi - 0 views

    Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro Specifications And Review The previous year 2017 is been a great year for Xiaomi with its many hit smartphones like Redmi Note 4, Mi A1, Mi Y1 and Redmi 5A( India ka Smartphone). Xiaomi New year begins on 14 Feb when its launched it's most anticipated Smartphones Redmi Note 5 and Redmi Note 5 Pro. You can clearly say that Redmi Note 5 Pro is an upgrade for Redmi Note 5 with its ultra-fast and new Snapdragon 636 processor and dual secondary and primary camera.
Samantha Coleman

Perfect Site to Look for Perfect Job - 1 views

started by Samantha Coleman on 21 Jan 13 no follow-up yet
Samantha Coleman

The Perfect Job For Me - 1 views

started by Samantha Coleman on 19 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
tech vedic

The Ultimate Guide to Changing Your DNS Server - 0 views

    In case, you find the need to change the DNS server for your entire network on your router or set it individually on a PC or other device then have a look on this tutorial.
Jeff Johnson

CTAP4 Cybersafety - School Board Policy Statements - 0 views

  • In recognition of such growing concerns about Internet safety, the National Association of Secondary School Principals has adopted a policy statement with recommendations for educators and policymakers about Internet usage. The NASSP recommendations form the cornerstone of CTAP's work in cybersafety education. All school districts can benefit from applying these leadership directives. NASSP recommends that school leaders: Familiarize themselves about all aspects of computer technology, including the mechanics of the Internet, blogs, social networking Web sites, and the liability issues associated with the use of these technologies Form a technology team that comprises staff members, parents and students to act in an advisory capacity to the larger school community Educate staff members and students on using technology within the boundaries of the law Guide teachers and students on how the Internet can serve as effective educational tools Formulate clear guidelines to protect students and teachers against cyber bullying and other criminal activities Conduct orientation sessions for parents regarding student use of the Internet Reinforce these guidelines with parents and encourage vigilance of Internet use at home, including the elimination of derogatory statements against other students or staff.
Paul Beaufait

University Guide to Going Google - 18 views

    "This site contains tools and guidelines to use as a starting point to getting your students, faculty, and alumni ready and excited about Google Apps" (University Edition, ¶1). There is a counter-part, K-12 Edition.
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Basiyr Rodney

Instructional Coordinators - 0 views

  • Instructional coordinators held about 129,000 jobs in 2006. Almost 40 percent worked in public or private elementary and secondary schools, while more than 20 percent worked in public or private junior colleges, colleges and universities, and professional schools. Other employing industries included State and local government; individual and family services; child day care services; scientific research and development services; and management, scientific, and technical consulting services.
    There is a future for us at least in USA
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