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Connectivism & Open Learning - 11 views

    A mostly visual representation to explore connectivism as it occurs through an open learning system. Points brought up include learners making meaningful choices while exploring their personal interest in order to guide learning. And as participants engage in making connections, a natural result will be content development and eventually those more experienced students becoming mentors.
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    Great video, especially for those of us visual learners.
    I have to critique this video on two levels. First the video itself seemed more an exercise in using a non linear editor than in telling a story of communicating an idea. The message was lost in the many irrelevant images used by the authors of the video. Secondly it offed a minimal look at what connectivism is and the current thinking surrounding the use of connectivism as a learning theory. We need to hold electronic media to the same academic rigor used for scholarly peer review works. The authors of the video should have understood this as it was produced for a graduate level class. We as consumers of media need to be able to filter appropriate information for a given task at hand, and although alternatives to print media are desirable in education, the video was not able to address the theory level of connectivism effectively.
    Great video that has a section about how our students are "different" than when we were in school. "They [Students] expect to learn from technology because that is what they are used to." As soon as ALL teachers realize and accept this fact, then we as teachers can be one step closer to helping our students achieve their FULL potential!
    I like the idea of learners making meaningful choices. Anything that can guide students to make effective and relevant connections is a great resource. I also think teachers have a lot to learn about the way our students learn these days. The idea that students actually need to be a force in their own learning and that they expect instant gratification are concepts I have been seeing more frequently in my own classroom. Great resource!
Nate Cannon

WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Steven Johnson - YouTube - 11 views

    A combination of PLN and connectivism that shows why we need this more than ever in education.
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    A combination of PLN and connectivism that shows why we need this more than ever in education.
    Nate, excellent find! That really was a great video, thank you for sharing that. One thing that struck me from the video was the realization that the coffee houses and salons of the past provided an opportunity for people with various "hunches" (per the video) to meet and mingle exchanging ideas. Perhaps the salon of the 21st century is the greater web communities (web forums, facebook, twitter etc).
    I Loved This! No doubt it gives a terrific explanation of the importance of a connected learning environment. For me it also gives that sense of worth for the ideas that are incubating within and just waiting for the serendipitous moment when they come together with their other piece(s). Imagine how empowering that is for a student who suddenly feels such potential. Nice one.
    I really liked this video. I never would have thought to search You Tube for this kind of resources. This video really does describe and make important the ideas involved in connectivism. I am interested in seeing what other great videos on this topic are on You Tube.
    The way Johnson describes how ideas (or "hunches," as he calls them) often need a great deal of time to develop is definitely interesting, but I think that part of it is somewhat expected or already understood. The part I found really fascinating with the focus on the connectivism notions that the hunch one person has may very well need to collide with another person's hunch before it can truly form into something useful. The end of the video provided a very profound thought to consider: "Chance favors the connected mind."
    I have seen this before and am still moved by it. I always discount the use of videos and I enjoy them so much I am not so sure why I never think to look there. I also like his idea that good ideas are born from smaller ideas.
    This is great. I really like the video format and how Johnson brought all of his ideas together and is really talking about connectivism. He never said the word, but he's talking about connectivity and innovation. He's talking about PLNs and CoPs. The video was very helpful
    There is an office space in Fayetteville that I feel is built around this premise. The space is set up to facilitate connections and foster innovation.
Andi Arnold

List of Resources for Module 2 - 7 views

    Here is a list of my resources that I found for this assignment. I put my summaries in the descriptions.
Gretel Patch

My List: A Collection on "Theory-Supported Social Networking" | Diigo - 7 views

    I shared all of these resources individually before I realized a list would create less clutter and be easier to share with others. So, sorry for the redundancy -- here is my list. I tried to make sure all resources were available for free and didn't require library login access, though there were some great articles I didn't include for that reason. I'll be interested to see how all of our resources compare.
    Gretel, I posted a list first. But upon reading the assignment parameters, we are supposed to post each link individually anyway!
Susan Weitzman-Trifman

Free Summarizer - 2 views

    Summarizes any text online within a few seconds. Enter your long text, choose how many sentences long you want your summary to be and get the summary sent to your email.
Kelsey Ramirez

Connectivism: a network theory for teaching and learning in a connected world - 11 views

    Breakdown of the theory of Connectivism, distinctions between groups and networks and learning about the history & application of Connectivism in education
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    This article is packed with concise information about connectivism. The eight bulleted points about connectivism really did a great job of summarizing the main points that Siemens makes about learning in a digital age. This was a great find. The embedded multimedia added to this site giving a great overview of this learning theory.
    I think this article provided a succinct description about what connectivism is and the two main proponents of this theory, Stephen Downes and George Siemens. The background information and basic principles are helpful in further understanding the concept of connectivism, and there are many additional resources providing within the article to help the reader learn more, as well.
    A valuable synthesis and outline of connectivism. I agree, the detailed summation is easily understood and simplified for practical application.
    What I really liked about this article is the idea that teachers who use connectivist principles for their own learning can model that behavior for students to do the same.
    a. In this short article, Bell provides an overview of connectivism as a theory for the new era of education. Statistics of increases of internet access in homes and us in higher education set the stage to making connectivism a legitimate player in education today. Bell then breaks down connectivism as a theory and identifies it as the successor to classic educational theories such as behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. The article ends with some suggestions for educators looking to apply this theory.
    This article talks about the importance of networks and the difference between a group emphasis and a network emphasis. The author discusses the importance of information running through a network of human and non-humans. He additionally outlines Siemen's principles of Connectivism. Further, he discusses the implications for using the principles of Connectivism by educators and within higher education.
    Kelsey, thanks for sharing. I found the article relevant to my own practice as a higher ed librarian, where we are increasingly encouraging students to be producers of information and to participate in the scholarly conversation.
Jason Marconi

Evernote | Remember everything with Evernote, Skitch and our other great apps. - 1 views

    Save your ideas, things you like, things you hear, and things you see. Evernote works with nearly every computer, phone and mobile device out there. Search by keyword, tag or even printed and handwritten text inside images. Get Evernote. It's free.
    I recently just started integrating Evernote with writing my lesson plans and lecture notes. In my classes I have a mixed bag of students. Some of my students have varying degrees of IEPs. For along time students who needed audiobook publisher support, to have the chapter notes read to them were bound by 1. The book we were using in class and if it had that type of support and 2. What the publisher thought was important to include in the audio, which often does not provide alternate examples for the concepts the student are trying to learn. With the record Evernote feature I have a simple and easy way to integrate audio and send my recorded lecture notes, examples and recorded exam questions to the students that need this type of alternative learning experience . I'm aware there are other resources where this was possible. Evernote just happens to be in my opinion the best one stop app to write a lecture ,integrate pictures,graphics and audio to effectively reach my entire class. So if you were on the fence about Evernote or have never heard about it before be sure to check it out from the link I provided
Kristin Ewing

Wolfram Demonstrations Project - 1 views

    Explore thousands of free applications across science, mathematics, engineering, technology, business, art, finance, social sciences, and more.
scott hogan

7 things you should know about... Personal Learning Environments - 7 views

    gives 7 things to consider in personal learning networks; what they are (a learner-centric approach to learning), major universities who utilize PLEs, why they are significant (extension of classroom learning) and some of the downsides (constant need to maintain, organize, and grow learning networks), where PLEs are headed and their implications in education (deeper engagement with content)
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    I love Educause! They do great work, and this quick overview of PLE shows why. Great overview from a great organization.
    An overview of the Personal Learning Environment.  Begins with a great example of the power of a PLE.  It then breaks down the idea of PLE.  Excellent starter resource on the topic.
    This article gives a brief overview of personal learning environments and discusses the following seven topics: 1) What is it? 2) Who is doing it? 3) How does it work? 4) Why is it significant? 5) What are the downsides? 6) Where is it going? 7) What are the implications for teaching and learning?
    The entire Educause 7 things you should know about . . . series is fantastic. This gives you a quick, clear explanation of PLE's that anyone could understand.
    With topics like what is it, who's doing it, why is it significant, where is it going, and what are the future implications for education, this article provides a good primer for someone who is being introduced to PLEs for the first time.
    I love the simple straight forward layout of this article. Educause is pretty cool. 7 really valid points to consider. I especially like learning about schools that are utilizing PLEs.
    I think the 'who's doing it' section is very useful. It's helpful to see how it is being implemented.
    Teaching us about PLEs through a story and simple bulleted points is an ingenious idea to get straight to the point. Rather than a long dissertation, writing a short article can sometimes be more powerful.
Jaime Bennett

Vygotsky, ZPD, Scaffolding, Connectivism and Personal Learning Networks | Brains - 5 views

    This blog post describes the relationship between Lev Vygotsky's idea of the zone of proximal development and Jerome Bruner's concept of scaffolding. The practical applications of connectivism and PLNs are not explored much in this post, but the theoretical connections are valuable.
    Hi Jamie, I am a huge fan of the zone of proximal development. I think the application with PLNs is such an interesting concept. I am glad that you connected the theory to the practice. Thanks for sharing.
Jackie Gerstein

21st Century Literacy - 4 views

    "21st Century Literacy project"
Tony H

Storytelling as a Strategy for Integrating Technologies into the Curriculum - 4 views

    An article on a digital storytelling strategy for technology integration based on the TPACK framework.
Ashley Leneway

Amazon 'Prime' Members Now Get Free Kindle E-Book Rentals - Techland - - 0 views

    Amazon Prime member? Now you have access to a wide selection of free e-books on Amazon. Even more reason to purchase a Kindle Fire! :) Plus, admit shipping just isn't the same unless it's free AND there the next day!
Robin Nappi

The 100 Best Web 2.0 Tools - 4 views

    Edudemic's new list of web tools, as submitted by educators.
Melodie Worthington

Pros and Cons of Connectivism as a Learning Theory - 11 views

    The authors look at connectivism through the lens of a literature review and a qualitative interview session with educators. With these sources the paper examines the pros and cons of connectivism including its limitations as a postulated theory. The conclusions drawn are that behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism fall short to fully explain modern learning realities, but that it is unclear if connectivism can be seen as the next stage of learning theory evolution for several reasons.
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    I think the explanation on how established beliefs and learning help new information to be routed through connections that have previously been made really helps to establish the point that in Connectivism in order to gain knowledge, one has to continually update existing connections and seek to make other connections outside of the realm of what is already known.
    I like how this article points out that you HAVE to have the "ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill" in order for connectivism to really have a chance to work!
    This is a great article. It talks about how knowledge is growing faster and what we need to do to keep up with it. It was great to read about Pros and Cons because you would think there would mostly be Pros but you have to think how this affects older generations not just younger generations and how technology is constantly changing. Thank you!
    As educational technologists, connectivism almost seems like a natural next step to ensuring that are graduating students are prepared for college and the work force. This includes a working knowledge of technology and many of its applications. This seems as though it is as important as reading, writing and arithmetic. However, for many educators technology is a source of great anxiety. They feel as though teaching connectivity and networking is a waste of precious time in the classroom. This article did a great job of bringing to light the pros as well of the cons.
    A very detailed definition of connectivism, including comparisons in many categories with other learning theories and descriptions of pros and cons.
    You are right about this being a "very detailed" definition of connectivism. I appreciate is the "conclusions and suggestions" section which challenges the labeling of connectivism as a learning theory as opposed to a pedagogical approach. I completed a research paper in EDTECH501 in regards to the relationship of connectivism and mastery learning, and never once did I read about this debate. To me, the fact that connectivism is more concerned with the process of learning rather than the end product proves that it is in fact a learning theory.
    I really agree this article does a nice job contradicting the value or criteria of connectivism as a learning theory versus a pedagogical approach. Many of you discussed this above so I will leave it alone. The piece I wanted to comment on came at the end of the article when the author brought up the idea that older teachers take longer to learn the digital aspects and are less likely to engage in adapting the practice. Where younger teachers who grew up in this era are more apt to use and utilize web 2.0 tools in their teaching and engage in this model of teaching and learning themselves. I have to be honest that I saw some of these same things in our school when we went to a 1:1 iPad. Many of the younger and newer teachers jumped in and had very little learning curve in understanding what was happening. Where older teachers struggled or resisted the change. I would be interested in what others experiences were as well?
Jessica Rouse

Once A Teacher - PLN - 9 views

    PLN have been around forever but now we use technology to help increase those who can be involved. Most of the Personal Learning Networks are online and we can communicate with others from around the world. This article gives examples of how to use a PLN and how to build your own.
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    This is a good introductory look at what a PLN is. By reading their post and connecting other to it the author of this blog has just become a member or our PLN. I also enjoyed the nod to commoncraft one of my all time favorite resources to get people started.
    I really enjoyed this article, especially The Networked Student video. I thought it was particularly important that the video stated that in order for the student to make meaningful connections, they had to practice validating and evaluating sites to see which ones would be most valuable in their research.
    I enjoyed your article on "PLN: Your Personal Learning Network Made Easy." I never thought of of a PLN originally as our "family and friends, maybe other educators you worked with." This could really help newer teachers embracing technology "wrap their heads around what is happening" and how it really hasn't changed, just looks different.
    A good article on what type of people and tools can constitute a PLN.  It gives some good examples and provides some great tools that could be included in anyone's PLN.  It embeds a youtube video in it that enhances my understanding of a PLN.  It also helps me to differentiate between a PLN and a CoP.
    In this blog, educator Kate Klingensmith describes what a PLN is in general and also describes specific reasons why one can be useful to an educator. She also provides examples of how educators can use PLNs in beneficial ways.
    Another great PLN blog. Also has great information on Web 2.0. There is a plethora of information on this site for online learning. Def. a great read.
    I love the simple breakdown of the PLN on this site! I also really appreciate the table at the bottom that includes some great resources for getting the PLN started. This looks like a great blog! Thanks for sharing!
    Before taking this class, I have never heard of a PLN, but as I read more about it, its amazing to see how many PLNs we are involved with. They definitely have an effect on how we learn and exchange information.
    I liked the video clip that showed how networking can be beneficial. Simple video that explains it for people like me who are new the world of PLN's.
    I like the chart of resources. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around all of the social media tools available out there on the Internet, so the chart in this blog post is helpful. Thanks!

Connectivism: Learning theory of the future or vestige of the past? | Kop | The Interna... - 5 views

    Kop and Hill ask how existing learning theories meet the needs of today's learners and further question whether connectivisim is a learning theory. They do a very thorough study of learning theories to determine that "it does not seem that connectivism's contributions to the new paradigm warrant it being treated as a separate learning theory" (p. 11) even though it is important to the the development of new learning pedagogies.
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    I have always been a firm believer that there is a balance in all things. Quality teaching practices remain the same today as they have always been. However, we have to adapt pedagogy to encompass all of the necessary skills to be successful in a global community. Although connectivism is built on a foundation of multiple epistemological philosophies, it is essential that educators focus on technology and networking in their classroom.
    This was a very good article. It was interesting that considering when it was written how things are very similar when it comes to "Connectivism". It states how it is the process of becoming connected. Thank you!
    The article touches on the friction that is likely to result between older learners who have grown up without technology for learning (except maybe an overhead projector or TV) and the younger learners who have embraced technology. The connectivist model has not taken hold because staff and institutions are not fully aware of the possibilities.
    Here Nop & Hill talk about how as information is constantly changing, its validity and accuracy may change over time. In addition to this information is constantly being added, deleted, and modified based upon the world around us. By extension, one's understanding of a subject, one's ability to learn about the subject in question, will also change over time and this information can be adapted and morphed through online educational networks. "Connectivism stresses that two important skills that contribute to learning are the ability to seek out current information, and the ability to filter secondary and extraneous information." Simply put, "The capacity to know is more critical than what is actually known". People begin to know and learn through these online networks where information can be openly shared, resourced, vetted, and attained.
    This is a break down of connectivism. It looks at all parts of the theory and how it all works the in the learning environment. In the article, you will find the reasons why it's important, the founders of the theory, and why it's relevant in learning.

Personal Learning Networks Are Virtual Lockers for Schoolkids | Edutopia - 14 views

  • Constructing a PLN is the essential skill that moves my students into the driver's seat of their own learning. It helps them sort through and manage the proliferation of online materials that jam the information superhighway. It is also indispensable to our project-learning curriculum, which includes challenging projects such as the Flat Cl
    Edutopia writer Vicki Davis discusses how PLNs have empowered her students to guide their own learning experiences. She discusses the weaknesses of PLNs and how they work.
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    Deborah, I love the idea of students guiding their own learning. It seems to be a great way to get them involved and motivated instead of just listeners in the classroom they are part of the learning network. Thanks for sharing!
    While this site leans towards the how-to aspect of a PLN, I found it illuminating simply for the fact that the students described in this article create a PLN for each project.  It emphasizes the fact that a PLN is personal and not the same for everybody.  PLNs are personal, can be permanent or temporary, and exist for the sake of the person to learn.  
    The website title really grabbed my attention and I wanted to find out what it meant. This was very interesting because it discussed netiquette and cyber-bullying as well. It helped to relate real-world with online by explaining how with a virtual locker it would change with what courses the students are taking. This really broke down what PLNs are and how they work. It was one of the better articles I have read. Thank you!
    I'm still a little hesitant to assign the term Personal Learning Network to an assembly of RSS feeds as describe din this piece. A great part of it, but only part of it, I think. That feels a little too "one-way" to develop the interactivity that seems to be so indicative of the PLN. An interesting idea that came from this for me was that each time a student started a new project (cyberbullying, understanding the Constitution, cancer treatment research, etc.) they would develop a new PLN. This underscored the idea that a PLN is not stationary, but, rather, a dynamic network that will continue to evolve as long as one is striving to learn. It almost becomes a technological reflection of oneself.
    Written by the Cool Cat Teacher, this article states that using PLNs allow her student to connect to informational sources and become self-directed lifelong learners. It moves students into the driver's seat and helps them sort through the plethora of information.
    In this post, an educator likens student's personal learning network to virtual lockers where they store what they learn and produce academically and otherwise.
    This article explains how students (teens) are using PLNs to organize and share their school work and projects. It also discusses the pros and cons of PLNs.
    This is an interesting take on how a PLE can work in a school environment. Students can use their PLN as a collection system for information when they are doing their projects.
    I appreciate the fact that they presented both sides to the story here. They discuss the advantages of PLNs but also raise questions on issues educators may be facing with them at this current time. As an educator, I like when others bring up concerns because then it allows me to brainstorm ways to circumvent the issues. It also assures me that I'm not the only educators facing issues implementing PLNs perfectly within my classroom. The authentic touch this article displays is refreshing to me. Don't get me wrong, I really love PLNs, but at the moment, there are kinks that need to be worked out to be fully effective in an elementary classroom setting.
    I like how this article focuses on student use of PLNs. I tend to focus on their use for teacher PD, but they are certainly something we should be teaching our students! I also like how the article describes some flaws of PLNs, this will help people think of ways to make PLNs even stronger.
    Interesting is that the focus is on RSS feeds and it feels very academic while middle school students are an upcoming demographic on twitter. Their use of twitter is of course social, but I wonder about using twitter as more immediate way to share information.
    While this blog posting from Edutopia does point to some "how tos" and practical application, it does offer key theoretical practices for setting the stage for applying the PLN model for student use. Vicki Davis, the teacher and author of the blog post, states that her students are familiar with breaking news due the development of their own PLN that acts as a "virtual locker." She goes on to discuss how their research builds the content of their PLN and the content changes based upon the assignment. The big idea is that the PLN model allows students to act as the orchestrator of their own learning and allows them to analyze information via an avenue that is personalized to student's learning needs. It also teaches students to embrace connectivism where they make connections between domains in order to form a more complete understanding.
    The article goes into the role of a PLN for students. Students can create their own networks to possess information at their fingertips on any topic they could ever desire. By establishing a networking system, the students don't necessarily have to go out and scour the internet for sources when their network could bring relevant information to them.

What do Connections do? - 4 views

    Explains the role creation plays as a component of connecting. Creating artifacts and participating in activities forms knowledge connections, that are most desirable in an open space with open content. The formation of new connections can lead to the redistribution of power in society.
    The visuals of networks (among people and space) were powerful. I agree that one of the most impressive features of a MOOC is the creation of peer networks.
    I really liked how the author began with demonstrating networks and then showed how learning is also a network. Shelly was right in that it is very powerful to see as a visual.
Jackie Gerstein

Online Degree 100 Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers - 3 views

    100 Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
    100 Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
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