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Connectivism: Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology - 2 views

    Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age by George Siemens was reprinted in an online textbook called "Foundations of Learning and Instructional Design Technology." In the article, Siemens explains that the three oldest learning theories were based on a time when we lacked technology. He goes on to discuss the limitations each of the theories has on the individual that is exposed to technology. He then discusses connectivism and how it impacts learning in the digital-age.

Communities of Practice – Scaled Agile Framework - 0 views

    In this article, the author goes beyond the definition of Communities of Practice, but he explains each key component of CoP. The author explains the three traits of CoPs, the stages of development, and how to operate a CoP. However, I feel the first two keys (the traits and the stages of development) are important in understanding what CoP is.

Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge - Seven Principles f... - 3 views

    This article provides an excerpt from the book, Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge by Wenger, McDermott, and Snyder. This pieces notes what CoPs are and what makes them successful. It explores seven design principles to help CoPs thrive and evolve. Each principle is explained and supported with understandable real-world examples.
    This does give a really complete explanation of each one. I agree that the examples are relevant and helpful. I think this is a great resource.
    I like this article. Much of what I read dealt with what communities of practice are. This article focuses more on how to set up and maintain a successful community of practice. Each of the elements brought up is very detailed. I like this article because it details what a community of practice is indirectly. In describing what a successful CoP looks like you can easily see what it is and how valuable it can be. Good find!

What is a PLN? Why do I need one? - 1 views The article gives a brief explanation as to what a PLN is and why educators need one. A PLN is a personalized network of other teachers and reso...

EDTECH543 PLN Professional Learning Network EdTechSN

started by joshgiudicelli on 04 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Communities of Practice - 0 views This article does a good job introducing what a CoP is and also identifies the importance of domain, community, and ...

EDTECH543 Communities of Practice EdTechSN CoP

started by joshgiudicelli on 04 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Introduction to a Community of Practice - 1 views This article does a great job explaining what a CoP is and how it is different from other communities. The article defines a Cop...

EDTECH543 Community of Practice EdTechSN

started by joshgiudicelli on 04 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

The difference between Instructionism, Connectivism, and Constructionism - 0 views I liked this resource because it gives a very simple explanation as to how these three ...

EDTECH543 Connectivism EdTechSN

started by joshgiudicelli on 04 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Connectivism - A learning theory for a digital age - 0 views This resource goes into more detail on Connectivism. What is nice about this resources is that it also addresses the other big three learning t...

EDTECH543 Connectivism EdTechSN

started by joshgiudicelli on 04 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

What is Connectivism? - 1 views This website provides a good overview of Connectivism. Connectivism is a theory promoted by Stephen Downes and George Siemens. It is described as ...

EDTECH543 Connectivism EdTechSN

started by joshgiudicelli on 04 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

What is Community of Practice and How Can We Support it? by Christopher Hoadley - 6 views

    Christopher Hoadley defines communities of practice, explains underlying theories of CoPs, compares CoPs to other types of learning communities, and discusses the use of technology in the support and development of CoPs.
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    This chapter by Hoadley breaks down a community of practice (CoP) and explains the theory behind it as well as well as its history. An interesting piece of the chapter compares a CoP to other groups and how each works a bit differently. It was also interesting to read about how technology is used in successful CoPs.
    I learned the feature-based as well as the process based definition of communities of practice. I also learned how we can support a community of practice. It was valuable to learn how technology ties into communities of practices in the form or presentation or communication abilities, integration in content and context, etc. The article mentioned C4P framework, which encouraged me to take a deeper look at the C4P framework.
    This is an exhaustive article that covers the definition and history of COPs, thoughts on how to sustain COPs, and ideas on how technology can support and enhance COPs in the 21st century. It is practical, useful, and interesting. While I found it to be perhaps a little too detailed, it was nonetheless a good article.
    The concept of communities of practice has been used as both a theory to explain how learning occurs, and a "metaphor for how instruction should take place." From an anthropological view, knowledge is not completely contained within individuals, but is more often found in groups/communities. Knowledge can be "sticky" or "leaky". "Sticky" knowledge is difficult to disseminate, perhaps because it is highly technical, or because the target audience does not absorb it. "Leaky" knowledge is knowledge (like trade secrets) the disseminates despite efforts to keep it secret. Knowledge involves practice in context. One way we learn with situational learning is by peripheral, or tangential, participation. Learners should be allowed to "lurk" before participating, much as beginner social media users do. A knowledge building community and a community are practice are not the same thing. A knowledge-building community seeks to learn and build knowledge, while a community of practice wants to improve some type of work function. The learning may be the same, but the goals are different. Forced knowledge-building communities may never read the stage of community of practice depending on the level of connectedness and peripheral participation. Technology can facilitate communication and collaboration for CoPs.
    This explains what a Community of Practice is, it goes into two definitions, features-based and process-based. It also discusses how communities of practice and technology often go hand-in-hand and how this has changed and developed over time.
    This chapter provides an overview and history of communities of practice. There is a nice description of the theoretical assumptions underlying its development. The differences of communities of practice and other knowledge communities are explained thoroughly. There is an appreciation for how technology plays a role in today's communities of practice, how it can support it and how it is not less effective than face to face communication. It is explained that the key to a successful community of practice is "connections, conversations, content, and information context."
    Christopher Hoadley explains CoPs, focusing on definition and practice. Essentially, Hoadley illustrates that CoPs are informal yet highly connected, constructivist in nature, and supported by technology like social media. He states that technology supports communities of practice by "linking people with similar interests, providing a shared repository of resources, directly supporting communication, and providing awareness of various resources within the information context" (Jonassen & Land, 2012). Additionally, he goes on to express that individual learning fails when it comes to application but that group learning often creates deeper, more meaningful understanding especially when built upon authentic situations.
    This article gives two separate definitions for communities of practice, a feature based definition and a process based definition. Between the two it explains how learning through practice can be more beneficial than following a manual or example. It also states how participation is important as well as being viewed as a member of the community of practice. The article then goes into explaining how technology has played a positive role in communities and has helped with communication to allow a community of practice to function even better.
    This chapter dives deep into communities of practice. It begins with an overview of the history of CoPs and discusses theoretical underpinnings the concept is based on. The author explores CoPs in relation to other types of learning and related technology.
    In this resource, Christopher Hoadley helps to define community of practice with two approaches. The first approach to the definition is what he calls the "feature-based definition" and the other approach is the "process-based" definition. He attributes these definitions based on Lave and Wenger's book on situated learning. This resource provides a good starting point to understanding what CoP is and the theoretical approach it involves.
Lisa Bradshaw

4Cs - 4 views

Hi, I just joined this group. One of my go-to sites lately has been this one: There is a lot of talk lately in my work circle about the 4Cs: Collab...

education technology learning teaching 4Cs collaboration critical thinking creativity communication

started by Lisa Bradshaw on 02 Jun 18 no follow-up yet
Lisa Bradshaw

Online Enrollment Numbers - 3 views

I enjoyed this brief article (with an accompanying report) about a study of online enrollment numbers:

education technology learning teaching online statistics

started by Lisa Bradshaw on 02 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Knowledge Sharing Tools and Methods Toolkit - Communities of Practice - 9 views

    This wiki page from Knowledge Sharing takes an in-depth look at the use of CoP in International Development and provides an extensive list of examples to provide greater understanding of CoP and its uses.
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    This site describes communities of practice (CoP) as "groups of people who share a passion for something that they do, and who interact regularly to learn how to do it better." It then goes on to describe the history or CoPs, when and how to use them (providing a flowchart for cultivating communities of practice), and concludes with tips, examples, and related resources.
    This resource outlines CoPs and provides relevant examples. Explains that the emphasis of these communities is the quality of content shared by individuals. States that the creator to consumer ratio is 0.07%. Where's the YOU?
    This article provides an overview of, applications for, and tips the use of a community of practice.
    This article give not only the basic idea of a CoP, but also gives tips and lessons, examples and stories, and more references for those interested in learning more. Some of the resources are in Dutch (?), so be aware.
    Great summary of CoPs and their usefulness in education. I like how the article explains that they can be short term or long term depending on the purpose and goals of the community. I also really like the graphic and saved it to my desktop!
    The image in this article is great! The tips section is also helpful when you are thinking about creating a CoP. Overall, great article with great examples.
    This is a really great resource! Like Ryann, I love the image within this page. It really puts some of the important aspects of communities of practice in the simplest terms possible. I love the emphasis on key questions to ask when thinking about CoP. Consistent attitude is something that needs to be taken to all communities! If the purpose is to teach and learn, then the attitude needs to be there to match.
    This was a great find Natalie! I especially like the idea that the resource presents when it states that it is tempting to mandate these communities but that they can better be nurtured by continuing existence. I connect this to my own classroom and the work I do throughout the beginning of the school year where I'm constantly arranging their groups to help them develop their communication and group skills but then allow them to form their own groups as the year progresses and I find that, for the most part, they gravitate to individuals that they work best with. I really liked the infographic on where to start as well. I think this is a great go to visual for utilizing CoPs.
    This online toolkit offers a brief and well-organized overview of communities of practice (CoP). It begins with a short description and follows with the history CoPs. It then offers a bulleted list of when to utilize CoPs and even provides further advice on how-to use. This site was particularly helpful in that it also offers tips and lessons learned from others as well as examples, stories, and other resources. Overall, it is organized and affords users a plethora f information on Communities of Practice.

The role of communities of practice in a digital age | Tony Bates - 25 views

  • The role of communities of practice in a digital age
    A new chapter in Tony Bates' open source textbook, this one dealing with COPs - what they are, designing effective ones and learning through them.
  • ...18 more comments...
    I guess I shared this link in a previous course, but it is a good one! Tony Bates discusses designing, learning from and defines communities of practice in the digital age. EDTECH543, Communities of Practice.
    I appreciate the substance of this article as it goes beyond simply defining communities of practices and discusses the theoretical framework for developing effective CoPs. The seven tips offered for designers of CoPs provides structure and guidance for those interested in implementing this practice. I also found great value in the text's analysis of communities of practice in a technology rich generation. The digital age is dominating culture and as people seek to re-evaluate programs, organization, and life they tend to think they need to dump the old and start from scratch. This article, however, points out that communities of practice will be a powerful tool in the digital age by "it is probably a mistake to think of them as a replacement for traditional forms of education." Great perspective!(
    A Community of Practice is essentially a group of people who share a common interest and learn how to polish and perfect that passion by regularly interacting with one another. Communities of Practice apply various theories of learning as the group members interact and glean from one another. Researchers argue that a Community of Practice differs from other types of learning communities in that the group members share a common interest, they engage in activities around that common interest, and all group member are practitioners of that interest. As a result, the learning that occurs in a Community of Practice comes from the sum of all group members.
    This article focused on what traits a successful community of practice has and how they are taking shape in the digital world. Of particular interest in this article is the role that MOOCs are beginning to play in digital learning and also how the design of a community of practice can impact how long it stays useful and relevant to its users.
    In this article, author Tony Bates refers to MOOCs as communities of practice, and then makes a distinction between "instructionist" MOOCs and "connectivist" MOOCs, the latter being designed to function as communities of practice. This has prompted me to look for more information on the distinction, as I am only familiar with instructionist MOOCs. In addition, I find the article of interest because of the subsequent and continuing scholarly conversation that ensued in the comments.
    Very interesting article. I like how Bates explains the theory behind communities of practice and then provides the definition. It helps provide context for CoPs. I also found the "Designing effective communities of practice" section to be very helpful. It outlines what a good CoP should look like and encourages the diversity that can be within a community. Thanks for sharing!
    This article from Tony Bates provides another great overview of CoPs. One of my favorite parts of this article is the section on designing effective communities of practice. Bates provides a list of key design principles (adapted from Wenger) for creating an effective CoP.
    I love how this article recognizes that 1 plus 1 is not 2. That the sum total of knowledge exceeds what was put in.
    This blog post discusses what communities of practice are, the learning theories behind CoPs, designing effective CoPs, and learning through CoPs in the digital age. It goes into depth about the seven key design principles for creating effective and self-sustaining CoPs. It also discusses the importance of Massive Open Online Courses.
    In this post, Tony Bates discusses communities of practice including what they are and their characteristics. He also discusses ways to create and sustain effective communities of practice. Finally, Mr. Bates discusses how we can learn through communities of practice specifically through the use of MOOCs.
    This article by Tony Bates gives examples of CoPs in companies like Xerox and how they work together within the company to create projects. It also provides a visual from Wenger assists companies with integrating a CoP within the workspace.
    This post disusses what a community of practice is and the theories behind them. It also addresses the design of a community of practice and the three criteria involved, domain, community, and practice. Finally it discusses MOOC's.
    This article gives some background and insight to the different parts of a Community of Practice. What I found to be most relevant about this article is the fact that it is based around digital learning. There is an image included in the article that displays the different websites that can be used as a tool for a CoP. This image is helpful in visualizing all of the ways to meet and communicate with peers in the digital realm.
    This article looks at corporations that are encouraging CoPs like Google & Apple. Xerox was able to save $100 million by collecting tips that repair men were sharing over breakfast and sharing them on a larger level. CoPs can enhance organizational effectiveness and profitability by increasing knowledge sharing.
    He is writing a textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age, and this is his discussion about communities of practice. It explains what communities of practice are, how they work, and how they can be successfully used. He argues that they are not a replacement for other forms of education but does mention that they can be great tools.
    This article is a chapter for a book, Teaching in a Digital Age. It gives a good summary of the principles behind communities of practice. While the author does not fpbelieve that CoPs should replace other forms of learning, he sees value in them.
    The author, Tony Bates, reviews what makes a community of practice by clarifying the main components of an effective one. My favorite part of the resource is the graphic organizing the tools and activities associated with a community, which also integrates the technology available. The article focuses on the idea that communities of practice is a method of informal learning and discusses how to use online learning to its highest potential.
    To me the most interesting part of this resource is the comments. Very interesting arguments being made by various players especially Downes and Harasim. I often learn more from comments sections than from the main paper.
    @Terrence. I too liked the comments section which is ironically appropriate seeing that the article was about communities of practice. I think that Downes is viewed as a kind of expert in connectivism and social learning. I have read a few things on his blog through the process of this research and they are quite good. He also co-teaches an MOOC on connectivism with Siemens through the University of Manitoba.
    I found this interesting at the end when the questions were posted. It made me think of things that I hadn't yet....Can we force these communities or do they just happen naturally and do I think they can replace other forms of education. I have not sorted those out in my own mind yet but I like that they stopped me to think about.

Ancient Egypt - Menu page - 3 views

    The British Museum has an outstanding presence online. I've used this website for years for students to conduct a webquest. They have other ancient cultures as well.

- KidsHealth in the Classroom - 2 views

    Lessons and resources for teaching health related content to students K-12. Great resource for adding extensions or modifications to current lesson plans.

How Teachers Create Personal Learning Networks on Social Media | CPI - 1 views

    This article shares the hurdles for new teachers to PLN and how to overcome them. It gives practical advice for joining, starting and participating in a PLN.

Connectivism as a Learning Theory for the Digital Age - 1 views

    This article talks about how connectivism is important and valid, but should be used as a tool in the learning process and not as a standalone learning theory.
  • ...1 more comment...
    In this article the section labeled Why Connectivism is considered to be a learning theory was fun to read. It explains how learning can no longer be explained linearly and must be explained in terms of personal networks.
    This article looks at connectivism from the standpoint of learning theory. It discusses the essential criteria for a learning theory or an instructional theory and the differences between a learning theory and an instructional theory in the context of connectivism. The article make an effort to explain connectivism as a learning theory of digital age.
    This article gives a really interesting look at connectivism as a learning theory vs an instructional theory. It brings out many studies and prior theories to look further into connectivism in education.

Overview of Connectivism - Dr. George Siemens - 4 views In this video, Dr. Siemens provides a brief overview of the topic of connectivism. Siemens asserts that knowledge is a networked product, meaning that i...

EDTECH543 Connectivism resources

started by kpeila on 04 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Connectivism - 2 views

    This powerpoint describes connectivism, gives resources and also shows the pros and cons based on the information at the time.
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