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Jessica Rouse

Once A Teacher - PLN - 9 views

    PLN have been around forever but now we use technology to help increase those who can be involved. Most of the Personal Learning Networks are online and we can communicate with others from around the world. This article gives examples of how to use a PLN and how to build your own.
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    This is a good introductory look at what a PLN is. By reading their post and connecting other to it the author of this blog has just become a member or our PLN. I also enjoyed the nod to commoncraft one of my all time favorite resources to get people started.
    I really enjoyed this article, especially The Networked Student video. I thought it was particularly important that the video stated that in order for the student to make meaningful connections, they had to practice validating and evaluating sites to see which ones would be most valuable in their research.
    I enjoyed your article on "PLN: Your Personal Learning Network Made Easy." I never thought of of a PLN originally as our "family and friends, maybe other educators you worked with." This could really help newer teachers embracing technology "wrap their heads around what is happening" and how it really hasn't changed, just looks different.
    A good article on what type of people and tools can constitute a PLN.  It gives some good examples and provides some great tools that could be included in anyone's PLN.  It embeds a youtube video in it that enhances my understanding of a PLN.  It also helps me to differentiate between a PLN and a CoP.
    In this blog, educator Kate Klingensmith describes what a PLN is in general and also describes specific reasons why one can be useful to an educator. She also provides examples of how educators can use PLNs in beneficial ways.
    Another great PLN blog. Also has great information on Web 2.0. There is a plethora of information on this site for online learning. Def. a great read.
    I love the simple breakdown of the PLN on this site! I also really appreciate the table at the bottom that includes some great resources for getting the PLN started. This looks like a great blog! Thanks for sharing!
    Before taking this class, I have never heard of a PLN, but as I read more about it, its amazing to see how many PLNs we are involved with. They definitely have an effect on how we learn and exchange information.
    I liked the video clip that showed how networking can be beneficial. Simple video that explains it for people like me who are new the world of PLN's.
    I like the chart of resources. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around all of the social media tools available out there on the Internet, so the chart in this blog post is helpful. Thanks!
Kathy Grubb

Schools Turn to In-House Experts for Tech Training - US News and World Report - 0 views

    Great article on schools using teachers to help teach others in the school about different areas in technology that they are competent in. My only thought was that it really should have gone further and reported on schools using its students to train the teachers and fellow classmates. We have a school nearby that has a class on basic computer repair and then the students then spend one hour a week going around the school helping out the teachers. Really cuts down on expenses and students have a sense of pride and a useful and marketable skill!
Jennie Finafrock

10 Great Guides for Better Professional Learning Network - 3 views

    This pages provides ten links that are basically guides for creating effective PLNs. I was going to post them individually, but thought it was more effective to post them here together. As I browsed them - I saw some pretty cool ideas.
    I truly enjoyed reading this page. The guides were short but very helpful. The comment about being a beacon of light was spot on. How often do people take, giving nothing back in return. The whole foundation of a personal learning network is to give and receive. Being an active member also means to help out those who are new to the community. There have been many times when I have struggled with a new concept or application and I know someone in one of my classes knew how to help but chose not to. This is a huge strength of a PLN, helping one another and sharing information. I think introducing elementary students to the concept of a PLN would be useful not only now but in their futures. Learning how to network is a 21st century skill that everyone must know how to engage in.
Katy Cooper

Communities of practice: dynamics and success factors - ProQuest - 3 views

    This research paper looks into success factors for communities of practice. Although the "success factors" portion of the article may fit better with future "how-to" assignments, I found the breakdown of CoPs helpful. Retna covers the basic idea that adults learn from day to day experiences, not just activities specifically designed for learning. Knowledge transfer is explained with emphasis on what it looks like in organizations. The paper goes on the account for CoPs in a multi-national company based out of Singapore. The findings are explained in the three components domain, community, and practice. The key success factors are identified as leadership, culture, and individual motivation to learn. 
    First thing that caught my attention was, "An employee picks up the most relevant know-how in an organisation from day-to-day activities and by watching and talking with other employees." This absolutely defines what a community of practice is. Professional development is a great way to learn, but many of us learn best by seeing a theory, action, or idea in practice. Communities of practice connect people who have similar interests, providing them with a wide range of resources to draw upon. Motivation is also a major part to making a CoP a success. Once a member, one must stay active. Having a responsible leader helps to maintain motivation and organization of the community. I especially appreciated the emphasis on informal CoP. Members are there because they want to better themselves and periodically the leader may provide a reward however I believe knowledge is reward enough. Great paper!
    I like how this article talks about knowledge is best understood as a "habitus". This habitus is everything that a person does that helps them acquire knowledge. This includes their activities and life experiences.

7 Things You Should Know About Personal Learning Environments - 1 views

    This article provides insight into personal learning environments by answering seven basic questions about them. A scenario in which an avid car enthusiast uses a PLE to help him gather knowledge to restore a car provides a helpful image as an introduction. Additionally, an overview of PLEs is provided, along with some examples of institutions that encourage their use and how they are used. Web 2.0 allowed the evolution of the PLE into a digital world. One drawback mentioned by the article is that students who have never practiced metacognition in their own learning practices are said to have difficulty at times with the format of PLEs.
Kelly Kenney

Website #10- Connectivism - 8 views

    This is a pretty simple explanation of connectivism. Basically it is about adding nodes to your PLN which connects you to another resource.
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    I appreciate the simple explanation this article provides. "Connectivism is driven by the understanding that decisions are based on rapidly altering foundations. New information is continually being acquired." This aspect help solidify the idea that knowledge is not finite and gaining it is never over. Connectivism provides a way to help make sense of our knowledge potential in light of constant change in technology.
    This is a great resource for Connectivism. I felt that this theory was more dense then PLNs and CoPs and many articles I looked at were difficult to follow. I like how the theory is broken down here and includes helpful videos. I will be using this resource to help with my creative expression project.
    Thank you for sharing! I also found the simplicity of the explanation great in order to grasp the concept. By referring to Connectivism as to "a learning theory for a digital age" makes it easy to remember that it is a new theory (since the digital era is also relatively new.) That, in turn, may also affect the way we perceive the main principles of Connectivism (outline in the article): learning as a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources, learning residing in non-human appliances, and the need to maintain connections to facilitate continual learning, among others. Due to such an abundance of information in the digital era, the key point in the article for me was "the ability to draw distinctions between important and unimportant information is vital"! A skill is yet to be mastered!
    While not really dealing with the theory, I thought the video demonstrating how Connectivism works was really well done. It was interesting to see the path a student might follow and how their web expands.
    Usually when I see anything WIki that has to do with research I have the initial tendency to try to stay far away because in my undergrad years I was constantly reminded to pursue peer reviewed articles. What I really appreciate about this resource is how simple and basic it is on Connectivism. This wikispace provides all the "nuts and bolts" of Connectivism and is a great starting point for digging deeper into understanding its theory. Great find!
    "Connectivism is a learning theory promoted by Stephen Downes and George Siemens." Learning occurs with connections in networks. This article believes that with connectivism we can move to a new age of learning. Learning can be more collaborative and global. With connectivism we see the use of networks with nodes and connections to elaborate on our learning.

Community of Practice Design Guide - 14 views

    Defines CoP's and reinforces that CoP's focus on sharing knowledge and developing best practices. Identifies CoP's as a model for connecting people for learning, knowledge sharing, collaboration and organizational development. Provides great key questions for growth of a CoP.
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    Even though I am becoming more acclimated to the non-linear arrangements of websites and the Internet, in general, it is still nice to see a well formatted document that clearly lists its points and is somewhat old-fashioned in presenting more recently cultivated information. This is the type of arrangement I needed to help me visualize CoP's.
    How to guide on using Communities of Practice in higher education.
    A step by step guide for designing and cultivating CoPs from the Educause Library of free resources
    I really enjoyed this article as it did provide a very clear distinction to a CoP and how they generate around a particular goal or common objectives. The one aspect of the article that I found really fascinating dealt with how to create a CoP and how it spoke of the cultivation of a CoP. It is not something that grows automatically, but must be intentional in nature. This requires the design, formalization of the community, and planning activities and core concepts for the CoP. It is not imperative that a CoP is fully structured from the beginning as the CoP will ultimately identfiy its main tenants over the period of growth.
    This guide provides a practical interpretation of the theoretical underpinnings of communities of practice (CoPs) in higher education. The guide begins with a definition, review of the purpose of CoPs, as well as their lifecycle. The authors also outline the stages of development in a CoP. This section includes guiding questions and activities to help others facilitate the development process within their own CoPs. I found this resource to be helpful in visualizing the process of developing CoPs.
    This source is set up differently than the others that I found. It is focused more on why communities are important, and how to build them. It also provides some good visuals that represent types of communities, how to grow communities, and different ways to grow and cultivate those relationships and communities.
    This is a great guide from Educause on the "nuts and bolts" of establishing a PLN. This resource provides a step-by-step guide to establishing a CoP.
    This article is really helpful since it gives practical there are some things you can do. My favorite is "Design." You can not just set up spaces and expect people to interact. You have to drive purpose and there has to be meaning there.
Jerad Relk

Health Lesson Plans - 0 views

    Great site dedicated to helping teachers find websites and resources to help teach health and nutrition.

Student Response Technology: Empirically grounded or just a gimmick? - International Jo... - 0 views

    Abstract: Student Response Technology (SRT) involves the use of hand-held remotes by students during classroom lectures to electronically respond to questions. This study surveyed 350 students enrolled in one of 13 lower-division university science classes taught by five different instructors who used SRT. The survey probed students' perceptions of SRT in terms of enhancing student learning, and investigated which features of SRT students felt had the greatest/least impact on student learning. The majority of students reported that the SRT increased their content understanding, class participation, alertness, and interactions with fellow students, helped with examination preparation, provided important and immediate instructor feedback, and made class more enjoyable. Students in this study scored more positively than peer groups on survey questions related to student engagement in academic and intellectual experiences, suggesting that SRT helps to promote student engagement. Important instructor actions identified during this study that augment the enhancing effects of SRT on student learning, even in large lecture settings, include designing clear, substantive questions, reviewing correct and incorrect answers with students, and making pedagogical adjustments based on class responses.
Jennifer Sevy

The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math - 2 views

shared by Jennifer Sevy on 10 Jul 11 - Cached
    Helpful site for math. Students could use it from home to get help with math homework (be careful, some advertising)

Communities of Practice (Lave and Wenger) - Learning Theories - 6 views

  • collaborate over an extended period of time
  • earn how to do it better as they interact regularly
  • does not require intentionality
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  • problem solving, requests for information, seeking the experiences of others, reusing assets, coordination and synergy, discussing developments, visiting other members, mapping knowledge and identifying gaps.
    Throughout this website, Etienne Wenger describes Communities of Practice as "groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly." It strongly conveys the importance of working together and emphasizes teamwork as a vital component for success. I could not agree more.
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    This is a summary of the work of Lave and Wenger on communities of practice. It focuses on the need for social participation for learning. The article also highlights how learning is central to human identity.
    Wenger and Lave first used the term Communities of Practice (CoPs) in 1991 and furthered their explanation in 1998. CoPs are a process of social learning in which a group of like-minded people regularly collaborate with the objective to learn something. Wenger specifically notes that this definition does not include "intentionality," stating that learning can happen incidentally. This article goes on to explain the three components of a CoP: domain, community, and practice. Finally, the summary ends with a list of methods commonly seen to collaborate in a CoP including problem solving, seeking others' experience, discussing developments, and mapping knowledge
    This article also explains how participation is a huge part of communities of practice. It states that these communities are groups that have something in common and people can learn from one another through the interactions taking place. One big focus is how the participation that is going on needs to be active and continuous. A person's active participation can then help motivate them and others in the community to continually want to learn.
    This quick overview of CoPs gives a plain-English approach to the definition and components of CoPs. This allows for a quick understanding without having to dissect the meaning of each word of the definition. Wenger's simple definition is given, as well as the required components for a CoP, and it is concluded with the concept of social participation as a learning focus.
    Since I hadn't heard of CoPs, I thought I should find out what it is. For those in the same boat, there are 3 things necessary to have a CoP: 1. domain (common interest), 2. community (engaging together in activity and sharing of information), and 3. practitioners (members are not just people with a shared interest, but practicing).
    Introduction to and required components of a community of practice.
    This article outlines the components of a community of practice as well as discussing what a community of practice is not to help learners better understand what is necessary to have a community of practice.
    Communities of Practice were first used in 1991 by Jena Lave and Etienne. A CoP is social learning aimed around a specific subject with people who have common interests and collaborate over a large period of time in an online community. The learning that takes place is often natural and happens through the social interactions. There are three requirements for a proper CoP. The first is that there needs to be a domain. The people involved in the CoP need to have shared interests. The second is that there needs to be a community. The people involved need to interact and engage in activities to help and share information with each other. The final necessity is that there needs to be a practice. This means that they are actively engaged within the community and work to inform everyone involved. CoPs work using social interactions to create the learning community. 
    This short but informative article helps get to the root question of "what are communities of practice?" The article describes the three main components of the communities of practice theory which domain (shared, common interest), community (sharing of info, activities), and practice (members of COP need to be practitioners of the domain and not just casual observer). To be a true COP, the above components must be present. The article breaks down Wengers belief that "groups of people who share a concern of a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as the interact regularly". It discussed how COP's are becoming more present through online communities formed through the Internet and social media. COP's are being seen as avenues that promote innovation and building of social capital through the spreading of knowledge.
    In this article Etienne defines Communities of Practice (CoP) as "groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly." This learning that takes place is not necessarily intentional. Three components are required in order to be a CoP: (1) the domain, (2) the community, and (3) the practice.
    This short summary did a really good job of making this concept simple to understand. It explains that you need three things for a COP: a domain, a community and practice. Great short explanation
    This article is an overview of CoPs. The highlight for me is that it must be a collaboration over time, not a one-time Professional Development.

CC0212Policy.pdf - 10 views

    This article describes the features in communities of practice and provides a real life example of how it is used and what it looks like in an educational setting. The article also shows how communities of practice can be extended through the use of new technologies.
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    In the opening section it describes the community of practice as being different from the typical teacher development model because it reaches "beyond individuals and toward alignment". This confused me at first, because it seemed to oppose the other information about communities of practice. I had seen a community of practice as a way for individuals to find what they need. However, as I read on, I realized that it was referring to the fact that teachers are now linked to one another and can work together to find coherence and best practices.
    As an English teacher I can see the value of the example in this brief. The English department gets together and reflects on similar commenting styles for students to revise papers. They study which commenting helped the best after students turned in their revised copies. My English department just had to do this type of collaboration, but we were analyzing introduction paragraphs written by students and how we could improve teaching this. Unfortunately it was one of those times that were "mandated from the top down" as the brief mentions. Our collaboration was not voluntary and our department is not cohesive. I liked this idea of creating a community of practice with my department, but I am not sure how to get everyone on board Think of the power a CoP would make if it were campus wide, cross-curricular.
    A research brief produced by the National Council of Teachers of English, this publication focuses on three aspects of a successful community of practice: mutual engagement, joint enterprise, and shared repertoire. Although the phrasing is different, the central concepts are similar to other reports on this topic. It does, however, also break down the needs of institutional support as a necessary condition for these communities to thrive.
    The national Council of Teachers of English reviewed Communities of Practice as they worked to develop better feedback for student writing. Successful Communities of Practice have been shown to be beneficial provided that specific characteristics are in place, including a common goal. Both face to face CoPs and online CoPs need these specific elements. What sets communities of practice apart from other professional development models is their reach beyond individuals and toward alignment
    I found this article or brief by the NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) helpful in that it gave context to how teaching organizations view of the communities practice theory. The article paints a picture of how schools try to use the theory as a framework for collaboration. I appreciated how it presented the goals of COPs in schools with some possible pitfalls. The main takeaway being that COPs are less successful when they are implemented "from the top down". It still drives home the reality however that COPs do need an organizational structure and good leadership, but that connections and shared vision are still the cornerstones of COP's. The article was published in 2011 and appears to be preparing it's readers for the wave of new media. It references blogs as emerging COPs and drives home point that online communities, while not face-to-face, still need strong leadership and organizational structure to be successful. It ends by providing questions to consider when trying to form COPs.
    Re: The main takeaway is that COPs are less successful when they are implemented "from the top down". I agree with this statement, The most successful CoP that I have been involved in were initiated within the district, but the administration was not overseeing the work being done. This freedom allowed for a more relaxed and teacher supported group. The department was kept in close communication, however, as some time to open our community funds were necessary and therefore it was important to have an advocate.
    This article really captivated me, especially how it started with the vignette about the English teachers collaborating over how to mark their students' papers. I am an English faculty at a university and I have sat through collaborations on such things. I appreciated how such a simple paragraph on this collaboration could embody the three tenets of communities of practice.
    The National Council of Teachers of English wrote this briefing with the intent of helping not just English teachers but any educator understand the alignment, implementation, and instructional support of a CoP. The comprehensive but short article is an easy read to get a basic outline of communities of practice.
Katie Swanson Sathre

What Does Connectivism Mean for Education? - - 20 views

  • The theory of Connectivism provides new insight into what it means to facilitate learning in the 21st Century
  • The application of Connectivism to teaching and learning requires a thorough rethinking of the educational process and the role of the teacher, student, and technology in that process
  • diversity of opinions
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  • connecting specialized nodes
  • non-human appliances
  • Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known
  • Nurturing and maintaining connections
  • see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts
  • accurate, up-to-date knowledge
  • Decision-making is itself a learning process
  • This learning theory is so new and revolutionary that there is little written about it. There is even less research being done on the ways in which it can be implemented and supported or about how it actually affects learners
    This adds some perspective on Siemen's core principles of connectivism and includes a nice TED talk on the power of visualization; there is little research on ways connectivism is implemented in the classroom and how it actually affects learners; requires a rethinking of education and the roles of teachers, students, and technology
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    In EdTech504, I took particular interest in Connectivism Learning Theory and its relationship to information literacy. I think this article also portrays that, although I wish the relationship would have been more explicitly stated. Thanks for posting!
    A brief blog post on connectivism and its implication and application to 21st century learning. Each of George Siemen's principles of connectivism are connected to a mode or practice of learning.
    This blog post discusses Siemens core principles of connectivism and how it relates to education, and more specifically 21st century learning. The main purpose of this blog is to show how educators need to rethink the educational process and apply connectivism in the classroom.
    I like that fact that this article breaks down principals of Connectivism into today's learning. The thing I take away from this article is that the Teacher is no longer the holder of information. Endless information is out there and our job as educators is to teach our children how to access the knowledge out there - making them life-long learners!
    I liked this article and how it appears to break down Connectivism into what appears to be a "should do" list. What the educator should do in order to connect with the student and stay connected to resources.
    This is an expansion of a previous blog by the author highlighting how connectivism can be applied to 21st century learning. Also reviews the impact of connectivism to teaching and learning applications.
    I liked this article because it went into detail about the connecting nodes component of the theory. I think there is a whole lot of value in exploring the fringe topics or seemingly unrelated knowledge and seeing what happens when these "nodes of knowledge" are put together. It's modern design thinking coming into the world of learning and education.
    This blog post breaks down Connectivism in the 21st century. Looking at students as digital natives and the impact this has on teachers, education and learning.
    This blog post discusses the impact of Connectivism on education. Marquis lists the Seimen's seven principles of Connectivism and then goes on to explain how the principles can be meshed with 21st Century learning.
    This webpage offers a few external links that are helpful in understanding the theory of connectivism. The author lays out the core principals for this theory and then explains in more detail additional principals that harden the foundation of connectivism.
    This article summarizes Siemens article on Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. In this age where so much information is at our finger tips, it is the role of the teacher to help the learner access the best information and make sense of what they access. Dr. Marquis brings up a good point that there isn't much research to implement connectivism or what affect it actually has on learners.
    This is a great explanation of how online learning and connectivism are connected and how this is a relatively new idea and that online educators can try out a lot of the ideas. It helped me understand the theory of connectivism a little more and how it can be used in online learning.
    I like the ideas for applying connectivism principles in the classroom. The author explains the teacher's responsibility in helping students make connections that will allow them to learn now and in the future.

Academic Advising through Connectivism - 3 views

    This article explains connectivism with academic advising. Within this article, the writer states that connectivism can be useful to help combine old information to new information. It then states how that will help people to understand new material by connecting it to the old material. The writer also states how technology has impacted connectivism. It says connectivism is influencing students' decisions and knowledge through Siri, Amazon Echo, etc and that those tools of technology or other resources they have access to are impacting their decisions based on connections they've made to other information.
    This is an interesting article that explains connectivism in the context of academic advising. I found this especially helpful as it makes it easier to understand connetivism as you first receive information and then that information is put into a contextual situation.
    This article explores the ways in which using a model of connectivism can help an academic advisor in higher education better connect with or direct the student they are assisting. One example features the way in which students view their advisor, where some students see the advisor as a guidance counselor others are able to differentiate between the two roles distinctly. The article continues on with various examples of interactions and scenarios that students and advisors could encounter that when approached through the model of connectivism would assist the student in combining thoughts, theories, and general information.

Response To Post - 8 views

    Teachers are developing PLNs to connect with other educators and professionals all over the world to stay up to date on their teaching methods and resources. This article gives an overview of why many teachers belong to a PLN and why it is beneficial to their professional goals. I appreciated that the author named and discussed three popular PLNs that I plan on looking into further. They were Classroom 2.0, Edmodo, and The Educator's PLN. I agree with the author completely when he states that "teachers are lifelong learners." This article is a great read for those new to PLNs.
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    Edmodo is an LMS so I guess then all LMS would be PLN tools. I guess I never thought of them that way but they are. Ive used Edmodo once before to organize a project among faculty but have mostly used it with students.
    Staggering number of teachers that are enrolled in Edmodo, which show how the education field truly embraces the concepts of communities of practice. The communities of practice idea has not fully been accepted into the USCG and I'm excited to work to create one.
    The article is a comprehensive view of PLNs. It gives concrete examples of how to design and grow a PLN. By examining three widely used PlNs, it might encourage more teachers to begin a PLN. I appreciated the statement: Only the teachers who are continual learners [who] work to improve their practice, skills, and instructional strategies can successfully help others learn.
    Being a teacher your PLN is so important to your growing and developing. This article really focus on that and how teachers us it. It also give example of other services that teachers can use that will increase their ability to find and use information form the internet,
    Resourced by an edutopia article, I found this information to be both user friendly and helpful. Best of's, design tips, and aspects of PLNs that make people want to be active are included
    The mention of RSS in this article is very helpful because it is such a simple way to keep track of all your networks. It keeps everything in one location so you only have to open one program to read it all!
    I loved all of the information on the various tools that can used in managing a PLN, There were several tools I wasn't familiar with and look forward to being able to use in the future.
    I found this post to be extremely informative regarding how teachers can use PLNs for learning, moreover for modeling learning for their students. The social network portion of this article was authentic to the purpose of this course and aided in making connections regarding the usage of social networks for educational learning tasks. The review of the three PLNs was also helpful as we navigate this course and begin to implement strategies and plans for the incorporation of social networking into our own classrooms.
Jenni Borg

(Assignment #2) 3. - 2 views

This article discusses Connectivism. Connectivism is a learning theory. This theory encompasses the idea that people learn in multiple ways. Connectivism is especially concerned with technology and...

learning resources elearning EdTech543

started by Jenni Borg on 18 Jun 13 no follow-up yet
Jenni Borg

(Assignment #2) 10. - 3 views

This article helped to synthesize all of the other articles I read on PLNs. It states, "Personal Learning Networks are systems that help learners take control of and manage their own learning. This...

education technology resources tools EdTech543

started by Jenni Borg on 18 Jun 13 no follow-up yet
Stacie Barker

Why You Need PLN's - 1 views

    Describes the value of PLN's as well as the support it provides in learning. Ways in which educators use PLN's are identified as professional development, resource sharing, mentoring, technology integration strategies.
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    I particularly like the 10 easy ways to kickstart your PLN. Most teachers and administrators feel overwhelmed with this idea, and a list of small steps that can be done one at a time probably feels very manageable. Not everyone is ready to jump into all of the tools at once!
    This video recommends building a PLN so that you have a support network of colleagues giving you broad and deep access to a help no matter where you are. PLN's are two way streets- you can't just lurk, you also need to contribute and also offer help. PLN's can help you find answers, keep up with new developments in your field, publish and share, communicate, collaborate, and learn from colleagues. Specific social networking and technology tools are suggested to support each of these areas. A PLN is only as good as the people who participate in it!
    This provides some simple reasons to develop a PLN. I love that it encourages busy teachers to create a PLN by letting them know that it will make their work easier! This page also includes a "how to", but the "why" part is a terrific resource on its own.
    This gives you 10 reasons on how to jump start your Personal Learning Network. Great tips for a beginner like myself.

Inspire Creative Writing With the Scribeasy App | iPad Apps for School - 1 views

    One of the challenges of teaching creative writing can be just getting students to start a story. The app Scribeasy can be helpful because it provides visual prompts that aid as story starters.
    One of the challenges of teaching creative writing can be just getting students to start a story. The app Scribeasy can be helpful because it provides visual prompts that aid as story starters.
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