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Dai Barnes

Woices and Google Earth for Digital Fiction | ICT in my Classroom - 0 views

  • Woices and Google Earth for Digital Fiction Published by tbarrett at 9:54 pm under Google Earth, Literacy, Mapping, My class and tagged: comiqs, digital storytelling, Google Earth, photostory, woices These are some of the ideas I have been brewing over during my half term break from school. Today I managed to have a great few hours and got 3 solid looking weeks of planning done which incorporate all of these concepts. As the next few weeks pass I will reflect on their effectiveness in the classroom with our classes.
    These are some of the ideas I have been brewing over during my half term break from school. Today I managed to have a great few hours and got 3 solid looking weeks of planning done which incorporate all of these concepts. As the next few weeks pass I will
Dai Barnes

classroomgoogleearth » home - 0 views

  • Welcome to the Classroom Google Earth wiki. I would like this space to be somewhere that allows students, teachers, and other colleagues to share classroom based resources and ideas for Google Earth. I will kick it off with this. Lots more to come! Why not contribute! I would love to know how you are using GE in your classroom.
    Welcome to the Classroom Google Earth wiki. I would like this space to be somewhere that allows students, teachers, and other colleagues to share classroom based resources and ideas for Google Earth. I will kick it off with this. Lots more to come! Why not contribute! I would love to know how you are using GE in your classroom.
EdTech RoundUp

Google Earth for #GTAUK - 0 views

    This wiki accompanies the GTAUK session on Google Earth* and will be made into an ebook before the event.
Dai Barnes

Flash Earth ...satellite and aerial imagery of the Earth in Flash - 0 views

    flash site showing alternatives to googleearth maps - just a picture zoom but good
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