GTT tricks - How to Shutdown and Restart in dos command - Grand Technology Time - 1 views
Rashed Khan on 17 Mar 14How to Shutdown and Restart in dos command If you use too much internet and transfer huge data from one hard disk to another through your computer within two or three days your computer may start miss behave like slow loading menu, slow loading my computer, Start menu, peripheral devices etc. Because of it Sometimes computer's Shutdown or Restart menu does not work, and computer gets hang and we fail to shutdown or restart our computer. This problem is a common problem and we suffer a lot. If you are in hurry and at that time your computer is not shutting down, now you may become very angry like me. At this time if you use this DOS command, I am sure it will work 100% because I do so. So, I am going to show you how to do this with DOS command...