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Kjersti Withers

Personal Learning Environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural fo... - 1 views

    This paper discusses how Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) integrate formal and informal learning and help students self-regulate learning in "higher education contexts" through social media. Connectivism has given rise to the idea that "the community is the curriculum", so institutions should foster the creation of communities among their students to allow them a more personalized education. PLEs are the tools, services and communities that learners choose to use as they pursue knowledge. PLEs are an attempt to deliberately unify formal and informal learning, especially in e-learning situations. PLEs specifically address social media use and the creation of a cultivated online identity to enhance learning in the learner's chosen arena. In order to fully leverage PLEs via social media, students must use personal knowledge management (PKM) skills. S involves "creating, organizing and sharing digital content and information" and balancing contexts, among other skills. Students cano sumo mine their PLEs, but this requires knowledge management and self-regulation.
    I like how this article views PLNs from the angle as if the user already has a social networking account. Most of the article I've come across have a list of steps that a person has to follow and sites that they need to sign up for, but this article assumes the reader has these log ins (because they probably do). It shows how to take what you are probably already using and turn it into a PLE to foster and grow knowledge.
vanessa botts

Personal Learning Networks: Knowledge Sharing as Democracy | Open Education | HYBRID PE... - 0 views

  • instead constructed from knowledge distributed across networks and on the Web.
  • r assistive guides for self-directed learners—work to develop the fluency required to succeed in these spaces.
  • there is also evidence suggesting social communication strengthens human relationships, particularly for introverts, and has benefitted families, youth and businesses around the world.
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  • The PLN consists of relationships between individuals where the goal is   enhancement of mutual learning
  • The currency of the PLN is learning in the form of feedback, insights, documentation, new contacts, or new business opportunities. It is based on reciprocity and a level of trust that each party is actively seeking value-added information for the other.
  • Underlying the development of a PLN is the need for individual learners to be able to have the capacity for self-direction, which requires a higher level of learning maturity—an absence of which may represent a barrier for a percentage of adults to learn in this way.
  • play an important role in creating richness within a PLN, too. Learners who store important information in Web 2.0 tools such as wikis, blogs, microblogs, social bookmarking and on other platforms create quickly accessible resources.
    Seamon states in this article that there is evidence that social communication (PLN) can strengthen human relationships, particularly for introverts. It may help foster family and business as well. It encompasses learning from feedback, insights, new contacts, and is based in reciprocity and trust. It is needed to increase the chance of higher levels of learning maturity.
    The author addresses concerns about the feelings of isolation that can stem from the use of technology (in the sense that it is utilized to the exclusion of in-person connections) but makes sure to point out the benefits of technology as evidenced by Personal Learning Networks.
Kristen Taubman

Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Virtual Learning Environments - Google Books - 0 views

    This is my second unusual reference but well worth it. Chapter 3 provides the reader with a research article that considers the value of the PLEF Personal Learning Environment Format when implementing personalized mashups to increase collaborative learning. This peer reviewed article provides a Connectivist theoretically based argument for engaging dynamic virtual and network learning in lifelong, informal and personalized learning environments.
Ryan Olynyk

Grow Your Personal Learning Network - 1 views

    Personal Learning Networks are nothing new, they have been around since the beginning of civilization. This article highlights how communication technology enables the expansion of your learning networks without going into overload.
    This is an excellent guide for someone seeking to create and develop his or her PLN. In addition to development tips, the article provides management strategies that could be useful for someone planning a PLN.
    This article describes the three main types of personal learning networks: (1) Personally maintained synchronous connections; (2) Personally and socially maintained semi-synchronous connections; and (3) Dynamically maintained asynchronous connections. The importance of social media in a PLN and lifelong learning are stressed in the article. It also give tips on how to create and manage your own personal learning network.

Personal Learning Networks: Implications for Self-Directed Learning in the Digital Age - 4 views

    A chapter from Carter and Nugent at VSU which has a nice phrase, "Personal learning networks are based on the premise that learning occurs through interaction with multiple people and in multiple contexts through virtual communities." Somehow I like that. It goes into more detail and explores the, 'abstract concept that is learning.' A big read which take more time to go through but has some effective descriptions. Moves on to CoP as well. A chapter to return to.
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    Thank you for posting. The article was a little long, but I made it through. I like how it associates PLN to life long learning because that is absolutely what they encourage. I also enjoyed the combination of PLN and CoP. Thanks!
    This chapter by Carter & Nugent looks at PLNs, their interaction with self-directed learning, and ways educators can promote the use of PLNs among their students
    A detailed article about PLN's: their roots, ties to adult learning, self-directed learning, and communities of practice. I liked this quote from the abstract: "As learners participate in the multiple virtual communities of practice that comprise a PLN, they require new skills that merit reconsideration of the role of the educator in helping learners to become self-directed in both formal and informal learning contexts."
    Such an interesting article. I think many are under the impression that technology is going to replace the teacher in the classroom, which is part of what this paper explores in analyzing the impact of PLNs on the learning process. However, I don't believe the teacher's presence can ever be replaced. While certain aspects of the learning process may become more self-directed for student in the digital age, it doesn't invalidate the importance of the physical presence of a teacher. In fact, this article draws a strong conclusion that the question shouldn't be whether or not teachers are needed, but rather how are educators rethinking teaching and learning based "on a model of information and resource abundance." Educators need to be proactive in creating change in the methods and pedagogy of instruction.
    The article begins by addressing what a PLN is where a learner joins an informal, web-based communities and they create a network so they can learn whenever, wherever they would like. This article describes a PLN in the context of adult education and the role of the adult educator. The article describes what a PLN looks like. Last, it gives ways to help adults to learn in this type of culture and implications for this. As many articles do, this pushes for a change in education and change their model of teaching to fit this digital age.
    Here is a book chapter that details the theoretical implications of using PNL for Self-Directed Learners. This chapter talks about the different ways that learners learn within COP/PLN and how this learning takes place formally, informally and incidentally.
Rhonda Lowderback

Weaving a Personal Web: Using online technologies to create customized, connected, and ... - 0 views

    This article draws a link between personal learning networks and connectivism. The author states that "PWTs allow learners to expand their capacity for knowledge by connecting to external resources", which is one of the principles of connectivism. A variety of personal learning networks are also described.
    This tool helps me find some other social learning tools and helps define what a PLN is. It's a concept that I've always worked with and used, but never had a definite term for.
    I like the idea of how a PLN's component parts can include (what the authors call) personal web technologies (PWTs). The authors feel that PWTs are especially unique because they create "a continuous, dynamic learning environment for individuals as they move from one role to the next." It is this special property of PWTs that gives individuals the power to "manage their own learning resources." The authors also briefly draw an interesting connection between PWTs and connectivism, but it isn't explored in depth. They do offer an in depth discussion of PWTs shortcomings and potential disadvantages. I especially like their warning that "learners who use PWTs must learn to question sources, verify information, compare and contrast various perspectives and become more independent."

Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age - 1 views

    This text composed by George Siemens, an entrepreneur of the connectivism learning theory, explores the traditional learning theories of behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism in order to reveal a more modern learning theory that encompasses the digital age. Connectivism, simplified, is the idea that individuals engage in learning processes that hold real world application via various resources and contacts to which valuable information can be extracted to create new learning that builds lasting knowledge applicable to a diverse number of circumstances. In this academic article Siemens explores the basic principles and implications of the connectivism theory and heavily emphasizes that this type of learning doesn't necessarily occur within the human, but can be drawn from different nodes which then connect to build individual understanding.
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    Here Siemens introduces his reasoning and understanding to connectivism. One fascinating piece that he talks about is how the half-life of learning is shrinking as technology becomes a primary learning tool within people's lives. His premise is based around the idea that we "derive our competence from connections with others". So although we may not all get to experience everything personally, which has been seen as the best way to learn something, now through other people's shared experiences we too can learn at a much quicker rate.
    Article discussing connectivism and how it applies to the digital age. Includes 8 principles of connectivism.
    Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age is a wonderful article that drills down into the development of Connectivism as the use of technology has challenged many of the theoretical foundations of Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism. This article discusses the importance of communities of practice in the digital age when learning is rapid pace, dependent on quickly changing information, often in self organized groupings. Siemens provides an overview of the principles and implications of Connectivism as a primary theory for establishing learning groups.
    In this article, Siemens discusses the incredible impact that technology has had on several learning theories over the past twenty years. Technology has become such a prominent part of our world and it is "altering (rewiring) our brains." It is an interesting take on the power of technology and how it continues to have a gigantic impact on many learning theories.
    Behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism are three theories that attempt to explain how people learn and develop. When these theories were created, digital technology didn't play a role in learning which changes how we explore these theories today. All of these theories agree that knowledge is something to be obtained, but how do people get knowledge in today's society? Connectivism is what describes the new learning environments people are experiencing everyday. It is a series of networks that connect people and information and facilitates the organization and flow of knowledge. It can explained with plumbing. The information and knowledge is the water while the series of pipes it flows through is connectivism. 
    "The pipe is more important than the content of the pipe." Siemens says that it is more important in a digital world to know how to find the information you need, when you need it, than it is to possess the knowledge itself. And he recognizes that our current educational system needs to change to accommodate new ways of learning and new technology.
    This article provides an interesting view of connectivism as an alternative to behaviorism, constructivism, and cognitivism. It argues that in the digital age, these theories don't properly meet the requirements of modern learners. Connectivism corrects these theories faults and looks at learning as a group activity.
Daniel Oldham

The networked student model for construction of personal learning environments: Balanci... - 11 views

    As students construct personal learning environments, teacher instruction and support is likely to be needed. PLE's must be constructed based on needs, and students may or may not be able to articulate what their learning needs are.
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    This study covers teacher and student PLEs and details the necessary components for bringing students into the 21st Century with differentiated digital resources.
    I like the visuals for the models. It makes it very clear how to utilize digital resources and clearly explains the method,data and design of the model.
    This article explores a Networked Student Model and a test case which seeks to understand how teachers can support a more learner-centered and autonomuos learning experience.
    This article discusses the difficulties that are posed to instructors as the PLN grows for each student. It discusses the need for student autonomy but with instructor guidance. It shows how the instructor should be a foundation of the PLN but the student should be encouraged to utilize all the tools available.
    The article also compares a networked teacher model to that of a networked student model so teachers can see how similar the two really are. Although the teacher acts as a guide by nurturing and encouraging students throughout the process, the student is the one who controls what is learned or explored. The students can activate their own learning or shut it off. Just like adults. Fascinating.
    Today, students already have personal learning environments, but as teachers we have the ability to forge new pathways to learning by utilizing what kids already know and modeling collaboration and exploration.
    Wow! What a cool article. I really enjoyed the picture of the Networked student. This article is like a how to for a teacher wanting to teach the 21st century student. It makes me wonder if our school system should provide a class on how to set up a method for each student to display their learning or their personal learning environment.
Tsisana Palmer

Personal Learning Network: Using the Power of Connections to Transform Education - 5 views

The book illustrates how the Internet connects people in unprecedented ways. It also discusses ways in which schools will have to be transformed in order to meet the needs, goals, and abilities of ...

PLN networked learning social online networks education EDTECH 543 teaching

started by Tsisana Palmer on 21 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
Rob Johnson

Personal Learning Environments: Challenging the dominant design of educational systems - 5 views

    This article discusses the components of the current educational structure and how they can be detrimental to continued learning. It also proposes an alternative structure that promotes shared connections and networking.
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    The concept model of the PLE provided a good visual of what it should look like. The symmetric relationships clearly define how the user needs to actively contribute to the environment along with use or consume what it available from others. In the 21st century, PLE's can very easily be global which just brings that much more information to the users. The emphasis on tags, lists, and smart groups just reinforces the importance of making sure to remember to use them. I have not been very good in the past of using tags, but have recently realized how much of a difference is made when looking for information.
    This article is about switching from a virtual learning environment (VLE), originally introduced to help facilitate technology in education, to personal learning environment (PLE) where technology and social interaction are used to enhance individuals learning experience. The advantages of a PLE include focus on coordinating connections between the user and services, symmetric relationships, individualized context, open internet standards, open content and remix culture, and personal and global scope.
    I found it interesting how the traditional model of teaching could be enhanced to accommodate the lifelong learner. I liked how it gave a new approach to allow for a more symmetrical learning experience as well.
    Written in 2007, this article purposes an "alternative design" to online education that seeks to expose students to a variety of different technologies instead of having them master one. It would then ask students to share new found resources and ideas with other students. Although this "new" concept is clearly the type of education the MET program subscribes to, it is interesting to read about it in a hypothetical sense.
    This article argues that personal learning networks will help advance the field of education technology. The author explains the differences between the dominant design of education technology and personal learning networks. The author states that personal learning networks will help people build relationships and connections.

Teacher 's Guide on Creating Personal Learning Networks ~ Educational Technology and Mo... - 5 views

    Video offers great description of the importance of PLN's and although there is a lot of discussion on ways to create a PLN, the importance of communication is highlighted as the key to a successful PLN.
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    Guide that shows how other educators are using social media to grow their personal PLN's.
    Creating your PLN is easier than you might even thought. Most of you are already familiar with some social media platforms such as Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Diigo, LinkedIn, but do you really know how to use them to create a personal learning network ? EDTECH543 Personal Learning Network
    This is a great resource for educators that are looking into personal learning networks. There is a five minute video that goes over personal learning networks, numerous resources that go over all the information needed to know about PLNs, and different tools and resources that can be used for PLNs.
    This tutorial gives a step by step description of how to create your own PLN as a teacher. A 5 minute video provides the importance of creating a PLN and tools to use. There are various links on how to use social media to grow your PLN. Another list provides links to specific tools to use to help grow your PLN or join another PLN.
    This resource does have some excellent resources. I look forward to exploring more of the how-to aspect in future modules.

Building a Personal Learning Network Will Make You a Better Teacher - 7 views

    I chose a definition site as my final resource. I think it is important that we are able to clearly and succinctly define what we are exploring. According to this site, "A personal learning network, also referred to as a PLN, is a powerful professional development tool that allows teachers and administrators to connect with other teachers and administrators across the country. These connections are typically made through social media outlets including Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, etc."
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    I think this is an excellent resource for Personal Learning Network. I agree that we need to know exactly what we are exploring. Often times there is so much information out there, that it is hard to process it all. By knowing the definition and knowing what we are looking for it is easy to focus in and find the best information. I think this is a clear definition and I have added it to my library as a resource for future use.
    Thanks for sharing...Yes, understanding the similarities of PLN's, CoP's, and Connectivism and differences are key. This article points out that PLN's tend to be more like social media sites: Linkedin, Facebook, etc to collaborate and share.
    This article takes the readers through the definition of PLN and describes how social media is a major proponent of creating a PLN. The article also connects to other "how to" tools for PLNs and professional development.
    A personal learning network is a way for teachers to connect with other educators through social media to exchange ideas for growth and improvement.
    Describes the powerfulness of a personal learning network, its benefits, and how to get the most out of being a part of one.
    I like the quote "you get out what you put in" it describes the relationships in a PLN perfectly. This post gives many good examples of PLNs that I'm sure many people don't even realize are PLNs. Many teachers like to use Pinterest for lesson plan ideas or decorating their classroom, and what they don't realize is they are working with other people to gain this information. I think I'm a better educator because I am an active user of PLNs and I try to contribute as much as I use others ideas.
    This article discusses how developing a PNL will make you a better teacher by challenging you to change the way we think about our classroom. PNLs are great because they save time and allow for quick and easy communication in various formats. Educators get to decide which areas they are interested in developing a PNL. I love that this article states that you will get out of it what you put in.
Kjersti Withers

Collective Intelligence and E-Learning 2.0: Implications of Web-Based ... - Google Books - 0 views

    Downed begins this chapter by discussing the history of learning theory. He concludes that no previous theory can accurately explain how we learn. He then compares the brain to a social media network to introduce his explanation of networked learning. An ecosystem approach to learning would be beneficial. Resources do not need to be centralized and learners should be contributors.

Learning with 'e's: Theories for the Digital Age - 8 views

    Blog author Steve Wheeler summarizes several writings on connectivism in this blog post. He highlights the connectivist idea that learning occurs outside the individual via social networks and PLNs. He also points to the shift in knowledge acquisition from one of "knowing information (aka memorization)" to "knowing how to locate information." He suggests it's vital that students learn to develop their own networks and personalized learning tools.
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    I enjoyed reviewing this blog post. I agree that we need to think about learning differently and be sure to embrace the potential of connect learning through professional and personal learning networks. I had a hard time with the author's claim of the shift away from internalized learning. From my take on the blog post, the view was internal learning is no longer as valid as learning distributed outside the learner. I find this a bit excessive. If we don't internalize information and make it meaningful to ourselves, how can we share anything of importance?
    I think that this is a great discussion point of the ability to find the material is supplanting the actual knowledge. I feel that this important because with web tools and having all the information available at the click or push of a button it is important to focus learning in a manner that will show that having knowledge is still important.
    I have taught high school for 15 years, and my role as a teacher has certainly evolved from expert to facilitator when it comes to a majority of my lesson plans. This is a good resource that demonstrates this concept. The administrators at my high school are asking all teachers to adopt the workshop model (which is the way I teach anyway), and I think this resource supports that philosophy because it is based in connectivism.
    I enjoyed the quote from Siemens where he says that students need to find a method to develop their own learning tools, environment, and communities to store their knowledge. As educators, it is more important for us to guide students to find the information they require. Then coach them as to how they can store and display the knowledge they have acquired.
    I found his "nutshell" comment about how connectivism argues it's more important to know where to find knowledge than it is to internalise it to be very helpful.

Social Networking Theories and Tools to Support Connectivist Learning Activities - 0 views

    This article focuses on creating a link between the wide variety of social networking tools available and the principles of connectivism. Pettenati and Cigognini go so far as to define connectivism as " networking applied to learning and knowledge". To support this idea, the authors explore the role of the learner at present, how e-learning, personal learning environments, and Web 2.0 have emerged, and the stages of a connectivist learning experience. The article concludes with the sharing of a scenario in which all of the previously described stages are evident.
Christina Modrell

Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking s... - 1 views

    This detailed paper presents a model for creating a personal learning network based on an investigation using a literature review, semi-structure interviews and survey and includes an extensive reference list. Three stages of the networking process- building, maintaining and activating- are described and the nine factors influencing decisions in each of these areas are outlined. The authors schematically represent a personal professional networking model.
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    Very detailed article! I found it it interesting how they defined "strong" and "weak" connections. Strong connections are those we actively collaborate with to produce works and increase our understanding and weak connections are sort of like billboards we pass on the way to work: they expose us to a lot of new ideas and tools that we may or may not investigate further. :)
    I really like how this article focused on research results and the factors that emerged for the researchers during their study. It made understanding how the theory of PLN's has become relevant. The three stages of networking model also helped drive home the concept. Establish, maintain and activity was a great visual representation. Quality find!
    This article discusses the importance of personal learning networks. It defines them as finding and connecting with others that are a part of your field. These interactions with others can promote life-long learning; which is beneficial in any working field.

elearn Magazine: How important is Twitter in your Personal Learning Network? - 6 views

    Focusing on the use of Twitter in a PLN, a study was conducted involving seven educators. The results were encouraging as Twitter provided an excellent medium for personalizing their PLN and having immediate access. Although much of the article goes on to explain how Twitter works in a roundabout way, it does explain the merits of open and public forums for collaboration and discussion.
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    This article discusses the growing interest in Personal Learning Networks (PLN) and Twitter among educators. This study interviews seven educators about their experiences using Twitter within a PLN to try to understand if Twitter played a unique and specific role in learning. Four distinct outcomes were: 1. Twitter allows participants to engage in instantaneous conversations with their PLN. 2. Twitter provides a way for participants to access the collective knowledge of their PLN. 3. Twitter helped grow the size of the PLN. 4. Twitter can be used as a motivator.
    This article includes information on a research study, about using Twitter within a PLN. Its result mentions specific advantages such as allowing participants to engage in instantaneous conversation and access collective knowledge.
    After reading the article and other comments, I think Ryan Olynyk's summary outlines the main ideas well.
    This article explains several ways in which Twitter can enhance your PLN. It can allow you to share resources, receive resources, and crowdsource ideas. Using hashtags, users can explore topics that interest them and meet potential new members of the PLN. Retweets are another effective way to meet potential PLN members.
    The article looks at the impact Twitter plays on PLNs. The research shows Twitter is a valuable tool to connect with people around the world and easily share ideas. The openness of Twitter can create large PLNs and impact more members.
    For me its very important. I use it and Diigo groups the most as online PLN tools.
    The article clearly shows the benefits of integrating twitter into your personal learning network. The article makes me reflect on my own social media presence where I need to transition from a lurker to an active member in order to build and sustain my PLN.
    This article must have been for me since this is my first time on twitter. The information in this article leads me to think that you don't have to have twitter to have an PLN but it is easier when you do. It allows for fast and concise communication with your PLN.
    This article covers a small scale research project done to see how important the use of Twitter was within a personal learning network. It was interesting to see how impactful Twitter could be within a PLN.
    I love how this article validates the effectiveness of Twitter in the building of one's PLN. I have engaged in numerous Twitter chats with like-minded educators and found great benefit in building my PLN. Thanks for linking a great article!
Heather Berlin

Personal Learning Networks - 8 views

    This is a link to a Pinterest Board regarding Personal Learning Networks by Eric Sheninger, I found the information very helpful and fun. I love looking at pictures to understand concepts! EDTECH543 Personal Learning Network
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    Hi Jennifer, I never thought to look at Pinterest for anything like this but after seeing this resource I'll definitely keep it in mind! Great find, Pinterest is such as easy way to compile and share information and resources and this one has a lot of good links!
    Nice find Jennifer! I'm so much more into browsing a Pinterest page for resources. This delivery method is giving me ideas for my next Teaching Online course I will facilitate at Pierce. It's funny how first impressions of a newer app makes some thing that it wouldn't be useful in a learning environment. But Pinterest is just an easy way to curate any kind of information.
    So many resources, so little time... Its great to have so many of these resources in one place. The images definitely help determine which resource to investigate first.
    This is a nice resource! Never would have guessed 5 years ago that I would be looking at Pinterest as a resource for a class. As you mentioned, it's nice to view pictures to help process and understand a concept, much like the project we completed to tie all of these topics together. Thanks for the post!
    I signed up for Pinterest last year but rarely touched it once the school year started. This was a great reminder of it's usefulness and incredible depth of resources that are out there. Thanks for the reminder.
    This is a Pinterest source used for PLNs that offers numerous resources for educators and personal learning networks.
    I have yet to get into Pinterest, feel it might be a black hole for me. These are some great PLN pins. The images alone give you a good idea of ways you can build your PLE.
David Mato

Personal learning networks - 13 views

    There are four main aspects to a successful PLN: 1. Tools - depend on learners ability level but commonly include social media 2. Connection - groups of people with similar interests and goals. There is no boundary for location of group. 3. Delivery - can be through any method the learner prefers 4. Opportunity - with the development of technology, this can happen anywhere the learner has access.
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    I like that this link shares the "nuts and bolts" of PLNs. Seeing the basics laid out clearly is a great way to begin building a framework for understanding! I keep seeing NING mentioned in a number of articles, but I am unfamiliar with it. I might have to check it out just to stifle my curiosity!
    This article was a great introduction to PLNs. I valued the intention it took from the beginning with the recognition that educators are life long learners, usually by choice, but also by state requirements. Making that connection between the inherent need for educators to learn and gain knowledge and the power of a PLN seems simple, but there are so many educators/districts not taking advantage of this resource.
    This article makes a great point, that a personal learning network is designed by the learner where they are learning in their own comfort zone. The learner is attracted to certain things because of their abilities and own comfort level. The learner is in control of what they wish to accomplish, how much they want to learn and how they want to do it.
    Great introduction to PLN's. I am sooo glad I am learning more about these. I have a new job teaching tech integration at the elementary level with zero curriculum, etc. I will be using PLN's to get research and other ideas. The great thing about this article is that it recognizes the importance of PLN's for educators continued PD. Great article!
    This is a very simplified version which I like. I agree with Matt, the mention of PD in a brief article is good. A clear text which is helping me to build a better understanding. Thanks to Siss1382.
    This is a good resource for someone looking for a layman's description of personal learning networks. The resource explains the elements - tools, connections, delivery, and opportunities of a PLN. It also talks about the growth of PLNs and connects it to social constructivism.
    In this article from the Encyclopedia of Educational Technology, the author indicates that educators are expected to be lifelong learners and how Personal Learning Networks, that were originated in the business community, are a great tool to offer professional development. Four elements are cited as being the center to a successful PLN. These are the tools to build the PLN, the connections between the members, the way of delivering the information and the opportunity to participate in the PLN.
    This wiki site was one of the most simplest definitions displaying the elements of a PLN: tools, connections, delivery, and opportunity. Tools allow the learner to use what is most familiar, connections provide the ability to build relationships with others, delivery includes how information is disseminated, and opportunity is when the learner has the time to practice.
    This is a great site for someone new to PLNs. It provides a description of what makes up a PLN along with visuals. I also like the "growth" section of the wiki. In the first paragraph it discusses district PLCs. Many districts like to have vertical meetings, where all of the math teachers from elementary through the high school meet to see how their coursework aligns. These meetings are inconsistent because it is difficult to get all of the teachers out of class at the same time. Digital PLCs for vertical meetings would be a great way to allow for more constant collaboration.
Rhonda Lowderback - 0 views

    In this article, the authors attempt to explain personal learning environments through many learning theories. One mentioned is socio-cultural, "where knowledge is seen to be situated in its context, avoiding a curriculum dominated by the teacher as expert". I think this really explains personal learnin networkds very well. Along with socio-cultural, the article proposes a new learning model based on these personal learning networks.
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