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tech vedic

Tackle stubborn disk partitioning in OS X - 0 views

    Generally, to partition and format a disk in OS X you open "Disk Utility", select the disk in the tool's sidebar and then click use the Partition tab to select and apply a partition scheme. But, it may result in errors sometimes. In this tutorial, we are giving some ways to partition a drive using third-party tools.
tech vedic

How to secure files from other users on external disks? - 0 views

    External hard-disk or USB drive attached to a system running on OSX is vulnerable, as it could be accessed through other user-profiles easily. Apart from that, if the network file sharing feature is enabled, the external storage device could be accessed by anyone having the authority to get logged into the network. Thus, no matter you encrypted the drive or particular files or not, any unauthorized user can access your data, steal records and make changes into that. What to do? Techvedic, being a leader in tech support, offers you practical and effective solution.
tech vedic

How to back up or transfer your data on a Windows-based computer? - 0 views

    It is really very frustrating when you lose data due to hard disk crash or any other computer problem. Whether it is family photos, music collection or any financial data, keeping it safe is your responsibility. Thus, regularly backing up your data and settings is highly recommended.
tech vedic

Repair disk permissions to speed up your Mac - 1 views

    Whenever you install something in Mac OS X then it gets installed from package files. Along with installing something from package files, a "Bill of Materials" file is stored in the package receipt file. These ".bom" files contain a list of the files installed by that package as well as the proper permissions for each file. But, in future, these permissions can get changed resulting in freezing or crashing of your Mac.
Rashed Khan

GTT tricks - How to Shutdown and Restart in dos command - Grand Technology Time - 1 views

    How to Shutdown and Restart in dos command If you use too much internet and transfer huge data from one hard disk to another through your computer within two or three days your computer may start miss behave like slow loading menu, slow loading my computer, Start menu, peripheral devices etc. Because of it Sometimes computer's Shutdown or Restart menu does not work, and computer gets hang and we fail to shutdown or restart our computer. This problem is a common problem and we suffer a lot. If you are in hurry and at that time your computer is not shutting down, now you may become very angry like me. At this time if you use this DOS command, I am sure it will work 100% because I do so. So, I am going to show you how to do this with DOS command...

Ram Cleaner New Speed Booster: Best Junk cleaner - Apps on Google Play - 0 views

    Ram Cleaner New Speed Booster: Best Junk cleaner is your handy doctor for your smartphones. This ram cleaner for android will solve all your memory, junk files and speed problems. Auto ram cleaner speed booster automatically clear ram when mobile apps on in your android phones. This Ram Cleaner New Speed Booster: Best Junk cleaner cannot use only as 64gb storage space cleaner 64 gb ram expander but you can use it as every mobile ram and junk files and catch phone memory cleaner.Ram Cleaner New Speed Booster: Best Junk cleaner is an auto memory cleaner. It means that if you have opened a lot of different apps, games or files in your mobile, and you forget to close. So if your mobile have this 1 tap ram cleaner. Then don't worry. This doctor ram cleaner speed booster 2018 will take care of your mobile. This one touch ram cleaner or auto ram cleaner 2018 will close all those apps and files which have occupy a lot of memory and is un used. After using this cleaner and booster for android you Will surely share this disk cleaner as world best android mobile ram cleaner software to your friends. So Download this best junk ram and cache cleaner for android and enjoy your boar mobile using.

Best Windows 10 Pre-Install tools That Are Helpful For You - Techmigi - 0 views

    Operating system plays a very crucial role when it comes to operating any Digital intelligent machine like computer, laptops, Mobile etc. In which Windows is the dominant operating system when it comes to laptops and Pcs around 82.44 % of the world population uses Windows OS on there laptop and Computer. Windows is the key with which we can perform any action on our computer and laptops. For our regular readers this time we come up some tricks that are available to you but I am sure you don't use them instead you were using some apps to overcomes these uses and filling your hard disk to store them.
tech vedic

System Running Slow - 0 views

    Slow computer issue is a common problem faced across different platforms. Though there could be varied reasons on the background, hard-drive read/write issue is the most prominent one.
Kristy Houston

Latest Technology Gadgets that are Inspired from Sci-fi Movies - 3 views

Laser guns. Light sabers. Time machine. In case you want to add to a list of high tech but definitely fictional gadgets we can all make a long list of it. A Japanese anime even featured a future sp...

new technology emerging future

started by Kristy Houston on 13 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Robinson Kipling

Unlimited Cloud hosting - 1 views

Cloud hosting provides the scalability of hardware resources from CPU and Memory to Disk storage, also cloud hosting with us will give you the peace of mind that you are hosting on professional gra...

Imported delicious web2.0 technology software

started by Robinson Kipling on 14 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
tech vedic

How to Clone a Hard Drive? - 0 views

    In case your hard drive is damaged or corrupted then it is better to have functional copy of the drive where you can store your stuff immediately. Cloning a drive is a good option for handling such situations. Have a look on this tutorial.
tech vedic

How to password-protect a PDF before e-mailing in OS X? - 0 views

    Protecting a document containing sensitive information is very important. Thus, protecting it with password is a better option. This tutorial contains steps for protecting your PDF document with password before sending it to receiver.
tech vedic

Add an external drive to your WMP or iTunes music collection - 0 views

    For Windows 7 and 8 users, this tutorial is suitable to add an external drive for large music collections.
tech vedic

Regain your PC's administrator rights, even if you don't have the password - 0 views

    Forgot the password of your Windows PC administrator level account? This hampers your work a lot. This tutorial can give access to it.
tech vedic

How to Create and Restore System Image Backups on Windows 8.1? - 0 views

    Now, you can easily create and restore a system image backup without using third party tools. This is something interesting for system administrators.
tech vedic

How to Back Up Your Computer Data? - 0 views

    In case, your computer crashes then you can lose your most important data like photos, professional documents, etc. Thus, taking back up of your computer data is very useful.
cecilia marie

Best Shield Against Computer Viruses - 1 views

I have always wondered why my files are often corrupted and to think that I have installed an antiVirus software. I always scan my external disks each time I insert them in my unit. It was only lat...

virus protection

started by cecilia marie on 04 Nov 11 no follow-up yet

How to Make Marble Polishing - 0 views


Marble Polishing floor services

started by a71514031 on 22 Jun 23 no follow-up yet

How to Make Marble Polishing - 0 views


Marble Polishing floor services

started by a71514031 on 22 Jun 23 no follow-up yet
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