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Janice Wilson Butler

Shaping Tech for the Classroom | Edutopia - 30 views

    • Janice Wilson Butler
      I think this is the most common place in which we all tend to get stuck. Often, we get excited about trying something new in the classroom, but when we try it the first time, we run into glitches. That is when we go back to the old "safe" ways. We need to find ways as MTTs to help others overcome the fear that we feel when we first fail.
  • Doing old things in old ways
  • This trend is important, but it's hardly new -- it will be new only when those courses, curricula, and lesson plans are very different and technology influenced, when they are set up so they can be found and mixed and matched easily, when they are continually iterated and updated, and when the kids have a big say in their creation.
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    • Janice Wilson Butler
      This is really important. If teachers just use the technology to teach the same way they have always been teaching, then we will not see much change in the way that students feel about school. Technology needs to transform the way we teach!!!
  • So, let's not just adopt technology into our schools. Let's adapt it, push it, pull it, iterate with it, experiment with it, test it, and redo it, until we reach the point where we and our kids truly feel we've done our very best. Then, let's push it and pull it some more. And let's do it quickly, so the 22nd century doesn't catch us by surprise with too much of our work undone.
    • Janice Wilson Butler
      This is certainly not going to be easy to do - but with the changes you are already starting to feel through this program, YOU can be instrumental in making it happen!!! How can you do this/
  • working together in self-formed teams in multiplayer online role-playing games;
    • Janice Wilson Butler
      This is really rather an important concept. Think about this. We have so much trouble getting kids to work in teams - and here they are self-creating teams and working together to reach a common goal. How can we take this and integrate it into the classroom? Is PBL a way to do this?
    At our school district, students log onto the network using their own account on any terminal within the district, in which they can keep individual files. Although they can't permanently personalize any computer I do always see them changing wallpapers every now and then. Integrating technology into the classroom will have to be more than a method or means. It must go beyond access and utilization. I believe students will have achieved true integration whey they have created something or honed a skill using technology as a tool.
    In the article Shaping Tech For the Classroom, it lays out a visual representation of what is happening in our classrooms throughout our district. While we are trying to keep up with the latest technology, it seems that most teachers are still at a loss as to what should be happening in the classroom with the technology available to us. At the moment, many teachers at our campus have a smart board, student computers with internet access, class response clickers, projectors, EKI machines, digital cameras and new gadget called KINEO that our district Migrant department has provided to our Migrant students. This apparatus is supposed to help our migrant students in leveling their knowledge of math, reading and science skills throught the program WEBACHIEVER. We have had this gadges in our library for about two months and have been used only once because no on has been trained as how to use them. I can say that Donna ISD has done a very good job at providing opportunities for us teachers to get technology savvy but unfortunate, not many have taken that opportunity. We have even had the opportunity to complete technology staff development in our pajamas. As a result of these initiatives by our district, it is safe to say that our district is in the right direction as far as providing us the technology and advancing software that is available to students and teachers. Through MTT Donna right Technology Grant, more teachers will become masters at providing the right tools so that teachers can change their attitudes towards technology. However more training and accountability needs to be in place in order to assure that the technology is being used correctly so our students can compete in the real world.
Janice Wilson Butler

Ancient tree-ring records from southwest U.S. suggest today's megafires are truly unusual - 1 views

    Really interesting site for current information on scientific discoveries. Good resource for students - source for latest research news
kate Binns

Don't Pay for Technology: 25 Freebies for Students - 11 views

    In today's economic climate, paying for technology isn't prudent, and for some students, it isn't even an option. Fortunately, there are plenty of freebies on the web that can help with document creation, research, writing, storage, collaboration, studying and more. Here are 25 free web apps and software programs that may be useful to students. I've used several of these web apps with varying degrees of success with students. Have you used any or have plans to use them in your classroom? How have they worked for you?
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    These are awesome Kate! The only one I have used before is GoogledDocs. I really like it when I'm working with a group. I've used it to create staff development plans, campus improvement plans, and analyzing data with my colleagues. I just set up an account for Bibme and I added it to our library website. I had been using Citation Machine, but this is different. I have some Pre-AP Social Studies classes scheduled for next week, and I'm going to show them how to use it. I also used the Flashcard maker to create flashcards for Competency 2 Vocabulary. I created them really fast. I just copied and pasted the terms from the database on Dr. Butler's wiki. I am going to share this website with our teachers too! This is so exciting! Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks for sharing the article; I will add them to the resource page I created on my wiki. I agree it has become unnecessary to purchase any software. There are massive Web 2.0 tools and apps to use for free. I have exposed my students to concept mapping with, presentation formats (sliderocket, prezi, brainshark, slideshare), charts and graphs creation, vocabulary build up with games created on line (taxgedo, wordle) and interactive posters like glogster. Students love diverse means to present their information; they are not limited to present in a specific software.
    Wow!!! I loved them!! I am amazed at the number of Web 2.0 tools that are out there. I just was told by a friend about a Web 2.0 tool called live binder and I loved it too. You place all the web pages a student may need for a research or any project you want and you waste less time on searches and the kids will focus more on the assignment goals.
    And even more interesting - at the bottom of the page, there is an ad for getting college credit by taking a free online course. So you go through the free online course and then you can take a test and get CLEP exam and get college credit. For $77.00 you can get 3-credits. Not a bad deal. In my spare time, I would like to go through one of the courses.
    Great website. I used to do my bibliography for the technology plan. It is a lot easier than using citation machine. I can't wait to use it with my students, since they have no idea about citations. It amazes me how many free websites are out there for free. I will be going through several of the websites to see what else catches my eye.
    This is an awesome website, it will definitly be worth bookmarking for future reference. Students will definetly find this information useful.
    Thanks, Kate! Yes, I am still at awe at the number of results I get when I look up for tools, it's incredible! Thanks once again for this great resource.
    I wouldn't be surprised if some students already knew about this. I have not used any in class yet, but I will definately look into it.
Juanita R. Martinez

New Study Finds iPads in the Classroom Boost Test Scores | Techland | - 4 views

    A new study shows that students who use iPads in the classroom score better in literacy tests than those who don't. Educators in Auburn, Maine began instructing 266 kindergarteners using the iPad 2 this fall, and those who used the tablet scored higher on literacy tests and were more enthused about learning.
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    I love my iPad! I do think there's a lot more going on than just using the iPads that is causing the high achievement rates. I could give a classroom full of middle-schoolers iPads and they would be able to download apps and play lots of games. I truly believe that the teacher makes all the difference. If the teacher isn't on top of things, the iPad would be just another toy. The authors of the article gave the iPad all the credit and it's not so. Don't get me wrong, I would love it if we had iPads for our students, but teachers that know how to integrate them into the curriculum make the learning happen!
    Juanita, In the classroom, the level of expertise of the teacher knowing how to integrate the iPad into lessons will determine whether iPads are different instructional tools to engage the students in the learning process or are they just a toy for entertainment or social networking. Classroom content can be enriched by using the iPad and constant teacher monitoring when being used by the students.
    I would love to incorporate iPad's into the classroom because of the number of possibilities it has. I also, however, agree, with Adriana when it comes to the main source of the classroom. The teacher needs to know the tool, know how to incorporate to make successful lessons in order for it to be successful. If you think about it, the number of teachers in the district... then the number of teachers who are willing to incorporate it. It is a big difference! It would be great if all teachers would incorporate it, even begin training to incorporate it.
    It would be extremely interesting to see how the Ipad can boost test grades. It's also important to note that the teacher would have to familiarize herself with this technology. I think they would be an amazing tool for the classroom because they will keep students engaged and interested in doing their work. Also, it's interesting because new apps are always coming on the market and they can also be used in the classroom.
Elva Mendoza

21st-Century Skills Are Not a New Education Trend but Could Be a Fad - US News and Worl... - 2 views

    • Elva Mendoza
     I came upon this great article about teaching 21st century skills in our schools. I highlighted some interesting points about the implementation of 21st century schools and I added several sticky notes that you can comment on. How do you incorporate 21st century skills in your classroom?
  • giving all students a common framework of knowledge is a key strategy for increasing civic equality.
  • Unfortunately some 21st-century skills proponents believe these skills should replace the teaching of content. They believe that because so much new knowledge is being created, students should focus on how to know instead of knowing.
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  • most states are ill-equipped to implement such assessments today and too many teachers are not prepared to use them or teach this way today.
    Very interesting! I agree with the writer of the article. There needs to be a balance between teaching the 21st century skills and the content. There also needs to be a balance with how much time is spent on learning content and how much time should be spent on learning how to find the information. Back in the day, there was less history to learn, less scientific facts, etc. Since the Internet era began, we have way more facts than we can possibly remember. I think that teachers can do this, so that it's not a fad. As a librarian, I'm trying to focus on communication. I have a wiki and a library web page that helps me communicate with students the different resources that are available to them. I am always sharing with them what is available so that they can use their creativity.
    Thank you for sharing this article Elva. It really resonated for me. The author's final statement , "If they want to genuinely transform teaching and learning, proponents of 21st-century skills must be as deliberate about how their idea is approached and implemented as they want schools to be about teaching these skills", especially resonated with my feelings regarding our rush to implement 21st Century skills. I firmly believe in backwards planning, but often what I observe is a rush to buy new "toys" and then there's no plan for their use. School districts must take the time to make the end goal and then create the steps needed to arrive at that goal. This will require time, effort, and yes some money. However, if you take the time to plan ahead for implementation you will save money in the long run by avoiding costly missteps. Additionally, these 21st Century Skills are simply skills to apply to knowledge. We must take the time to teach them but it cannot be in determent to the content areas. If students learn a concept better using scissors and paper over a Prezi, then it should be the method of instruction in my opinion. Ultimately, teachers and school districts need to embrace the new technology but view it as a tool for instruction and not the solution to all of our educational struggles.
    I try to incorporate 21st century skills by having my kids use more technology with their projects. many of them are so use to having the pen and paper assignment that they are surprised when they get to use technology to create a project. While there may be some issues that make it hard to use technology most of the time because of lack of computers of items, having some group work for using these technology can help. I know I can be doing more so when I plan I need to make sure to keep in mind that it is our jobs as teachers to teach these students into becoming 21st century learners.
Janice Wilson Butler

What are the stages of the change process? - 45 views

    In the edutopia blog article, Shaping Tech for the Classroom, linked above, Marc Prensky - the "creator" of the digital immigrant/digital native labels, describes the typical process of technology adoption. How accurately do those steps define what is happening on your campus with regard to technology adoption? On average, where in the process is your campus? Have you seen any "movement" through the process in the last 2-3 years? If yes, to what do you attribute these changes? If no, what can you do to move the campus forward? Click on "Comment" above to respond to the article and to your peers. Please post at least one link in this group that is relevant to your discussion. Be sure to tag your link and your discussion.
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    I am the librarian at our school and I have only been there a few moths. However, I think that our school has teachers that are experts in using SMART boards and other projectors and such along with many Web 2.0 tools, but we also have teachers than use minimal technology. As far as the why, I'm not sure about every teacher on campus, but a lot of the teachers I talk to don't use technology as much as they like because they feel pressed for time. They are desperately trying to plan lessons, evaluate students' work, and address the students' weaknesses. I think in order to move forward, MTT's need to mentor as many teachers as possible, the administration needs to think outside the box so that teachers have time to plan for technology integration. This link is for an article that discusses the barriers to technology integration. It would be beneficial for teachers to read and discuss what is holding them back so we, as a campus, come up with a plan to ensure everyone gets on board.
    I am a 5th grade teacher at Adame Elementary and Marc Prensky description of technology integration in education describes my campus. I agree with Adriana when she says that teachers are pressed for time, especially with the STAAR test. There is a total of three computer labs at my school that are rarely used for integrating technology with the curriculum. It seems that the only technology on our campus being used is tutorial programs to enhance test scores. In the four years that I have worked at my campus I don't think we are any closer to the movement of technology integration. Unfortunately, I blame the pressure brought upon our education system, which is test driven. During the President's State of the Union Address on Tuesday he stated, "In return, grant school flexibility: To teach with creativity and passion: To stop teaching to the test :"(West Seattle Herald, Jan. 29, 2012). I think Donna ISD is heading in the right direction with the MTT program. As an MTT I will need to start sharing my knowledge with the staff through staff development and show them how enthusiastic students are to learning when given the opportunity through technology. It worries me that my students will not be prepared for the 21st century if our education system continues to be test driven, rather than technology driven. The link is the President's State of the Union Address.
    I am one of the Math teachers in Donna high school and technology integration in our campus, atleast in our department, I could say that we are still a little behind. Technology is in place but integrating them in our day to day lessons is still missing. It may not be because we have no idea to inlcude them in our curriculum but I trully believe that some of our teachers still need to be reminded that technology integration should be considered as a tool to provide effective learning experience and success for our students, connecting with them in ways they are native to. And as "digital immigrants" that we are, change is still something to be accepted. "Everybody is talking about technology integration, but few practicing teachers profess to know exactly how to proceed. The fact is that real integration requires change. . . . However, what seems to be lacking is a model that teachers can use to guide them through the necessary changes they will need to make to be successful in integrating new technology into their classroom" (Johnson & Liu, 2000, p. 4). In regards to the question on where in the process we are in our campus i should say we are still in between stages "doing old thing in old ways" and "doing old things in new ways". I do have seen some movement in our technology integration for the past 2-3 years. Student terminals, smartboards, internet access for our students, clickers, are are just some of the technology tools that we are using but integrating them are still in the works I believe. As MTT mentors in the future, I trully believe that we should have the burden to share our ideas and teach our colleagues what we have learned and be an instrument of change, genuine change in our classrooms.
    This article neatly summed up many of the barriers facing true technology integration. Several issues resonated with my own experiences. As Elva and President Obama stated above, often teachers primary worry in the classroom is preparing students for state examinations. Third graders spend entire lessons learning how to analyze a multiple choice question and answer it! If students do poorly on a district wide test, teachers go into immediate action to fix the problem. This pressure comes from administration, school districts, and states. In the end, teachers need to produce good to excellent test scores or they end up losing their positions. It's not that teachers don't want to integrate the technology, but at the end of the day, their performance assessment will reflect more heavily upon how their students scored on a test and not how frequently the SmartBoard was utilized. That being said, fully embracing technology could greatly enhance test scores. It will take time. There will be big failures. There will also be big successes! According to Peter Kent's "SmartBoards: Interactive Whiteboards in the Classroom", "The catch phrase 'it is not the technology, it is the teacher' has never been so true as it is with interactive whiteboards. An even truer phrase however would be 'it is not just the teacher, it is the school'." Smartboards are just one example of technology that can be utilized in the classroom to increase test scores. However, whenever trying something new there will be failures. Teachers and their administration must understand that and be willing to reevaluate what they are doing. It takes our students multiple tries to master a new concept; we should allow ourselves the same time to master new technology. Works Cited: Kent, P. (2003). Smartboards: Interactive whiteboards in classrooms. In Retrieved from
    I can definitely agree with Marc Presnsky's article when it comes to the barriers that prohibit technology integration to occur. I think the first step in moving forward with this concept is the teacher. Prensky writes, "..the teachers and administrators famously resist change." "...such shifting certainly initially means more work and pressure on educators, who already fell overburdened." I think with most teachers, it is fear that is hindering them from fully embracing technology. If teachers are not comfortable or are familiar with the integration of a Web 2.0 tool, then they will definitely not be comfortable teaching/integrating it into their classrooms. As far as my campus, Veterans Middle School, I believe some progress has occurred within the last 2-3 years, it has been a slow paced progress with one or two teachers slowly embracing it. This can be attributed part to Technology Trainings provided by the district as well as the Master of Technology Teacher Program that has been provided to the entire district. Those few teachers who have chosen to participate in the program are getting the skills and confidence, so they in turn will mentor other teachers. The only way to move forward is to collaboratively work as a District and as a campus with technology integration in mind. The following article/blog provides eight simple steps to help the classroom teacher integrate technology. "Implementing Effective Technological Change: What a Classroom Teacher Needs." April 2011 by Greg Swanson.
    I am a BIM teacher and I guess it is easy for me to integrate technology because if I'm not using it then I am really not doing my job, because it is expected as a technology teacher. I have heard all kinds of barriers that teachers complain about, one is not enough computers or not enough training but in fact there is training and the bottom line is the change, some people find it hard to change but once they decide to give technology a try and they become consisted with using it the technology starts working for them or at least they will see it that way. Time will always be an issue and we are in education so we must make do with what we have and in our school just about everyone has a smart board and that is a step up from a regular chalk board which is an easy tech tool to engage students. The support must be there after the training because a teacher needs some one there to follow up on their training just to make sure they are implementing the technology correctly in their lessons and of course integrating other applications as well. (Dragula, 2005) Persistance and consistency is the key to integrating technology and not staying behind with the dinosaurs. Dragula, M.ED, J. (2005, April 1). How to Overcome Technology Integration Barriers. Retrieved from Tech & Learning:
    The campus has shown much improvement integrating technology into their curriculum. More teachers are becoming familiar with Web 2.0 tools, licensed software and diverse hardware devices. Teachers want to integrate technology however face many challenges such as time to learn the skills and to integrate them into their curriculum, technical support, funding, and software/hardware. Some teachers become discourage and impatient when they encounter technical difficulties; thus, classroom computers become unused. According to Great Schools, many schools are now providing each student a laptop to access classroom curriculum, elementary schools are utilizing blogging a vehicle to collaborate and improve writing skills. Many schools are now using Web 2.0 tools to engage students and enhance student learning. Implementing any change becomes beneficial if done properly. Integrating technology becomes possible when teachers are adequately trained, software and hardware are available, provided continuous support is provided and ample time is given to implement the skill Great Schools. Technology in the classroom: Fad or foundation for learning? Retrieved from:
    Since the implementation of the Master Teacher Technology Program (MTT) in our school district, I have seen a strengthened professional development in the use of technology for classroom instruction. The MMT program has been vital in creating networking connections with other teachers so that we are not working in isolation in the integration of technology. These small teacher groups are gradually moving forward to demonstrate technology integration in their classes to other teachers that are hesitant or fear it. We are learning from each other and becoming a buddy to someone else in our campuses. By networking, we overcome the fear of the unknown in technology usage and work with what we have in the classroom. Adaptation is critical, since most classroom teachers in our school district only have four computers for student usage, whiteboard, projector, and teacher instructional computer. Boss, S. (August 2008). Overcoming Technology Barriers: How to Innovate Without Extra Money or Support. Retrieved from
    My campus has shown improvement in the past couple of years. Every classroom has a document camera and a smart-board! Almost every class has about 4 class computers for the students to use. The computers are not just for programs now. The computers are used for so much more now. The students have the knowledge on how to use the internet as search engines for research. The students know how to use social networking, which sometimes is not a good idea, but they know how to use it. Some times the students know how to use the computers better than the teacher. But we are always learning because technology is always changing. This is awesome because the students get to be more involved and teachers see how the technology helps the students understand the subjects better! I don't agree with this quote from a Maine teacher "You can mourn the passing of handwriting if you must; the kids certainly won't. If they are writing better and more detailed papers, yes, there has been progress." I think that technology is great but sometimes because a computer has spell check students don't know how to spell. Handwriting should still be taught as well as grammar and spelling. Sometimes these subjects are left behind do to computers. I know that in the future handwriting may be obsolete due to technology but it shouldn't!!!!
    I have only been in my school for this first semester. I have not observed many teachers implementing technology in their lessons. Technology seems to be slowly creeping into our lessons. The use of document cameras and projectors are very popular, but the actual implementation with students is minimal. One of my colleagues mentioned that time is an issue, and it is. We are very focused on delivering and making sure our students understand all concepts taught that we often leave the creativity and inquiry out of our lesson plans. Nellie Deutsch mentions that educators are eager and motivated to implement technology into the classroom, but that there are many obstacles to overcome. I couldn't agree more, we need more time to practice and explore the technologies and programs that we wish for our students to use.
    In my campus I have noticed that veteran teachers tend to stay away from technology. Veteran teachers didn't grow up with technology in their classrooms and have been teaching for years with out technology that they see no need to implement it now. I really see that as shameful! Now, as a MTT in training, I really want to change these teachers minds about technology and show them how easy it is to use. "With the infusion of technology into all aspects of daily life, students are becoming more and more adept at using technology as an educational resource. Many faculty, however, are not keeping pace with their students. Additionally, faculty feel increasingly unprepared to integrate technology into the classroom." Efau, J. (2005, May 4). No Teacher Left Behind: How to Teach with Technology. Retrieved from
    I seem a bit doubtful that well working laptops can be found for almost 100 dollars for schools as this article suggest, but after looking at Project Inkwell's Web site, it seems like something that we might see in the future. Although I do not foresee my campus being able to complete the "one on one" process any time soon, I feel that it is improving with technology integration. New equipment that I have seen to promote technology integration has already been coming in to our library, which helps us get one step closer to meeting integration goals. We still face a few dilemmas with technology integration, such as lack of working computers in a classroom, or no student Ethernet hookups in the portables, but our administrators do what they can to help us with problems we face with this. There is of course however only so much that they can do, but little by little, I can see the process of technology integration in to the classrooms moving along as each year passes. An example of this movement that has been done can be seen when looking back at the year when our school's portables were first put up. It was at this time that there wasn't any internet provide to those in the portables at all. There as well were not enough SMART boards for every classroom, or any computer classes for 6 grade students. Completing a project using technology with 6 graders was really hard before they opened up computer classes for them. Now, internet, although a bit limited in the portables still, can at least be reached to them, Smart board are given to each teacher, knowledge of technology use is much better than the past 6th graders, and workshops for the use of technology are also provide from time to time. This makes it much more less time consuming for many teachers who wish to integrate technology into their classrooms, and keeps our campus moving in the right track for proper technology integration in our schools. A link, by Project Inkwell, to the prototype dev
Delia Torres

The Future of College Education - 6 views

    The cost of higher education has grown exponentially in just the six years since my undergraduate days. However, the options that are available are incredible! I was amazed to find out that you can take classes online through MIT for FREE. What an amazing way to use our time on the internet? Are we preparing our students to be self-guided learners who are ready to work their way through an online course? I know that it's been a difficult transition for me, will our students be able to make it? Are they better equipped than the older generation to make the transition because of their technology infused lives or will it be more difficult for them to focus?
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    I believe students will be able to maneuver through an online course as if its second nature. Schools are striving to implement online learning, being that it a focus area in the Texas Long Range Plan for Technology. As far as student focus in online learning, "online learners" is a fairly new type of learner that may struggle with content retention. Herbert, M. (2006, Winter). Staying the Course: A Study in Online Student Satisfaction and Retention. Retrieved April 1, 2012, from
    Wow, this was very scary. I have three children and I have instilled in them the importance of furthering their education. Seeing this makes me wonder, if Im gona have to rob a bank to help them on thier educational journey. The price of college has risen significally now, but I will try my best to stay afloat and continue and hopefully succeed without a ton of debt.
    Yes, post-secondary education is becoming more expensive to prepare our sons and daughters at the actual schools of learning for their future. More the reason(s) that we must prepare students K-12th to be 21st century learners that can collaborate, communicate, use critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills that will enable them to be independent and self-motivated for online learning. By taking on-line college courses, the students will be able to save money in tuition fees, textbooks, housing, transportation, and other types of expenses. In spite of the high expense it will cost me to educate my daughter as a biology major and to attend medical school, I want her to be prepared to become a medical doctor--thank goodness I only have one!!
vilma orduna

An Outsider Calls for a Teaching Revolution - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Educ... - 1 views

    In just a few short years, Salman Khan has built a free online educational institution from scratch that has nudged major universities to offer free self-guided courses and inspired many professors to change their teaching methods. His creation is called Khan Academy, and its core is a library of thousands of 10-minute educational videos, most of them created by Mr. Khan himself.
kate Binns

Born to Learn ~ You are Born to Learn - 0 views

shared by kate Binns on 22 Apr 12 - No Cached
    This may be a little bit controversial, but I see a clear link to how we run our educational systems and the ideas presented on this website. I recently went to a training about connecting the content areas to have students create an end of marking period product that required they use skills and knowledge attained in all content areas. There have been several schools going in this direction and so far they've had great success, especially with ESL students. I'm very interested in pursuing something similar on my own campus.
Janice Wilson Butler

- Don't judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree - The problem with assessment - 10 views

    I really enjoyed the article and I will say that I agree that testing is not making our students smarter. I have been in the teaching field for 22 years and year after year I see the students so disconnected with learning. Students have been taught how to pass a test, rather than how to think creatively. I have students that can't answer an open ended question in a complete thought, but can pass a state exam. I have always refused to teach to a test, and have gotten very good results at the end. Since I teach Science my class is very hands-on, so the students love the class, but they don't have the background ability to apply it on a test. These students have been trained not to think only to answer multiple choice questions. It takes me a whole semester to get them to make the connection from the experiment and how to apply it to the test. My first year at my school the teacher who was teaching Science before me gave me boxes full of TAKS materials that she used in her class and she told me that I wouldn't have time for hands-on activities. As soon as she left my room I threw everything in the trash and my principal was surprised that I didn't want her materials. Needless to say my students became thinkers by the end of the year and grew a new appreciation for Science. Being in the MTT program I have begun integrating technology in my Social Studies class and I have never seen students so interested in learning about the American Revolution. We are getting ready to create newsletters about different topics they learned about the American Revolution. They are even getting ready to create a voki to present a part of their newsletter. I have seen technology even motivate the most reluctant learner in my class. I have students that will come in the morning and begin working on their project that they need to complete. I even have students going to the public library to use the computers. I am a true believer in integrating technology. I
    Loved this fable!! It reminded me about a book I read a few years ago titled Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell . It was a whole bunch of stories about real-life success stories such as The Beatles and Bill Gates. The one thing that all of these people had in common was that they all spent tens of thousands of hours honing in on their craft. Some of them just got lucky and had the opportunity to practice. Others had parents that knew that they had cultivate their child's passion and not force them to do things that they were just not capable of doing or that they were not interested in. This fable reminds me of what we are doing in education today. We want all of the students to be "good" at everything and never give them enough time to become great at something. If students were allowed to follow their passion, the benefits would overflow into other subjects.
    I often use this analogy to encourage my students who feel that they are unintelligent because of their struggles to pass tests. Our school system tries to make all of our students fit a specific mold-- some fit, some adapt, and some give up. We've give up the ability to provide our students with the freedom to explore and be creative for a sense of security in "accountability." Sure, we need to hold schools and educators accountable for providing a quality education and yes, there have been schools in the past who have misused the freedoms allowed to them. However, I cannot and will not believe that an annual multiple choice test will sum up all of the knowledge that my students have gained. I strive to teach my students to think critically and be a part of the world around them. In my opinion, being able to think your way through a problem is going to be much more valuable to my students in the future than knowing the difference between rotation and revolution. (Unless they plan on being aerospace engineers that is). We need to focus on inspiring students to learn through their own drive and interest. Let's not kill their natural curiosity with our adult need for accountability.
Janice Wilson Butler

Dig-it Games - 2 views

    Not free but this is really cool looking!!!!
Janice Wilson Butler

Web 2.0 Guru - Tools By Subject - 23 views

    Some really great ideas for different Web 2.0 tools in a variety of subject areas.
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    I found a few on my own too. I absolutely love it when people make great lists of great web tools. Here is are a few places I've found. Web tools for Teachers Google tools for Teachers Apple Apps for Teachers
    Web 2.O Guru, tools by subject, has a plethora of resources in any subject that teachers may find easy to use in the classroom. Teachers can certainly find a tool to incorporate into any lesson at any grade level on this useful sight. The "iGeneration", defined as born into technology, are master multitaskers, social networkers, and electronic communicators (Rosen 2). Using Web 2.0 tools in the classroom or to teach a lesson will be building off of their background knowledge. The lesson can be delivered in a method that is familiar and positive to them, thus improving knowledge retention. Rosen, Larry D., Mark L. Carrier, and Nancy A. Cheever. Rewired: Understanding the IGeneration and the Way They Learn. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. EBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 29 Jan. 2012. .
    The web has an abundance of resources in Web 2.0 tools for teachers or students. Check this out: These two are giving me problems in converting them into hyperlinks. What am I doing wrong? http:/
    I found cool web 2.0 for teachers and students to use. As I stated in the other question, veteran teachers don't like to use technology and these websites can help them and their students incorporate technology Created by Lenva Shearing Created by Sue Summerford
    This is one of my favorite websites. All you have do is click on one any of the icons and it will direct you to the page. Also, The Bloom's Digital Taxonomy provides the types of technologies for the appropriate learning domains. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Created by Samantha Penney
    I had heard about this website zooburst and I just signed up it is great. I can't wait to share it with my students. I want them to create a book on a favorite science topic they learned this year.
Janice Wilson Butler

TechLearning: 21st Century Student Handbook: Teaching Today's Web-Centric Kids - 9 views

    21st century literacy
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    Internet technologies may be a good way to teach computer literacy and content, but it may be easy for students to skim through information. In a traditional classroom lecture, the listener may only retain twenty percent of the lecture. When we have our students using online resources, can we be sure that they are thoroughly learning the content. Even in class our instructors reiterate thoroughly reading the materials, because they know we tend to skim the material and miss important information. More on the way we are learning now. We have a new category of learner rather than traditional, according to Dr. Michael Herbert, whom conducted a study of of content retention and course satisfaction at the college level. It is useful to note the five reasons why adult learners drop out of online learning programs: "poor design, failure to understand the new medium, lack of consideration for a variety of learning styles, lack of support systems and ignoring the self-selecting content need of learners." All of these reasons are the same reasons our students may struggle with internet technologies and online learning. Herbert, M. (2006, Winter). Staying the Course: A Study in Online Student Satisfaction and Retention. Retrieved April 1, 2012, from
    Internet technologies may be a good way to teach computer literacy and content, but it may be easy for students to skim through information. In a traditional classroom lecture, the listener may only retain twenty percent of the lecture. When we have our students using online resources, can we be sure that they are thoroughly learning the content. Even in class our instructors reiterate thoroughly reading the materials, because they know we tend to skim the material and miss important information. More on the way we are learning now. We have a new category of learner rather than traditional, according to Dr. Michael Herbert, whom conducted a study of of content retention and course satisfaction at the college level. It is useful to note the five reasons why adult learners drop out of online learning programs: "poor design, failure to understand the new medium, lack of consideration for a variety of learning styles, lack of support systems and ignoring the self-selecting content need of learners." All of these reasons are the same reasons our students may struggle with internet technologies and online learning. Herbert, M. (2006, Winter). Staying the Course: A Study in Online Student Satisfaction and Retention. Retrieved April 1, 2012, from
    What really caught y attention in this article was the part where it says: Make it personal - Passion-driven learning. Teaching mathematics in the seconday level is no easy task. Having to teach probably the least favorite subject of high schoolers is such a big challenge that most teachers prefer to teach the subject in a traditional way. Quiet classroom, teacher in the front, books on the table and students quietly listen to to the teachers dicussion. This method is widely opossed nowadays and classroom collaboration many believe is the most effective way of learning. Technology helps this goal to be achieved. Passion driven learning is one of the ways that I truly believe could work in a math class. Online resources such as the Gallup Poll's web page - offers information on how they use data and other information to predict outcomes and verify results. The site is loaded with graphs, data and other information relevant to mathematics in the real world setting. If we could spark that passion in our kids, they themselves, on their own will search for other resources and learn along the way. Dyck, B. (2005, winter). Meridian: A Middle School Computer Technologies Journal; When Technology Integration Goes to Math Class, from
Janice Wilson Butler

Tablets Haven't Killed the PC Yet -- Campus Technology - 5 views

    What do you think?  Will PC sales begin to grow?  Do you think the iPad will replace the need for laptops?
    I dont' know if PC sales will go up! At the current moment the demand is for ipads and tablets! I don't think that the ipad will replace the need for laptops. Believe me I love the ipad but its just like a larger version of the iphone!! I have a macbook which I love!! I think that Mac is better but that is just my opinion, it just seems easier to us. But maybe this is because I have been using Mac for about three years now and a PC is difficult for me to use. Only certain functions like excel! Its just that mac and PC are different but both are still great!!!
Janice Wilson Butler

Change has NEVER been easy! - 27 views

    As you can see from this video, people have always been resistant to new technology innovations. If we can all learn to laugh our way through and be patient when others are trying to figure out a new technology, then change seems to happen more quickly.
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    This kind of reminds me of my students, when teaching a new technique some just can't seem to grasp it. As do some teachers learning new technology. Todays MTTs need to understand this and realize that for some teachers it might be harder for them than others. I am lucky to have grown up using computers and being able to understand them. This has allowed me to grasp the 2.0 tools rather quickly. We need to be able to be patient and make sure that when we teach these tools to the other teachers they will be able to understand suffieciently to feel confident using them in class with their students. Despite access to technology and despite the fact that novice teachers are entering the classroom with far more advanced technology skills than their counterparts of an earlier age, only 39 percent of teachers report "moderate" or "frequent" use of technology as an instructional tool (Grunwald Associates, 2010). And that is because teachers are consumed with standardized state exams and need to make teaching creative and fun again.
    Very perceptive and a good analysis of what is going on. The harder part is figuring out what we can do about it - and that is REALLY the huge challenge. Will be interesting to see what occurs in the classroom in the next 5 (or so) years and how you MTTs make it happen.
    I know that this video was a comedy bit, but I never stopped to realize that many people struggled, or wished not to learn about new items that were coming about with time. What I liked about the video was that the "help desk" did not get frustrated with the person who was asking what many of us would think as silly questions. Many of us have trouble with wanting to teach technology, or integrate it into our lesson because we feel it would be a pain having to teacher a class of 20+ students how to use it. I know that at times, I find my self getting a bit stressed out when my mom asks me how to do a function that I think to be easy on the computer. I have to stop my self and remind myself that what I might think is easy, is new to others, such I am sure is the same when I don't know something and some one has to teach me.
    Lol, the video was very funny. Had me laughing the whole way through. I can't believe how far we have come. I remember going through my blocks in UTPA, when I returned back to the classroom after finishing my 12 in school my self and seeing the NEW projectors, the elmo, and smartboard in the classroom and thinking, "Wow, look where technology has taken us to from chalkboard, to overhead projectors, to smartboards. A board that you touch the screen on and it moves, changes, and recollects information. I was amazed and engaged myself. I laugh every time my co-workers think I am so young because this year is my 10 year reunion and yet the classroom has changed so much!
Janice Wilson Butler

- 50 Sites in 60 Minutes, Volume Three - 7 views

    Lots of Apple stuff here - but other stuff is available for us Non-MACS.
    Wow! That is a ton of information! I feel like I need to slowly go through each one. I am a Mac enthusiast, and I wish that our district would convert. I feel like we would be able to accomplish a lot more with the different interface. It's much more user friendly--- hence all of the copycats. THank you for sharing such a wonderful list of options!
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