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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Renee Phoenix

Renee Phoenix

Internet Time Alliance | Articles - 0 views

    For anyone who is involved in professional development for teachers and staff this site and these articles provide some interesting insights in how to move from traditional training - event based or once a year in-service presentations) to keeping the conversation going with social and informal learning. Includes theories of social and informal learning that can translate to the classroom as well.
Renee Phoenix

Oscar Berg: The collaboration pyramid (or iceberg) - 6 views

    I found this visual to be an interesting model of what happens below the surface in a collaborative setting. Networking and building up a PLN certainly seem to be core activities, but as Berg mentions, it's often not recognized or valued.
Renee Phoenix

From hierarchies to wirearchies - 1 views

    Harold Jarche offers a look at the concept of organizations moving from hierarchies to wirearchies. An argument that communities of practice prove more able to get things done in the real work--a-day world and offer a safe place for members to do highy concentrated work. My college still puts out an org chart every year showing the heirarchy of the organization. But everyone knows who the real people are that you need to connect with to get anything done.
Renee Phoenix

Community of Practice Design Guide - 14 views

    A step by step guide for designing and cultivating CoPs from the Educause Library of free resources
Renee Phoenix

Social Media for Teaching and Learning - Babson Group Survey of Higher Ed Faculty 2013 - 0 views

    Although I'm usually a bit skeptical when reading anything commissioned by a for-profit publisher like Pearson, this survey reflects responses from almost 8000 higher ed faculty with some interesting results in the data. The faculty voices section at the end is always interesting and sometimes hard to read.
Renee Phoenix

Connectivism: the network metaphor of learning - 2 views

  • Siemens (2005a) suggests learning that can reside outside the individual learner, is focused on connecting specialised information sets and the connections that enable us to learn more than our current state of knowing. According to Siemens, the main intent of network creation is to enable learners to continue to stay current in the face of rapidly developing knowledge. Siemens (2005a, 2006a) points out that the half-life of knowledge is shrinking. The half-life of knowledge is the time span from when knowledge is gained to when it becomes obsolete (Gonzalez, 2004). Siemens (2006a) writes: “In today’s world, knowledge life is short; it survives only a short period of time before it is outdated”
  • Connectivism is also the assertion that “the pipe is more important than the content within the pipe” (Siemens, 2005a). That is, the connections that enable us to learn more are more important than our current state of knowing. As Siemens (2006a) puts it: “Our ability to learn what we need for tomorrow is more important than what we know today.
  • 3 The LaaN perspective In this section, we will present our own conceptual viewpoint on connectivism by discussing the learning as a network(LaaN) perspective, which represents a knowledge ecological approach to learning. The LaaN view is built upon four premises: •knowledge and learning are two sides of the same coin •knowledge and learning are fundamentally personal and social in nature •knowledge is in the network, or even more knowledge is the network •learning is a matter of knowledge networking within knowledge ecologies.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Por (2000), i.e., defines knowledge ecology as “a field of theory and practice that focuses on discovering better social, organisational, behavioural, and technical conditions for knowledge creation and utilisation”. According to Malhotra (2002), knowledge ecology “treats knowledge creation as a dynamic evolutionary process in which knowledge gets created and recreated in various contexts and at various points of time”. In this paper, we present a more learner-oriented view of knowledge ecology. We define knowledge ecology as a complex, knowledge intensive landscape that emerges from the bottom-up connection of PKNs
    Contains a broad review of the theory of connectivism and discussion of the LaaN view of knowledge ecology. Compares knowledge ecology to CoP, knot, intentional networks and name a few that I had not heard of before. Also some interesting comparisons of learning theories.
Renee Phoenix

Howard Rheingold | Exploring mind amplifiers since 1964 - 0 views

    One of the first resources I found when starting my Edtech journey and when creating curriculum for an online course in social media marketing. Rheingold has been around a long time and experimenting with social media and emerging communication tech for himself. His "crap detection 101" course is useful for faculty and students.
Renee Phoenix

Hybrid Pedagogy | All learning is necessarily hybrid. - 0 views

    A digital journal space created by Jesse Stommel about learning, teaching and technology with the idea that all learning is hybrid. Jesse has some strong opinions about teaching and learning and keeping things "human" in an ever increasing digital world.
Renee Phoenix

Why do academics blog? An analysis of audiences, purposes and challenges - 3 views

    A content analysis of 100 academic blogs that looks at reasons academics give for blogging and the connection it may have to community of practice.
Renee Phoenix

In abundance: Networked participatory practices as scholarship | Stewart | The Internat... - 1 views

  • Boyer’s (1990) four components of scholarship – discovery, integration, application, and teaching – and to explore them as a techno-cultural system of scholarship suited to an era of knowledge abundance. Not only does the paper find that networked engagement both aligns with and exceeds Boyer’s model for scholarship, it suggests that networked scholarship may enact Boyer’s initial aim of broadening scholarship itself through fostering extensive cross-disciplinary, public ties and rewarding connection, collaboration, and curation between individuals rather than roles or institutions.
  • The way Twitter draws scholars from multiple disciplines and geographic areas together via conversations and hashtags emerged as a clear manifestation of scholarship of integration. Participants demonstrated active engagement with multiple audiences, across fields and disciplines. The accounts that participants connected with in their 24-hour reflections were traced, and in all cases but one participants were found to engage across both geographic and disciplinary boundaries.
  • Boyer (1990) emphasizes scholarship of integration as “research at the boundaries where fields converge…[T]hose engaged in integration ask “What do the findings mean?” (p. 18). Thus scholarship of integration centers on public discussions and negotiations of meaning; what distinguishes the techno-cultural system of NPS is that this happens in constant, abundant real-time. This indirectly reinforces the system’s emphasis on individual rather than institution; the regular unsettling of the boundaries of what is known or understood makes formal hierarchies and categories – tenets of the techno-cultural system of institutional, disciplinary scholarship – difficult to enact and enforce.
    Bonnie Stewart makes connections between Boyer's four components of scholarship and network participation. She contends that networked engagement fits Boyer's model for scholarship, and broadens scholarship, building connection, collaboration, and curation between individuals rather than roles or institutions.
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