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Allison Hall

Research-based communities of practice in UK higher education.: EBSCOhost - 0 views

    This article examines how communities of practice can enhance research in higher education. They seek to gain greater understanding of what individuals gain from their membership, how CoP enhance personal research, and how CoP can be integrated into higher education.
Allison Hall

Online learning environments in higher education: Connectivism vs. dissociation - ProQuest - 1 views

    This article addresses the issues concerning the effectiveness of online learning and 21st century skills in higher education. While Web 2.0 proponents suggest that online learning environments encourage connections between students that are unique to 21st century learning environments, those opposing suggest that online interactions lack the substance and rigor needed for higher education. Incorporating the principles of connectivism as best practice can encourage high quality online learning experiences.
Todd Vens

Communities of Practice: Learning Opportunities in Adult and Higher Education Classrooms - 0 views

Monaghan, C. (2006). Communities of Practice: Learning Opportunities in Adult and Higher Education Classrooms. Adult Higher Education in the 21st Century: Conversations, Collaborations, and Deliber...

communities of practice hospitality networking Higher Education graduate students

started by Todd Vens on 16 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Levi Fletcher

(Fletcher #2) Research-based communities of practice in UK higher education - 1 views

    Research regarding the benefits of being a member of a community of practice. While the information seems a bit forced (the communities of practice used for the study were exclusively face-to-face communities), the benefits of being a member of a community of practice still seem valid. According to the study, they are (1) autonomy and freedom to think beyond, (2) sources to ideas, (3) sounding board, (4) intellectual discussion, (5) like-mindedness, (6) alternative perspective and cross-pollination of ideas, (7) overcoming intellectual isolation, (8) move towards collaborative research, (9) response to research pressure, (10) synergy and leverage, (11) time and energy saving, (12) an informal ground for learning and training, (13) fostering of tangible returns, (14) driving research, (15) opportunities to met, (16) networking, information sharing and updates, (17) support and guidance, (18) sense of belonging, (19) identity, and (20) intrinsic fulfillment. As the article is about higher education, there are certainly some benefits that are more specific to their context, but I think the findings of the article are still valid.
    Research regarding the benefits of being a member of a community of practice. While the information seems a bit forced (the communities of practice used for the study were exclusively face-to-face communities), the benefits of being a member of a community of practice still seem valid. According to the study, they are (1) autonomy and freedom to think beyond, (2) sources to ideas, (3) sounding board, (4) intellectual discussion, (5) like-mindedness, (6) alternative perspective and cross-pollination of ideas, (7) overcoming intellectual isolation, (8) move towards collaborative research, (9) response to research pressure, (10) synergy and leverage, (11) time and energy saving, (12) an informal ground for learning and training, (13) fostering of tangible returns, (14) driving research, (15) opportunities to met, (16) networking, information sharing and updates, (17) support and guidance, (18) sense of belonging, (19) identity, and (20) intrinsic fulfillment. As the article is about higher education, there are certainly some benefits that are more specific to their context, but I think the findings of the article are still valid.

Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Career Advice and Jobs - 2 views

    My go to website for all things higher education. This website supplies great current articles on the entire higher education field. It also posts job openings. I use this website to stay current will all higher education news across the USA.
Ross Craycraft

The Chronicle of Higher Education - 2 views

    If I am sharing a site that probably visit the most, it would probably be The Chronicle of Higher Education. I love the writing and insight this site provides, along with the colorful debates in the comments section that some of the topics ignite.
    The chronicle of Higher Education website provides peer reviewed in depth discussion about all things higher ed. This website gives great insight into edtech trends, policy debate and breaking higher education news.
Lisa Bradshaw

Advancing Education and Talent Development in Colorado Higher Education - 1 views

Anyone else in Colorado? This recent Colorado Commission on Higher Education report revisits goals set in 2012 with an update on how the state has progressed on the four goals, despite the challeng...

Colorado higher education Learning teaching goals

started by Lisa Bradshaw on 09 Jun 18 no follow-up yet

Higher Education Academy EvidenceNet / Connecting Transitions and Independent Learning:... - 0 views

    Communities of Practice and Social Learning Theory related to First Year Experience type programs in Higher Ed.
Todd Vens

"Communities of practice" in higher education: useful heuristic or educational model - 0 views

Lea, M. R. (2005). "Communities of practice" in higher education: useful heuristic or educational model? In D. Barton, K. Tusting, D. Barton, & K. Tusting (Eds.), Beyond Communities of Practice (pp...

communities of practice higher education online learning participation teaching

started by Todd Vens on 16 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Todd Vens

Exploring the Potential of Communities of Practice for Learning and Collaboration in a ... - 0 views

Sánchez-Cardona, I., Sánchez-Lugo, J., & VŽlez-González, J. (2012). Exploring the Potential of Communities of Practice for Learning and Collaboration in a Higher Education Context. Procedia - Socia...

communities of practice higher education professional development

started by Todd Vens on 16 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Renee Phoenix

Social Media for Teaching and Learning - Babson Group Survey of Higher Ed Faculty 2013 - 0 views

    Although I'm usually a bit skeptical when reading anything commissioned by a for-profit publisher like Pearson, this survey reflects responses from almost 8000 higher ed faculty with some interesting results in the data. The faculty voices section at the end is always interesting and sometimes hard to read.

Times Higher Education - Twitter can improve student performance, study says - 0 views

    After placing students into one of two social network groups, this study finds that Twitter was more effective. One group used Ning to interact with lecturers and the other used Twitter. The Twitter group scored on average one grade higher than Ning users.
Todd Vens

Using Communities of Practice to Foster Faculty Development in Higher Education - 1 views

Teeter, C., Fenton, N., Nicholson, K., Flynn, T., Kim, J., McKay, M., O'Shaughnessy, B., et al. (2011). Using Communities of Practice to Foster Faculty Development in Higher Education. From Here to...

communities of practice higher education teaching sharing

started by Todd Vens on 16 Sep 12 no follow-up yet
Russell Nash

Personal Learning Environments, Social Media, and Self-regulated Learning - 1 views

    Authors present evidence that social media facilitate the development of personal learning environments (PLEs) in higher education. The community is the curriculum, not the vessel. Learners are in charge of self-regulating their experiences because PLEs put the responsibility to organize information on the learners. Authors present a framework for use of social media to support self-regulation in PLEs in higher education.
Katy Cooper

Learner control and personal learning environment: a challenge for instruct...: EBSCOhost - 0 views

    This article focuses on the role of personal learning environments in higher education. I particularly appreciated the description of the PLE in the article. Pointing out what it offers that Learning Management Systems do not, the PLE is explained as the future of education where the student takes control and responsibility from the reigns of the institution. It also suggests that PLEs have staying power in education due to the fact that they are not wrapped up with a specific technology, rather they have the ability to adapt and change as technology around us continues to do so. The author discusses how students should be given challenging situations rather than ridged assignments. The article finishes with an example where this idea was implemented in an online learning environment. Väljataga, T. (2010). Learner control and personal learning environment: a challenge for instructional design. Interactive Learning Environments, 18(3), 277-291.
Mindi Torrey

Integrating Technology in Higher Ed - 0 views

    This paper gives a literature review of recent research on integrating technology in higher education. There are lots of resources here!
Mindi Torrey

Faculty Perceptions of Technology in Higher Ed - 3 views

    This paper explores faculty views with respect to tech literacy, tech training, and pedagogy. The upshot is that to more broadly integrate technology in higher ed, more effective faculty training is required.
    I really like the point within the paper where they identify the aspects that must be considered when training in a teacher. He states four main points about technology teacher training that I think are really relevant in where education is going today. 1. Education training takes considerably longer to learn than learning a new teaching model. 2. Access to technology at home and at school is essential. 3. Fear of the unknown must be addressed. And 4. The use of technology will force teachers to re-conceptualize the way in which they teach. I think these are 4 very interesting talking points when looking at the use of social networks and highlights the importance of using CoP's and Learning Networks to have each group benefit.
Kelsey Ramirez

Connectivism: a network theory for teaching and learning in a connected world - 11 views

    Breakdown of the theory of Connectivism, distinctions between groups and networks and learning about the history & application of Connectivism in education
  • ...5 more comments...
    This article is packed with concise information about connectivism. The eight bulleted points about connectivism really did a great job of summarizing the main points that Siemens makes about learning in a digital age. This was a great find. The embedded multimedia added to this site giving a great overview of this learning theory.
    I think this article provided a succinct description about what connectivism is and the two main proponents of this theory, Stephen Downes and George Siemens. The background information and basic principles are helpful in further understanding the concept of connectivism, and there are many additional resources providing within the article to help the reader learn more, as well.
    A valuable synthesis and outline of connectivism. I agree, the detailed summation is easily understood and simplified for practical application.
    What I really liked about this article is the idea that teachers who use connectivist principles for their own learning can model that behavior for students to do the same.
    a. In this short article, Bell provides an overview of connectivism as a theory for the new era of education. Statistics of increases of internet access in homes and us in higher education set the stage to making connectivism a legitimate player in education today. Bell then breaks down connectivism as a theory and identifies it as the successor to classic educational theories such as behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. The article ends with some suggestions for educators looking to apply this theory.
    This article talks about the importance of networks and the difference between a group emphasis and a network emphasis. The author discusses the importance of information running through a network of human and non-humans. He additionally outlines Siemen's principles of Connectivism. Further, he discusses the implications for using the principles of Connectivism by educators and within higher education.
    Kelsey, thanks for sharing. I found the article relevant to my own practice as a higher ed librarian, where we are increasingly encouraging students to be producers of information and to participate in the scholarly conversation.
Tony H

The Use of Alternative Social Networking Sites in Higher Educational Settings: A Case S... - 1 views

    Abstract Distance education as a primary means of instruction is expanding significantly at the college and university level. Simultaneously, the growth of social networking sites (SNS) including Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace is also rising among today's college students. An increasing number of higher education instructors are beginning to combine distance education delivery with SNSs. However, there is currently little research detailing the educational benefits associated with the use of SNSs. Non-commercial, education-based SNSs, such as Ning in Education, have been recently shown to build communities of practice and facilitate social presence for students enrolled in distance education courses. In order to evaluate the largely unexplored educational benefits of SNSs, we surveyed graduate students enrolled in distance education courses using Ning in Education, an education-based SNS, based on their attitudes toward SNSs as productive online tools for teaching and learning. The results of our study suggest that education-based SNSs can be used most effectively in distance education courses as a technological tool for improved online communications among students in higher distance education courses.
Levi Fletcher

(Fletcher #2) Research-based communities of practice in UK higher education - 1 views

    Research regarding the benefits of being a member of a community of practice. While the information seems a bit forced (the communities of practice used for the study were exclusively face-to-face communities), the benefits of being a member of a community of practice still seem valid. According to the study, they are (1) autonomy and freedom to think beyond, (2) sources to ideas, (3) sounding board, (4) intellectual discussion, (5) like-mindedness, (6) alternative perspective and cross-pollination of ideas, (7) overcoming intellectual isolation, (8) move towards collaborative research, (9) response to research pressure, (10) synergy and leverage, (11) time and energy saving, (12) an informal ground for learning and training, (13) fostering of tangible returns, (14) driving research, (15) opportunities to met, (16) networking, information sharing and updates, (17) support and guidance, (18) sense of belonging, (19) identity, and (20) intrinsic fulfillment. As the article is about higher education, there are certainly some benefits that are more specific to their context, but I think the findings of the article are still valid.
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