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Jeff Johnson

OS X Applications - Comic Life - 0 views

    Comic Life allows you to easily create comic books (or documents that look like comic books). Upon opening, Comic Life immediately finds and opens your iPhoto library, giving you a collection of photos to work with. Then you select your template, drag photos into place, drag speech bubbles on top and type text into the speech bubbles. Comics can have as many pages as your storage allows. When finished, comics can be printed, exported as web pages, movies, photos, or uploaded to a .Mac account.
Jeff Johnson

ReadWriteThink: Lesson Plan: Buzz! Whiz! Bang! Using Comic Books to Teach Onomatopoeia - 0 views

    Comic books can be useful tools in improving literacy and teaching even reluctant readers some of the terminology typically associated with other forms of text. In this lesson, students will be introduced to onomatopoeia, which describes words that imitate the natural sound associated with an action or an object. Using comic books and strips, students will find onomatopoetic words, develop a vocabulary list from the words, and discuss why writers, especially writers of comics, use onomatopoeia. Students then use an online tool to create their own comic strips using onomatopoeia.
Jeff Johnson

How to Use Comic Life in the Classroom | Macinstruct - 0 views

    There's a long history of comics in the classroom, and the list of references at the end of this article is a great starting point for learning about this concept. While there's still resistance to this medium being used in education - whether by staff or students - there is also a growing movement to use every valuable tool available. Comics have some great uses in the classroom and in a variety of curricula. From pre-readers to high school students, from English to ESL to Science and Math, comics can help students analyze, synthesize and absorb content that may be more difficult when presented in only one way.
Jeff Johnson

untitled - 0 views

  • For decades, comic books were derided as gaudy, sub-literate threats to children's brain cells. Now, teachers, researchers, and librarians are taking a new look at comics and they like what they see: a way, in a culture now dominated by TV, video games, and the Internet, to get children reading. It's not really a new concept. As far back as the 1940s, series such as "Classics Illustrated" and "Picture Stories From the Bible" were using comics as an educational tool. Today there are literacy and comics programs, such as the Comic Book Project, springing up all over the country. Sponsored by state officials and educators, these programs focus on the simple goal of promoting the reading habit.
Jeff Johnson

Literacyworks: Improving Literacy Skills through Comic Books - 1 views

  • One of the tenets of literacy programs is that people will learn more when it's related to a subject that interests them. Voice of America reports that educators in New York are applying that idea with their grade-school students by offering opportunities to create comic books. Michael Bitz, who created the Comic Book Project, acknowledges that it's difficult to determine a definite link between the project and its effect on students' literacy skills, but the program focuses just as much on the writing of comic books as the artwork. But the success of the program is clear: engage students with subjects that interest them, and they'll show dedication to learning.
Jeff Johnson

MAKE BELIEFS COMIX! Online Educational Comic Generator for Kids of All Ages - 0 views

    Through our interactive projects, journals, games and publications, this treasure trove from author Bill Zimmerman provides people of all ages with affirmation of the human spirit, encouragement of their own creativity and sense of fun, and words of comfort and healing." />metas Make Beliefs, make beliefs for children, make beliefs for adults, make belief, make beliefs cartoons, make beliefs comics by Bill Zimmerman
Clay Leben

Pixton™ - Comic Strip Creator - - 0 views

    They offer a premium comic creator "virtual classroom" for schools.
    This would really help pre-visualize or script a video shoot or photo story.
Jeff Johnson

The Comic Book Project - 0 views

    The Comic Book Project. An arts-based literacy initiative at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Paul McMahon

Funky Ways to Express Yourself - BeFunky - 0 views

    If you're a fan of funky-looking cartoons and comics, you're going to be all over this
    If you're a fan of funky-looking cartoons and comics, you're going to be all over this. More...
Ced Paine

Classics Illustrated Comic Books - 0 views

    Great classic stories in comic form
Shelly Terrell

Top 25 Websites for Teaching and Learning: ALA Annual 2012 - 0 views

  • Top 25 Websites list is based on feedback and nominations from AASL members. School librarians are encouraged to nominate their most used websites. The websites are: Projeqt, Gamestar Mechanic, Vialogues, Popplet, Jux, Comic Master, My Storymaker, Inanimate Alice, Quicklyst, Spidercribe, Stixy, Remember the Milk, Celly, Wiggio, Collaborize Classroom, Study Ladder, History Pin, Learn it in 5, ARKive, DocsTeach, iWitness, How to Smile, Study Blue, NASA Kids Club, and Springnote.
    user-friendly web-based sites that encourage learners to explore and discover-and each one is linked to one or more of the four strands of AASL's Standards for the 21st-Century Learner: skills, dispositions in action, responsibilities, and self-assessment strategies. The websites are: Projeqt, Gamestar Mechanic, Vialogues, Popplet, Jux, Comic Master, My Storymaker, Inanimate Alice, Quicklyst, Spidercribe, Stixy, Remember the Milk, Celly, Wiggio, Collaborize Classroom, Study Ladder, History Pin, Learn it in 5, ARKive, DocsTeach, iWitness, How to Smile, Study Blue, NASA Kids Club, and Springnote.
Clif Mims

Bitstrips - 0 views

    Another online comic creator. Allows easy sharing, viewer tracker, other creations by the artist, etc.
    Create comic strips, funny pages, cartoons. Educational Uses -Reports -Foreign language -ESL and ELL -Reviews -Writing and peer-editing
Melissa Smith

Perk Up Your Projects with Web 2.0 - home - 0 views

    A fantastic resource wiki with links to online programs on incorporating Animated Avatars, Comic Creators, Digital Scrapbooks, and more into classroom activities. "different elements to learn how you can re-invent your teaching and your students' learning with the use of a few engaging, motivating, and fun resources."

CSPD Comics - 0 views

    Hallo guys. I am very happy to share here. This is my site. If you would like to visit here. Go ahead. I've made ​​About a $ 58,000 from my little site. There is a forum and I was very happy to announce to you. I also provide seo service. gratis datingsite datingsites‎ gratis datingsite gratis dating
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