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Education-2020 - Connectivism - 19 views

    SUMMARY: This page found on the Education 2020 Wiki details Connectivism theory and provides resources that help clarify the unique components of this theory compared to others. I found myself exploring the site more deeply and I appreciated the vast amounts of resources and clarifications available on this wiki. Feel free to get lost in it too!
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    Nice resource in that it includes an overview of the concept along with videos and slideshares.
    I love how this website breaks down connectivism with so many sources, examples, and videos.
    This wiki entry describes connectivism "a learning theory for a digital age" and links to resources created by George Siemens and Stephen Downes, promoters of this theory. It summarizes Siemen's Principles of Connectivism. Siemens suggests that learning is no longer individualistic. Rather, knowledge is distributed across networks and in a digital society the connections and connectiveness within these networks lead to learning.
    This is a great resource because it helps learners visually "witness" Connectivism in action with the "Networked Student" video.
    This Wiki Space from by Education 2020 is a great resource for all things education and learning, but includes some valuable resources regarding connectivism. The site is maintained by EduCitizenship 2020, which is an international consulting group that focuses on Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and how they are changing traditional physical communities and creating more global and social networks.
    This article has several videos explaining what connectivism is and the relationship to personal learning. The author also includes a reminder that learning isn't done by an individual in isolation but through networked connections.
    This aritcle explains connectivism as learning within a network. Today, much if not most of our learning takes place on the internet, it states that learners recognize patterns, changes, chaos on the internet and a lot of that is out of their control. The article talks about how people are continually striving to learn more and do not focus on what they currently know.
    This site discusses Connectivism and the work of Stephen Downes and George Siemens. Connectivism is described as a "learning theory for a digital age" and looks at learning as a process that occurs through connections within networks. The site also provides a couple YouTube videos and presentations from Downes and Siemens.
    The page about connectivism on the Education 202 site thoroughly and plainly explains connectivism through text. It also includes videos (one with George Siemens in the flesh!) and presentations that help to further explain the theory and how it can be applicable to teaching and learning. This site beyond the connectivism page explains other learning theories, such as constructivism and project based learning. There are even lesson examples as well as many other excellent resources to help both learners and teachers.
    This article gives an overview of Connectivism. In our digital society, the connections and connectiveness within networks lead to learning. The article lists Siemem's principles of connectivism. This resource also includes a fifteen minute video of Siemen on Coonectivism: Socializing Open Learning, a five minute video on the Networked Student, a Slideshare on the elements of Connectivism, and a Slideshare on Connectivism and Personal Learning.
    Explains Connectivism and Siemen's Principles of Connectivism. Includes a great video of George Siemens discussing Connectivism and Socializing Open Learning. Also a very helpful video depicting a student and teacher's role in a Connectivist environment and a Slideshare describing the elements of Connectivism.
    This was a really clear article. One of the things that I became aware of is how all of these learning theories we're studying are interconnected. Connectivism has much in common with social learning, which is a constructivist concept. It seems that like a lot of things, the best approach is the "cafeteria approach;" a little constructivism, a little connectivism, a little behavioralism, etc.
    Downes & Siemens are the primary promoters of connectivism and say learning rests in the diversity of options, is a process of connecting specialized nodes, and may reside in non-human appliances. They believe that the capacity to know is more important than what is currently known and that nurturing relationships is needed to facilitate continuing education. They say the ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill. Up to date knowledge is the goal of all learning activities in this model and decision making is in itself a learning process.
    This wikispace provides a definition of what connectivism is and lists Siemen's Principles of connectivism. Sieman explains that connectivism is no longer an individual action but instead is dispersed among networks. Included in this site is various presentations to help you understand the networked student and connectivism.
    The break down on the networked students was a an eye opener. It simplifies what the students needs to do and how the teacher is important to facilitate the learning. Also the Youtube video by George Siemens- Connectivism: Socializing Open Learning was full of great points on why social network learning is important and how students can benefit more from socializing their learning rather regular structured learning.
    This wiki is a great summary of Connectivism and its principles. It explains the core ideas of Connectivism and its emphasis on network learning and continual learning. In particular, this wiki includes several informative videos from George Siemens, one of the founders of Connectivism, as well as links to Siemens and Downes's blogs. The straightforward explanations simplify Connectivism's principles and explain the importance of connection and connectedness given the current (and growing) impact of technology on learning.
    This is a wikispace dedicated the theory of Connectivism. A lengthy description followed by video and links are included. In this wikispace, connectivism is described as a group activity that is in a constant state of change. As new information is acquired by the group, old information may be altered or abandoned. It is connecting and educating in the digital age. "Whereas in the past learning was competitive, coercive and paternalistic, the new ethic of learning is collaborative, global and universal."
    This is a great resource Joanna! I really like the video of the "Networked Student" showing a great example of what connectivism could look like. I also like the list of bullets of what Siemen's Principles of Connectivism are.
    This page discusses the foundations of connectivitism and gives us a video and two slideshows of information. The principles of connectivism are outlined, and we understand how learning must be connected instead of an individual activity.
    The authors of this article explain what connectivism is and why it is so unique. Connectivism is "a learning theory promoted by Stephen Downes and George Siemens." Learning takes place through connections within networks. The information found is new, updated, and rapidly altering. The author shares Siemen's principles of connectivism, including that learning is a process of connections. Connections between fields, ideas, and concepts. Connections to facilitate learning, connections with decision-making, and maintaining and nurturing connections. Learning is the connections and connectiveness within networks.
    I found this site to be especially valuable with a wealth of information. Links to the slides and videos were an added plus.
    This article provides a detailed explanation of what Connectivism is and why it's currently relevant to learning. The article provides Siemen's Principles of Connectivism and provides supporting videos to further explain Connectivism.
    This wiki gives a short introduction to connectivism, including George Siemens 8 principles. There are 2 videos on the page concerning socializing open learning and networked students. In addition, there are 2 Stephen Downes slide presentations on the elements of connectivism and personal learning. There are also many links to other related websites. Socializing open learning, presented by George Siemens, shows that in this model, teachers are "arbiters of connection." Though he acknowledges that in stable bodies of knowledge, courses can be a part of education, he questions the validity of a "course" as the best way to foster connections. He calls grading tests, "sorting," rather than true evaluation. We've been having many conversations in my school setting about grades, so this interested me. He wants fluid, variable and contextual learning for students.
    This is a wikispace which discusses connectivism, a learning theory developed by Downes and Siemens. The author provides 7 principles of connectivism that help direct us to the idea that learning is no longer an individualistic activity. This site also provides two videos to further explain the theory of connectivism.
    General information about the theory of Connectivism, such as what it is and why it is so unique. Promoted by Stephen Downes and George Siemens, Connectivism allows learners to distribute knowledge across networks. Siemens theorizes that learning is now longer an individualistic activity and with the advent of digital resources, learners need to explore the informational chaos, network, and and self-organize. Siemens and Downes have experimented with Open Courses and both stress the importance of more open education.
    Learning takes place over networks, our learning stems from being connected. A good resource on Connectivism Theory. Has videos, slideshows, links, and other content on Connectivism.
    This was my starting point for research on Connectivism. This is a short read introducing the topic and its creator. Learning takes place when connections are made.
    This is a neat little article on connectivism. The best part is that it has a video contained within it by George Siemens that really helps you understand what this idea is getting at.
    Connectivism is learning for the digital age. This article does a great job at explaining the principles of connectivism."Learning is a process that occurs within nebulous environments of shifting core elements - not entirely under the control of the individual."

Communities of Practice - 5 views

    Although this site is dedicated to knowledge management, this particular page focuses on what Communities of practice are, and it explains what learning is like within communities of practice. The bulleted lists are particularly helpful in summarizing the key concepts of CoPs.
    I like this article because it addresses legitimate peripheral learning. The idea that we don't directly instruct new members, but instead allow them to do basic tasks within the community and then learn more important roles through daily observation. This idea and set-up reminds me heavily of an apprenticeship. New Members start at the bottom and learn until they are no longer on the outside but fully included within the community. Nice find with this article!
    Great read on how we learn in COPs and the essential parts of COPs.

What is a PLN? Why Do I Need One? | TeachHUB - 26 views

  • own personalized “network” of fellow educators and resources who are designed to make them a better teacher.
  • these traditional areas of professional development are often set up and operated by someone
  • An educator is not merely absorbing information from others: they are sharing.
    Not only does this resource provide a solid description of what a PLN is, it also answers the important "why do I need one" question. It was particularly helpful to get an idea of how social media is essential to a strong PLN.
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    This article listed many social media sources to start your PLN. The biggest takes away that I got from this article are the two benefits of a PLN over a traditional personal development. The first one is that a PLN allows an educator to completely personalize their training. They can pick what to focus on. The second is that they can adapt the learning environment to meed the educator's needs. Once they have enough information, they can start learning and sharing about a new topic that they wish.
    Describes a PLN, why we have PLN's, and the benefits of being a member of a PLN. This article talks about how PLN's allow educators to develop their skills beyond the more traditional methods and allows them to develop their abilities as an educator.
    With more and more opportunities to develop one's skills beyond what traditional routes have provided, establishing your own PLN is an essential step toward deepening your abilities as an educator.
    Very straightforward resource. From a teacher's standpoint, this resource is very beneficial. It demonstrates how teachers can enhance their skills away from old school (traditional) teaching pedagody and move into connectivist strategies to truly become educators in the 21st Century.
    A PLN can be online or face to face connections but the virtual opportunities do not require your physical presence like attending a conference, a live master's degree program, etc. There are 2 distinct advantages to being online: 1. it's completely personalized to what each person is seeking 2. It can easily be modified based on changes in needs. Social media sources like Facebook, Twitter, and Wordpress blogs can be customized so that teachers can follow one-other and share the latest tools and information.
    This discusses what a PLN is and how it can help you grow professionally. It also talks about the benefits of a PLN and how you can personalize things.
    This is a great resource on the explanation of PLNs, why they are important, and how they can improve your work and learning environments. It has a solid definition and is key to understanding PLNs in a short read.
    This article describes what a PLN is and how it relates to one's real world and social networking communities. It discusses why having a PLN is important to an educator today. In the past you need to be physically present to get your desired information and at times that was not even possible. Today a teacher can determine what training is necessary and find this information through their PLN network. The article explains how a PLN not only allows you to learn but also encourages you to share your knowledge with others.
    Nice, simple article that explains what a PLN is. Thanks for sharing it. It can certainly help fill in any knowledge gaps for someone new to PLNs.
    I liked the resource for the question "Why do I need one?" and the answers that followed. Teachers can connect themselves to resources from many different aspects of the world and teachers and sites they may not have otherwise found. It is no longer just "absorbing information" but sharing and creating new connections and ways to use the information. Honestly, after all this research, the new question is "Why don't I already have a PLN?"
    This article defines what a PLN is and the necessity for educators to develop one. It describes the difference between developing a PLN and being "connected." It argues that PLNs allow educators to individualize professional development. With the emergence of technology in education, I see this as a necessary tool for the 21st century educator.
    This article describes the need for teachers to be a part of PLNs. The author talks about the importance of making connections to other teachers and countless resources to make yourself a better teacher.
    This article describes the benefits of developing your own personal learning network. The author touches on the traditional learning networks of the past and their limitations and examines the benefits of the tech driven network.
    In the education world, PLN stands for Personal Learning Network. What it means is that an individual has developed their own personalized "network" of fellow educators and resources who are designed to make them a better teacher. This network exists both in their real-life relationships and online through their social media connections.
    This article describes a PNL but also discusses the benefits of developing a PNL. By sharing within your PNL members will not only gain new knowledge, resources, and ideas, but will also develop relationships with people across the globe!
    A PLN is not PD. A PLN has (at least) 2 additional benefits: you study and research topics applicable to you, decided by you; you can form a symbiotic relationship where everyone is sharing information
    Catapano explains what a PLN is and why people should have one. A PLN stands for Personal Learning Network. Basically, it is a group of individuals who are fellow educators who work together both real-life and online to make themselves a better teacher. PLN are mainly through social media sources like Twitter, Facebook, or blogs. Teachers can share their resources across the world with their latest research, experiences, or discoveries. Teachers get to take control of their own professional development.
    I always like to find resources that cut right to the chase and explain exactly what the topic is. This article does that with professional learning networks. This article can be presented to anyone who asks "what IS a PLN anyway". The article relates the evolution of PLNs to include social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, ect. Themes of connectivism and communities of practice are found throughout the article as the writer explains that the true benefits is that PLNs are based off teacher's interests and passions rather than the usual top down professional development experience so many teacher experience. It drives home the point that successful PLNs revolve around the sharing of experiences and resources rather just viewing and consuming.
    @teachingjake503, PLNs have become so valuable to me, especially when I was a first year teacher. Having support from people outside of the establishment was extremely helpful. I think people often buy into them more because of the choice they have. They can choose to include only those they feel provide value, are positive, and can offer support.
    What is a PLN? Why Do I Need One? This article provides a simple and easy to understand definition of a Personal Learning Network and how it can be used by teachers to help them become a better teachers and can be used to help educations personalize their training. The article focuses on the use of social media as the primary resource for PLNs.
    The following article discusses why educators need a PLN. These networks are design to make you a better teacher. The personal learning networks are exactly that "personalized." Most professional development is designed by others, but your PLN is created and designed by YOU.
    Written by Jordan Catapano who simplifies what a PLN is and explains why one might need it. He explains that a PLN is usually designed by educators networking with fellow educators to make them better teachers. This article goes through the theories and benefits of a PLN and what they intel or include.
    "Why do I need one". This article discusses why a teacher should use PLN's and more importantly, create their own PLN. This was a nice read for me to put PLN's in perspective.
    A great article that offers many valid and important reasons that an instructor should join PLNs.
    This article supports why we all need to join PLN! Great read!

"Together we are better": Professional learning networks for teachers - 0 views

    A lengthy article, but it does a good job of explaining the theories behind PLNs while also providing case studies of how PLNs benefited teachers. It connects PLNs with connectivism as well.

Connecting Communities of Practice at UBC | UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Techn... - 0 views

    The graphic on this site does a great job of helping my to visualize Communities of Practice and how they function. The graphic shows one CoP session and how the teachers involved work together on so many different areas.

Lessons Learnt From and Sustainability of Adopting a Personal Learning Environment & Ne... - 0 views

    This article looks at the effects of personal learning networks on students. It describes a research study that found PLNs help students to get together to work through information and understand the content on a new level. The study used tools that are mostly free and online such as Google Docs.

Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age - 1 views

    This text composed by George Siemens, an entrepreneur of the connectivism learning theory, explores the traditional learning theories of behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism in order to reveal a more modern learning theory that encompasses the digital age. Connectivism, simplified, is the idea that individuals engage in learning processes that hold real world application via various resources and contacts to which valuable information can be extracted to create new learning that builds lasting knowledge applicable to a diverse number of circumstances. In this academic article Siemens explores the basic principles and implications of the connectivism theory and heavily emphasizes that this type of learning doesn't necessarily occur within the human, but can be drawn from different nodes which then connect to build individual understanding.
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    Here Siemens introduces his reasoning and understanding to connectivism. One fascinating piece that he talks about is how the half-life of learning is shrinking as technology becomes a primary learning tool within people's lives. His premise is based around the idea that we "derive our competence from connections with others". So although we may not all get to experience everything personally, which has been seen as the best way to learn something, now through other people's shared experiences we too can learn at a much quicker rate.
    Article discussing connectivism and how it applies to the digital age. Includes 8 principles of connectivism.
    Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age is a wonderful article that drills down into the development of Connectivism as the use of technology has challenged many of the theoretical foundations of Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism. This article discusses the importance of communities of practice in the digital age when learning is rapid pace, dependent on quickly changing information, often in self organized groupings. Siemens provides an overview of the principles and implications of Connectivism as a primary theory for establishing learning groups.
    In this article, Siemens discusses the incredible impact that technology has had on several learning theories over the past twenty years. Technology has become such a prominent part of our world and it is "altering (rewiring) our brains." It is an interesting take on the power of technology and how it continues to have a gigantic impact on many learning theories.
    Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism are three theories that attempt to explain how people learn and develop. When these theories were created, digital technology didn't play a role in learning which changes how we explore these theories today. All of these theories agree that knowledge is something to be obtained, but how do people get knowledge in today's society? Connectivism is what describes the new learning environments people are experiencing everyday. It is a series of networks that connect people and information and facilitates the organization and flow of knowledge. It can explained with plumbing. The information and knowledge is the water while the series of pipes it flows through is connectivism. 
    "The pipe is more important than the content of the pipe." Siemens says that it is more important in a digital world to know how to find the information you need, when you need it, than it is to possess the knowledge itself. And he recognizes that our current educational system needs to change to accommodate new ways of learning and new technology.
    This article provides an interesting view of connectivism as an alternative to behaviorism, constructivism, and cognitivism. It argues that in the digital age, these theories don't properly meet the requirements of modern learners. Connectivism corrects these theories faults and looks at learning as a group activity.

Networked Student - YouTube - 0 views

    A great introduction to connectivism through illustrations. It shows the importance of employing connectivist strategies in the classroom so that students are able to strengthen the learning process.

Connectivism: 21st Century's New Learning Theory - 0 views

    This article discusses Connectivism and its place as a learning theory. It discusses its principals of how individuals acquire information through reservoirs of information such as learning platforms, social media and online classrooms. Through a series of studies, the author hypothesizes that Connectivism actually has a dual role in education - both a learning theory and an instructional theory.
    This article explains connectivism and its benefits to education. It examines three "reservoirs of information" that connect with the principles of connectivism.
devivost | Jean Lave, Etienne Wenger and communities of practice - 9 views

    Communities of Practice are becoming an important focus in organiation development because of the learning and collaboratiave aspects of CoP. Theory and practice of CoP's are reviewed. The model of situated learning is reflected upon as CoP's are viewed as a process of engagement.
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    This is a resource on communities of practice and their positive impact on organizational development and group work. It highlights the work of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger. It breaks down the 3 elements that differentiate a community of practice from other groups/communities and how knowledge is generated in a community. Situated learning is the model of learning that is explained as taking place in these communities of practice.
    This article gives a short history of Communities of Practice and goes on to explain what they are. It is easy to read and understand as It explains what CoP are and what they are not.
    Detailed article that describes the communities of practice philosophy that Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger developed the in the late 80's that proposes learning comes from the social interactions in our daily lives. The article further explains how the interactions with various groups causes the learning, whether it is as a core member or a bystander.
    I really liked this article because as an educator it spoke to what I believe in. Learning does not only take place in the educational setting of a school, but it also takes place outside of that environment. Learning is social, it's physical, it's interactive, it's communicating. There are so many different ways to learn and therefore people never stop learning. It states that communities of practice are all around us and most of the time we are involved in many of those groups at the same time.
    Lave and Wenger discuss communities of practice covering many topics such as the characteristics and the relationships. EDTECH543 Communities of Practice
    This article discusses Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, who proposed that "learning involved a process of engagement in a 'community of practice'." They discuss the idea of learning as being a social experience rather than an individual one, and that people are typically involved in a number of communities of practice. The characteristics of communities of practice are described, as well as situated learning.
    This article clearly articulates what communities of practice are, examples of each (which I find the most interesting as it makes a very clear connection to what we know), and three main components. The three distinguishable ideas show how communities of practice are different than random groups. I like their ideas of these groups occurring over time around things thst matter to people. #EDTECH543
    This source discusses communities of practice and how they can be either formal or informal. Members of a community of practice are in an organized group centered around a shared idea. Communities of practice allow connectivity because learners make connections with each other as resources to acquire knowledge when needed.
    I learned about different definitions or explanations of communities of practice and how the learning happens by means of communities of practice is connected to situated learning. I also learned about different characteristics of communities of practice and how these characteristics are interconnected. I learned in detail about how the concept of communities of practice is aligned with the concept of situated learning. I enjoyed reading the examples and learning how communities of practices change over time.
    In CoPs, connections are being made. Everyone is working together to get everything that they need. I think that the main focus of this descibres the aspects of collaboration and why it is so important with CoPs. CoPs is related to situated learning and that is something new that I learned.
    "Communities of practice are formed by people who engage in a process of collective learning" A COP is joining in mutual activities.
    3 crucial elements that make a COP: Domain, Community, and Practice. A domain is a common interest among members. A community means that members engage in activities and discussions and share information to help one another. Members practice by sharing tools and something that individuals do.
    Excellent article that explains the characteristics of CoPs and how CoPs can be used in many aspects of life (both personally and professionally). This is the first article I have found that references "situational learning" as part of CoPs. The idea that learning is a social process and that we learn more from collaboration than we do independently seems to support the use and development of CoPs. Lave and Wegner illustrate that theory in the article by using examples from real-life situations.
    This article really talks about the details of CoPs without going into the how-tos that many others do. I appreciate how foundational it starts- even pointing out that learning was initially thought of as an individual activity and how that has evolved. Situated learning is discussed as it is beneficial for learners to not just learn by hearing or doing, but by learning to talk about what they are doing.
    Ariana, I loved how this article provided such great information and details.I also appreciate knowing the background of where foundations start. Thanks for the share!
    This article gives a very detailed explanation of communities of practice. The author traces the term to its origins to Lave and Wenger. Definitions of the characteristics of communities of practice are defined. Both Lave and Wenger claim that learning requires communities of practice which create authenticity beyond models to be applied to real situations
    This is an article that dives deeper into the theory and practice of communities of practice. The article hits the main components of domain, community, and practice but dives deeper into the thinking of the researchers Lave and Wenger. I appreciated how the article dives deeper into the process of these communities and how many of us join COPs as periphery learners and then as we gain competence through out interactions with the COP we move to full participation. The cornerstone of the theory being that learning not is solely acquisitional but rather a process of social participation. There are extended quotes from the researchers that provide a deeper context to their theory and more is discussed about the processes of their research.
    This article provides a great overview of the writings of Wenger and Lave on communities of practice. Their basic points are that we are all involved in communities of practice and they are valuable tools to become better educators. They also explain how our learning never ends as education continues to change. We constantly need to adapt and change our methods to fit our learners.

Connectivism by Siemens - 4 views

    This poster presents the important scaffolding of the connectivist theory
    My biggest a-ha moment from this article is the importance of seeing connections between fields, ideas, and concepts. Too often we work in silos and don't look around to see what other people are doing, even in our own organizations.

Community of Practice (CoP) success story - YouTube - 1 views

    This is a good video showing how setting up a community of practice saves time and resources in a mining company. The highlight for me was that one problem took a company close to a year to solve and they freely shared it with another group so that they wouldn't have to go through the same struggles.

Personal Learning Networks for Educators - YouTube - 1 views

    This video goes into why an educator should create a personal learning network. He talks about the responsibility of educators to create opportunities for professional development that their schools do not have time or resources to create for them. My favourite takeaway from this video is not to bother a busy colleague when a quick search can give you the answer.

Communities of Practice in Graduate Education: The Learner's Perspective - 1 views

    The focus of this article is on how educators can help learners set up and discover value in communities of practice. Through working with adult educators it showed learners how their previous knowledge and experiences have great value to the community. They were able to discover the value of self-directed learning. Finally they realized the networking potential of COPs.

Nuts and Bolts: Communities of Practice | LS - 0 views

    This article takes us through some of the key components of a community of practice. The importance of clear definitions, meaningful engagement, a helpful identity, lifelong learning, and the desire for success for all are all discussed.

Personal Learning Networks: Implications for Self-Directed Learning in the Digital Age - 4 views

    A chapter from Carter and Nugent at VSU which has a nice phrase, "Personal learning networks are based on the premise that learning occurs through interaction with multiple people and in multiple contexts through virtual communities." Somehow I like that. It goes into more detail and explores the, 'abstract concept that is learning.' A big read which take more time to go through but has some effective descriptions. Moves on to CoP as well. A chapter to return to.
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    Thank you for posting. The article was a little long, but I made it through. I like how it associates PLN to life long learning because that is absolutely what they encourage. I also enjoyed the combination of PLN and CoP. Thanks!
    This chapter by Carter & Nugent looks at PLNs, their interaction with self-directed learning, and ways educators can promote the use of PLNs among their students
    A detailed article about PLN's: their roots, ties to adult learning, self-directed learning, and communities of practice. I liked this quote from the abstract: "As learners participate in the multiple virtual communities of practice that comprise a PLN, they require new skills that merit reconsideration of the role of the educator in helping learners to become self-directed in both formal and informal learning contexts."
    Such an interesting article. I think many are under the impression that technology is going to replace the teacher in the classroom, which is part of what this paper explores in analyzing the impact of PLNs on the learning process. However, I don't believe the teacher's presence can ever be replaced. While certain aspects of the learning process may become more self-directed for student in the digital age, it doesn't invalidate the importance of the physical presence of a teacher. In fact, this article draws a strong conclusion that the question shouldn't be whether or not teachers are needed, but rather how are educators rethinking teaching and learning based "on a model of information and resource abundance." Educators need to be proactive in creating change in the methods and pedagogy of instruction.
    The article begins by addressing what a PLN is where a learner joins an informal, web-based communities and they create a network so they can learn whenever, wherever they would like. This article describes a PLN in the context of adult education and the role of the adult educator. The article describes what a PLN looks like. Last, it gives ways to help adults to learn in this type of culture and implications for this. As many articles do, this pushes for a change in education and change their model of teaching to fit this digital age.
    Here is a book chapter that details the theoretical implications of using PNL for Self-Directed Learners. This chapter talks about the different ways that learners learn within COP/PLN and how this learning takes place formally, informally and incidentally.

Develop a Personal Learning Network To Inspire Lifelong Learning! - 1 views

    This article outlines PLNs as a tool for teachers to take charge of their professional development. It discusses what a PLN is, how to develop one, and what a teacher can gain from participating in one. The biggest take away from this article for me is to have clearly defined goals prior to joining a PLN.

Cybergogue: Connectivism and education - 0 views

    This article gives an overview of connectivism and how teachers can use it to help their students gain access to more material. It introduces a new concept "cybergogie" where students connect not only to content, theory, and practice but also to technology.

A Brief Overview of 4 Learning Theories - YouTube - 0 views

    This video is not strictly about connectivism. With that being said the part about connectivism was very informative even though it was rather short. It starts talking about connectivism at about the 4:25 mark.
    I agree that this explanation is a good one. It describes it as Digital Age Learning and a creative process. The teachers are then responsible to nurture the connections that the students are making but still letting the students drive the process. Thanks for sharing!

"Together we are better." - 1 views

    Here is a very complex study. Fortunately, the highlights tell us some important findings. This study went with the understanding that teachers have organically formed professional learning networks using the Internet, and report that they like them. This study focused on putting some data behind that, which it has provided. As a teacher, I found this quote very refreshing, about a researcher that "argued that top-down teacher PD in schools often aligns with hierarchical structures that de-skill teachers from their intellectual work by treating them as passive recipients of mandates. Even the term "professional development" conveys that teachers are "deficient and in need of developing and directing." In my own PLN, I have learned much more about teaching and learning from an 8th grade math teacher than I have in any of my administration-mandated social studies PD sessions.
    I'll be honest, I did not read the entire study, but the highlights from this article and the abstract once again confirmed what I'm starting to realize. We are teaching in a way that is behind the times when it comes to the current ways students learn naturally. We are fighting their expectations trying to bottle them into the box that is traditional education.
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