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Jeff Bernstein

Friday Finance 101: On Parfaits & Property Taxes « School Finance 101 - 0 views

    "Public preference for property taxes stands in perfect inverse relation to the public taste for parfaits. Everybody loves parfaits[i] and everybody hates property taxes.[ii] No, I don't plan to spend this blog post bashing parfaits. I do like a good parfait. But, even more blasphemous, I intend to shed light on some of the virtues of much maligned property taxes. I often hear school funding equity advocates argue that if we could only get rid of property taxes as a basis for funding public schools, we could dramatically improve funding equity. The solution, from their standpoint is to fund schools entirely from state general funds - based on rationally designed state school finance formulas - where state general fund revenues are derived primarily from income and sales taxes.  In theory, if the state controls the distribution of all resources to schools and none are raised locally through property taxes, the system can be made much fairer, even more progressive with respect to student needs and cost variation "
Jeff Bernstein

'Neovouchers': A primer on private school tax credits - 0 views

    "Some people, not surprisingly, weren't thrilled with my post titled "Welfare for the rich? Private school tax credit programs expanding." Here Kevin Welner, director of the National Education Policy Center, housed at the University of Colorado Boulder School of Education, looks at the criticism and gives us a primer on private school tax credit programs, which he calls "neovouchers." He's the author of the 2008 book "NeoVouchers: The Emergence of Tuition Tax Credits for Private Schooling.""
Jeff Bernstein

LeBrun: Tax cap denies a 'sound, basic' education system - Times Union - 0 views

    A cornerstone of the Cuomo administration's self-declared tower of accomplishments was marked for demolition last week. It can't be blown up high enough or fast enough. The governor's beloved 2 percent tax cap was challenged in a lawsuit filed by the New York State United Teachers union in state Supreme Court in Albany. The suit offers multiple arguments why the tax cap is unconstitutional, asserting that it locks in unequal funding between have- and have-not school districts across the state, ''while pushing many school districts to the brink of educational and financial insolvency,'' in the words of NYSUT President Dick Iannuzzi.
Jeff Bernstein

Modern School: One More Reason to Hate Wall Street (And Charter Schools) - 0 views

    "...In a recent report on Democracy Now, Juan Gonzalez turned up an obscure tax credit that was passed by Congress at the end of the Clinton administration in 2000, called a New Markets tax credit. It provides an enormous federal tax credit to banks and equity funds that invest in community projects in underserved communities. The credit has been heavily used in recent years for charter schools..."
Jeff Bernstein

Charter School Bond Issuance: A Complete History - 0 views

    With approximately 500 tax-exempt bond transactions completed to date, the charter school sector of the municipal market continues to gain size and momentum and has emerged as much more than a fragmented niche for high yield investors. The growth rate in the number of charter schools across the country - now exceeding 5,000 - is expected to increase due to the heightened focus that policymakers at all levels of government have placed on results-driven education reform. This growth will generate greater charter school demand for affordable facility financing, a demand that is well met by the tax-exempt bond market with its tax-exempt interest rates and longer principal repayment periods. To date, however, fewer than 8% of charter schools have accessed the market for their permanent facility financing needs.
Jeff Bernstein

At least 16 LI districts seek tax cap override - 0 views

    A major test of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's cap on property taxation looms on Long Island, where at least 16 school districts will seek voter overrides of new tax limits set by the state.
Jeff Bernstein

New Jersey Democrats propose budgeting more school aid, but taxing the wealthy to do it... - 0 views

    Most school districts in the state would get additional aid under bills proposed by the Democratic majority, but the Legislature also would have to increase taxes on the wealthy to pay for it.
Jeff Bernstein

NY1 Online: Teachers Union President Talks Pension And Millionaires Tax - - 0 views

    Michael Mulgrew talks pension reform, the millionaires tax and Occupy Wall Street on NY1's "Inside City Hall" (Video)
Jeff Bernstein

Californians willing to pay higher taxes for better schools - - 0 views

    A strong majority of California voters is willing to pay higher taxes to boost funding for public schools even in a grim economy, a new poll has found.
Jeff Bernstein

Gov. Bobby Jindal Jindal vetoes tax rebates for donations to public schools | - 0 views

    Jindal vetoed House Bill 1106 by Rep. Katrina Jackson, D-Monroe, which would have established a tax rebate for those who give to low-performing schools. The percentage of the donation that could be claimed as a rebate would have depended on the school's letter grade, with donations to failing schools eligible for a rebate of 75 percent. The program would have been capped at $10 million.
Jeff Bernstein

Albany charter cash cow: Big banks making a bundle on new construction as schools bear ... - 0 views

    "Wealthy investors and major banks have been making windfall profits by using a little-known federal tax break to finance new charter-school construction. The program, the New Markets Tax Credit, is so lucrative that a lender who uses it can almost double his money in seven years."
Jeff Bernstein

Major education groups in Colorado back proposed state tax hike for K-12 - The Denver Post - 0 views

    He stood alone for months, but now state Sen. Rollie Heath has the backing of two major education groups behind his $3 billion tax-increase proposal. Neither of the groups, however, is the Colorado Education Association, a teachers union that is the most powerful education group in the state and an organization with a well-funded political-action committee.
Jeff Bernstein

An Early Childhood Investment with a High Public Return - 0 views

    Investments in high-quality early childhood programs, particularly those targeted to children at risk, are not just a virtuous service, but can yield a large return for those paying the bill. Study after study has proved that such programs, coupled with training for parents, result not only in economic gains for the children as they grow up, but sizable savings on taxes. For example, graduates from these preschool programs are less likely to need special education, end up being arrested fewer times and spend less time in prison (which means fewer crime victims), require fewer social services, are healthier and wind up paying more in taxes.
Jeff Bernstein

Education Week: The American Dream or Dreams of the Lottery? - 0 views

    Our educational system, historically a major engine for equal opportunity and a pathway to the American Dream, is under severe stress. Along with it, the working- and middle-class and immigrant dream of rising out of economic anxiety is evaporating, as our public education system, from preschools through public universities, has lost broad support. This is evidenced by declining state commitments to public education-relative to health-care and prison expenditure-by property-tax caps in communities and states that affect the quality of schools, and by expenditure cuts rather than tax increases at the federal level of the kind we just witnessed in the debt-ceiling agreements. We make decisions and deals like these at our peril.
Jeff Bernstein

Preview of "School Choice: Taxpayer-Funded Creationism, Bigotry, and Bias" | Truthout - 0 views

    Preview of "School Choice: Taxpayer-Funded Creationism, Bigotry, and Bias" from Rachel Tabachnick on Vimeo. The full length version focuses on the state of Pennsylvania and its Education Improvement Tax Credit program or EITC, the oldest and second largest corporate tax credit program in the country.
Jeff Bernstein

Charter Investors' Conference: Your Tax Dollars at Work: | Diane Ravitch's blog - 0 views

    "Laura Chapman investigated the charter investors' conference on March 10. And this is what she learned: The US Department of Education will be at the charter school "investors" conference, representing you, dear taxpayer, in a scheme to subsidize the financing of charter school facilities that LISC is marketing, along with the Gates and Walton Foundations and a long list of profit seekers investors who get tax credits for doing deals, among other perks."
Jeff Bernstein

Welfare for the rich? Private school tax credit programs expanding - 0 views

    At a time when government budgets at all levels are under enormous strain, families and businesses are struggling and federal agencies are facing dramatic across-the-board spending cuts, you would think lawmakers would be careful about spending public money. So it may surprise you to learn that in a growing number of states, legislators are setting aside public money to pay for private school tuition - and rich people are benefiting.
Jeff Bernstein

School Vouchers Gain Ground - - 0 views

    Louisiana is poised to establish the nation's most expansive system of school choice by adopting a package of vouchers and other tools that would give many parents control over the use of tax dollars to educate their children. The initiative would effectively redefine vouchers, which have typically helped lower-income public-school students pay for private schools. Vouchers could now also be used by students to pay for state-approved apprenticeships at local businesses, as well as college courses and private online classes, while they are still in public schools.
Jeff Bernstein

How a Small Group of Big Business Interests and Billionaires are Hijacking New York Sta... - 0 views

    This report takes a closer look at the powerful forces behind the Committee and their playbook for "saving" New York. The Committee's backers are primarily big business interests, billionaires, and other leading lights of New York State's "one percent." They played a key role in crashing New York's economy through their own style of gambling, won billions in government bailouts, but now insist on "fiscal responsibility" for the rest of the state. Though the Committee frames its agenda as altruistic and public-minded, its backers stand to profit substantially from the policies for which it advocates. These policy payoffs include not just casino gambling legalization, but pension reform, new and continued corporate tax loopholes, and favorable development policies.
Jeff Bernstein

Ellen DeGeneres: Public education's new funding stream - The Answer Sheet - The Washing... - 0 views

    The main source of funding for public education is property taxes, which explains to a large extent the inequities between and within states. State governments also spend differing amounts on their school systems, and the federal government offers differing amounts of money depending on a range of criteria. This isn't, incidentally, the way other nations with successful public education systems fund their schools. It is very nice that there are people like DeGeneres and Bieber who are willing to write out big checks to needy public schools. Good for them. Yet there is something sad and scary when a check from an entertainer or private company is seen, in history's wealthiest country, as a godsend to a school principal who herself has spent her own money trying to help her students, or to a school where teachers agreed to work for free for free because of budget cuts, bad management, and other factors.
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